I Helped The Krays Dispose Of A Dead Body | Minutes With | @LADbible

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foreign can you just talk about what your Early Childhood was like and and who your family were yeah but I mean I was brought by a great family we were living in fitzrovia my mum was a Catholic my dad was great thought Greek authored the Orthodox but he left my mum to bring us up to what church she wanted to and um so from there we moved up at the East End now the East End is a totally different culture to fit in where did I fit in I fitted in with all the kind of wrong people the bad boys and we form little things and we go around Nick and lead or something else like that my mother and father never knew nothing about that in fact they didn't even know I never went to school because I was bunking off all the time and I just went down the drain I started make sure when the wrong kids got in a fight it's got in arguments and different things but the thing was I learned to stand up for myself there because you know a young guy I tried to take my brother Tony uh you know and give a bash in and I got stuck into him and all the other kids Behind themselves from now onwards and I saw that you know violence was a way of controlling situations and uh it became kind of a way of life and it was one prison sentence after another got done for blind safes got got done for violence got done for many other things so it was in and out of prison and I worked with a little firm from out of West London and they were in the safe line so we get the general night and we go in post office or wherever and blood is safe then unfortunately uh I got involved with a craze Ally actually met the craze was I arranged to meet a guy called Cornelius Whitehead and I went down there to meet him and he didn't turn up Ronnie Bender The Craze driver drove by he said Chris what are you doing now I said would like to meet somebody at the blind bagel and answer and up and I'm catching a bus because my car's in the garage camera he said I'll give you a lift he said the twins want to meet you I said look I don't want to meet him thanks you know I'm okay if you need a few quid I'll help you out but I don't particularly want to meet them he said Chrissy said Tony's down there my brother I had to go so when I go down there they were perfect gentlemen spoke to me said Chris we're opening the club in Leicester where my brother's child is opening it were you help us out could you bring anybody over there from Birmingham I was doing right well in Birmingham because the car industry had just taken off there gambling had just been allowed so there were casinos betting shops all that kind of thing so I said yeah I said if I can help so I started taking people over to our Gamble and they did very well and it authored back to the craze they knew people who were clever they knew people who were devious they knew everything they knew if there was a robbery there they knew who'd done it no matter where we went the people who were doing the moving were people like Charlie and a couple of the other lads they were the ones who who moved out of London the Twins were stuck in the East End they weren't interested in the bright lights they wanted the bright lights to come at them but they were pleased I was taking people over there who had money and could do stuff and everything worked out fine then I'd have a drink with them I'd go down the SIM and they were always always really polite and I remember they said to me Chris we got a problem won the lads it was very very well known God Rest his soul a good bloke uh is in jail and his misses are having it with somebody on Romford Market um yeah what's the problem well it's got to be sorted he wants him up he doesn't want him dead so okay it's going to be dumb and I went to walk away and Ronnie Craig said to me Chris he said I've got something for you and he gave me a watch and it was solid gold Waltham which they'd bought out a watch as a Piccadilly can I just ask what the the difference between the personalities of Ronnie and Reggie was Reggie was somebody who was quite deep emotionally deep his fault was he was a drinker was on gin all the time and taking speed he he came to me one day and he said Chris he said look that girl we said you were with you or used to be with he said um I like her he said could I talk to her he didn't he didn't just go and talk to her he came and asked me was it all right and I said yeah I said she's three or three I'm no longer with her she's a nice person you know get together if that's what you want Ronnie was a different kind of the fish altogether Ronnie was somebody I mean in the films you've got this party animal for a shootout nothing like that they was like more diplomatic than that but all the time the diploma the diplomacy was another thing he was looking out of his lenses on underneath her feet thinking yeah paranoid you know what are you at I want to find out and the only way I'm going to find out is not by shouting at you not by bullying you not being a nice person it's always nice to be nice it don't cost nothing it can be quite rewarding and that was Ronnie Craig's attitude but deep down was just tormented demonized man when he didn't take his medication he was off the Spectrum he was off the roof and you never knew what was going to happen and invariably Ronnie and Reggie having a fight and Charlie cray trying to separate him because of any of the firm or anybody else got involved they're starting to mend a pair of them so you couldn't you couldn't win my relationship was always good with them to be honest with you I presented no threat to them I presented somebody who could help him and I remember Ronnie saying to me one day he said Chrissy said if anybody ever touch regime he said I've put a dynamite jacket on as a detonators ready he said I'd like him and I'd walk amongst that right amongst them and I'd blow the law and he meant it he meant it he would be prepared to die for his brother and it was reversed the same thing went to a club called the dolls Club in Birmingham uh and a guy called Ray Mills a very good friend Jason lad said to me Chris he said we're going down I'm going down to London tomorrow but he had come down he said I've never met your brother Tony and you've never met my brother Alan yeah just come down and say hello and uh met him and we drive down to London then we came over to the East End and we went to a pub on the bathroom Green Road and their mother was in there old Charlie and the family and the firm and we had a nice drink and everybody was polite and everything went well and Tony said let's go to the Regency Club he said the Middlesbrough had never been there I said I want to go to the the region so it's Saturday night gangsters there sadly I relented Norwin and uh when we go there there's a room that goes around there's a party and Jack make that he comes up to me who I like Jack Jack the Hat was a local Criminal and people likes him I mean is it fun kind of character when he lost it he could be quite nasty but all I ever saw of Jack Jack was a fun guy and he come up and said there's a party guy and he said are you coming I said what part he said blonde carols my car outside the Regency Club this must be about sort of our past 12 at night is locked in by other cars there were a lot of people there and Jackson will go in my car and we went to every Road we get out of the car I got into and he goes in The Mills Brothers and Jack comes in Jack runs into the room shouting out where's the birds where's the party where's the music and when it was all playing and what people there dancing and what have you and uh a scuffle started an argument also didn't come down if it is I came out for for a drink anyway Ronnie Craig came out he said what's the matter see Chris said he didn't come down here but it's a requested drop him off home because I did quite a lot to drink behind you know and I didn't like it I didn't like what was happening anyway I saw a gun come out but the gun didn't work so it was a frighten as far as I could see anyway a man called Connie White had took me home I'm sitting at home and I'm thinking well Tony is there and my car's up there you know I'm sobering up now I've had a coffee and what have you with my dad and I called a cab well run down and got in a cab and went up to Regency Club and got my car and then drove around to the uh to every Road but I'd also got a gun just in case anything had happened it's only and I went and knocked on the door and Ronnie Bender came in the door I said Saturday down there Ron he said no Chris he said it's gone and I said all right we're going to see you later when I walked away said Don't Leave Me now we're talking about a regular Soldier a good guy you know guy didn't fry an easy or anything and I said Ronnie what do you mean don't leave you he said they've killed him I said what could we do he said kill jacket I said no no no not in a million years not in front of a load of people like that that's impossible I said where are they he said never run away I said a nephew and what's your instructions that they want me to take the body carry out to the Railway Bridge and Chuck it over the bridge so that it can get messed up by a train I said you mean to tell me that you have got to carry a dead body the blood's still coming out of it I said and and you are actually going to throw it over a Railway Bridge to get to the Railway Bridge you've got to walk 100 yards you can't do it he said please Chris help me so I thought everybody's dessert you've got nobody you know you you're a decent man if if you ask me if I asked you for help you'd help me I know that so I went in and we walked downstairs and I walked in the front room and there's a body line there which krayton had had killed him Reggie it was Reggie and Reggie wasn't on the surface a violent man always polite always thoughtful always a good character treated people nicely what he did in quiet was a totally different thing so I said with Ronnie bend the wind downstairs and I realized Jack I had been murdered I walked into the kitchen and there was a basket of washing up the washing stuff clothing and I looked through it and I found some socks I'll give Ronnie Bender a pair and I took a pair and we put them on our hands we couldn't have gloves nobody was expecting to go in to that kind of situation and we went around and we tidied everything up I went upstairs to the bedroom so I got an idea down off the bed I took it downstairs and Ronnie bender and I had managed to get Jack on into the on the outside of down and we wrapped him up and we tidied everything up around obviously blood stains on the carpet we managed to get a knife and cut the carpet up and what have you and we we did the best we could in the meantime and not came at a door my brother Tony came looking for me and he found saw my car outside and he was involved and then again another knock on the door it's blonde Carroll she's come back to her flat with her boyfriend George and I'm carrying up a bucket full of blood in the you know with a clutch where we've been cleaning up to put down a toilet which was on the next floor and Carol came in and she said what's happening Chris where's the party I said no it's over I said but there's been one or two problems I want you to go in your bedroom and don't come out until I tell you we're downstairs we're running bender and Tony we managed to get the body in the either down up the stairs and into the hallway it certainly weren't going in my car but we actually wanted to get him into Jack's own car people say they put a dead body in the boot of a kite it's impossible so we've got Jack in the book in in the back seat of the car laid him out there and then there's an argument Ronnie Bender said I'm not driving that car and he was adamant he was not going to drive it I couldn't drive it because I'm driving my own car and Tony said I'll do it believe me that took some guts to turn around and say you're gonna drive a dead body went outside we followed Tony we followed him down a Mastery and then a police car pulled out in front of Tony I think please don't stop please don't stop I don't want to do it but if you stop my brother and there's a body in the car he's going to be a crucial murder he didn't commit and everything else on it and I'm gonna have to shoot you to get him away and that's that that's The Madness of it all is there any sanity in it there is no Sunny throughout the whole situation anyway the police car turned off thank God and when we went down the Journey Down The Mayor Street and kept on until we got the Blackwood tunnel we lost Tony and we were driving round streets looking for him and eventually we saw him and he was outside of church the card ran out of petrol outside of church and there'd been a wedding there that day because they were all kind of petals and all the rest of it and I thought well somebody will find it that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned you know we've got it off our manner it's kind of away from everybody somebody will come to church or whatever they come out have a look in the car see her body call the police so there's been an argument in South London it's definitely not East London I looked in the paper the next day nothing at all for radio nothing at all so what the hell's going on there I don't know that the craze have got in touch with their brother Charlie and got in touch with uh Freddie Foreman and uh and drag them into it so we are really talking about sensible people here very clever criminals masterminds of criminal intelligence and all this has gone on total total chaos total total insanity total Madness and I thought everybody will keep quiet there'd be no no problems nobody's going to say anything uh and the next thing was they all got arrested more or less all at once all the firm but Ronnie Bender tyranny myself no so everything was kind of safe and then what happened was that uh I was arrested at Arts Hotel no I wasn't I was arrested outside the uh a nightclub there and um I was driving down towards the Elbow Room and they surrounded me Paul Shooters out put your hands on top of the car which I did they take me to inside your house on the embankment and I thought we would probably go to Scotland Yard it wasn't that at all and they kind of went in I went into a room they took me in this room and there's photographs of the craze and all their colors are all there and um he said you want to tell us about it I said tell you about what they said they're making murder I said I don't know what you're talking about they said you were there but you left I said no I don't know I honestly do not know what you're talking about murder no and they said look we do know and we know you had nothing to do is tell us about it and neither Yoon or none of your family will be arrested I said I don't know what you're talking about they were loyal to me and I was Lord with them some of them got Nick they never put me away and I certainly wasn't going to put anybody else away whether it was a craze or anybody else you don't say anything you don't stand in the dock and point your finger at people that's the rule of law in the East End it always has been it probably always will be amongst the growing Generations anyway he let me go nipple Reed and he said look there's my card ring me I'm here to help you instead of walking away just forgetting it all I went and saw Mrs Gray I went a bunny or row knocked on the door Violet invited me in and there was a guy called Caroline there with him with a with a family and I said look the police have arrested me but they they brought me down to London I've been to a place called tintage House believe me there's a lot going on they've got boards full of connections and everything else with the twins up there and it's not looking good and she said Chris do as a favor their friends have desired them please please will you not just come and tell them what you told me I said I can't do it Wanda it's too dodgy she went please Chris you're the only one who can help him will you just come and tell him I went to Brixton went in give a moody name and Charlie cray sees me and he goes Chris shouldn't be I said I can't help but I said your mom wanted me to come over just say hello to twins you shouldn't be here and I went over I spoke to him oh they're overjoyed and I told him what had happened they said Chris don't worry about anything it's all sorted you know just make sure people are not talking but then went back to my normal life thinking everything's going to be smooth it's okay there's a criminal masterminds you know they've got connections everywhere police you name it MPS all the rest of it nothing's going to happen but uh it did happen nipple Reed kind of got me in Birmingham again brought me down to London why did you go to uh Brixton prison with Violet crying Charlie cray you were there I said yeah I went to say hello you don't say hello I told you I was trying to help you I told you you had nothing to do with this and that's what we've got now tell us about it what happened I said oh no don't know what you're talking about you're talking a load of rubbish no I'm not talking and I infuriated him that much they he was playing around with a gun on his desk and he ran around the table and he smashed me over there with a gun you don't want to tell me what happened he said charge him with murder and that was Frank cater that the other superintendent and I thought murder and cater went murder he said yeah if he wants to be with a craze he wants to keep shut on it let him be with him let him do the time with him and they charged me with murder they then took me to Bow Street police station and I'm in Bow Street and I can hear voices and then I recognized one as Ronnie bender and the other one was my brother Tony they had been arrested as well and we're going to stand in the dock and I look in the dock that's myself there's Tony Ronnie Bender Reggie Ronnie Freddie Foreman Charlie cray we sit in that dock a one after another he saw the cry firm getting up and giving evidence not against me not against Sony no against Ronnie Bender against the cray twins it started off with the craze going up and they got 30 each which they kind of expected and then Ronnie Bender went up and he got light and 20. me and Tony went up and we got life in 15. Freddie foreman and and Charlie crane went up they got their tens uh Connie White it went up and got seven it the uh in Barry got 25. what did the Christ do they throw all their friends to the walls did they stand up and say no them people shouldn't be doing time we're the ones who should be doing time they didn't commit any murder no they didn't no everybody goes down the Drone and so that was it it was it was a travesty of Justice it's all it's all Fantasy A lot of the stuff I'm sorry to say you know the cry Empire well I mean they were all skimped when they died the englishes weren't paid the full money I saw I believe for the funerals we'll have a look at Ronnie Christ here and all the cars and everything else like that where did they get the money to pay for that they didn't have it someone told me the other day that they had a formal empowermention no they didn't it was somebody else's their mum and dad lived in a council flat in Bunnell row I'd reached a stage where I couldn't cope anymore I wanted to kill myself or killer screw because that way I could justify being in prison I hadn't killed anybody why am I doing a life sentence and all the rest of it and I thought don't think like this you've got to get your head on straight you've got to find something to get you through this and under my bed there were some books that a guy called Stewart Brown had left good panamine and I went through them and there was philosophy there was crime there was this that and the other you know all kinds of books and there was a Bible so I opened the Bible and that was the front door and he came into my life and I've been blessed I've got lovely children that have got University degrees I'm blessed that I've got many many good friends who've helped me have been there for me because you've got to understand that our man suffers in jail I mean that jail can be very nasty but a man in prison deals with reality a day at a time he begins to understand what love is he understands what loneliness is he understands what pain is Disappointment but if your mind is focused on drugs we're focused on money you don't see nothing else you're blind and there is none so blind as them that cannot see and there was nobody more Blinder than me when I'm at The Craze I should have walked away here because I know it wasn't a good thing and it weren't going to end well he went what's going on I said tomorrow I'll sit at seven o'clock in the morning go and get Kennedy that was my sign off shotgun it was named after prison Kennedy I said I want one chamber one back shot filled with rock salt and the other one with the normal bloodshot you know right yeah I'm not missing a bet with these people they're dangerous I'm going to shoot them
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 404,122
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Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, funny videos, documentaries, exclusives, interviews
Id: S-ipBKMvtXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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