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for for dag blasted Channel cat interrupted my sandwich this really ain't a very good way to fish this Lake I figured if I sat still and suspend baed I could eat my lunch and then go ahead and make a game plan but uh these Channel cat ain't going to let me eat my lunch old dag blasted Channel cat all right people catfish Dave here it's about 12: noon it gets dark around 6:30 right now fall of the year they're dropping off all the lakes for Winter pool they're dropping the Tennessee River Fort loud and watsar uh we've had some real cold nights the skip Jack are getting a little tough to catch and all this change transition of water levels water temp they can make things a little more difficult but either way I've got six hours today and the goal is to catch one of these big blue catfish out of this Lake from where I've launched here I I've got one two three four five things I would like to try and only six hours to do that in so we don't really have a lot of time you're talking spending an hour to break down each location in a lake like this these blue catfish there's not near as many as down in the Tennessee River sometimes you got to do a lot of moving to locate them once you locate them you can have a good day fishing this way right here can be slow but I'm going to show y'all how to catch them the way I know all right y'all I've got this salty skip Jack and gizard shed down in an icy salty brine about three days old it's a very large Creek System we're pulling into it's got deep water up to 50 foot and it will get all all the way to zero feet towards the back so the problem with this lake is there is a lot of Channel cat in it and they can wreak havoc on your bait so going put a gizzard shed head on one one of these planer boards what I like about the head is the small fish have a hard time knocking them off and you can keep fishing so a gizzard Shad Chunk on this planter board stuff still frozen going to throw a skipjack chunk they say skip Jack does not work well in this Lake now I fish the lower end of this Lake about a week ago I caught three good fish on skip Jack so we know some days they'll hit it this is a very large Creek System when I say 6 hours ain't much time to fish uh I can easily spend 2 hours covering this one Creek and if it bombs out well we've wasted two hours so far nothing but a channel catfish damaging my baits I'm just scanning as I go you don't know until you throw I just need a big catfish for the catfish Stave show uhoh hey that feels bigger than a channel cat unless it's a big Channel Kat skip Jack Center chunk we do have our first blue catfish of the trip first blue catfish of the trip always going to curl the tail towards me I'm pretty sure I've already been baited on that gizzard Shad Center chunk it got hit a couple times by Channel Cats so we'll be checking it that head piece has not had one bite that that's what I suspected right there these channel catch are wearing me out I don't think I have anything on that middle Rod yeah yeah these chadow cat are wearing me out wearing me out all right y'all these Channel cats are wearing me out we've only seen one blue cat so we're going to try a completely different area they're in this Lake somewhere all right y'all we're in this finger Cove on the way up to where I was going a place like this could be hot it could be not I figured I'd give it a shot getting Channel cat bit already not what we want to see well all right y'all this Cove was not hot we didn't catch Jack doodley squat we're running out of time I'm going to pull this big Point basically an inside Bend of the river but a very sharp one when I couldn't find fish nowhere else I found him right on spots like this so it's on the way to where I want to go so we're going to pull it it's on the way but we're running out of time in the day and haven't found one decent catfish willing to play Hey that rhymes yeah nothing but Channel Cats we got one more spot we're going to try it all right y'all we're on a big deep flat this thing is probably oh half mile long about 40t deep we're pulling into the sun we've got a good picture it's not the best way to pull because we are are headed down river fish prefer it when you head up River don't ask me why we're going to give this flat a shot and it'll be about all the time we got are we going to catch a big catfish or not well we ain't catching squat not yet I'm going to put something a little warmer on that Breeze is picking up that feels like a blue catfish I've been out here so long I've been talking to myself trying to keep myself company believe it or not this is on a head piece skip Jack head don't think it's super big but it feels bigger than that first blue we caught yeah a a little better fish they are tough today these fish do have mud on them could be one reason they've been tough to get yeah it's just a little better fish than what we caught initially second blue cat and we missed that one look at there buddy he had that bait in his teeth didn't get the hook that was on skip Jack we might be on to something we've still got about an hour before dark so oh yeah we got a much better fish on here y'all oh Sho he's going right into that other line he's going right into that line I hope we don't get in that other l we finally got us a real fish y'all oh yeah definitely the biggest of the day right here and the day is about over see what we got here oh shoot oh shoot he's burning the drag right there man burning the drag fish might be bigger than what I thought it was oh yeah we got something good on I hope I can get it in for dark or we can see the thing come on up fish come on up fish come on up fish boy he just moved some water there oh man oh shoot I want to see this thing oh my goodness y'all oh my goodness that's a monster that is a monster there oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness that is a monster y'all do not come off do not come off come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on y that is a good one right there that's a dang monster yeah y that is got to be a 60 lb plus could be more yo we work for this big boy that is a tank let me take this shirt off all right y'all that took some work my phone shut off it is a 60 lb fish 60 lb come on buddy straighten it out okay okay all right y'all this is 60 lbs of Cherokee Lake catfish big head on this thing man yeah we'll take that right there yeah all right y'all the toughest bite I've ever been on on Cherokee Lake and uh last 15 minutes of the day got a big fish to eat I'm happy to get that fish very tough conditions had a hard time finding fish water dropped water temperature dropped uh it's just been tough out here this is a video there was fish in the video that makes it a fishing video this is Catfish day with another one signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 303,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Catfish, Blue Catfish, How To Catch Catfish, Big Catfish, Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee
Id: fW7Nu3AT-tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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