One In One Thousand Fish

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all right people catfish Dave here it is Saturday in East Tennessee middle of June these fish are now in transition stage I was getting them all up on the flats anywhere from uh 15 foot to 30 foot Flats doing really well getting about one good fish per trip and I was on the way to a flat that I haven't fished and of course I'm gonna look I'm gonna watch My Graph because these fish things can change overnight and I am now marking fish uh in the channel so what we probably got going on is the transition phase from fish coming off the nest getting off the flats they're working their way into the channel it's probably about 50 50. I would probably do just about as good on the flat as I would in the channel we're just going to start right here and I'm not on the ledge or nothing I'm I'm in literally in the middle of the channel and I'm seeing fish on my screen so I've got a quite a bit of bait in here I got one skip Jack couple small yellow bass a white bass head I've got gizzard Shad uh I've got a couple frozen trout I've even got some pork chops I mean we got bait so we're gonna throw it and work our way up River here if the wind cooperates while I'm out here deep I'll probably suspend a bait or two as well start out with some skip Jack Center rub we're just going to throw a something of each on each Rod here so a small piece of yellow Bass the reason I'm throwing small pieces is the yellow bass are small it's kind of like uh white perch only the Tennessee versions we're gonna go with some gizzard shed on this left rod I'm going to drop one suspended bait for now and we'll just see how it plays out put on some fresh shed first hook up on the yellow Bass small fish got a lot of line out when you're planer boarding over deep water tell you what y'all this uh small fish stole my piece of yellow Bass there is no shortage of these things in this Lake right here you get harassed by thousands of these before you ever find a 30 pounder so uh this one's going to be baked one good thing about using catfish for bait is the smaller fish won't hardly touch it if you get anything at all it'll be a bigger cat so I'm going to keep that these lakes here have a very imbalanced population compared to the larger fish and smaller fish foreign little better sized fish there thank you and there went my skipjack piece we don't have a lot of that on the gizzard Chad head there we go these are Chad head I wondered how well that gizzard Chad was gonna do because that's what I got the most of in the cooler this is pretty much the easiest time of year to catch catfish we got one on the yellow bass head because they have been on the nest they're coming back out now getting fattened up and they are extremely hungry you can just about throw anything and get them we may throw a piece of pork chop on for the days over oh yeah that fish is pulling some drag there [Music] all right [Music] cooler [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm still gonna try [Music] whoa there he is yeah that's a good fish right there boy good thank you oh yeah yeah that's the heaviest fish I've caught since the post spawn is starting right there no no no no no no not all over myself not all over my bait poles man come on that's why I don't like to keep my skipjack rods in while I'm fishing these big fish will get on them and bang them all up you got to pick them up and they just fall apart so uh just turn everything in the boat up yeah that's a fatter one yeah good head on it on the skipjack Chuck that's what we got the least of well the dragon rods are doing well I've had two small fish mess with the suspended bait that just didn't commit to it there's another one I ought to use for bait or take it out of here and put it in another Lake like Douglas I guess I'll let him have that shed head maybe it'll make him put on some size either way the suspended bait ain't doing worth the dang another bait size boat flipping size you can boat flip these like I say them bigger ones are one in a thousand fish in this Lake I don't think I'm gonna give this one the bake I'm not losing all my bait to fish this size open it up I wish they had some kind of shoot that led from here to Douglas Lake and I could just throw all them and shoot them on over there time for some bumblebee On The Run tuna salad and probably a piece of cheese for dessert Lando Lakes cheddar that title is kind of contradicting itself is it land or lakes it says Lando Lakes it's one of the other my guessing this stuff is made on land foreign bouncing and I just assumed that was a bike all right y'all I am riding right along the channel ledge right now and I'll just go ahead and tell you that all my bites are coming way off the ledge they're out there just slapping the middle of the river that's where we got our first fish that's where I got the biggest fish all this fish are on the ledge stuff all the time that's a bunch of mumbo jumbo they use the whole river at one point or another now I have seen them stack on the legend I mean just stack and that's the only place you can catch them but I've sure caught a bunch of them slap dab in the middle of the river or shallow up on the flats way back in coves these fish use the whole river system they don't necessarily see a hole and say hey that's a hole let's congregate here they could care less really because this whole river system has everything they need to survive the water is 54 foot right here why be in this 70-foot hole you know 50 foot steep enough they can go that deep I've seen them go 100 foot but it's never a guaranteed thing you've got to scan the water you've got to cover the water and you got to find the fish no shortage of small fish in this Lake so far today the suspended bite sucks I've had it get hit four or five times but nothing will commit to it or nothing big enough I've got a center Chunk on that suspended Rod it hasn't caught Jack squat so let's put it on the dragon rod and see if it catches I want to actually catch Jack squat not just talk about it all the time since the ledge ain't putting out Jack squat we're going back out into the center that was a hard hit are you drifting down river okay I'll steer over this way [Music] I wouldn't call it a falling out I mean I ain't got no issue with Matt Knight you know uh I I needed a uh I wanted stouter rods for suspending and for dragging on these boards and they just went Stout enough you know like this bait behind the boat it's okay you know what I mean but on them boards with all that extra line and angle and then on them suspended baits uh now they just don't hook up them really monster fish they got that big tooth patch that wide and it's trying to hit the top you know when you're on that suspended bait so you you need something that really don't give much you know another small one oh they're they're coming off now yeah a week ago you couldn't find a fish in a channel hardly they were all up on these Flats if you'd been up on the flats and 20 to 30 foot you'd wore them out there's still a few up there but they're definitely uh transitioning out here now yeah the biggest one I caught today was on skipjack I've got skip Jack I've got Shad over there I've got yellow bass on this rod oh you're thrown out are they straight down yeah you're fishing about 12 foot wide now I'm fishing about 40 foot wide and I can go wider if I let more line out on the nest or if you catch them you're probably gonna have to anchor down at night yeah yeah they're going to be deep once they come off that nest [Applause] yeah plenty of these around here will the center section of Shad got hit on the planer board and actually caught something on that suspended rod it ain't getting Jack squat I'm going to go ahead and pull it in the boat out of my way like I say I'd like to actually catch Jack Squad I was in a bit of conversation there I'm gonna check this yellow bass head it is it got that really hard smack and that's why we're not catching Jack squad on it you got to have bait on the hook if you want to catch Jack squat I've got this little white bass head I'm gonna put on there that'll attract a big fish Moby Dick will want to eat that if we can't catch Jack squat maybe we can catch Moby Dick [Music] well this is on that white bass head it sure don't feel like Moby Dick and my white bass head is gone that's it that was the only one I had too oh spawned out scratched up fish there goes Gilligan Gilligan the skipper to the millionaire and his wife the movie star whoa I'll tell you what we're gonna do y'all on that right board I've got a piece of Frozen Rainbow Trout I got one yellow bass left no more white bass I'm gonna put a piece of this trout on there the Frozen Rainbow Trout if the waves stop long enough for me to get a hook in it it's still froze solid chunk it out there let's see what he did we're gonna get the suspended bait out of the way it ain't caught Jack squat all day yeah we got one on there foreign every now and then you'll see a boat out here foreign Center section catches fish on the dragon rig I think this is about the third one I've caught on this intersection I believe it's caught more fish than any other bait out here although the skipjack chunk could get the nice fish of the day we'll have to see what hits that trout if anything we're just cruising slap dab up the middle of the channel no ledges no humps no bumps just working our way up the river that's what the fish are doing so that's what we're doing I don't know what kind of fish that was but it came out of the water pretty good this Rod here hadn't gotten a bite in a while and I said I better check my bait and it had this small fish stuck to it this fish here gets the smallest fish of the day award there's no shortage of that stuff around here let's put a piece of pork chop on there just messing around hey why not it's postponed these fish will eat anything I'm gonna see if this trout is still on here it got hit pretty good and it is not on there when you're not getting no bikes you better be checking your rods we're eventually going to catch one on this trout frozen trout [Music] too many of these around here I would use that for bait but I already got one in the cooler you want to give me my bait back on the skipjack Chuck well we got one on the pork chop that trout got hit again probably got knocked off yeah good old pork chop oh pork chop fish we've caught fish on yellow Bass white bass gizzard Shad skipjack now a pork chop waiting to get one on that frozen trout oh we got one on the trail these fish will eat anything this time of year it don't matter what we throw them old frozen trout oh just got another bite on the pork chop another pork chop eater that's two off the same piece of pork chop I'm not going to be able to stay out here too much longer this is my last piece of cheese [Music] that's a better fish there all the skipjack [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's a better fish like [Music] thank you [Music] oh that's an old fat fish but you see how many small fish you gotta go through before you finally run into one of these around here oh wide-headed male good white head on him but we had to catch a bunch before we finally caught him all right y'all we've been out here that long but I'm just tired of uh reeling these things in it gets tiresome after a while plus all the boat traffic and waves caught a couple decent ones today and we caught them in the channel I was getting about one decent fish per trip up on the flats shallower water two weeks ago the channel was dead we caught a lot of fish in the channel two better ones so the post spawn bite has really begun here and it'll get better there's still fish on the nest it'll probably be oh about the first of July before it's just wide open but either way uh you know one in a thousand fish to get that size we got a couple of them today we caught these fish on five or six different kinds of bait white bass yellow bass skip Jack Shad trout even pork chops the only thing I didn't use was that catfish in the cooler but that's coming soon right now I'm gonna go get me some lunch and try to round up some more uh skip Jack I'm pretty much out of that either way this is a video there was fish in the video that makes the fishing video this is Catfish day with another one signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 154,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Catfish, Fishing For Catfish, Blue Catfish, How To Catch Catfish, Tennessee River
Id: G0JJ-1Zgd34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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