I Won Every Prize at a Theme Park!

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yo what's up guys it's your boy face rug i'm with kimo bro it's 8 a.m man it is so we're gonna try to win every single prize in this whole entire theme park but bro i'm out of energy we got to go on a crazy roller coaster to start this video and to wake us up let's go let's go please oh my gosh dude this is so scary hey if i drop this oh my gosh what is this hey are you guys ready to win some prizes now that we're both fully awake i challenge my friend kimokaze to see who can win the most prizes in this amusement park not only that but we're gonna give you the tips and secrets on how to win these games that are rigged to make you lose the loser of this challenge has to be punished of course and without further ado let's get right into it alright guys now that we are energized it is time to win every single prize in this theme park that ride was insane i'm awake and i'm ready to win all these challenges okay so how we're gonna do this is we're gonna split up you're gonna go on one side of the park and win all those games and i'm gonna stay here and win every single game on this side and we're gonna come together and fill an entire locker with just straight up prizes i'm ready brother good luck hey good luck let's get it let's go thank you guys we're starting with basketball because you know i'm steph curry can i get like a warm-up shot all right all right we're good oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm gonna be hanging the goal is to do three minutes the top-notch time for today was two minutes so we're definitely gonna beat that if i don't it looks like i'm gonna have to get on a diet oh bro this is so nice all right good cross your legs so you don't play it look at chemo he's hanging hey how you doing really good it was great we gotta run that one back yeah i'm definitely losing this challenge it got so slippery good job man this kid got 106. damn daddy's got shoulders i lost the first challenge i think guys i wore this shirt on purpose to give me like those basketball skills but right now it's not looking good all right whenever you're ready that one is one point nope third ball that's two points seven points where are the lakers i don't think we have any oh the inventory can i choose the ball instead of the hat because i was like before do you want two yeah just two balls if you want oh i'm down yes little lakers and warriors we got the first prize at the first game we got a lot more to go alex is gonna give it a try show you guys it is actually hard you ready yeah dude it's gonna be hard yeah it's gone let's get it oh he's already slipping across the legs oh my wrist is hurting so bad right bro i totally oh what was that five seconds ten seconds it's hard right slippery yeah guys this basketball game's a little different there's a super small hoop and you have to shoot it with a big ball right yeah you have to shoot it with a normal ball and it'll sink it right in so you have to get a perfect shot for that and you get a big prize in every shot you make you get multiple prizes really okay look at this compared to this we only go for the big prizes out here any tips for me here hey i'll do it again i'm gonna keep going we have to keep going you think i'm gonna make it yes we're gonna be here for a minute just kidding just kidding we're good we got our first big prize all right guys i'm doing the mega mega size and i'm doing it blindfolded it's going to be really hard i feel like rug's doing all the easy basketball challenges while i'm really challenging myself but you got to earn the prize you know you can't cheat shoot i can't see a thing alex i like the sloth ah for sure one out of the many prizes are winning today let's keep going oh i stuck at pitching you guys saw my first pitch right all right that's what not that's not bad all right i got one out of three i mean this is a prize but i want at least a half oh we're good we got a prize not as big as this but it's a prize so the challenge is to get the most prizes not the biggest so we're gonna take the easy route and go with the small prize this is embarrassing oh right in between all right we're going for that pepsi bottle let's go yes i literally have to hit one more to win a prize but it doesn't matter about size we're stacking them let's go for this game we got some competition you guys want to say hi to the vlog hi are you guys going to beat me or what yeah oh man okay [Music] i have to do it guys i'm sorry i'm gonna need some jiggly puffs your little jigglypuff thank you so much i appreciate it guys usually if i win a prize i would give it to like a supporter but like we have to actually collect all the prices [Applause] which i lost that challenge but it doesn't matter because she's on our team we're getting more prizes let's get it so this one you hate for two minutes one minute it's gonna get you a mario prize and in two whole minutes you're gonna get a slot all right let's do it are you ready i'm ready three two one go cross your legs so you don't sway as much excellent 30 seconds yo i was losing my grip hey no i think this one's a game for you okay let me try it out all right oh you're good don't laugh don't laugh you're good you got this 20 seconds down there you go you made it past me you're almost there you're almost there you're almost there no you're almost there come on no you're not it's a mindset it's a mind thing you're not sleeping hey you're 10 seconds away from a prize i gotta win this guys your game will begin in three two one actually started this race let's see it this is very intense everyone's battling it out for first place but who's gonna take the game yes it's all the call of duty guys i'm gonna take the fries oh thank you yo this is so exciting i feel like a little kid hey i wonder how chemo's doing do you think he has more prizes than us no yeah not at all we all know this is a tough game all right here's your three shots there's one oh oh short but you got it a little bit more on it no let's go again let's go there's one okay there's two same things you need this big one there's also oh dude that's the trick right there you gotta get the upgrade on the jigglypuff oh wait what about charizard oh charizard yeah okay i'm getting a charizard i didn't even see that i'm built for this thank you this is my favorite prize so far at the end of the video we're going to be giving away all the prizes to all the supporters that we meet you guys kind of look alike wait wait hold on oh shoot that's another prize baby we're catching up thank you brother all right guys it's another prize we now have six i'm getting the big prize here okay see you oh wait there you go does that count it counts oh my gosh where's your car and all i gotta say is cheetah for a cheetah like we all know you're not really winning go on now hey look at this we got three big prizes is that bro what's happening here okay i said this wasn't to say it again it doesn't matter about the size it matters about the quantity how many of you guys have listen bro it's still the beginning all right be cocky now we're gonna shut you down later four prizes yeah seven or eight that means we need three to catch up because you can do it you can do it that's it you can do it i got you in order to win the big prize we just need four people playing right four people four players yeah easy i don't have four people who want to play all right we got marianna can we swipe four players but only have three players oh yeah if you guys want to do that yeah yeah i'm down i know i didn't realize how hard that was going to be it's bosley here you go but is it for my team right like team rug team no no no are you serious i mean honestly you guys can have this you guys need it i need it way more than i do so i still want i just i just wanted bosley can we switch you get french fries i get bosley fair thank you thank you good job though good job guys all right i think me and alex need to split up you guys enjoy we're gonna go grind this out let's get it we have three people playing that means we can win three prizes and then take the lead we're not losing you so much for being a real one and you have to dance with us all right what's going on here oh is this the impossible one yeah don't worry don't worry we're gonna spend like a thousand dollars on this game hey am i hitting the red though it's kind of hard he's just by himself look at him he's so cute he's just chilling floating hey first try this needs 500 000 likes right okay here we go okay oh my god oh wait that was good i will stay here all day if i have to all right i'll take it but i'm still gonna go for the red okay we still want a prize but we're going for the big one we're actually gonna drop a lot of money on this game i know it this is hard okay okay okay get me out of here get me out of here thank you i still want a strawberry let's go let's get it how many pizzas do i no you get to choose one of these two how about i get two that was it we went for the medium oh no i thought she gets one too mario are you sure at least you won one prize at least thank you appreciate it honestly i'm gonna do this again this is a part of the rules can we play again i have no idea i don't really care about making all i just want one stacking the gifts bro let's get it come on all right guys quick little break in between winning prizes what are we watching here everyone's just watching a sick video yes er is that a thing you keep it down i'm trying to watch it like the video if you guys do that all right guys so we have to match the two numbers on the bottom when we get the big prize [Applause] two which one looks like a two that one [Music] all right whatever two really oh my gosh no we're winning all right pick up one i tell you i'm gonna win a more i'm gonna win whatever it takes if you're not cheating you're not trying all right it's this guy right here it's this one oh it's a two perfect congratulations yeah dude that was so easy i just won a prize oh nice nice yeah hopefully i can win one from here too yeah thank you so much look it has my nose all right y'all cause you're gonna do a back flip because why not all right what happens if i do a back foot back are you gonna do it too i don't know i've never done it okay let's see they can do at the same time oh all right you know what let me give it a shot oh i hit it let's go what are you following me for dude we already won so again yeah yeah yeah i'm never gonna check your footage oh el diablito because we're like arguing you got two sections all right you take one i'll take one b one what are you saying you're team chemo now i'm playing i'm playing hey what you mean hey bro yeah yeah have one chill all right guys so i like this before and i won now me and rock are gonna do at the same time oh my god don't mess me up oh you should wait whoa let's go we're not talking here oh hey guys all right we broke down the heart all right here we go i'm just going to go for it all right he got the heart one more dude you got the third one yes hey i'll give you one more do i get one more you're too good oh okay thank you thank you i'll take that i'll take the compliment all right yeah no i'll come back oh wow oh my god i'll take the prize i always win i just don't move that's another one to the list i'm feeling pretty good guys we got a pinata here easy dub right here okay you're ready are you already done you're already done wait what that's it oh my gosh look at this dang that one was easy bro all right which one do you want okay well this is charizard like you know what when he's involved like okay give us a second okay he wants the charizard i was high look how high that was when i got charizard that's true playback it's a big fan i think let's give it to him i think we could sacrifice it yeah all right we've come to an agreement and you can have it thank you yes sir hey appreciate you bro appreciate you have a good one guys we're back to where we started i think i had 20 seconds on this i'm going for a minute because i need another prize to win this challenge we're pretty much halfway right [Applause] so i either got to guess your age weight or birth money hey yo hey don't look don't look he's trying to cheat that's where i went he's not trying to cheat he's showing me where i want to go what is and if i get around you win a prize we're gonna go for weight pretty much i put a guess on the on the board right here oh if i'm wrong by a pound or anything you guys get the brush now do you want to be nice to you or don't be really mean to you be really mean all right he puts like 60 pounds all right well i mean i got my guess show us your guess all right my guess is 87 pounds wait for real okay okay should i step on this okay step on the red circle right there no wait did i gain weight 125. yeah about 125. hey 125. so i win i'm getting this one let's go thank you so much appreciate it have a good rest shooter i think we've officially played every single game in this amusement park and it's time for the results after chemo meet stan listen without counting who do you guys think won this challenge hey okay so of course we have to have a consequence and i thought of the best one you see that roller coaster right behind us you're gonna have to actually ride that with no safety harness no nothing and you have to put your hands up oh so this is a life or death challenge a lot harder if i knew that's gonna hope like gravity like pulls you down i don't know okay i'm gonna go okay now the real punishment you have to ride the wettest ride here and then right when you step off you get pied in the face no i'm down i don't feel like i'm gonna lose but would you be okay okay you know i hope you have a pair of clothes okay compare change you know what i mean all right some change you start i started yeah one that's a good sign that's a good time we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen and we'd have fourteen but rug still one of my balls it's fine are you sure you want to do that 14. okay 14. one two oh wait dude the big ones actually took up a lot of space that's right three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven 13 14. we died wait wait hey hey hey 15 no way hey we found one in the back let's go chemo this is not fair you have to win by two hey that's crazy it was a one point difference do i have to go alone you know what i'll just come with you but i don't get the pie in the face after before the punishment we're gonna be giving away all the prizes to our supporters so let's go do it we have to keep oh i need bosley i'm just gonna keep bosley that's it that's all i want i'll give away the lakers ball too anyone want the lakers ball all right guys three prizes three prizes whoever wants one take one take one only one only one take it only one yeah only one per person last one last one that went by fast guys la dodger's worst baseball team worst baseball team sorry no you know what cody is for you his name is you're about to get wet man look at how wet this thing is oh my gosh you know what's worse is i'm going to have to record this and my phone's going to get wet i mean i got to get by yep there's a pie waiting for you after this ride with a bunch of whipped cream oh oh okay oh no no this is me okay okay hey thank you this is all you oh [Applause] [Applause] that last one got me mariana got the worst of it but now kimo is about to get pied in the face oh my god and we have an audience watch my friend get pied in the face everybody for five dollars tell me when to stop guys all right i think that's good man yeah yeah all right i think that's good man all right man hey i think that's good oh my bad my bad i didn't even hear you at first i swear look at all these people you guys ready for this yeah i'm not ready for this brother brother brother brother brother no man you have to you lost and you cheated you phase rugged this whole video bro drop a like hit that subscribe button and make sure you show love to chemo i love you bro all right it's hot it's hot so what do i do now i just look at my shoes look at my face man the shoes the face delicious
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,096,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: 3BR-_iohzHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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