Bought SOO much I needed help! Thrifting Goodwill🔥

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is this a section where everybody just donated very large objects I don't know it's my day I needed this I needed this remember how you said we were doing like a shop expansion oh my gosh girl I gotcha got a Goodwill today you're gonna find some good stuff hey I'm Sonia I pick and I paint and I source for my store I'm a reseller and a creative entrepreneur I left the corporate world behind and I would not have it any other way let's enjoy some time together and do a little picking somebody's car horn is going off we're heading into Goodwill for better sights and sounds in here oh the annoying sound we have our beds I can tell you it is much more cooler than relaxing in here it's warm day out there the smoke is a little better today we've been affected by all the Canadian wildfires badly today does seem a little clearer boy this is really nice isn't it I love the color of that earthiness of that overstuffed couch and then let's see they want a hundred dollars for the table what do you think too much or just right I personally think it's too much I do like this when you see these things these pieces um I see actually it has a chip on it right up there but when I see these pieces I go I love that but then I also know that you have to bring it home you have to pack it up and you make have to make sure it survives otherwise it gets broken it's very sad it's pretty love that blue and white plate it's got like holes in the side of it I've never seen that before 4.99 it's pretty guys where should we start in here oh I get so excited you know when you take a look back and you have all these shelves to go through it's just a little exciting oh lie it's a little exciting this is really cute here I've sold a bunch of these do you remember I had one it was like a brown earthy color and I called it the biscotti there's price on this right now but it's sold I'm telling you even Matt was like that is not a nice looking like he didn't like the style of it and I'm like no I'm telling you somebody will see it and love it you guys did this is really pretty this is old it's got a crack on it I just gotta look 2.99 it does look like it's been around for a long time it's really sweet you know I love the mercury glass bowls five dollars I'm gonna take this one make sure there's no I always do the little check to make sure there's no chips that is that's a shell of a different sort I can't say I've ever seen one like that before Matt is over at um Home Depot getting some saw blades as we expand the store we need to cut a countertop today if he does join me I'm going to ask him what he thinks this is does anybody live near a beach or something that they would recognize that it's a really interesting show I've never seen one like that before it's very weird looking oh my gosh yes oh this is a big big piece put you down for a second let's check it out I have no idea what the price is the top is gorgeous things great 6.99 it's got this antiquey painted flower gold roses in the background I guess somebody who thrifts and resales this is a piece but if I could find day after day I would pick up that just would be and I will say that storage things always sell really really well because we like you know we like things to store our trivia things in our valuable things in okay look at you over here you got my attention two-piece it's a cantaloupe I think wow those are really nice okay chicken rooster lovers oh my goodness what are they made out of heavy I don't know if it's a ceramic like heavy resin plastic I think they're so cool they got the distress kind of kind of Cindy cozy look but look they've got a little detail on I'm telling you I think those are cool now they are seven dollars each so I'm going to leave them here perfect for a great like Direct Buy but I'm looking to resell so it's gonna put me at the price point that I'd like to be but I guarantee you somebody will come by and fall in love with that don't know what that is what do you put in the hair you think eggs what is this oh I like this back here that's really nice I just like the design beautiful capable Worthy really nice microwave safe that's really pretty I'm really tempted to get this piece I like that this little jug has polka dots on it happy 40th bee love d-e-d-n-n that is so sweet what's the price 1.89 can we take a minute to talk about how cute that is I go on it it's got polka dots it's got some really cool colors bird yes I love how it's got that old and Tiki look almost like a concrete stone too much that is so pretty oh it's the 24 Karat covered stuff 2.99 would be so perfect for a succulent oh my goodness Maybe a 299 I want to get that one the pieces of it so I don't know what I have left in stock and what I don't have right now sold but we're just gonna keep buying it because it sells other people love their gold too what is that oh my gosh gosh actually has flowers on the inside it's 12 . wow that's really something that's beautiful okay Mr dolphin you're super cute too you're a homemade Studio Art peas so 2.99 I think that's kind of cute I like the marble to make a cute little paint job on there I appreciate their art let's bring a dolphin back to the store you know I always say Critters do really really well let me look in the v section real quick before we go to the next what do we think this about this okay it is an Avon vintage spring Jade bouquet I think that's what the design was it is really really pretty oh yeah now that I say that and I look that up I can see the words v-o-n right there Avon so nothing like to get crazy excited over it's going anywhere from six to nineteen dollars so and it's 4.99 here so it is pretty but I think I'm gonna leave that one today this one's really cool too they obviously know it's vintage and old and special because they have ten dollars onto it it's really pretty oh wow two down here four dollars each big Rose vases this is a Bath and Body Works 3.99 it's got a marble marble I don't think that's real marble but a look-alike of marble in the base it's turned a little bit it's got some Rust in there those really sell well for me though if they're in good shape this thing Terry did here the price on Terry 4.99 that's something to consider the clock down here for 6.99 don't know if it works or not but it will be a cool piece to paint just you know paint and distress it for a cool decorative look this one is called The Flying Cloud I bet you this is the other part through that other cantaloupe I feel like I should I feel like I should bring it back to its missing partner I'm gonna do that it'll be my good deed for the day we're going to reunite to cantaloupes stay tuned now what is this is that like brass pieces 6.99 put you down and open this up okay aluminum parts that make up its feathers and stuff I don't know how old that is all right let me do a quick look at this guy and see if he's I mean he's obviously amazing but let's see if we can find a little bit more about them okay these vintage heavy metal Swan dishes oh my gosh look down there you actually see his foot um carved right there they they're like brass that almost looks like copper and pewter and they're going anywhere from 20 odd to 47 and there's some specific ones I haven't even looked at the bottom of this tag yet but I think I'm gonna take it because I feel like it can fetch a little more than you know if I were to double this it would get way more on this one I feel like this is just going to be a felt bottom yeah I'll get it home and explore a little more but for 6.99 I'm going to go ahead and take that one and there is a market for these to like reach that right there but at least he has this part all right get in you and the bird and the dolphin gonna be a gang now I feel like this duck over here is looking at me like hey you so Kim what about me you know what about me 2.99 I don't know I think I think you're kind of cool I love your mahogany Head color I think you could be a cool planter take that one as well now we got the duck the doll from the Swan and the bird see how it escalates wait more polka dots 29 to go into Fun put your own spoon in there 2.99 I say I say polka dots I mean come on I'll put them right next to this guy here that is adorable there's so many Littles on this in this aisle oh it's hard to stay focused all right let's go in let's just zoom in all right we're going here this is a 7 1997 cute little dish actually let me go ahead and take a look inside of this one the elastic bands off the only thing I can see broken is part of the green um like Leaf do you see it right there you can see the resin it is really really sweet I wish that part wasn't broken though person oh my gosh file this under things I have not yet seen out thrifting and I've seen many thrift aisles this is a two piece set of turkey candle holders yeah from 19 77 possibly no that's not that's actually a marking number all right I'm gonna look these up and see what these are they are very interesting I mean come on one's the last time you saw a vintage set of turkeys okay seeing these vintage napco candle holders selling for 40 and change I actually had to double check yeah for forty four dollars for this set so just a quick look um and I guess I'm seeing a lot of this style going for quite some coins but they are the just the turkey as the planter so it's harder to find it seems like these so I'm gonna take them because there's a lot of profit to be made between 4.99 for two pieces and forty four dollars and so I think I can Price Mine At a very good price point okay one turkey at a time one turkey at a time don't be a turkey song yeah don't be a turkey Sonya take it all at once yes I am that person that will take all the bags of groceries at one time even if it means cutting up the circulation in my arm okay I am that person and if you are too I totally understand you oh look at this these are all these little bowls cute snowflakes is it a money Bank oh my gosh it is a money Bank and it comes with 4.99 some kid's gonna come along and be like I need that listen there's money in it maybe a little angry cat but kitty cats sell really well so it could be a possibility you can't quite see everything but I do see what this see this birds back it's feather 2.99 it could be like what it could be a candle holder I guess how's his eyes look I'm gonna have to do oh no that's fine he's fine we're all fine we're gonna take him look at his pretty colors it's golden colorful wow look at the big horse oh what are you look at this duck kind of day and Brass duck all right but yeah look at that horse she's Majestic and beautiful dream big little one oh my goodness how sweet is that sweet I love that chalkboard Style colors that is so pretty I mean if you needed something to make an impact and color that'd be so sweet six dollars somebody will come and enjoy that see what else is down here oh my this is right up my alley here actually let me take a look at that because if I walk away I might regret it later all right you sit down there look at this big tile it's you know it's just made to look old it's newer piece I don't have to love it wow are there two here no just one all right what do you think cool decorative tile like that would be a Glide out together 6.99 6.99 I do like I like the grungy element to it core piece all right I think I'm gonna hold on to this because I'm gonna think about how I would use it in my store if not I could flip it and sell it um I did it just so you probably saw one of my short videos I did just sell um Team asparagus look team asparagus where's Matt when you need them but I did just sell my big red tile so I know these will sell oh one of my favorite flowers very cute I think I remember these from like the 80s I feel like I've seen these he's been around for a long time sorry sometimes here in this section oh my gosh is that she said you know I get a lot of um it says for my shop to display things on here for 2.99 2.99 it's pretty thin so it had to be pretty small I can think of anything that I would put on that to sell I would definitely buy it it's pretty this is those diamond paintings that you can do oh wow cool like that that looks like a sewing box so what is this I don't know what that is I guess it's just a piece you hang on your wall geometric modern piece oh yeah one of these what's the price 2.99 yes these little brass bins go people like homework just for Planters and stuff like that so I'm gonna put him down there I remember the time I helped Riley build his pinewood derby car trust me it wasn't as special as that one holy moly that one's nice it's like made solid wood okay what do we see here in this section it's a little heart it's really sweet really sweet and it looks like Karen did these I gotta look at this real quick this is the Hummel 6.99 I remember I found two frames I don't know if you were with me on that travel and they were in brass frames and I love the frames I feel like the frames really added a lot to it they sold I put them for 14.99 each and the set found a home this is 14.99 um I really think that are sorry 4.99 I think that's really pretty it's a hand-painted candle holder by Karen I can appreciate her work let's grab that one all right end cap time what do we got down here here fresh strawberries those are nice how much are those ten dollars for the set I like these I really like these I think somebody would love this set ten dollars three pieces I think three and change a piece basic math we are going to grab these anything brass and gold does really well for me good I like that you know how at the beginning we were looking at these big tall glass candle holder those are not going to break on the way home he's heavy five dollars you could be a quick change as well quick flip make five dollars pretty fast on that one I can actually get a little bit more let me move this mercury glass dish because she's the most fragile just started back in here because I saw this 2.99 it's got the little hangy thing so was like a little like if you're making a gallery wall if there's anything right here like we're anything weird is it a weird face you know it just looks like a scallop I think I'm gonna grab this one I've been seeing a lot of people come shop my Thrift stuff for Moody maximalism decor do you like the color of that orange oh it's sold it's it's a really popular color this earthy orange color everybody just wants natural and earthiness in their lives today a few years so we just kind of want to settle down and have things that make us feel grounded to a peek over here I should go up that section over there that's where the uh what do you call it the frames are so many cool frames it's gold frame is calling me 299 Max studio I'm gonna grab this one I think this is a nice frame I can reuse that one really cool look it's a frame that's got some flowers onto it oh my this one's calling me as well like the feathers oh there's a little monkey on them tulips pretty colors classic brass frame which I might need this one in my life might need this one for store Decor six dollars hmm do I want to pay that much and I never even looked to see like what the tag color is today this is purple I'm gonna see what the what tag is off if it would happen to be purple I'm coming back for that one solid brass 2.99 that is up my alley yes I do like that one that one's I'm gonna take for sure I like the price point on that one wow look at that frame how much is this Frame I need that for shock decor and it has no glass or anything in it but I'm gonna tell you that if I were to paint that gold that would be magnificent also I know this clock is missing a center but I do love the overall look of it I could use that and put something else in the center okay let me find some prices I can't wait till Matt comes back from home decor and a phase two pieces work out really well he's gonna be like shouldn't have left me dude okay and then I find this piece inside I haven't even gotten to the big piece yet but this is 4.99 I'm gonna take this because I'm gonna spray paint this gold and it's gonna be love it's gonna be absolutely love all right now I need a price on you 7.99 I am going to go ahead and take you home look at that we're gonna paint that one in gold and we're gonna turn it into part of our shop Decor I don't even know what's back there is this a section where everybody just donated very large objects I don't know it's my day I needed this I needed this remember how you said we were doing like a shop expansion oh my gosh it's like the universe said girl I gotcha got a Goodwill today you're gonna find some good stuff it's in this giant thing all right anybody see it oh 20 which is hilarious because I don't know I guess I mean that's like 7.99 that's 20. that's a big leap by the way blue tag all right here's where we really have to find out we'll take this off and that's all pictures I'm not really interested in that one but this guy is 7.99 I need it I need it I need it I need it look at that this one's yellow it's got a Tangy tag oh yes we're gonna take that one all right I'm going to have to um we're not in the van today we're in a rental car I don't think I told you guys but our car got hit in our shop parking lot the other day well not the other day it was a couple weeks ago so it is in the shop getting repaired we have a rental and I don't have a whole lot of space so I might have to come back let me find that if they have a holding area for these pieces okay update pink is the tag that's half off today which one of my I'm gonna call my Goodwill buddies because you see me here enough that I know him by name he's helping me bring the big pieces to the front thankfully and um the mirror the Big Frame the 7.99 it's actually half of that was only four dollars so we're gonna paint that um by the way if you'd like to follow my creative projects go over to brush life that's where I kind of do the behind the scenes um around the shop at my business talk a little bit about what's going on after I get all these things thrifted so if you'd like to follow the creative Biz in life you're going to want to go over there all right I'm gonna wait for him to come back so I can move and not hold this against my body Furniture here and I like that Furniture here not gonna lie I love those colors very Vivid not for everyone but I can appreciate that this one's 29.99 cool anything can be painted if you see something and you don't even like the color of it just paint it doesn't it feel so Grand and Gothic and gold and like I don't know Hollywood Regency oh my gosh look at that one back there too my nose is getting itchy it's big that's off all right it has a plug oh it says it's been tested I think I'm gonna test it myself and I am going to buy this gorgeous lamp I love the base of this one in here as well do you see that that the red and the black see trying to look and see I get excited sometimes and I'm talking to you guys my voice gets louder and all of a sudden people start circular maybe I should just follow her 18 purple it's a possibility now I'm not in love like I love the Deep black shade on this that one is a white shade still possible let me think on it all right I'm getting that lamp I'm getting the lamp I called Matt and I'm like listen I found something I need it for the shop I'm just letting you know now just letting you know now be prepared so now that I have that theme set we're going to go ahead oh I need to return the candle up to his friend all right we can't lose sight of that mission um oh my gosh guys oh my gosh do you think that's enough space it's like playing Tetris I might have to put this whole thing back just for the fit now that I think about it I feel this might be a better idea the other is screaming right now girl listen I need you to be here okay I need you to be here you could be here for me this is nice when it when you're you are thrifting with a friend because they're like yeah I'll hold that for you go help you get some help situation can't deny oh yeah so when I'm out thrifting honestly I try to manage it between creating a shop that everybody would love and to create an experience it's down there look at that ottoman down there those are both cool pieces um and funny stuff to resell because when you have a store you know you kind of have to manage like this is so nice you got to manage just a really cool oh my I'm just I want this piece too oh my gosh and look at that gold table with the legs those are beautiful pieces 12.99 pink is off but that's purple so it would be that look at that one on there Matt has joined me on my shopping yeah careful there's lots of breakables down there so we got a post we came to Goodwill we bought a post and it's pink so it is half off we're gonna use it for store Decor yeah right you guys got a lot today look at that yeah it was not 39 before chairs are also something that's not very cheap look at all the trunks that are here too we have a bunch a period of time where they didn't they went away from furniture um okay that's nice 125. gold table right there I'm gonna drop this load off at the store and then size up my space for what I'm working on and see if I want to come back and get anything else um and think about that but yeah look at that blue trunk right there pretty cool as well all right we got stuff at the uh rent desk we got a giant load here and we have to find I need to put the cantaloupe back as his friend okay see you in the next Vlog friends see you over in Brush life as well for some creative projects all right let's go ahead and make the drop off here together [Music] back where we started two piece here is your friend so you can be together you guys got separated there you go I hope you get adopted all right
Channel: Sonia Miller
Views: 49,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my thrifting business, how i thrift for resell, what i buy for resell, reseller, reselling thrifted home decor at my store, my thrift business, how i source for my second hand shop, goodwill shopping, shopping home decor at goodwill, what i found to resell at goodwill, making money off goodwill home decor, flipping goodwill home decor, making profit off goodwill home decor, finding and selling goodwill items, what to buy at goodwill to flip, sonia miller, thrift with me, thrift
Id: ZEjjo0M8lCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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