Where In The ____ Is All The Ammunition ???

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that is an excellent question so where the hell is all the ammunition is the government taking this um is it being stored somewhere is it just being thrown away what the hell is going on why can we not get ammunition well the best place to start this tale is from the beginning now this won't be a hundred percent accurate and it's just a broad stroke things will be different in different areas but from what i was seeing in my area this will be how it all played out so let's start the tale from the beginning to the whiteboard of knowledge the first wave what was the first wave that was when this whole coronavirus started getting talked about most of the people that did the buying in the first wave they've been prepared since the obama administration but they're like hey you know things are looking kind of rough it's election time you know maybe i should buy the ammunition i'm going to need for the next 12 months just in case the prices break off i won't be in a a pinch to try to get ammo or have to go back to the reloading die it pretty much hit when the tax money hit when everybody got their tax returns they basically bought up the surplus that was the surplus of firearms that was a surplus of ammunition that's when the deal stopped that's when you no longer seen you know ar15s for 399. at this point in time i was literally telling people you know by the end of the election things will be back to normal you know don't sweat too much now we got the second wave what is the second wave that's with the stimulus checks that's where the floods start getting ar-15s now i don't have anything against people that are labeled as fuds or anything like that but typically they don't mess around with ar-15s they don't mess around with semi-automatic nine-millimeter pistols but they're starting to see you know quarantine is happening at this point we got our stimulus check and they're like you know yes my hunting rifle has served me well both actions are awesome my double barrel 12 gauge is good to go but you know what if things just have never been like this before and it's kind of scaring me you know what if so that's when they started buying up style automatic nine millimeters ar-15s but that's when they cleared off the shelves now there was still firearms on the shelf but nothing at all that anybody with any stretch of the imagination would call a tactical firearm something that like a beretta 92 ar-15 your cz pistols glocks that's the end of those and at this point i'm telling people you know about 12 months from now you know things should return back to normal you should start to see normal inventory returning you'll start to see the ammo coming back there's still ammo but now we're getting into the higher price places people that are charging a little bit too much it's not crazy yet but it's still you know more than it should be charged i'm like well you know 12 months from now things will probably be back to normal you'll love normal ammo we probably won't have a surplus again for a little bit but it'll get there you know just be patient then the third wave hits what is the third wave because this really matters the third wave was caused by the riots basically that's when your housewives people that would never touch guns they do the carpooling for the school they they're a part of a book club they do crocheting really old ladies really old gentlemen that's when they're like holy crap you know i never thought that i would have a problem with this stuff because i avoid dangerous situations i don't want to be around gangsters so i don't go into the inner city i keep my peace nobody bothers me but now these riders are showing up in town stopping traffic they could show up in my town next it's very possible there's no reason they can't this is july this is when people start cashing out their slush funds that would normally be spent on mistresses or exotic jewelry and now they're buying up what's left on the shelf it went from like you know they'd come into the store and basically be like okay do you have any ar-15s nine millimeter pistols and i'm like no they're like well piss on it give me the bolt action 30 odd 6 and the pump action 12 gauge and camouflage this is when the inventory really really got knocked down and at this point i'm like it's gonna be like two years before things are back to normal how people are buying right now the amount that they're buying we're gonna be in a pinch for getting ammunition and firearms for quite some time i'm guesstimating 24 months you know and that's just to guesstimate there it might be next month i highly doubt it and it might be five years you know who knows but i was guesstimating around that time period about 24 months things should return back to normal now what they did is they took care of back orders so we got surplus the tactical guns off the shelf now they're like okay i still need one can i put it on back order so they put it on back order and that's plugging up the back order process because normally it'll go got your surplus your normal inventory now the back order stuff is getting bought so basically we're selling firearms that are not even at the shop yet they're buying them in advance then the fourth wave this is what i call the realization that's when things set in to people like me to people like you anyone at all interested in firearms things may never be the same again the craziness that's going on i don't know how far it's gonna reach but the implications out there we're taking a turn for the worst and now people that would never ever ever consider buying a firearm like people are coming into the store full-on leftists like communist sympathizer they think guns are evil only police should have guns that's a lot of it's coming from the whole defund the police movement they're coming in they're like i have kids i have family i would just be absolutely heartbroken because they're making victims out of people that even support them if i see my kid getting drugged out in the front yard and beat to death with a baseball bat or if i was you know just driving down the interstate and also a group of people came out they drug me out of the car and beat me with a brick to death you know i don't want to be a victim if the situation comes like that i want some options can you get me into a firearm what's available i don't really care i want something that goes bang and i need you to show me how to use it this is taking your single action armies um your revolvers all your semi-automatic 22s that's where all that went but that still really doesn't answer the question we literally have facilities multiple facilities manufacturing ammunition so why is ammunition not available what's going on where is it there should be no reason why they can't just ramp up production and get ammunition in now this part is hearsay i don't know this for a fact but this is what i was told and not even from a source i would consider reliable so basically how the ammunition factories work is like okay we have this many machines we'll we're going to make a just an arbitrary number here we're going to be like we got five machines that can make ammunition because we only have five machines and there's hundreds of styles of ammunition we'll tool these five machines for a certain caliber or a certain millimeter and we'll do a run that run might be measured in you know a time period and might be measured in a quantity so they do this run on the ammunition it hits the semis the people that are the good customers are gonna get served first so your big big big big big box stores your heavy consumers your distributors they're gonna get the ammunition in first they fill up that semi they switch over to some other caliber that semi goes out even before it arrives at that place they're trying to double and triple their order so what kind of ammunition consumption are we looking at just just the month of july now i'm only taking a single month because a lot of these people that didn't have firearms before bought multiple firearms anywhere from two to four the average i'm gonna call to now that's in my area might be different in different areas so that's why i'm just taking the month of july because then the other months will consume you know the people that bought three four and two firearms those very very few customers that came in and bought a single firearm i suspect that's you know one for them one for their spouse one for them one for their oldest child you know something like that so on average what i was seeing where people are coming in buying two firearms some a lot more but on average we'll call it two so we're just going to take the gun sales in the month of july there was 1 million 1.5 million background checks done so we're just going to pretend that there was 1.5 million new people on average they bought two firearms so you need to take 1.5 million times two now how much ammo should they buy i don't know if you've ever heard the phrase youtube certified before but that's actually a real thing a lot of people go to youtube for information so if i type in how much ammo do i need the first five videos that pop up are these right here so how much ammo does it say that you should need four out of the five of these very first videos and i highly doubt somebody's gonna do more than five videos worth of research say a minimum of one thousand rounds of ammunition is what you absolutely need you'd be a fool to have any less there's only one video that says the bare minimum should be 500. everybody else 1 000 per firearm so we got 1.5 million people that bought two firearms that are all trying to buy 1 000 rounds of ammunition for those two firearms that's three billion rounds billion with a b rounds of ammunition that people are trying to buy right now and that's on the low side and now videos are coming out even now like buy anything you can there was even this one creator giving some of the worst advice ever what he said to do is buy all ammunition even if you don't have that caliber you might be able to use the ammunition to barter for that is terrible device advice because if there is ammunition still on the shelf right now that means that particular caliber is a caliber that most people reload for otherwise it would be bought out so now i'm gonna go buy we'll say 500 smith and wesson because it's on the shelf and it's available and i'm following this creator's advice and i'm just buying ammunition just to buy it hopefully in the future to be able to trade it for a caliber that i can actually use so i go and buy this box of 500 smith wesson do you know the statistical probability i'm gonna run into somebody with a 500 smith and wesson that wants that ammunition is so so incredibly low now the statistical probability that i'm going to run into somebody that has a 500 smith and wesson that needs 500 and smith and wesson ammunition that doesn't reload for 500 and smith and wesson and they also have ammunition that i need which obviously it's going to be a common caliber like two two three or nine mil maybe 12 gauge we're talking about like a probability of getting struck by lightning like four times it's just not going to happen so now you've took in this box of 500 smith and wesson and you put it in your pocket so now when the next person comes in he's going to look there's going to be a little blank spot where 500 and smith and weston's going to be which is going to put in his mind that this crisis is even far worse than even thought because these calibers that sell maybe once every three or four years are gone now so he's gonna buy crap that he doesn't really need ammunition for now your 500 smith wesson guy comes in he's like oh wow there's no 500 smith and wesson so he's going to buy up all the rest of the ammo for any caliber he's got basically it's going to create a snowball effect and it's going to make the ammo shortage bigger because in to get to the point where we have surplus again where they can start cutting deals where we can start getting deals on a brick they need to get all the rest of the calibers back up to par that's the only way we're ever going to get surplus again so now they need to manufacture 500 smith and wesson even though it's just sitting in your basement it's going to sit in there forever until one day your grandkids come to clean out your house because you died and they're going to be like whoa dude look at this caliber that's so cool looking that's the only use it's ever going to get or you're gonna sell it back to the gun shop in about five years after the panic's done and it's just gonna snowball do not go in there and buy calibers you have absolutely no use for your not helping anyone at all so anyway the thousand round thing i get that at the first at the first two waves when you could still get you know ar-15s and reasonably priced ones because it wasn't until wave three where you couldn't even get the really expensive like fifteen hundred dollar two thousand ar-15s the customer would buy an ar and i'd be like oh here's a link to whatever website i found you know we got ammo in the store but it's more for when people purchase a gun so they're not buying a firearm without any ammunition to shoot because that just doesn't make any sense i'd be like here's a link to a website or go to this website and order a thousand rounds you'll thank me later if you can afford it order two thousand rounds that will be enough ammunition to get you proficient on the firearm and still have like two or three hundred rounds left over and you'll be you'll know what you're doing at that point and if you get 2 000 rounds well you know now you can really start practicing and avoid mag dumps because that's just the waste of money make sure every time you pull the trigger you're learning a lesson and a thousand rounds will get you proficient and you'll have a little bit of ammo left over get 2 000 rounds you'll be proficient and you'll have a lot of ammunition left over so like i get the thousand round thing that makes sense but because of all of this how this perfect [ __ ] storm was created it's just mind-blowing like all my survival end of the world videos i never considered the possibility of something like this like in my mind the [ __ ] storm and the world survival videos there was always a mass casualty and because like absolutely no one died from the whole bugafloo and very few people died from the riots no i'm not like talking down on it like it's really sad that people died it really is but it wasn't what i had in had imagined in my head i didn't imagine the slow corrosion or joe blow average that normally is never into buying firearms would buy up ammunition so i learned a lesson from all this you need to diversify your calibers you need to have multiple calibers before i used to be convinced just utterly convinced if the [ __ ] ever hit the fan the only thing you would need is 12 gauge 2 2 3 and 9 mil you're covered in every single firearm you got every firearm in your house standardized those calibers if it gets really that bad you know we're gonna be in combat and you can just get that ammo off the other people because this is the statistical probability they're gonna have two two three nine mil or twelve gauge on them is very very high you get something weird like an ak or a 308 or something like that the statistical probability that they're gonna have that ammo on them it's not very likely but now that this whole bugafloo thing hit and the [ __ ] hits the fan happened in this style now it's like okay i should probably have a 38 special a 45 40 cal was actually the excellent pistol to buy you could go anywhere and get 40k you can still get 40k right now because so many people thumb their nose at that caliber because 40k was insanely popular then the fbi testing came out and all of a sudden everybody shunned it so there's ample ammunition and ample firearms out there so if you got a 40 cal right now you're in heaven your 6.8 spcs your 308s 3030s stuff like that like okay now i can kind of see where they would come in handy would i make my whole [ __ ] hits the fan plan based around those calibers no not at all it's still based around the three calibers two two three nine mil and 12 gauge but having those extra calibers if we enter into the great depression which it's really starting to look like it's gonna happen i can see things fraying around the edges we don't know it yet but it's pretty bad out there if we actually do go into the great depression these other calibers would be nice because if i have a gun for it and i happen to come across some ammunition i can buy it but anyway i hope this helped explain you know where how come we can't get ammo it's because it's so back ordered and remember out of these 1.5 million people and that i believe that's a conservative estimate that are brand new in the firearms that are trying to get a thousand rounds for each one of their firearms a lot of them haven't got it yet and now that we're seeing how bad the ammunition is going we're like well you know i got ammo for a year now but what about next year are things going to get worse should i buy more so now 1.5 million turns into something more like 10 million people trying to pick up a thousand rounds it's gonna be a very very long time before we have a surplus again i guess the moral of the story is even if the ammunition is a little bit high priced i'd probably buy it right now because the future isn't looking very promising for supplies but anyway i hope this video will help you out a little bit if you like chocolate any other videos you can click on the links up here like to help support the channel got my patreon i also have affiliate links in the description down below even if you don't buy what the link is for just clicking on that link and buying the [ __ ] you're gonna buy off amazon anyway i had a little kickback for because you went there off my channel thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe
Channel: CRS Firearms
Views: 88,198
Rating: 4.8590398 out of 5
Keywords: coloma, resale, crs, firearms, ammunition, ammo, ammo shortage, where is all the ammo, ammo shortage 2020, 2020 ammo shortage, panic buying, ammo shortage 2020 youtube
Id: GUc2_JA3b4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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