I Hit The JACKPOT! What Ammo Shortage???

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all right what's going on everybody today we're gonna do kind of a vlog I want to do sort of a part two to the ammo shortage video that I made a few weeks back if you haven't seen that go check it out I was really surprised at how many people watched that video and how many people actually liked it so I thought we would come out today we can't really get out to the range and shoot so I just thought I would come hang out with you guys and make a little vlog sorry if the audio doesn't sound great I am using my smaller camera but it's just so much easier to use this vlog camera for these kind of videos so bear with me on that but yeah I was surprised how many people watch the last video and I thought we'd go out into a follow-up I haven't been out to a gun store in a couple weeks so I'm not really sure what to expect I've been hearing from you guys in the comments saying that your gun stores are completely restocked I've also heard from some people who are saying that it's even worse and they're not getting anything so I don't know hopefully it hasn't gotten worse around here I don't really know how it could they were pretty much completely sold out of everything the last time I was there so we got a couple that we're gonna go to today last time I just took you guys to one but we got a couple we'll try and see what these shelves look like so in the last video I got a few comments that I don't really like to address negative comments that's probably why I'm not really good about reading comments because a couple negative ones can ruin your whole day but I heard from some people who were saying that you know I titled the video I've never seen this before because I've never seen an ammo shortage like what we went through and they were saying if I've never seen this I must not remember 2012 when Obama did the whole executive order threat and threatened to ban a bunch of different guns and ammo and stuff well I do remember that but around here at least the shelves were nowhere near as bare as they are now there were certain calibers you couldn't find and a lot of guns were selling you know like crazy but as far as the ammo goes this is definitely the biggest shortage that I've ever seen I'm obviously pretty young I haven't been around for a long time but in my few short years of doing this this is the worst that I've seen so I've also seen a few comments with people saying just order ammo online and now it's starting to come back online but at the time I made that video even the internet stores were pretty much empty I mean I got 20 or 30 that I visited and every single one of them was completely out so but like I said online is starting to become an option again and I've seen it popping back up here in there so maybe by the end of the video I'll tell you guys about a couple stores you can use if you are you know in an area where you can't find ammo at the stores but now that that's out of the way let's head out and see what these gun shops look like all right so our first stop is gonna be the same spot we went to last time we'll go in here first and see what they got I have seen a lot of people walking in with masks which is weird at this store usually these are a lot of like outdoor guys that come in here and you don't see too many masks but I've seen a lot of them so far all right here we go moment of truth Wow it's actually worse than it was the last time I was here this is horrible so they do still have some 22 long-rifle not a lot but they definitely have a few boxes of 22 and then everything else is completely gone they have a couple boxes of 45 down here but last time they actually had quite a bit of 40 and I even found some 9-millimeter but all this stuff is just oddball calibers like I said there's a couple boxes of 45 but no five five six no seven six two no nine millimeter no nothing once again they do have some 12-gauge shotgun mostly birdshot they got a few slugs up here but these shelves are just usually completely packed full I will say the shotguns not doing too bad most people probably aren't buying birdshot for stuff like this but as far as pistol and rifle it's definitely not good well that was interesting it's actually worse than it was when I was here last time that was probably three or four weeks ago when I made that last video and I spoke to a guy in there he said that literally as the ammo comes in there's people in there waiting to buy it so that kind of tells me that most of the shops around here probably aren't gonna have too much we're gonna go to a couple more and see but I kind of thought there would be like one initial people would buy that and then that would be the end of it but according to him he said they've gotten three or four shipments and I think once a week but maybe the suppliers aren't bringing as much in as they normally would because they're getting a lot of it sold online and you know other places are ordering one I'm not really sure but he said they can't keep it in for a day he said as soon as they get it in there pretty much buying it up and that's how you get the to box restrictions and stuff that we dealt with for so long with the 22 is because people were just buying it up a lot of the same people come in here and buy it up as soon as it comes in so after seeing that I'm not too optimistic but we're gonna go to a couple more and see if we can find anything all right so I just left another gun shop on the way here and it was pretty much the same as the first maybe even worse this is our third and final stop right here there's my full auto BB gun right there then I made a video on if you haven't seen that check it out that thing is a blast it's only 150 bucks now I think I paid 200 for it alright so we're walking up to the ammo now they used to have it on these shelves right here it used to be out it looks like now they have it in this glass case over here and it looks like they have a bunch this is the jackpot I mean this is completely stocked full they have everything they've got tons of 9-millimeter cases of it boxes of it hollow points tracers they got 4045 all these big like thousand round boxes down here they got a kmo do they have a r-mo yep they sure do they got a bunch of erm oh wow this is crazy it's like there's no shortage here yeah people must not know about this place or something because there's no other place in town with anything they're just stocked full this is the jackpot y'all they got tons of shotgun ammo too but they actually have like a bunch of slugs and home defense ammo they got a lot of these mini shells I actually want to do some testing with the slugs and the buckshot of those mini shells but it's pretty much nothing that they don't have here no I just got to decide what do I buy well I was like a kid in a candy store in there it might surprise you but I actually didn't get a whole lot because I don't need it I think that's the problem with a lot of this is that people are just buying stuff that they don't need I mentioned that in the last video and I don't need the ammo like I said it was really cool to see that that's what you're used to seeing at a lot of places around here and I actually talked to that guy in there and he said that they really haven't had much of a shortage throughout this whole thing I don't know if it's because it's a big sporting goods store and people don't think of this as a gun shop but they've pretty much had ammo throughout this whole entire thing I never came here when I made that last video I went to every gun shop in town and you know a lot of the bigger stores but apparently this place has had ammo this entire time so like I said I didn't get much I did get some I'll go ahead and show you guys what I did get actually first I want to tell you a funny story the other day I was going to actually the mo shop we were just at at the beginning of this video I was walking in and there was a guy in front of me he had his dog with him and he looked back at me I noticed he looked at me a couple times and you know kind of did like a double take and finally he asked me if I make gun videos on YouTube and I said yes and I asked him why and he said he recognized me from the channel so I never met this guy he was a really nice guy I'm really cool we shook hands and talked for a couple minutes but he just recognized me from the channel and said that he'd like the videos and he liked the gel test specifically and that was awesome I mean it was the first time that's ever happened and probably will be the last for quite a while I don't think of my channel as being big enough to get recognized in public but when he said he'd like the gel test it actually kind of inspired me to get back into those the weather's getting nice again for those of you that don't know gel is hard to do in the winter time because you can't melt it down inside at least I can it smells way too bad so when it's freezing cold outside it's just really hard to melt so it's really only something you can do when the there allows you to and it's getting nice again so when he said he liked the gel test and I've been hearing from a lot of you guys who have been asking for gel tests it's kind of inspired me to get back into that so I actually got one in there just now that I've been getting asked to do since the very beginning this is the Jesse James little focus Black Label 115 grain hollow-point now they have the t ml label it's like a greenish box but I looked at both of them I was gonna get both of them but I looked at the back and apparently they're the exact same round just the black label has like a nickel coating on the bullet and allows for like a barrel longevity or something but they're a little more expensive these are so I just went ahead and got the more expensive one and we're gonna give these a shot I wish they had 124 grand like I said these are 115 so I wish I could find the 124 maybe before we do the video I'll be able to find those we can compare them or something but I've been getting asked about the Jesse James ammo for a while so we're gonna put those to the test like I said I didn't get a whole lot man I got a box of nine millimeter ball ammo just to shoot $10 for a box of 50 not not too much different than it would be normally they're definitely not jacking up their prices and then I got a couple boxes of wolf 2 2 3 haven't shot there AR in a while we haven't shot rifles in a while period like I said with this whole quarantine thing going on the family's been home and the range is not too far from the house so rifles are super loud when you're sitting in the house so we haven't shot rifles as much but we will we'll get back to it and then I got some federal American Eagle 5 5 6 as well so that's all I got like I said I think a lot of this ammo shortage is coming from people who you never know what you'll need I guess I shouldn't say they don't need it but a lot of these people do already have a lot and I'm just trying to keep the stash that I have where it's at and not dip into that and I'm just buying enough to make videos and shoot when I want and that's really all I need so I could have cleaned that whole shelf out but I don't want to I think that's part of the problem that we're going through right now but tweets around if you think you need it you can find it go for it I just don't want this ammo shortage to last longer than it - it's already been going on for quite a while and I can't believe what I found in there I feel like that is a gold mine that nobody knows about so I'm gonna keep it a secret come in here you know two or three times a week get what I need make my videos and hopefully nobody else discovers it but I think I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this one up guys like I said I just wanted to blog and you know kind of hang out with you guys a little bit today I was really surprised at how well the last ammo shortage vlog did it's obviously something that people were interested in watching so I thought I would come out make a part two and just kind of show you guys what the shelves look like around here and for the most part it's not any better it was worse in some places obviously this is an exception this place is doing really well but everywhere else is completely sold out so let me know in the comments what it looks like in your guys's areas if your gun shops are sold out of ammo if it's if it's back if you can find it again or you know what the situation is with that like I said there's online stores you can find it in if you're really struggling and you can't find anything just Google what ammo you're looking for I don't need to tell you the websites there's so many of them that will pop up and you'll definitely be able to find some ammo online now if you're looking for something specific you might not I have looked for a couple I like self-defense rounds I want to get to test and I can't find some of that but as far as like ball you know practice ammo or target ammo if you want something to shoot or to stockpile you should be able to find some out there if you look hard enough on the Internet so that's about it guys like I said let me know down in the comments what it looks like in your area if you're able to find anything as always if you like this video please hit that like button for me it really helps me out a lot thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: 1ShotTV
Views: 108,540
Rating: 4.8097539 out of 5
Keywords: Ammo, Shortage, Ammo shortage, Jackpot, panic buying, store fights, corona virus panic, covid-19, corona virus, corona virus shortages, panic, buying, ammo stockpile, ammunition, gun control, 2nd amendment, second amendment, ammo shortage, hit the jackpot, gold mine
Id: 8dBtGb35YXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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