Exposing the BIGGEST MAGIC TRICKS secrets

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I'm gonna expose magic tricks and really cool magic tricks you're a wizard Harry first let's see the magics trick and then I'm gonna show you how it's done when you're trying to get comfortable in your sleep oh I could never fall asleep at night dude I feel you feel you oh okay so where's the magic it's about to come but first you gotta set at least five alarms in case you miss the first one who's with me I said like five and I always missed the first one I hit that snooze like no it's never been hit before okay guys he's transformed but wait that's not even him that's a girl honey that is somebody completely different okay also it couldn't be him because he couldn't change that fast could he where did he go I honestly this whole scene is just like my brain before it exactly it's like this is terrifying where did the man go the man who was sleeping in the bed it's like a bad dream or something wait no way that's him he just came through the fire you guys are like how did this happen oh no when you haven't done your house chores do it same mom when you haven't done your house Tori oh oh no oh no there's a cage is he gonna go into the naughty cage cuz he hasn't been how's yours yeah he was in the cage guys he's in the cage and they're wrapping him up okay I'm scared of all these people who look like they're from the movie Mad Max what are they trying to do why they wrap it up in a cage like this is not the person's present anybody means nobody asks for this I like still want to know how he disappeared and reappeared and where the girl came from it's he gonna disappear from the cage I feel like that's what's gonna happen but I'm watching the cage like a hawk like he could go nowhere he could nowhere right he's still in the cage right maybe he's on the page Oh No okay guys make sure to type F in the comments to pay your respects for the man in the cage cuz he's the limit okay that looks very flat there's no way he shouldn't know right everyone's face would be like woods he literally just came out of nowhere out of nowhere that's the real magic trick if you ask me it was a dream now you're wondering Ozzy how do you do that a person named Marcel first settles down for a night's sleep before all these following horrific things pan out okay just when everyone's wondering what's going to happen Marcel covers himself with a blanket and all of a sudden a woman dressed as a witch appears fast seated that so how does he do this awesome switch so if you look really closely there's a curve under the bed and under the bed there's actually enough space for him to sneak in I still don't know how he does it so fast but he does it he's probably practiced a million times so here's the bed and you can see the compartment there so the bet is like really missin over here but really all of this is space and it's like a fake mattress you see what I'm saying so he's not just in this thin part he's in this whole part but he gets sneakier okay cuz there's actually a sliding compartment that slides open he slides in and he just fits there like a tuna in a can if you remember in during this part this masked man scares these people behind the stage and that's not for no reason that's the distract people from the fact that the woman is switching places with the guy because if they could see here people would see it see you saw her in it like poke out for a second or it not been your hand but like there's someone there can't fool me I mean I did get fooled but not me here's a beautiful drawing of what it looks like she's probably hidden like that and then they switch spots somehow like really fast he gets into the cubby closes the door and then the witch appears and you're like how but not you know how but don't worry there's more cuz how to heap here in the fire what happened in the cage can now we're gonna talk about the second trick okay how he gets onto the stage okay behind the fire so they joined the bed with the platform they spin it around as you can see right here it's joint and he can go through the bed into the platform the platform also has a compartment that can hide him look you seem like you can just like and just sneak it and now I'm just like one with the platform see that's like curved area that's enough to fit a human apparently I wouldn't say it's comfortable but it's there so now they perform she lights the stage her fire and while that happens he quickly stands up and there he is but there's more you might look at this and be like hey how did he change clothes so fast he was in a space this small how did he change clothes I got an answer for everything literally got an answer for everything the trick to this is he was already wearing the clothes look underneath the collar you can see a little bit of a you can see it now this is the final part how does he get in the cage first of all they cause a distraction by causing the little fight scene and then somebody else brings on another stage with a cage attached they push him into the cage they wrap him up real nice and tight as he carries a burrito but he's not and then they attach the platform back onto the bed which nobody sees cuz everybody's distracted by all this fight seeming warm up while that happens he slides back into the bed like so you know out of the cage into the bed and then they lift the cage up like what if he wasn't fast enough and he was still in the cage literally I don't know how people do it petitions like yes and that's why they can poke the spirit because nobody's inside nothing much so anyways he's in the bed like this showing this beautiful drawing that I can't take credit for that they covered the bed with the sheet this gives him enough time to hop out and wake up from his dream and leave the rest of us in total shock visa for us right now because we smarter than that on to the next magic trick no I can't how him pulled this is Eric's it really you got this awesome do you guys know what I was helping with you you should wall something interesting with a packet playing I'm just a last thing let's say they use this one right on the face of the card thank you we've got the face of the card with Chris's signature on it but I'm gonna change the back if you watch it happens on the count of three that's right that's two wait how do you do that I didn't even see that oh did you guys see that cuz I didn't see that the car just like change the cards changed but also anyone else sugar he didn't say three wait to see how the car changes but also that's to do say three please take a look at it make sure it is exactly what it seems to be that's my damn card now I do have a bone to pick with you and the truth of the matter is I have kind of taken it to R and in fact I brought a special magic wand here well no you don't want to mess with real hammers but you especially don't want to mess with magical hammers or completely been what it's just vanished but for your safety I want you to move down to the other side of the table not sergeant and we love you guys just mind just sliding down just to shore this is gonna be interesting when the card vanishes people always ask where your where'd it go break the buzzer is that even though Wow be here on the table if you don't mind sir okay that's impressive the car was in there but also is it the same card but also do to pay to fix the buzzer open it up and tell me is that it is [Applause] like so what do you did I have no idea how to get that here is a secret guys before he made the card vanish in his hand there's a trick he moved it from one hand to another secretly so you think it's in his right hand but really it's in his left hand a little sleight of hand see no card is there a no can't see that because of the camera angles but it's hidden in that heads and then he hits the hand and you're like dream the buzzer actually already had a card in it but it's not the card that is in his head currently this still leaves a lot of questions because you're like but then how to get the signature on the card be patient I got you there's a fake buzzer actually on top of the real buzzer because you know they wouldn't actually like him ruin the buzzer just look at that fake card coming out remember earlier when I said he transferred it to the can with the hammer it's still in that hand it's never moved so he quickly quick Philippe on those not a word I'm just I'm just really excited he quickly transfers one card with the other card swaps them before anybody could notice hands it to the guy and the guy's like yo it's my party everyone's impressed match I'm so cool anyways guys I don't want to spoil all the magic tricks for you on us well if you want them to spoil let me know and I could do more of these videos I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me a nice other bye bye [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 1,952,686
Rating: 4.6379848 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, reaction, reacting, funny, exposing, the, biggest, magic, tricks, secrets, amazing magic
Id: YIwIcCqfQd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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