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all right y'all so today I am at my good old local Goodwill I'm excited because I am redoing a bunch of stuff in my house I've just finished finished excuse me a kitchen project and I cannot wait to show y'all what I thrifted there that's not in today's video cuz I still have a couple things to finish but I want to go in this Goodwill and see if I can find some more things to go with that project so let's go see what we can find okay so at first when I was scanning these aisles I was thinking oh my goodness this is not going to be a very successful thrifting trip because I was seeing a lot of things that were here several weeks ago when I came in and filmed and then the shelves just looked very bare but to my surprise I end up leaving this Goodwill with so many good things I cannot wait to share those with y'all a couple of them are antique pieces that I cannot believe was just sitting in Goodwill waiting on someone to pick up thank goodness it was me but anyway let's go through these shelves and I'll end up showing you everything that I get here in just a little bit [Music] [Music] I have been looking for some of these glass corn holders for a very long time to use during the fall and I really want the ones that have like the engraved or like the sketched corn on the cob on it but these are so expensive everywhere that I see them and I don't know why why are those so expensive one of these days I'm going to find some at a garage sale for like 50 Cent and y'all are going to see me do the corn cob happy [Music] dance [Music] now these canisters here I thought that they were a beautiful spring color and would look good in any Pantry maybe that has a glass or an open shelving system going on how gorgeous would these be around spring Easter and all the way even Into Summer now I do believe that this was like an entertainment system but hear me out y'all something like this would make an amazing pantry if you have the room for it either in your kitchen or your dining room or if you have a big walk-in pantry you could put this in there I'm trying to help my oldest daughter Cara find some ways to utilize all the space she has in her house she has a very small home in a very small kitchen and dining room and she has three children so we're trying to come up with some ways to get creative for her kitchen and dining room area as far as a pantry goes so something like that you could actually add some brackets and add some shelves to it and have an amazing Pantry [Music] system [Music] this is one area of the thrift store that I hardly ever look through but y'all since I've been decluttering and cleaning out I've noticed that I have no kids cups for all of the kids when they come over so I'm taking just a minute to go through some of these I don't even know what you call them tumblers and just see if there's anything that might be appropriate for the ages of any of the [Music] kiddos [Music] mason jars are another good tool to use in your pantry system this was something that I was telling Cara to be on the lookout for While She Was Out thrifting and just start collecting them now so that when I do go over and kind of help her get that you know all organized and in Place she'll already have a lot of the things that she needs and one thing that I love about using mason jars in my pantry area for is is because you can see when you are low on items and it keeps your stuff fresh so much longer you know when somebody opens that bag of goldfish and they don't roll it down and put a clip on it or something it's literally still the next day but what I find is with mason jars the lid gets screwed on really good and your stuff just stays fresh [Music] longer [Music] [Music] [Music] so here I am looking on this bottom shelf and I'm here to encourage you that if you are able to get down and look on that bottom shelf pretty good and move things around definitely do it I have been finding some amazing things on the bottom shelves at Goodwills here lately and I think it's just because a lot of people don't like getting down low and looking through those items so definitely get down low and see what you can [Music] find [Music] here are some more Little Pantry items that you could pick up and use in your Open Pantry or just in your pantry in general and I thought that the prices on these were were pretty good but I didn't know for sure how much they were retail so I held off on getting those for Cara and then I come across this contraption here that I have no idea what it is so I'm going to kind of sit on this for just a minute study it and see what in the world it is because it is old and Chippy and Rusty and crusty and we all know that I love that kind of [Music] stuff [Music] I come around the corner and spotted this print here and y'all I thought that it was a Warren Kimble print I love Warren Kimble print but anyway it is not but look at them all outside just having a picnic all out in the community just being together I just love that so [Music] much [Music] [Music] out of the corner of my eye I spotted this Mill sorder y'all and I thought that this was brass it is not it is wood and it is just kind of painted to look like that but it always pays to reach in the back dig in the back and pull those things out because you just never [Music] know I talked about Gathering children's Christmas books and in my last video and I almost got this one but y'all I have a hard time paying $3.29 for a book even though I know it is probably worth it I just have a hard time paying that at Goodwill when these books used to be like 99 Cents or $1.99 so I'm going to hold off and probably just have to look at some garage sales where someone is selling them for like 10 cents and. 50 Cent y'all because I have a lot of kiddos to buy for okay y'all the linen section here is crazy stuffed like it is never excuse me there is never this many Linens at this thrift store people must have just started cleaning out because it's getting warmer I don't know but I'm going to take a minute and go through these and I'll show you if I find anything good like look at [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] so they have finally started putting out more furniture at my local Goodwills so I'm just going to go through this little room here and see if there is anything that just needs to jump in my buggy and come home with [Music] [Music] me [Music] okay y'all welcome to the full cart club over here I was not expecting to get everything that I got today I'm I'm super super excited about all of my items sorry it's noisy but couple of them in particular I am stoked about so let me get this stuff home and then I'm going to share the haul with you there was no way I could share the haul in there because it was so busy and my Bucky was just a chaotic mess because it was so full of stuff so let's get home and let me show you everything that I got okay so I'm back home now and I want to share with you everything that I got I got quite a bit of stuff so just bear with me as we get through it now this one's not really exciting but I did purchase this today and I have a reason for getting this I'll show you a clip here I've been redoing some stuff in my kitchen and I have I'm looking at it right now I have a um little curtain rod a little tension curtain rod over here on this cabinet and I don't like it I don't like the way it looks because it's messing up my whole just very country look and so I thought this might work maybe I could get this and cut it down and get this to work and use this instead and for only $1.29 I thought well it's worth a try you can buy those little things I think at Hobby Lobby like the little wooden um Dow rod ends or pieces or something to go on the end you know to keep the curtain from sliding so I'm going to look for those at Hobby Lobby and try to get this all you know fixed and over there how I want it and then you saw me pick up that whole stack of place mats these place mats right here um they are the Better Homes and Gardens plac mat and the reason I wanted to pick some of these up is I thought that they would be great for layering so I called both of my older daughters and asked them if either one of them wanted one and my oldest daughter Cara said that she did I decided to put mine back because I have some just like this in round and decided that I really didn't need any more even though they were square and then I got home and I was like you know I could have really used one here and there but anyway I got her one it was only .29 hopefully she can find a place to use her somewhere in her house oh I have so much other stuff to show y'all but real quick while we are on the subject of Cara my oldest daughter I wanted to share this with y'all real quick so y'all know that we have a family channel or I have a family channel and we were all kind of posting over there so here just recently my daughter Kelsey has decided to get her own YouTube channel and so has Cara it's just taken Cara a little bit longer to get hers up and going she was having some backend issues with YouTube but she has her Channel called The Cook crew it is up and going now she posted a video yesterday and like I said we were all posting on my family channel so I still will be putting some videos over there that are kind of like home related and different things like that they just decided to each go get their own YouTube channels just because from the logistics point of it there's a lot involved behind the scenes and with sponsorships and just different things like that and taxes all that kind of stuff comes into play so it was just beginning to be a lot logistic wise behind the scenes for us to all share one channel so we thought that it would just be easiest for us to all have our own channels so that everybody's responsible for you know all of their own stuff there nobody's getting their own channels for any other reason other than it's just easier when it comes to different things like that so I would really appreciate all of you that have been supporting Kelsey thank you so much but now I would really appreciate it after you finish watching my video go check out Cara's Channel The Cook crew she's actually the one that kind of got us all started on YouTube her channel is has actually been around for a long time so if you go over there not only are you going to see her most recent video that she posted yesterday but you might be able to see some older videos of her and the kids when they were very very little so again the name of her channel is the cook crew I'll be sure and put it on the screen here I'll pin it in the first comment down below and I will have a link to it in my description box as well so you can find her Channel very easily now let's finish with this Thrift haul because I have quite a few things left to show you okay so we are about to have a garage sale because when you're an avid thrifter you have to declutter and clean things out so I have let family and friends come over and pick through whatever they want and everything that I have left we are having a big multif family garage sale here in the next week or two and I thought that this would be perfect for that garage sale it's one of these just 10 money boxes I don't know who it's by or anything on the bottom I was going to try to show y'all I'll try to get it up there and see if y'all can tell not really important it's nothing you know really fancy but it just has inside where we can sort and have all of the money so doing you know the garage sale will make it a lot easier to keep up with cash and coins and who sold what for how much you know underneath maybe all that so I don't know I thought for $329 I would get this and hopefully that would make our job just a little bit easier during the sale okay so sticking with the 10 box theme we got going on here I wanted to show yall this little box right here I did grab this and I thought it was just the cutest thing it's actually like a cream color I hope that it's coming off like that on this screen and on top let me try to show y'all it literally says Sandwich Box on the top hopefully y'all can see that it's like engraved in there it says Sandwich Box and it is so stinking cute it was only a129 and I've got a new piece of furniture here in my kitchen that I know y'all keep hearing me talk about but I'm going to share that in a whole another video because I've been thrifting several Furniture pieces and so hopefully in the next week or two I'm going to be able to show y'all all of those and how they're placed and everything it's so fun y' I am so excited for this side of my kitchen over here that I'm looking at I am in love with it I've redone all of that but anyway here's what this looks like inside and I thought that I could use this on that new piece of furniture that I have over there and store tea bags or um you know coffee the little coffee pods that I refill or anything like that I just thought for $129 it was just adorable all right and also um I collect The Homer Laughlin and the Buffalo China big platters up above my kitchen cabinets here I'll show you a clip so I thought that this platter right here this is definitely heavy it's restaurant wear it is something to that effect and it looks just like the ones I have hanging up in my kitchen and I thought that it might match actually just a little bit lighter than what I have up there and the shape is not exactly the same because the brand is a little bit different but for only $2.29 I took a chance and was hoping that it would work up there because I still lack like two that I need up there and so I don't know I might put it up there and show y'all what it looks like and just see if you can really tell once it's up high if it's that much of a difference um and this brand that's on the back is is the vertex you know y'all saw it here I'll show it again just in case if it doesn't work up there I am going to just use it as a layering piece in a hutch or something like that because it is so heavy I was not leaving it for that price because in an antique store it would have probably been anywhere from about $6 to $10 and I was so so stinking excited to find this because I just bought a new set of sheets from Target I'll insert a clip here of what they look like and they are beautiful for spring and summer they have this beautiful blue floral print on them and they come with the KingSize pillowcases but then when I saw this I thought oh my goodness I bet that these would match those sheets perfectly so when I have everything pulled back I have a couple of pillows that I use with Shams just you know for kind of like Decor purposes or whatever that I could put these Shams on and bring out the blue in those sheets y'all it's they're brand new they feel amazing and here's the tag here on the back it just says Navy USA here's the scan thing here in the back there we go sometimes it takes this camera just a hot minute if I can find these online just to kind of give you an idea of how much they would cost a retail I will but yeah it says they're the Euro pillow shams and I do have a couple of pillows that size so I'm hoping they fit yeah for $329 I was super super excited to grab these and I do have two pretty big pieces to show you here at the very end but because I have three little smaller no four little smaller items I want to go ahead and show those to you real quick and then I'm going to show you the two pieces that I am most excited about one of them y'all blows my mind it blew my mind that it was in Goodwill y'all one of the workers helped me Google Lens this because I didn't have that like downloaded as an app on my phone I probably should have but she literally Google lensed this thing and helped me determine what it was and I was like are you kidding me that's at Goodwill for $8 in the buggy please so anyway let me show you the few things left that I got and then I'll show you those other two that I'm most excited about so I got me a night gown and I think it's beautiful I'll try to show y'all it's very very soft look here on the bottom how cute that is it's like a navy blue color here's the it still had the original tag on it and Klein and the retail price tag on it which you know that's probably not what it was in the store that's just what they put but it was says $50 and I was really surprised that Goodwill had it just you know their regular wait where's the little tag right here you can see it just had the regular little Goodwill tag on it which means it's just standard price which was $329 because normally when Goodwill sees something like this and it has that expensive of a price tag on it they try to mark it up but they didn't this one and I was super super excited because I've just decluttered a ton of clothes and I needed some new pajamas okay and then I found this maxi dress the only thing is is after I got home I noticed it had like a little bit of a stain right here you might not be able to see it really good on camera but I'm going to oxy clean that and try to get it out but it's this like really long maxi dress and it did not come with the belt so in the store it did not have a belt but it did have the little Loops here and so when I got home I just pulled this little belt out of my closet to see what it would look like with that and then I have a pair of leather sandals that I think will look pretty with this as well so yeah I was excited to get this I love like longer maxi dresses but they're very hard to find for me because I'm so short so I tried this one on in Goodwill over my clothes just to make sure it wasn't too long and it's not it is perfect so I haven't washed this yet I just put it on this hanger to kind of show y'all so yeah and here's what just what the back looks like it's just plain because I'm not really a fussy dresser y mean y wear ball cap everywhere I go so the next couple of things are just for the kiddos and I'm going to put this in our stash it's just this little package of paint brushes they're probably only a dollar at the Dollar Tree but I paid $129 because I was already at the Goodwill and I would have probably forgot next time I was at the dollar store or wherever so I went ahead and grabbed these for $129 just to put in the little paintbrush stash we have that is looking pretty bare right now and then again because I have been decluttering a ton and every time one of the kids comes over here they take some of their little kids cups and they have it full of stuff well they ended up they end up taking them all home excuse me like so I have no cups left here really for the kids and now Bry she's nine so she don't really want like little kid cups or you know like toddler baby cups she could really just use uh you know cups like we use but she really likes these kind of cups that are like these water bottle type cups and it just makes her feel special to know that when she comes to my house she has her own special cup and because she is bigger it just has the little screw top which she likes because if she wants to take it back to the back room or something like that she knows that you know we wanted to have a lid on it so she'll she'll like that it's just this little um it says reduce I don't know nothing about this brand or whatever but I thought it was really cute with this little I don't know I guess it's a porcupine and it'll be easy to wash I I am not a fond of or and I probably never have thrifted um cups with a straw you know like the the cups that come attached with the straw in it like I just can't do it so anyway this one will be very easy to clean and I think she'll be excited to have that and it was only $129 it'll keep her drink cold or hot whatever she's deciding to have sorry it wouldn't Focus for me but yeah $129 okay are y'all ready to see this thing that we Google lensed that I was mind blown that was at the Goodwill let me show you some of y'all are going to be like what what in the actual why is she excited about that but y'all I am it is Rusty and crusty and I absolutely love this piece this is right up my alley this is just the type of Decor that I love and I'm going to try to show it to you all the way around just so to give you an idea let's stop right here while we're on the back and show you the price $829 and then look here at this side and then here is the front again so let me get y'all a little closer I'm sorry if you can see you know my camera and all but that's just the way it is but y'all this is and and I'll put up on the screen here too what we pulled up on Google Lens this is an antique countertop pie safe if you know you know so this is how it opens it's kind of getting stuck over over here and like I said it is really you know these are all really you know crusty but I'm going to take these out these little racks are really really crusty right here you look in here and you get kind of kind of close excuse me in here you can see where these um can go up or here or one can even go down here and I think maybe this one I don't know I guess this one's just on the Bott I don't know I have to do it a little I have to do a little more research or if you know please let me know down in the comment section but I was so stinking excited to find this because it is not every day that you find an antique at Goodwill y'all hey Ry what are you doing did you want to come hang out at Mimi's house yeah can you tell all my friends hi on the camera hi mim's doing a thrift haul are you going to hang out with me for a little while yeah you want to go play with beiz or get your cars um um um I want to go play with be okay you look hot did you play you have fun at school today yeah I run fast away went in Benjamin cuz I was timing there oh you was okay well give me kissy all right go see B let me show youall the last find you probably know what it is if you saw the thumbnail picture but I'm going to take you to the back of the house and show it to you because I took it back there just to make sure that the colors and all were going to look right it's playing the piano in the background but I wanted to show y'all this little side table I don't know if I'm going to keep it in this guest bedroom and replace replace it with that table back there or if I'm going to put it in my master bedroom because the color of this and like this the um finish on it and everything matches this vanity and it also matches my bedroom furniture almost exactly and I've been wanting to change out what I use for my end table in my master bedroom for a while I use a sewing machine table and I love it but I've kind of been wanting something different so anyway let's get back to talking about this y'all I was super super excited I pulled this out I knew it looked old and I just love a round end table and so when I got to look in the little brass pieces here on the drawer and little pieces here on the feet are brass as well and I love the pedestal style tables I just love this so much and then when I open this this up of course I saw this right here and then I noticed the name that is like burnt in there or almost engraved so it got me curious when I got home I was like okay so this piece and it's definitely you know it's definitely been beat up a little bit which is okay just shows that it was loved so I got curious I was like well what is a what is murma brand I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right I got to kind of looking online and researching it and y'all this is an antique PE side table so I flipped it over let me show youall in the store I flipped it over and looked underneath it because I always do that when I buy a piece of furniture that's nothing unusual for me to do and then I saw this right here this m MMA mman I don't have my glasses on what does it say y'all merman and then it has this 25 um 24 I think is what it says so I looked this up and y'all this is an antique table there's another Peak at the little brass things on the feet and online it is worth quite a bit of money you know I'm not a reseller and Brands and stuff really don't matter to me but quality old antique and vintage pieces they do matter to me because that stuff will last forever so yes to say that I was excited about this little pie safe and I'm not really sure I have an idea of where I'm going to put this and in this video y'all it is just going to be the thrifting and the thrift haul but I'm going to be back here on Tuesday with like a little bonus or an extra video for y'all showing y'all how I've cleaned all of these pieces up and how I am using and styling them in my home because today is Thursday tomorrow is Friday when this video is coming up because again I've been so busy at home painting and doing all kind of things I almost forgot what day of the week it was now that Elizabeth is driving has her own car wooo I kind of forget what day it is because I don't really have anywhere I have to be and I was like it is Thursday because I do put a video out every Friday I haven't been thrifting or anything lately because I've just been so busy so I did run up to my local Goodwill and found all of the amazing things it is always when you least expect to find anything that you find amazing items and y'all this little this little pie safe right here when me and the worker were looking it up and trying to figure it out there was a man standing right behind us and he he stood there y'all and he watched us and he listened the whole time I almost positive he was just waiting for me to put this thing back on the Shelf so he could snatch it look at the handle again on this y'all so fun like it's a little like I said it gets a little stuck but over here in the corner but I think my husband might be able to put a little grease or just bend that back in and uh was that a good banana Riot okay he had to come get him a snack so anyway I'm going to quit rambling I found some amazing things I'm super excited please don't forget to go check out now Cara's Channel atth cook crew and you can get all kind of different inspiration over there as well go give her some support and subscribe to her Channel if you like what you see be sure and like her video and in the meantime I'm going to get all this stuff cleaned up styled and situated in my home and then I'll meet y'all back here Tuesday for a styling thrifted finds video and I am super excited to share that with y'all we hope y'all have a wonderful week we love y'all and I'll see you next Tuesday with a brand new video every not playing car okay can you tell all my friends bye bye [Music]
Channel: Thrilled Thrifter
Views: 145,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrifting goodwill, Thrift haul, Thrift with me, Thrift shopping, Thrilled Thrifter, How to thrift shop, Thrifting tips
Id: tK5jkdg3HNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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