I hope you're not scared of clowns in Minecraft..

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hope okay i hope that no one here is afraid of clowns that's all i can say starting this off if you're afraid of clowns this might not be for you i mean even if you're not afraid of clowns what we are about to experience it worries me deeply as always remember i like equals a prayer and these dark times these dark maps sometimes alike goes a long way hello everyone thank you for tuning in to today's live stream i really hope you're all ready for this one it's gonna be unlike anything we've ever done before and for that i hope you're prepared wow the chat is going fast death creeper adam anna tokyo neon caitlyn i see you all there's many of you in there well have a teddy bear he looks uh looks like he lost an arm there hope he's okay got a ball here oh my god i can kick this thing around look at this look at this well that's exciting probably all the excitement we're gonna get um all right i guess when we press this button that's it you're scared but you're ready i kind of feel the same way to be honest all right let me make sure the alerts everything are on [Music] let's go scary clowns it's finally the weekend i'll go hang out with jimmy today he lives on the house across the street do you guys remember jimmy jimmy is always getting us in trouble anybody that watched last week's live stream they know jimmy is getting us in trouble all the time and i bet he got us in trouble again this week all right let's head downstairs let's go find jimmy even the weather would not prevent us from having a great weekend head camera might need this [Music] gives us a little effect here i don't think we need a camera right now though [Music] let's go to jimmy's place this is jimmy's house right go upstairs to jimmy's room jimmy where is he i'll wait for him i can play with some of his toys that are in his chest no one likes jimmy oh we got a frog net wait i know he's probably outside catching frogs in the rain i'll go look for him do we get to catch some frogs because i'm all for catching frogs [Music] i'm definitely for catching frogs guys hold up i gotta make sure i can see what you guys are saying okay let's head back outside i think he said the backyard right jimmy where are you i want to catch some frogs don't tell me jimmy got himself in trouble yet what's that uh oh this looks like a trail for candy i don't know about this let's should we be following this right now you guys didn't see nothing there okay let me put that on i'm sure jimmy just left us some candy right he probably just left us some candy to let find out where he is so we just need to follow this trail that's that's all really right why does it go here oh no oh no no no oh no oh no no no this is not good this isn't good the sewers never follow a trello candy that is samuel you're correct nobody should ever follow a trello candy why did i just do that i thought it was my friend jimmy this is not looking good for us this does not look good i guess we're not catching frogs after all we're definitely not catching frogs why does it sound like something's in the water i see you um people are saying this is pennywise because i i hope this isn't pennywise [Music] right like i'm not sure about this why is this locked i think this is the only way out i need to find something [Music] do not turn around [Music] oh that ain't good that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good we're gonna have to kill this all i have is a little net where's this crowbar at candy but i don't need candy right now i need some sort of uh weapon not a weapon but yeah i need a weapon i could use a crowbar as a weapon okay crowbar baseball bat and some slingshot this is exactly what i needed now if those clowns want to show up maybe just maybe we can do something let's get on through here well we do know there is some creepy clown watching us i don't know if it's pennywise i'm not quite sure but let me tell you all right let's get in here my crowbar that's a one-time use oh jesus who are you hi i don't get many businesses down here if you want to get out of the sewers you're going to need a bow i can give you one but first you must return my canned goods and sleeping bag a clown stole them from me okay wait we have to find a sleeping bag and some canned food for the hobo down here this guy scared me so bad i turned around the corner and he just showed up out of nowhere okay what passage did that open up oh boy oh boy well this is not gonna go well just keep running don't think much about it oh my god the water is poisonous and i slipped in it and i almost died let me use some candy okay the water is makes sense though sewage water all right we have a baseball bat if something attacks us then we'll be fine right sleeping bags that's his sleeping bags he needed did he want pumpkin pie probably not right i'll take the slingshot uh in case i need them because we do know there's some oh this is getting a bit uh oh what i don't know if i should be looking around in places i shouldn't be looking check your corners oh my god the canned goods that's all we need right we should go back to the hobo the hobo was right i need a boat to get across the water let's go back how come something tells me that it's not gonna be as easy as just going back and giving him the items i didn't even touch the water okay where was he at hello hey i got your stuff let's give you your canned goods and your sleeping bag oh my god we only had to give him one well don't let him know that hey that's all we found okay i'm gonna go now that's easier than it expected right maybe it's not gonna be that bad what if the hobo is like actually the clown secretly and he's like setting us up for failure i don't know that's uh that's a bit something i'm skeptical about and where's jimmy at don't tell me jimmy got captured by those evil clowns if that's the case then we're gonna have to rescue our friend on top of trying to get out of here let's go the water is poisonous i am quite aware of that come on why is it so slow well guys this is the slowest boat i've ever been a part of it does not want to go what has happened well grace uh we're dealing with a a clown we're trying to save our friend jimmy uh we just traded with a hobo i i i really don't know how to explain it to you i do i can't say this it's not looking too uh bright it's looking pretty scary let me slowly turn around here i think i got uh i think this hobo guy traded me a a bit of a slow boat as you would expect i guess should i take my what is that do you guys see that there's something down there guys there's something down there [Music] what is that uh uh what is that do you see that [Music] why are there clowns in the no worries he's stuck oh no he's coming this way come on donut let's not make him angry let's kill him from a distance yes oh my god and we got his hammer this does for his hammer does six damage [Music] oh my god i'm so glad that we just did not get close to him we saved ourselves there what is this strange room oh my god there's another one over here making sure there's nothing in there oh looks like the rain is getting worse the sewers are starting to flood what oh that was why is this here well that's why why am i trying to use that all right let me just do the vines i don't know why i was trying to ride a unicycle that thing was not working to my favor all right all i know is this place is apparently flooding we can't be having that what is that giant thing okay so we died it's fine passage is literally garbage i need to find something to clear the way that's not it okay let's uh let's look around i have to be very careful maybe i should have got one of the tricycles let's climb around make sure we check every corner there could be something hiding okay it looks like we got to go down this one careful what was that what is that it's a hand what in the world oh my god i don't like this i don't like it another clown where did he go you think jimmy is the clown oh those hands are creepy there's anything up there okay i see the chest we need it's a trash hook this is gonna help us clean now we gotta safely get back while being watched nice and easy those hands don't hurt me so all right let's get let's get this trash out of here oh my god how much trash is all keeped up over here you're kidding no no no no no i i i didn't clean it i i can't get through oh this isn't good thankfully i have a camera head but i can't place [Music] no no guys i messed up um maybe the frog net will work there's no way through now mistakes were definitely made and i'm pretty sure the only block i could place would be this but it doesn't allow me to place it down here oh no no we were so close nothing is impossible okay maybe maybe it is impossible go to the other chest let's try it let's try guys before we close down all hope f in the chat oh no guys this is it we tried that was our only chance no no we reduced [Music] no this music is so fitting right now some stupid trash guys oh all right this is what i'm gonna do i'm going to [Music] hmm gonna do that for a quick second um let's go here all right we're gonna figure this out give me a second um i know i had something it's in some folder i have on my computer here appears to be misplaced completely let's cancel that [Music] do not worry [Music] this is what i'm gonna do we'll have to reset the map but luckily it didn't happen too far into it right then it could have been bad that's the wrong one [Music] someone said use the candy block all right let me get you guys back on screen here all right now what we're gonna do i'm gonna speed run this give me give me that tricycle we're about to speedrun this guys mistakes were made fatal mistakes guys we're good we're back on track now it's not f in the chat no more okay okay let's get this candy all right thankfully let's get some bread we went that far ahead [Music] ah we just got to be more careful this time and understand that i can mess up hello sir thank you i will come back with your canned beans or whatever it is you like weird creature isn't he down here in the sewers this will be no problem now if i remember correctly there's the canned and the other ones are a wee bit back all right where was that other chest actually do you guys remember where the other chest was with the um sleeping bags oh there it is let's get some more ammo go ahead and stock up on some candy yeah we're already back doing good now the real question is is what is going to be waiting for us remember only one is needed is gonna be what is gonna be waiting for us on the other side of that trash [Music] let's head back yeah we got uh some bread back to the slow boat [Music] people said the candy block also works um or the candy that we have i don't know but we're almost back guys and then probably going to have a big issue on our hands what comes after that thankfully we didn't really touch on it much we we encountered a few clowns but i know there's something much more dark awaiting uh because let's be honest those few clowns that we did encounter something tells me those are not to be of much worry there's something bigger waiting so [Music] let's take care of him again [Music] kill the clown to open the path looks like he already opened the path for me [Music] perfect now as per usual this is a really great weapon to have [Music] we made it now the passage okay isn't good now let's be careful here okay let's be a bit careful i'm going a straight path this time look how easy that was what the heck is wrong with me okay oh my god all right it automatically disappears anyways what's that sound it smells horrible who can live down here okay [Music] there could be a chest or something we're gonna have to get over there i can maybe use the vines to get across i didn't work out too much it's just some chicken and pumpkin pie okay pumpkin pie stack so that's amazing all right let's go so far we only encountered oh heck no oh no oh okay this just kind of switched up this switched up real quick guys um what is that down there do you see that moving please tell me i'm not the only one that sees something moving down [Music] there hello there was something moving come on now what are those things in the water firecracker crocodiles i should be careful not to get too close you're kidding crocodiles i'm imagining these firecrackers are going to be good against the crocodiles these things can't like jump up and get me right ooh i don't like this i don't like it okay what's in here what does it say rats they're gonna attack me oh whoa whoa yeah they are not nice creatures all right let's go let's go let me let me take care of these rats we got a little rat problem down here oh my god oh my god what a bit rough let me get some food there they're so hard to hit is there anymore okay the heck was that oh that's great i guess we're not going back that way see i mean it's like oh boy let's go let me maybe uh let me let me add a little bit of uh some candy to my diet here what's in here first hello hmm it's a chest okay this was great i'm glad we came down this way stick one of those candies it's got a bit of quiet huh it's too quiet hello what heck no heck no what was that oh it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine guys [Music] where do we go from here is there something up here what's happening to me i'm terribly dizzy i need to get through this tunnel as soon as possible oh no oh no no no no this is really oh [Music] what is that oh nope you ain't playing this game with me right now i will happily just snipe him off how many come on now okay he he was a bit stronger than normal all right i see a door two doors to be exact [Music] doors that are potentially locked i need a key after killing the clown look up you might find something last journal day 17 a clown stole the key and hid it inside a balloon i have been unable to retrieve it if only i had a slingshot [Music] slingshot well thankfully we have one of those [Music] oh he shoots fire nothing good that ain't good that didn't get that ain't good he is strong oh my god why is he that strong thank you okay those balloons all in here can i stop burning please [Music] nothing got it all right let's get out of here now the question is it was two doors which one is it going to open he he was that riding oh oh no what is that what in the i see jimmy he's in a cage way up high how do i get to him jimmy oh no no collect tnt from the chest we're gonna have to like collect tnt from the chest to potentially drop it on this creature i guess i don't think this is gonna do much to him [Music] let's throw all of our firecrackers and then we'll throw the tnt [Music] oh boy oh boy what do i do with the tnt it's not like i can throw it [Music] how am i gonna kill him unless i go down below and set the tnt i see jimmy oh here's a firecracker it didn't do nothing i feel like this is not gonna do nothing to him i only have 24 more left [Music] he's not shooting fireballs or anything at us so that's unexpected nothing they seem to not be hitting his uh come on i need to figure out a way up this jimmy though and i don't need to fall in that water down below i don't know if we're gonna be able to kill this guy there's nothing but candy jesus jeez there's no need there there's no need for all that okay oh yeah [Applause] things are not looking too good um all of a sudden he started attacking us we want to keep the high ground with him i think that's what we definitely want to do we want to keep the high ground i'm out i'm out of ammo oh yeah about that oh not quite sure how okay how in the world do we get this tnt to work this is nice [Music] i keep oh my god we found we found a trick keep it going keep it going come on come on come on come on he doesn't have a large vocabulary jesus how high is this health bar he has took multiple firecrackers all of our slingshot ammo and almost the whole durability of our hammer [Laughter] guys is it possible to even kill him right now [Laughter] [Laughter] i don't think we're gonna kill him oh he just pooped out fire charges there he goes again [Music] there's no way to kill this thing oh my god [Applause] [Applause] okay we have two pieces of tnt which i can't really do nothing with people are saying he has a hundred thousand dollar a hundred thousand dollars a hundred thousand health points there's a weapon that does a large amount of attack oh my geez we gotta figure out how to get to jimmy unless i try to like jump down on top of him somehow okay here's some more pebbles some little slingshot stones which as we can kind of predict is not doing nothing to him if he really does have as much health as we think he does there's redstone at the top how in the world am i gonna get up there okay shout out to whoever said that but we gotta figure out how to get over there maybe this way jimmy don't worry we're going to rescue you that's why i love you guys okay i would have never seen that redstone let's do this go to jimmy before the tnt explodes we did it i'm glad we're back together jimmy finally we can do whatever we want be careful some houses still have clowns you have successfully saved jimmy now you can enjoy the game in free play mode jimmy is always causing so many issues and i hear clowns they said they are apparently clowns scattered throughout the neighborhood so we got to do some clown sweeping here but there's only one true way to do that we need a tricycle of some sort where's another tricycle at one can simply not ride around the neighborhood without their tricycle why you looking at me like that jimmy you caused all these problems you know where the heck is that clown is he in that is he in jimmy's house jimmy i think we made a bro we might have just brought a clown back home with us well guys we saved jimmy and now okay i'm finding this clown give me a second there he is oh my god he's strong whoa whoa let me take care of this clown problem real quick for you jimmy you can't fit through the door there we go jesus he pauses you alright guys we got a new video coming up at 4 p.m est today so be sure you keep your eyes peeled for that it is a creepy villager uh investigating the creepy villager issue that we're dealing with if you guys are in here leave a like on the stream that's gonna help out uh tremendously but we we did it we looked for the scary clowns in minecraft uh quite surprising as it was and i am so glad we got to do this now usually we live stream for a bit longer but this map we finished it way sooner than i expected um so with that aside thank you guys for tuning in today we're going to come to the closing of the stream like i said we got a new video coming up very soon today so keep your eyes peeled for that and um there's a chapter two someone said there was a chapter two to this sarah you have knowledge but um yeah either way guys thanks for being a part of the stream tuning in today i want to do these live streams more often i really do um and we might do that um and uh yeah without a sign thank you guys i will see you all in the next one thanks for tuning in today don't forget to check out the other videos on the channel uh where you changing the upload schedule a little bit right now so sometimes people are not getting the videos because youtube doesn't know how to react to it they're like wait he's uploading like two videos a day he's doing it what's going on so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on the channel thank you guys
Channel: O1G
Views: 12,948
Rating: 4.9525547 out of 5
Id: MmTe4WNVva0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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