I Helped a Subscriber Start a $1,000,000 Business In 48 Hours

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we have 28 hours to make $9 or $50 what do you think is there any way you'd want to do like a $100 deposit today no I'm good no no okay kind a strap for time wrong guy you're wrong guy all right thanks man can I just shoot you a venmo link will you venmo me a dollar we kind of stuck it's your choice if you want to fail or pass this is Jake he's a subscriber just like you and we have flown him to Austin Texas to see if we can start a million-- dooll business in the next 48 hours we're going to be using exact Concepts from my book million dooll weekend to see if it's possible let's find out there are three essential steps for the million dooll weekend process hm step one find a problem people are having that you can solve step two craft an irresistible solution whose million dooll plus potential is backed by simple market research and step three spend no money to quickly validate whether your idea is the real deal or Not by pre-selling it before you build it but first let's meet Jake and know a little bit about him looks like a mirror myself what's up how are you good how you feeling I'm good man I'm excited to actually have to do this thing right dude we got it Jake can you tell us a little about yourself who's Jake who's Jake yeah I got a beautiful wife Ashley we've been together 14 years and we have three beautiful kids we got two boys and then a little girl I was a technical producer at a radio station in Colorado I decided to transition out of that take that love of working with computers and stuff in into Tech what were some of the other ideas you have one was called called clay pow so the idea would be like a subscription based toy rental the other one I dubbed airport opair would there be an opportunity and opair to help you get through the airport and then what's this golf idea so a couple years ago I was playing on a trip with some buddies of mine playing a bunch of different games with the scoring and you're doing a bunch of maths there's all these kind of little things that a full service cier golf Travel Service there is none that's where the idea came from of finding cool golf courses interesting hotels we have 48 hours yeah million doll weekend what's the outcome you're looking for hly like 1,000 bucks out of this weekend would be enough proof to me let's let's go execute on this and let's build that Network out one of the things that that's impactful it is about just getting going and getting that first dollar you know I think sometimes people are like I want to make you know a million it's like well it's holding you back cuz you haven't made one let's get $1 for you right now let's do it why don't we call your brother okay while we're waiting all right sounds good hey what up hey sorry man I need a little favor yeah will you uh will you Veno me a dollar I need some seed money I got you I'm coming through dude I'm rich you that's how it starts it's every company starts $1 I notic you're shaking yeah I just I don't know man I I have I'm normally shaky but yeah I have like a lot of energy going right now as stupid as it sounds it's it's momentum it's a little proof like I got people behind me and it's no different than asking somebody I don't know for 10K for business stuff so it's cool man I like it it's these little things that and that's kicking fear's ass courage really is being afraid and going for it anyway Jake now is going to share about his golf trips business this is the pitch deck that I created around caddy which is the golf company what's the problem you're solving and that people are excited to give you money about the problem I'm solving is that planning a golf trip with friends is time intensive from what I've seen in the market there's not really something that's full service booking you tea times they'll take care of ship your clubs you have to deal with the hotel that's and to do that you either do that on your own which takes a lot of time or you are working with five six different agencies to kind of build this trip for you a little bit about the global Golf Market from a Global Perspective the valuation I found was a little over $23 billion in in 2023 and that's projected to be over 40 billion uh by the end of 2033 there's more courses being built there's more rounds of golf being played and it's getting more and more popular from like a social media and a media rights perspective now the one minute business model is Jake's idea really a money maker or how will he improve it to be significantly profitable the next thing is just understanding very lightly your economics so the one minute business model is what am I selling this for what it costs and then how much am I going to make and is it a million dollar opportunity so this would be an example of four friends going from Dallas to Bandon Dunes Oregon this would be flights from Dallas to Eugene Oregon you have to rent a car you would need an SUV cuz you got clubs and four people the hotel the greens fees and that's kind of your rough total would be 13,800 my business model there right like what's what's a markup for my services to plan all that for them and so I have some different models out of that of 10% 15% or 20% and then some breakdown of what that would mean to to get to a million bucks wow golf is expensive it's really expensive yeah my thought here like that that's a lot of people to sell like how many people in your network do you have you can do this with directly today 25 30 oh that's actually a lot that's good okay step three now it's time for the 48 hour money challenge Jake's got his dream 10 list Jake is going to turn these 10 potential first customers into the option of a million dooll company let's come up with the dream 10 who you think you could sell this to the first two people Ryan pen is a real estate influencer guy I see him all over social media he's been getting super into golf lately do you know all these people personally so I know yeah Chris Kyle Mike Cody Joel Matt and Andrew they play a lot of golf the idea behind the dream 10 is to think about who do I have access to that I know to be able to get a fast response so we can see if this is valid or not so I would be more intentional around who can I email all whatever is the fastest to get a reply today okay we have 32 hours left in the million doll weekend we're going to go see if we can actually get $1,000 profit you ready I'm ready let's go do it okay let's call John I know that you're a golfer and so one of the business ideas I've had is like a full service uh golf travel agency taking care of all aspects of your golf trips what price like what what would be a no-brainer to you I think at 10% was probably reasonable that would be something to just say great this is all planned someone done it for me let's just show up and have a great time do you want to commit to that of having me handle these trips for you the hard thing with me is that I can't Comm actually do trips thank you John I I appreciate it man what about your brother how are you man hey what's up what do you think that'd be worth to you I mean I'd pay 100 bucks is there any way to get a deposit from you today on a commitment to that how about I pay half down and then the other half when the trip comes together yeah that'd be great all right that sounds good man all right good luck all right love you bro see you thank you love it bye nice dude nice great man great progress we have about 28 hours to make $950 what do you think I'm struggling to figure out where that comes from right now what I'm noticing for us is we need urgency of like at least let's go find out if people want this Jake had the idea to ask his friend Andrew for advice it's a great idea we are giving him space to handle this Solo in the Cita after the call we'll check in to see how he did did all right give my buddy Andrew a call here in Austin doing these kind of ideas and one is like planning a golf trip um on the courses you want to play the hotel you want to stay at are there restaurants nearby plug in all your buddies it's tied to your venmo or whatever yeah it is it is a big to-do um especially when it's over a multitude of days and a multitude of games do you use the Grint app Grint no but I'm going to look at that yeah yeah they're they're pretty similar I'm going to call you back I'm going to call you again soon so that was really helpful he's definitely the target of the person that I'm after what's up man what up living in the cedo how's the hustle how we feeling it's good I had a um talk to my buddy Andrew who's a big time golfer there's a service called the Grint which is pretty similar from a app perspective of putting your scores in there and playing games and kind of figuring out that piece he also said he'll sit there in the morning around like a Friday night and sit there and update like to get updates cuz usually it's like 24 hours so people start canceling their tea times and he'll sit there and refresh his browser over and over again to see if tea times become Avail C he was saying I want like hotel tonight for tea times you had your original thing travel agency which we like whatever one just pick one and then let's just go through the people and then see if we can get any of these people actually committing to it so that we can decide is this validated and get three customers or not we need more urgency you have $40 change your life yeah look we can make that difference but we have to grind right now that's the unsexy part of making you know your dream come true I think the last thing but we got to get on the phone and we got to start like feeling a little bit more urgency that I don't want you going home empty Canon and you don't have to okay work on right now okay ready close this that so I've been kind of scrounging my social media Facebook Instagram Twitter just kind of anybody that I know plays golf would be interested in a golf trip so yeah haven't had much success cold calling this afternoon haven't got much much answers have messages and text messages and voicemails out to people so hoping to hear back from them we kind of stuck okay go for a walk I think sometimes when we're in stuff like such an easy fix is just like getting out talking it out changing the scenery right get the blood flowing yeah your journey entrepreneurial Journey how did you deal with that with rejection nose and were you always okay with it yeah it's a test and it's like it's your choice if you want to fail or pass and I don't want to make it it's not so dramatic but the test is hey like I want to have my own business I don't want to always just have this day job I want it to be something I'm not sure what it's going to end up being and maybe it's not happening do I do I really want that the other thing what helps from that mindset is just thinking all right I'm going to try this a certain amount of times before I quit so to be clear to your original question rejection never like I don't think it ever stop stinging yeah you know I don't think there's if anyone's like I never feel rejection it's cuz they're not trying I'm excited for what I'm doing and I'm going to keep going it's my I want to I want to pass my own test that I'm in charge of it's interesting what you would have done in 3 months you did in 24 hours yeah or if I what I might not have done at all and I think it's so powerful for you to remember like why you're doing it and I know I feel like sometimes that's cheesy but at the same time there's a reason it's like what's the end what do I what's my dream that's keeping me motivated when my fear is coming up and when the frustration is coming up yeah it's been literally 12 hours since you got here that's kind of crazy how it felt that 12 hours felt like 12 years it did especially to me wait yeah yeah especially for you man I think you had a lot of progress today it's been super challenging but in a in a good way yeah and you showed up I mean you talked earlier today about your wife and your kids and wanting to show lead by example and you're putting in the work to make it happen it's not easy you know everyone wants to have certain things but not not everyone almost no one is willing to do the work pretty confident that that tomorrow uh we're going to see even more from I the way I visualize you planted a lot of seeds today yeah game plan tomorrow expanding the people that we reach out to get some advice from your wife I think we will as well go to a golf course yeah and see if we can uh close any people that way sounds good what have you been thinking about I've been replaying a lot in my head that we've had kind of role playing things that I wish I said yesterday stuff like that so yeah that was kind of the trouble with going to sleep last night was running through that how you feeling today I'm good man I'm really excited I think I'm excited for some of the people I'm reaching out to today I'm optimistic it's already day two and Jake does not have enough sales we decided it would be good if Jake had a pep talk from his entrepreneurial wife hey baby hi right how's it going it's a roller coaster it's going well it's it really is today has been pretty fruitful last night with like people not calling me back or the changing of ideas and like super excited and then felt deflated and super excited I got frustrated I think that's the hardest part right is very roller coasy very exciting and then very disappointing and there's a lot of nerves that go into it but you're doing it that's what matters so so proud of you thanks baby it means a lot I love you bye bye how' to go with the wife it was great it was good man yeah she had good support she was like that's always the hardest part you know it's hard to put yourself out there and everything but she's just super supportive and proud of me for doing it going to talk the family want to continue to go after stuff and and make them proud so ni yeah I'm excited to get more more people in it and more deposits and stuff and then I'm excited for like the execution of it right cuz then cuz then the real work starts it's fun because you already know you have customers everyone does the opposite they build a landing page they do all maybe they put up all this money and then they try to go and find people to maybe sell it too and then like oh man this is actually tough you've already done all the hard work now it's all the fun yeah and I like it hell yeah after talking to his wife Jake has now gained the confidence and is ready for the next step hello J what's up man what's up dude how are you I'm working on a trip for late next summer and I would I would love to to have you there what would you think of putting down like a small deposit to hold a spot well I don't know what do you what do you think is reasonable cuz like I've never really done that before so yeah even even something like a like a 100 bucks just to hold the spot to help me build it up Miller time what's up man how are you I'm doing awesome how are you doing I'm good would you want to put down a pause it go [ __ ] stop me I love you I KN I knew you were my avatar man I would love you awesome man well let's do it can I can I just shoot you a b only right now done I really apprciate man all right Miller I appreciate it man I'll talk with you soon by come on man Fu D that was sick that was good you haven't gotten like a rejection no not yet dude like uh did we did any of the sales actually come through uh I'm checking right now yeah now that Jake has secured a few more dollars and built some momentum it was time to push him out of his comfort zone even further and get him to ask people he's never met to invest in his business it doesn't matter if he gets rejected what we're looking for is Jake to be more comfortable with asking getting some data points from his Target customer and finding out are there easier ways to run a business hey everyone just headed to a couple local golf courses here walk up to strangers see if we can find a couple more potential customers here we go see you then hey siry hey man how are you good man do you got a couple minutes you mind if I ask you a couple questions about golf I'm your wrong guy you're wrong guy all right thanks man appreciate it have a good one you guys travel golf for golf yeah time year so if you guys ever done like a a guys trip or a golf trip or a couple guys twice a year where do you guys go okay let me know if you guys were interested in something like that my contact information is is down there so yeah I appreciate it man thanks for the time good luck tonight man man yeah so I might have missed an opportunity there but anyway good information seems like they're they just those are the type of people that you're after like they do two trips a year and and stuff so good info hey man how are you my name is Jake Dan Dan good to meet you Dan do you mind if I talk to you for a couple minutes it's about golf um you mind so I'm down in Austin and one of my business ideas is around golf no no okay all right well I appreciate it [Music] man I have less issue talking with strangers but it's still like coming to the ask of like will you put down a deposit or a commitment that's still like it's still the hardest part man hey how yall doing good man did you guys have a couple minutes a full service golf travel type of business is there any way you guys would want to do the deposit then and then if he says no I'll send it right back to you give us today to figure it out okay that's fair enough that's fair enough you got a quick minute real quick is there any way you'd want to do like a $100 deposit today it' come straight back to you if if you didn't want to use the service no okay all right thanks for your time man I appreciate it have a good lesson that closed part is the hardest thing to like ask them hey would you guys put a deposit down because you met them 30 seconds ago hey how are you man good how are you good um I'm out here like kind of pitching a golf business can I give you cut a strap for time can I give you a 10-second pitch all right all right thanks man hey Jen I'm filming a YouTube video actually I I'm late to something s all right no yeah no problem I'm losing Mojo I don't it's emotionally draining how' it go talking to real people on real courses it's been way more challenging than I thought what did you learn about maybe what we were doing at home versus coming out here what have you learned from the for business and for yourself the hardest part is asking people that you met a minute and a half ago for a 100 bucks right I think there's also and you're getting there like from where you were over 24 hours ago asking a friend shaking to now you're going up to strangers was closing them for 100 bucks it's also what's in it for them what's good for them if you believe it's good for them and it's actually a great thing they'll want to hear from you and they'll tell you no it's okay I'm not interested okay no worries I thought you'd actually be you'd like it yeah let's pop some champagne Cheers Cheers so one of the the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is like have some goal that you're trying to accomplish so we're going to check in with you in 3 weeks what's the outcome where do you want to be in the next three weeks so I want to have this uh for the five people that have given me a deposit for to have St George trip fully booked the detail details the dates the price all of that sound good call you in 3 weeks all right see you then how much progress have you made since then I've made a lot quite a bit of progress man I've got everything planned for uh the trip that I'm running um I've got five people that have uh that are in that are totally in how much is it per person it's about 3,000 so 15,000 in sales and how much profit are you going to make on that well if I do I'm shooting for a minimum of eight and if we get eight people I will make um a little over 5K how much dude hell yeah it's like two years coming to have this idea and to be actually be actually doing it feels feels really good it's just the beginning but it's a it's a wonderful wonderful first step what pushes you like with this book and stuff I guess your your your motivation to WR it what what gives you the most energy when you hear yeah I mean I mean you I appreciate that you there's a lot of Jakes out there they have a good day job they got a great partner they got kids you inspired me a lot and I'm real proud of you you said this line that i' I've thought about almost every day since which is like I don't want to live a wh if [Music] life if you love this video and you want your very own million-dollar weekend experience grab the book at million weekend.com or you can click the link below or get it wherever it's sold imagine just like Jake in the next 48 hours you can change your life I want to see you getting the book reading it and taking action for yourself tag Me @ Noah Kagan and I look forward to sharing your story with other people Uncle Noah loves you and I'll see you out there PE pew
Channel: Noah Kagan
Views: 144,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starting a business, starting a business step by step, starting a business from scratch, helping a subscriber, make 1 million, start a million dollar business
Id: pef26wZ8P-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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