I Knocked Out Every Reaper in Subnautica Using My Seamoth

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sit down KSI get out of the way Logan Paul but here's a new boxer on the Block after many hours of welding I have created the ultimate boxing champion a seamoth with the arms of a prawn suit good luck to even the strongest opponent when trying to take on this titanium armored Powerhouse with arms strong enough to snap bone and smash rocks there isn't any human opponent who could possibly compete with my hydraulically powered monstrosity so that gave me an idea what if my opponent wasn't human at all so today I'm going to attempt to knock out every single Reaper in subnautica no other arms no Torpedoes and no drills this is going to be a fair boxing match with claw arms only now each Reaper has 5 000 health and my arms are an exact copy of the prawn suits meaning that each punch I land will deal 50 damage so I need to hit each Reaper 100 times in order to score a knockout so as subnautica has over 25 repo leviathans I will have to successfully punch Reaper's 2 500 times in order to knock out every Reaper on 45-46b okay this was going to be tough so to prepare myself for this challenge I created what would become my standard brawler seamoth build this would include two claw arms to land punches a level 3 depth module upgrade to get me deep enough to take on the furthest down Reapers a sonar upgrade to help more easily spot danger noodles in the dark and a solar charger for recharging my power cells while on the move and in combat and finally through a perimeter defense system for good measure for getting myself out of a tough spot if I'm caught off guard it's safe to say I'll also be keeping a repair tool or too handy for on-the-fly repairs because something tells me I'll be taking a lot of damage in the ring during this match so as I said subnautica has 25 Reapers in total 10 of these can be found in the crash zone eight in the dunes and seven in the mountains so my plan was to take on each area one by one and clear out all the dangerous beasts I decided to start my challenge at the back of the Aurora and take on the group of Reapers towards the engines and this is where I realized that this was not going to be an easy task as you can see the Reaper's hitbox doesn't actually run down down the length of its body meaning if I hit the reaper from behind and tried to avoid its nice gleaming teeth I actually wouldn't do any damage to it at all I had to get right into the danger zone in order to deal any damage meaning I had to land hits on the reaper towards the front end of its body which was a lot more risky this also meant that knocking out just one Reaper was going to take forever as I'd only be able to score a few hits before it moved in another Direction and I'd have to chase it down all over again and that's before I discovered my boxing Champion's fatal flaw now as you might know most boxers have two arms and so does my cmot so what's the problem well due to the way the cmoth arms mod is configured I could only use one arm at a time which effectively halved my damage output almost catastrophically the cmoth arm upgrade Works in a similar way to most other activatable seamoth upgrades meaning I had to purposely select an arm on the hot bar in order to use it and if I wanted to use the other arm I would have to switch to that one manually before it could be used now this wasn't impossible but it was quite difficult to do while also piloting the seamoth and trying to stick close to the reaper in order to land hits I could use the scroll wheel to move between the two arms but this method of attack just wasn't very efficient especially when I had to maneuver myself in case the reaper turned on me in order to attack but just when I thought this challenge was going to be way too difficult to complete I had an interesting idea when a Reaper attacks a seamoth it will deal between 40 to 60 damage which does mean I lose a lot of Health but importantly it shouldn't kill me but when the reaper grabs the seam off in this way it gives me an opportunity to give it a black eye and punch it squarely in the face this means I also don't have to steer the seamoth which would then allow me to switch between both arms quickly and land more punches after the reaper lets me go I would simply have to jump out complete a quick repair job and I'd be good to go for round two the only thing I had to be careful of here was taking collision damage before the reaper got a hold of me as if the reaper rammed me or I crashed into it before it tried to bite me into little pieces it could end up destroying my seamoth so with my new plan of attack worked out all I had to do now was Drive head first just into a Reaper's mouth now what could possibly go wrong I decided to stick with trying to clear the crash Zone first but I did give up on the Reapers at the back of the Aurora for now and head down towards the front where I could pick off the lonely Reaper that sits between the Aurora and the bulb Zone I began my attack with this new method of getting purposely caught and then unleashing a blitz of punches once the reaper had a hold of me and then jumping out once he had let me go in order to do some quick repairs this method was working well but I realized I'd had forgot to include a depth module in this seamoth so I had to go get one of those before I could go deeper and try to finish off the reaper when it went too far below the waves but this was it I could feel I was closing in on my first knockout and nothing could stop me now apart from this massive collision damage which took off 50 Health before the reaper even got a hold of me and that was the end of my first seamoth so far it was one nil to the Reapers in this challenge but after making another seamoth and getting back into the ring it wasn't long until I had my first knockout one down 24 to go I continued to work my way around the front of the Aurora taking on each Reaper as I found them in a cycle of getting caught Landing some punches and then conducting repairs I actually started to get into a bit of a rhythm here and The Knockout started to pile up weirdly some of the Reapers that I knocked out would still move as they sank to the bottom of the ocean as if their muscles had a mind of their own even after being taken down while others would just lock up like a wooden board not moving an inch now one problem I wasn't expecting was actually losing the Reapers after they had attacked it turns out these giant danger noodles when coupled with the coming of nighttime and a general lack of vision when getting deeper under the water meant that it was common for me to actually lose the reaper I've been fighting entirely this is where sonar upgrades came in quite useful for being able to relocate these pesky leviathans that would often just disappear Without a Trace but In fairness this wasn't entirely my fault as Reapers can also apparently phase through reality to a different dimension whenever they please so sometimes they would just swim into the floor at random which would leave me scratching my head as to where they'd gone this meant I would sometimes end up picking a fight with a completely different keeper that was still at full health as I thought it was the one I was just fighting which meant I would sometimes hit a Reaper what I thought was way too many times before knocking it out only to realize I'd actually been fighting a completely different enemy interestingly once a Reaper was knocked out it seemed to partly lose its ability to phase through the world its lower body could still phase through but its head became solid and stopped it slipping any further into the void moving towards the back of the Aurora I had a similar issue and that there were so many Reapers so close together it was hard to figure out which one I had been focusing on and which ones hadn't taken any damage so I went a while here without scoring any Knockouts at all as the damage I was dealing was being spread out across multiple targets the other problem I had here was that with so many Reapers so close together it was possible that one could attack me and let go and then another could attack me before I had the chance to conduct any repairs it was also pretty dark in this area at night when coupled with the crash Zone radiation so it was quite easy to get taken by surprise so it's safe to say I did lose a few cmoths in this area although eventually I did manage to clear the back of the Aurora and The Wider crash Zone it was now time to move over to the mountains to begin my next set of Knockouts now the mountains is one of subnautica's biggest biomes and without the central point of the Aurora to guide me like in the crash Zone each Reaper took a little bit more work to find to start with I didn't run into any problems as having seven danger noodles swimming around meant that it was pretty easy to find them but has one by one I knocked out more and more Reapers finding the last ones that were hiding became more and more difficult and again with them phasing through reality at will this made the job even tougher just look at this guy sat inside the Mountain Island here I was wondering where he was because I could hear him but couldn't find him and he's just chilling inside the mountain so I had to wait for him to finally decide to come out again before making my attack again I lost my fair share of seamoths in this area too even with the reaper so far apart collision damage was causing me a major headache meaning I needed to build more and more seamots as the collision damage taken seemed to be pretty random which made it hard to predict when my seamoth might be crushed I didn't want to use the perimeter defense system when it wasn't needed as that meant I would lose out on possible damage I could deal but this also meant I would often lose an entire seamoth instead moving into the dunes I faced similar problems to those I'd faced in the mountains start with figuring out which reapers are damaged and which I hadn't proved almost impossible as many of the Reapers were close together and they also continued to slip into the pocket Dimension whenever they felt like it I also got ganked around here by a ghost Leviathan from the void as this Reaper right here managed to grab me and drag me over the crater's edge but luckily I managed to backpedal my way out of there without dying and I had a similar issue when trying to finish off this Reaper who apparently likes to swim into the void for no good reason I'm not quite sure that this was what the individual who launched this time capsule I found in the area meant when they said they were going deeper but shout out to you if you left this message again the sonar module in this area was super useful in finding Reapers that had wandered off into the darkness that surrounded me but as the number of Reapers slowly dropped and I continued my March towards the title of subnautica heavyweight champion it became so much harder to actually find the last few Reapers that I could hear roaring in the distance I started to spend more and more time just trying to find Reapers to knock out as I still hadn't hit the Magic 25 number but I eventually did manage to find the last one I had missed hidden away in the mountains who'd managed to avoid me when I cleared that area and then everything went quiet there wasn't a single Roar in an ocean that is normally dominated by the ever-present sight of a Reaper there was now only deathly silence a world devoid of one of its staple Predators ironically the only other hostile leviathans left before the lava Zone were the ghost leviathans which is what the last of 45-46b's Reapers had now become quite fitting really during this challenge I ended up losing 12 sea moths to 25 Reapers so that's a knockout rate of around two to one that's not too bad but could definitely have been improved if you wanted to min max more effectively and correctly managed your collision damage so for now I think it's time to hang up my gloves I've proven Beyond doubt that Reapers cannot compete with the might of the seamoth in the ring but if you want to see me undergo even more subnautica to suffering then click right here to see me attempt to build subnautica's biggest ever land base because who even needed water anyway
Channel: Aletho
Views: 202,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aletho, subnautica, subnautica below zero, subnautica challenge, I Knocked Out Every Reaper in Subnautica Using My Seamoth, subnautica challenge run, Seamoth Arms Mod, Seamoth Arms (BepInEx), subnautica mods, subnautica critique, subnautica updates, subnautica 2023 mods, subnautica boxing, subnautica news, subnautica playthrough, subnautica 3, subnautica trailer, subnautica meme, subnautica below zero mods, subnautica steam work shop, subnautica reaper, reaper, subnautica 2024
Id: ZrJvREw5-dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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