Jess and Jason TRY TO SURVIVE! | Minecraft Hardcore Survival | Episode 1

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hey guys aphmau here and today we're playing Minecraft but it's in hardcore mode which means that if we die we lose everything and we can never come back I am joined by Jason which is uh oh hello I'm being a little bit sneaky right now because I am deathly afraid okay we only have 10 hearts and once they're gone we're gone God for good we're gone no they're very valuable to us you know it would be a shame if we lost any of them oh my god oh how many how many people no I didn't I didn't lose any because my tummy is full I swear to God you can't do play Let's play a little dangerously come over here let's let's love life on the edge don't live life on the edge you you here I swear to God I won't misstep and I am gone forever and you'll never see me in this world ever again it's kind of hot like that's really hot the lava's hot I know I know I'm I'm pretty hot I'm pretty I'm pretty hot I'm talking about the lava but there's iron right there oh man oh could I get even hotter oh man look I need you to live so I can take your stuff when you die okay enough of that let's look at the world around us beautiful what are you doing I'm trying to get this iron listen okay I am your Minecraft expert here okay and the first thing we need to do is explore the world around us wait wait wow okay all right Mr Minecraft okay so so let me let me show you around Minecraft this is your first time obviously um okay so you see see this over here I know that's that's where the bad guys live okay the bad guys live there oh you can see one right there look at him he hates horses look out look how evil he is he's very evil yeah we are we are we are nowhere near powerful enough to take on the evil people oh no she's not a horse oh my God okay okay okay okay um the speed tour okay over here all right speed tour speed tour go this is the forest of bees okay there are many bees in this Forest of bees um do not hit the bees or touch the bees because the bees get really angry when you do so really yes can I touch them okay yeah sure do it do it do it do it as your guide I'm telling you to do it it's okay it's okay it's okay what they're digging me I didn't do anything okay let's get out of here are you okay yeah I'm just dying because you touched the bees okay so don't worry I've got three and a half hearts thanks okay listen next stop on our tour is the town this is amazing this is an amazing spawn I know these are the normal Squidwards okay the evil Squidwards live over there in the Badlands [Music] everybody get out you know everybody out go go go go go go back to your jobs actually no these guys don't have jobs they don't have hats yeah they just nod their heads at me okay thanks about you right in front of you hey this one thinks you look ugly what can I punch him I dare you I dare you to punch them right and see what happens because there is a strong boy over there and strong boy he is he is gonna he's gonna end your day I at least know that if you hit a villager that got that strong boy there is gonna come after you okay okay so first thing we gotta do is we gotta raid this town okay inside all these little houses there is the possibility of a chest with items yes so can you go around and see what this this lovely Village has to offer oh my God oh my God oh my God okay house number one there's a bed in here oh I'm taking that mine house number two bed I'm taking that wow uh we're gonna need those beds soon okay all right let's do that oh oh hey there's a there's a potion maker in this one taking it oh I broke it oh my God can you not break it no you can't break it you can't did you just break it why would you do that where is it is it gone [Music] this house oh there's a gold bed here and there's a Jason the mother lode over here come here what do you got what you got Emerald okay so you have the emeralds I will take the food I will be the first you'll be the food expert wait I kind of want to be there I'm I think maybe maybe this lovely little house right here I think this is where we live can you pop down one of those extra beds yes I will uh give me that there we go do you have the dandelion don't want to have a knot gold bed one there's two going to bed sweet dreams the next day all right let's finish this Village raid where where's all right where's the other parts of the town was this a b Nest no it's uh what are they called compost a compost tea what's a compost so what you do um I don't really want to do this but if you if I break the wheat and you you take the seeds so here take some of these seeds and put them into the compost Heat no no no no no no [Music] so what you what this is for is that when you have like extra stuff like extra seeds or like extra things that you don't really need that are like plant related you can put in here and then watch what happens if you click on it see look oh There You Go Minecraft is different all right let's finish robbing these guys I mean uh nicely taking their stuff listen if you rob these guys they're big boys you're gonna take care of you no no he will not yeah they got a big boy he's gonna he's Gonna Knock You Out as he does if he can't if you can catch me that is and this place is really nice no no you you are not allowed in this one no nope nope nope nope okay We're not gonna let her hurt you oh my God it doesn't even matter like honestly we can't even use this because we don't have nether Ward uh oh and we need to go to the nether anyway and if we're gonna go to the nether we might as well get up the plays Rod oh I just oh my God this chest is meant for me right here oh no you put a flower in there for me and an oak sapling because you know you I love Oak and then there are 50 potatoes man are you trying to start potato family in there yes I'm starting my potato family all right without you these are my potatoes all right well this stick look at all these potatoes that we got and now I'm in love with this Village they gave me potatoes all right so we've pillaged this Village but I think you usually pillagers ourselves pillagers that's right the pillagers would probably come to this Village and steal everything from it uh what thing those villagers pillagers sorry they'll probably come here and Destroy everyone which means that we need to protect this Village I think that we get iron and we go over there mess them up so they don't steal anything you know we kind of stole we pillaged from this Village are you sure that we want to live here and not over there with the pillagers I mean maybe if we pillage a little bit more they'll allow us into the camp we could live there true and we can just steal their Camp from them if they don't let us or or we could become the heroes of this town you know maybe maybe we've been humbled by the fact that this town doesn't have much to offer and we want to help them yeah we have a chest of bread and a chest of potatoes and that was it this Village does not have a lot that's true that's true all right so let's you know what let's destroy them and then figure that out later I mean also also side note think this Village has made an alliance with the beer oh there are lots and lots of bees where the villagers go actually did the dude wait a minute what big boy what happened to your friends what where are all the villagers um so slight problem with our village that we want to be heroes of there are no villagers I think the villagers turned into bees or or maybe the pillagers took them and we have to go save them oh you listen another reason to kill pillagers exactly exactly so let's start mining for stuff because we have we've been in hardcore for a little while and we haven't really mined anything or punched a tree listen trees are overrated man [Laughter] this house right here this is house oh no no no okay we can't we don't want to roll down more than we already have all right I'm gonna go get some wood how many logs do you got uh I only have nine ten now but I've converted a lot into blanks because I'm getting ready to to do a deep dive over here I think I found a good cave system for us oh I'm coming I'm coming let me finish this tree oh excuse me [Laughter] all right I'm here all right so here you go oh thank you so look down there oh I know and there's a little friend down there um I'm definitely afraid of that little zombie because I know they could do like heavy damage we could be careful you have any weapons uh I'm gonna make a weapon actually uh look come right down here right down here oh lots of stone for you to use and it leads right to the place we want to go anyways Seven Stone for you and I've got some sticks thank you very much hello Jason I'm real scared hello baby zombie I think it went that way over here oh there he is oh wasn't that bad that wasn't that bad oh his father's here oh no and there we go okay I'm gonna get us some torches and then what are you working on I'm working on getting me a stone ax so I can get some coal so I can cook the potatoes so we can have some food so we don't die because if you haven't remembered no no no no no no don't worry don't worry are you hungry are you hungry and then also so wheat from earlier and some more breads oh my God we have so much there you go I have 21 calls Cole I'm making a quick furnace and I'm gonna start shoving it all that eye all right and I'm cooking the potatoes nice all right how much iron do you have um I didn't have that much I only have seven seven okay so do you want to go I know I know we have to go deeper we must go deeper deeper so let's let's let's prepare before we go down that further that far okay here I'm making some sticks I'm making some sticks listen to me I'm making some sticks we're getting some torches okay listen you're in the dark don't worry I brought the light oh you're the light in my darkness oh my God okay so hmm what I'm thinking is we take this iron that we've already made and we turn it into One Second One Second One Second One Second One Second and two one better with these because we're about to go down there we don't know what we're gonna find and we find some zombies when we're in Hardcore Minecraft we're gonna die yeah we we probably will die especially we also gotta watch out for the creepers um you have some food yeah how much bread you have left uh I have five breads all right I'm gonna take some of the potatoes that are left over so now we have a sword we have oh I'm gonna take some of this iron just in case we find something you know that needs an iron pickaxe so I make myself an iron pickaxe we have we have apples we got baked potatoes we got bread we got iron swords we got torches we are ready to do this we are ready give us some touches that way I don't get a I don't get scared there you go thank you thank you put that on your F on your F like this how do you use the F so so it's basically if you click if you uh right click you put it down oh my God the game has been changed now now follow me into the darkness I didn't know I had two hands this whole time don't worry look we've all we've already found our prize oh wow you're a villager I hear I think I heard a villager oh no he's suffering maybe maybe he got he he fell down the hole he's down here and he died maybe maybe don't worry where the village Heroes will save him oh I found more iron almost like blustling bluzzling death down there if you have not seen oh creeper oh man okay we gotta be super sneaky getting down here okay no worries don't worry I can't fall and die it's like a two foot drop nothing bad's gonna happen I'm already down here don't worry see nothing bad happened look white like lots of light so much light is he gone did he leave he's not down here uh but we do okay all right all right you know what he probably he probably went down this way and I'm not going down that way I don't want to go down that way either uh how much iron do you have uh so I have five right now okay I have ten eleven we need like 50 or 60. uh all right well this is we got lots of pickaxes we got torches we got bro we got potatoes we got this should we uh the the I see the creeper over there no we've got 20. I've got 20 already I got 10 I have 10. uh 23 24 25. oh you're getting a lot all right I've almost got 30 at this point all right we're doing pretty good I'm gonna keep an eye out for that creeper because I saw him like creeping around over there 32 he's over there he's over there he's over there be careful be careful you don't know it's him and his buddy don't worry don't worry I got this it's just Minecraft look how bad it's not bad don't worry don't worry I got this hey look there's a bat oh hey creeper don't worry don't worry I got this i got this is easy peasy I'm gonna go down this way oh there's some iron here I hear skeletons all right I don't want to fuss with skeletons okay they got bows and arrows and they can shoot me and that's not fun do you want me to follow you or you're gonna be all right on your own for a bit um I think we should stick together especially given the fact that this is Hardcore um how many iron do you have uh I have 12 now uh so we only need like 10 more so come back here come back here where are you at are you are you lost are you what is yes I have 12. I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I don't see Celtics I see Leva I see no skeletons let me stay away from the level I'm I'm out of touches I have something I'm out of tow just I'm not torches no there's a little bit R here oh oh never mind four five six how many do we need uh like a stack so like 50 I would say 55 56 all right I've got 40 now I have 12 here so that's that's 40 12. here take that see how many you have now what 40 40 plus 12 is 40 12. three days from now that's tomorrow I have 54 now and 54 plus mine 54 plus mine made like 57 right all right so here here we go here we go I'm still cooking a little bit more of it but okay but you can start making stuff Oh yay all right um let's go do you need me to make you anything or are you good no no I'm good okay all right um cat Sword Art darn it here's your eyes what have you made so far what have you made so far I made everything except for the shields okay can you make the shield yeah yeah give me all right do you need me to make the shield no yeah make me a shield too please okay all right um what there we go and I'm gonna I'm gonna put this right there and I'm gonna put this give me give me give me your give me your Shield there you go now I am super predicted I am I am the Ultimate Defense I will protect us okay okay what's gonna happen is I want you to take my sword okay take my sword okay and so when we go when we go into the into that Pillager Camp okay for to to get back our friends yeah I'm gonna be the protection and you're gonna run in and you're gonna you're gonna be behind me and you're gonna sneak it back yeah it sounds like a great idea oh how things have come full circle we started by seeing this as a threat and now we're going to kill it don't don't worry don't worry we've specialized okay we got our defense so we got our offense we're ready to do this we're gonna rescue our friends yes all the villages you know we we were once pillagers but now we are villagers yes and we will stand for what we believe in which is basically we just rated The Village okay stay behind me okay they're gonna come at us and they're gonna shoot arrows okay don't worry I'm a little slow but I got this just stay back stay back and wait for him to shoot away from the shoot now go get him oh go get him get him get him get him oh shoot I'll attack him with my shield who knows that's another one oh God oh God behind you behind you I got it I got it kill the first one kill the first one I'm trying he's so far away oh you're gonna shoot anyone you ain't gonna shoot anyone look at that Perfect Defense you are you have arrows all over you I'm not doing it okay okay okay okay let's let's stop and assess the situation uh how how are you doing uh you feel like like you look really bad right now I don't know if you've seen yourself no um I'm doing pretty fine Jason I don't know I just got a lot of arrows in my butt but that's I know I mean if someone were to look at us they would think that maybe I didn't do my job yeah uh or maybe that I need but that is a lie I did my job I defended I defended hey don't worry don't what is that is that is that big bro is it a big boy what that's a big boy big boy don't worry Big Boy wait we're we're setting them free so he can help us uh maybe we could use like um our tools or something listen I don't have an ax you may have an ax I don't I don't have an ax I don't all right I'll get the top one [Laughter] don't worry big boy it's okay it's okay I know that tortured you I know it's okay don't worry we have some flowers and iron for you you're gonna love your news [Music] I'm trying you gotta so no so you gotta wait the strategy is away from the shoot then you attack and get behind me oh you didn't do anything listen you're supposed to help are you still stuck stuck all right big boy you're free you're free big boy let me help you out of there okay big boy you're gonna help us okay no don't try to get back in the cage come on we gotta raid this Tower a help with the are you trying to break the pillagers the villagers no see I feel like if these guys were to get free they would probably die yeah we got a problem we got a problem we got we gotta we got a bogey get out of here okay you're supposed to defend yourself oh that hurt me oh that hurt me don't worry I got some I got I got shields in front of me get in front of me oh yeah that's right that's right big boy big boy did the job smart look at him all right we're gonna we're gonna rip down this place ah look at this look at this look at they got grass inside of their house get over here look at that wow this is some terrible house oh how do we get oh there we go here are we just gonna Waltz up and just take all of their stuff uh uh yeah I think we are we did a good job yeah this is not that bad this is not that bad what do we got what do we got oh my god wow this is this is quite literally the worst treasure I've ever seen in my entire life got potatoes this is the worst what is this what they think is worth anything look wood and arrows they didn't even stack the arrows they were like oh man look at all my arrows Jason it's not about the reward it's about the journey no look oh look look they also had they filled their inventory with wood look oh it looked more in logs oh and look there's some Cobblestone that's a treasure right there bed oh wait a minute wait a minute all right you know I'm I'm a little saddened I thought that they would put up a stronger defense but they did not I mean I I am one person to know how how to defend things I am I am the defense master look I think we need to talk because I took a lot of arrows um behind me don't worry don't worry got it yeah you can't even you can't even you can't even you can't even why did we uh were we even needed at this point no we were needed we we freed big boy big boy got captured somehow but now but now we're gonna let our friends free all the villagers the villagers that got captured therefore they're gonna be free and our village is going to be populated again no worries you know we may have taken a little bit of your stuff guys but you know we we also saved you so I feel like I feel like we're equal now okay oh this guy's gonna forget about all the stuff that we did no you're shaking your heads at me I don't like this I don't like how you're all shaking your head to me this is why you looking at me like this okay guys so if you all enjoyed this little hardcore like episode from me and Jason be sure to leave a like and maybe we'll do some more oh wow you're so fast you gotta air on your butt by the way don't worry I will defend while we do our outro okay this is the way I do things thank you guys so much for joining us we'll see you all next time will I die to this guy maybe but not this time defense for the winner [Music] but you had me
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,127,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, aphmau, gaming, minecraft, 2019, 1.15.2, aphmau minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, episode 1
Id: IGx2ocIpXZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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