Asking A Billionaire How To Make $1,000,000

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in our last video I set out on a mission to hitchhike on a private jet after getting rejected a bunch of times I pushed through and met some incredible entrepreneurs however I couldn't convince anyone to take me on a flight with them until this happened we're YouTubers our dream is to get a tour of a private jet he was apprehensive at first as he was running late for his flight all right but her persistence paid off oh is there any way is there like are you sure that guy said yes YouTubers and they wanted to go tour the airplane okay dude this is sick do you know why he buy it I mean why'd you buy a jet he made a ton of money last year and excited you know what kind of work you're doing or what kind of stuff you did to make all the money he's trading how much does a jet like this cost as we were getting off the plane exchanging details to our complete surprise James said yes for us to fly with him to Boston on his 34 million dollar private jet greatest Friday ever we're going to Boston so this is the full interview I recorded with the self-made millionaire who was a formula nuclear engineer in the Navy and made his fortune trading energy Commodities like how is having this like change your lifestyle the other hand and time is energy and so it's a great multiplier were you always doing trading like all along or was something you got into more recently no I got I was in the Navy as a nuclear engineer and I got out and got into finance and then I wanted to learn about money and I learned my MBA and so I wanted engineering side of things and the finance side of things yeah so good in the power marketing so I trade the most Baltimore markets in the world they're more involved on crypto they're more balls there's any commodity out there electricity is the number one most of all developing world and they're the most reliably predictable because they follow the laws of physics which is a conundrum right the most predictable and the most volatile for someone young that aspires to have a jet like this like what would you recommend to them find a niche and crush it deliver more value than anybody else and how did you find yours just by trying to solve a problem and help help out as much stuff you recall when you felt like you made it financially that you felt more comfortable or like yeah I've always felt comfortable I was making good money in the Navy making forty thousand dollars a year but I was going to see half the time so I couldn't really spend any money so I'd actually put most of it in the stock market which was doubling and tripling at the time so I did really well there and gave myself the opportunity to get out of the Navy without having to depend on you know reenlisting and taking all the extra money they throw at you to stay in so I realized very quickly that was the value of my happiness they would have offered me a hundred thousand dollar re-enlistment bonus to stay in it wasn't worth my happiness when I realized that I put a value on my happiness and it had a dollar number I was like okay that's the number a few years later it might have been a bigger number I'd be like no way you have to pay me a million dollars to do that again that would be like how much would you have to pay me to do that again you have to pay me a billion dollars to be out of here I'm gonna take six years of my time and it's worth more than a billion dollars [Music] easily how much the cost to run the plane for a year you were saying about a million bucks um uh Break Even costs I mean that doesn't include usage really that doesn't include using it yeah what do you mean well I mean a million well I guess a million bucks still just kind of get you yeah I guess I guess a normal usage would be about a million a year or light usage and that's not even flying a lot not even flying a lot let's say that yeah the fluid a fair amount and maybe a little bit more than that so like this flight to Boston like what what does that cost [Music] um it's probably going to be about direct operating costs [Music] are going to be to me would be about seventeen thousand dollars give me a venmo you like 100 bucks I've had me like 20 cash apps yeah uh send me some Dogecoin before we get into the best part of the interview I have got to tell you about the course of relaunched monthly I created this course a couple years ago to help aspiring entrepreneurs like you get started and make their first thousand dollars a month I'm launching the course at an all-time low price of just 10 bucks there's no subscription or anything else there it's just 10 bucks I really want everyone who's watching this video to be able to one day own a jet just like James you can go sign up for yourself at back to the interview I think when people think of someone owning a jet like I don't think I think if I saw you at like the store I'd be like who's this guy you're not like Louis Vuitton and you have like some fancy bag it's dressed like a normal person which I think we all judge way too much I know I do so I like I like reminding myself in the audience of that just like trying to be a little like less judgmental about who we see and what we think they are yeah I like to surprise people I can do it either way you're trying to retain who you are you don't need to impress anybody there's a [ __ ] like how do you think about your finances you said like you some of the stuff like crypto hasn't done well like how I guess how have you thought about your money and spending it or like like doing this kind of trip I think of the economy and phases and what cycle I think they're in I think we're entering or have been or entering into a winter and I think winter time is when the strongest come out and survive the Wolves the Bears whatever not the I guess the Bears were sleeping but you know I I feel like winter time is when there's a lot of rebirth there's a lot of death but every time there's death there's rebirth you can't have one without the other so you look at the depression in the 1930s or any of the worst economic recessions we've ever had that's typically been when we've had the most Innovation coming out of that so it usually is happening as we were going into winter we were going in it went into winter because it seems to be probably the old ideas were just weren't working too good anymore yeah it kind of like kind of burned out [Music] whatever energy that had and we were going to be shifting into something new you know these different phases that people are trying to figure out in our you know macro macro macroeconomic Trends right but I think that the people do the best homework and are the most patient and are the most prepared means meaning they have cash on hands ready to sweep in and get some good deals other ones that always succeed the most because they know that when we're going through attractions there's always going to be fear and fear always causes fearful thinking which causes us to think a scarce mindset instead of abundantly so suddenly everything is worth a lot less than you thought of before but like well not but you were mentioning that like Crypt you had a crypto thing that went down like how do you not panic how do you still say okay I'm gonna make this decision to take the jet out or instead of like Southwest you know I want to get away fair I don't get to test any one thing too much I could sell this thing tomorrow and fly commercial and be fine I like you know I I'm more about where I'm going and what I'm doing my experience is not I could you take this way it doesn't change my life at all what are you cheap on man there's sometimes I buy something and they charge you a price it's so extreme and outrageous you're like it's insulting it's like somebody slapped you across the face what's the story of that I don't know I just like I used to work at Subway when I was 19 years old I made 5.75 cents an hour and if you know that 5.75 cents an hour could buy me a certain amount maybe a meal I can take a girl out on a date you know how much like how many hours at the work to buy a chicken 100 meal you know 100 meal is a big meal I go to a restaurant now I get a steak every single state it's now 60 bucks now yeah it better be a damn good steak for 60 bucks because in my opinion people don't make steaks very good anymore great now it's like I'm getting a half-ass steak out in town for an insane price you know yeah things that's when I start getting cheap like I'll cook it at home do you have a staff at home because again food's the most food's one of the most important things right I agree I think the cool thing is no matter how rich you are we're all eating the same kinds of things hopefully about if you get rich I think it's imperative that you eat nothing but the best food and it's unbelievable and in fact it's indicative of our moral decline that the richest people who you could presume or some could presume are the best thinkers are the least healthy people they're the most stressed out they eat the worst [ __ ] food they hang around with people that are questionable you know with money comes great responsibility or you could just do whatever the hell you want which way do you want to go I'm trying to lead it by example but Sean that I still want to eat the best foods and I still want to be healthy I still want to hang around healthy people young healthy vibrant Minds that know how to solve real problems that have that can contribute people are helpful you know can you pinpoint key inflection moments or key decisions that change the trajectory of your life like one I would say is going to the Navy for you I guess I'm curious other moments in your life that you felt like you were lucky or you met someone maybe it's Bob Cooley if something another one what other moments in your life come to you that like really change trajectories um doing a U-turn and and uh after working the night shift loading trucks on that ups for the holidays literally I was like not happy with life was like 21 years old College Dropout and I was going nowhere quick but I knew I was very smart I knew I was very driven and I knew I could do anything I wanted to do I don't know how I knew that when I joined the Navy it was a leap of faith just I was I literally did a u-turn went and talked to recruiter and seven days later I was in boot camp that was a leap of faith I think some of the most spontaneous decisions I've made sometimes have been the best because it was such a [ __ ] yes it's like oh yeah while otherwise why would you get on a plane to come to Boston it's not a [ __ ] yes it was a hell yeah I don't I don't do like yeah okay kind of things you know yeah what are some of the other [ __ ] Yeahs or spontaneous like big things like it sounds like quitting UPS to go join the Navy was a massive leap of faith U-turn yeah that really you know doing something extremely difficult was really gave me the confidence that oh wow [Music] I could be like considered the best of the best you know that's a very tough school I went through it was very difficult so then another thing was getting a good job out of college just I don't know a series of things if you just look for gifts they're there you know yeah I'm curious yours because it's definitely I think you have to have some magic ones in there [Music] getting fired from Xcel Energy because I I demanded that I'd be paid what I was worth I demanded I actually get paid for doing somebody else's job which I was doing I was doing the job of three people and I wanted to get paid maybe five percent more so I was fired for that and that gave me the initiative and the drive to be like I'm going to show up these people how this is done you know because I ended up competing against Sexual Energy and I believe I I did things better than they did even though they're a huge Fortune 100 company you know I think when you analyze a lot of the big companies or people who have money or whatever you pierce the veil of um invincibility like I guess they're just normal people doing normal [ __ ] thing it's they have the same problems that we got like realize why not me like I'm pretty sure I could do exactly what you're doing 10 times better you know what I'm saying yes how about I just buy your business and uh you know that's what you should be doing how does someone have a jet as a business expense how does that work you're saying there's tax thing I'd be curious here a little bit more the United States there's lots for tax laws for um for uh depending on your tax status if you are an entrepreneur you can take advantage of these tax laws that by defer capital gains great yeah you defer basically like say if you bought a playing for a million dollars you could write off the first year right up a good chunk of it almost 50 percent the first tier okay depend on the on the acceleration schedule you're on or the depreciation schedule you're on and then if you say okay well I'm getting a loan for you know eight hundred thousand dollars I'm putting 200 000 down I'm saving you know I'm not I'm not paying you know 40 something percent taxes on my 500 000 that I wrote off I just got a loan from the government that's that's effectively what it is and so if you look at okay well I'm I'm tax flow positive the first year I'm net positive 200 Grand I think I did that right yeah so or whatever it is but I'm that cash positive the first year it probably rolls into the second year too you wouldn't actually be paying cash outway until a year or two but if you can say well hey my business booming I I just doubled my business last year 100 growth what can you do with that 400 Grand see what I'm saying you can if you if you're smart about it if you're growing and if you're confident and you use the the machine as a vehicle to success to further success you can build a business with these planes and it happens all the time not possible to create a nationwide business without being able to travel around and meet people it's not possible as much as we think we can be remote doing this Zoom [ __ ] it's not happening it's not going to work it's the same thing as electric vehicles it's a it's it's it's all Pomp and Circumstance it's not going to last long term having and then are you able to expend you can expense trips so like when you're flying to a business trip in Boston yeah but I think the IRS changed expenses I'm in Puerto Rico the tax laws are completely different there so they've changed the expense rules on that quite a bit so it's you have to keep really good records of which trips or work trips which ones are personal trips who's on board for what purpose and that kind of thing that's what the aviation management stuff does that's happening so how much do you think of your net worth and like wealth has been generated from having the kind of jet from being able to go and see people and do the meetings no honestly because it's like it kind of keeps me sane you know it allows me to be able to to do it [Music] it's hard to say it's just one of the same man it kind of gives you the fuel the the air in your lungs like okay I want to do something bigger thing I mean I never thought I'd fly a jet before and it's like and then you have always you know and I I came from very humble means so I was like lower middle classes income family I did I had two paper routes when I was 12 years old it's a little over 120 newspapers before 7 A.M you know my parents get thrown in jail for that if I was out delivering papers 12 years old that's six in the morning so I know I think it just kind of gives you this incentive to do bigger things and and uh these are obviously they look like toys they perform like toys I mean you can have a party on this thing you also have a meeting on this thing we can also do a business deal on this thing we could also sign them sign a climate accord or we could actually sign a treaty this decides that we're not going to use nuclear weapons ever again we could do it right here right now on this plane so that's the importance of having an airplane that's what the president United States has Air Force One you know you have to have it the cost of doing business you know yeah it's inspiring it makes me think bigger like even here when you talk you're not like where you're going how you think about things the problem it's like you've got to be I think as a executive as an entrepreneur executive you've got to be Iron fisted with your time and be extremely defensive if anybody trying to get any more of your time than you already give because you already work too hard so when it comes to your travel or whatever like I would I would be like no it makes me I don't have to waste time in airports do all that [ __ ] I guess it made me quite be way more efficient time efficient and I'm gonna be more inspired to travel bottom line you've worked your ass off what are some other perks besides the jet like I think people are always curious like hey you worked super hard you've earned it right so relax being able to relax is knowing that you can solve any problems knowing that you always grow to overcome any obstacle and even if it's gonna suck and you can see in advance sometimes we see problems coming like a slow-moving train and we know it's not going to be fun we step in there and start working on it um no I'm saying do you have like I guess people are curious probably if you have houses or like what's it like to have this level of wealth I think is what people are curious about and like what's the advantages or disadvantages of that um I think the advantages is that I have more resources to fix problems in my life which are just as meaningful as everybody else's everybody's got the same problems oh yeah I promise it probably had more problems but have the patience to know that I can fit and fix things and in due time take my time get the resources fix the problem but I can also take breaks and I can live my life and be happy doing it in shocks here and there wherever I happen to be whether I have to be visiting family or friends I have friends all over the place you know so my ability really connects socially is probably the biggest benefit of all that how much do you think someone needs to no we know this success in any any endeavor it's down to your ability to build relationships you think so because I feel like you'd seem also you've done a lot of it yourself like you were able to figure out this trading thing I guess in my impression yeah I was very much a go-getter and a kind of an introvert and um like I would be the one that like would just do it myself because I wouldn't trust that somebody else would do it the way it needed to be done yeah I have a very sharp mind for perfecting things and making sure things are right it's my training and some other things too but um yeah I just I'm not sure what the question was no it's just more of the perks of being wealthy I mean having I guess one how much does someone need to own a jet you think if I sat down and looked at it yeah I mean that's cool you're asking these questions what's that well you're asking these questions I don't really think about that much but I mean you know you just any amount of money you have you just kind of adapt to it right if you ever had a job where you had to if you ever had a situation in life where you had to take a cut and pay you know this year you're not gonna you don't know how you're going to do it a lot of people have yeah you don't know how you're going to do it but a year later or whatever just you realize well I did it how do I do it well there's these things I had I didn't think I was going to be able to well you just did it it just happened right doesn't matter if you start off making 40 000 a year or a hundred thousand a year or 200 whatever it is you kind of just get accustomed to that you know standard of living you can be happy in any one of the stages perfectly happy as long as you're making progress on a daily basis that's what happens is being in your relationship with someone I think that you're building something meaningful and you have a goal in mind and you're getting that's what I've been trying to get to for a very long time and I've and I wasn't good at being balanced enough to get my life in place where I could let it all come to me I'm quite chasing too much but that's all fixed that's all that's all getting fixed are you are you working as much these days are you taking more time for yourself I'm starting to I'm starting to work again here now um some business deals um with a fresh eye and a lot of a lot of energy but also very careful about it budgeting my time I think if you think of your time in business defensively it's really good for you because treat everything as a different entity this business is trying to invade on my relationship you know that's the way your wife thinks about it or your girlfriend will guarantee you yes everything's got his own his own energy so you got to balance things right it's just constantly balancing out it's hard sometimes but the other thing is you can't please everybody you gotta please yourself first if you're not happy nobody's been happy it's number one take care of yourself help yourself fall into a codependent run where you're helping other people really you need to be helping yourself how do you keep your kids grounded when you've had money especially that you came from you know humble beginnings uh just monitor their language [Music] like uh my first daughter I heard her one time talk about uh this is years ago and she's kind of going through an early teenage phase and get a little bratty I heard her say something about what my Daddy's got a jet we're gonna take my friends somewhere like to New York or something like that or something like she was bragging and I said if you want to learn how to be really unpopular in school just keep saying that nobody likes to hear that kind of stuff I didn't when I was in school so just don't don't be that that way you know my kids are grounded though they're they're great kids I guess I was wondering for you do you ever regret working so much like was it worth it like all the work and every all the sacrifice yeah because it it uh placed a heavy toll on my family life and whenever I my my first marriage fell apart um what I was left with is that I have three beautiful children in my time in my with my family was the most important thing in the world to me way more important than any money but after my my divorce I would have given everything away because I can always make money but you can't get back time of people you know or you can't prepare certain things certain things have permanent lasting consequences you know um yeah I do regret working so hard without I regret not having the right balance and that balance really was lacking because I didn't help help myself and take care of myself physically at some points when I get stressed I put on weight a lot of stress the white everything I'm trading my my net worth is completely at risk so I can lose everything I'm completely bankrupt if I do the wrong things a lot of stress there yeah but it's the same kind of Cutting Edge thrill you get you find the jet we're like a thousand feet above the ground where you know we want to make sure things are working right right yeah same thing if you're flying your own business or you have to lose the more attention you're going to pay make sure things don't go right that's why I think that you're the risk you take the more you get rewarded that that's how it works you can't do it safely you got to punch through your comfort zones so a lot of people are very comfortable below their glass ceilings and that's fine but we're starting to realize that our glass ceilings are in different areas of Our Lives not just money not just jobs or career but now we're starting to realize that there's glasses we've had our entire lives on our Health the well-being of our relationships with our friends and our families I think we're starting to look more on the bigger holistic picture after the last few years how do you deal with the when you said you could risk you could lose it all in like a trade or two or one trade well theoretically if you submitted the wrong information made you know made a decimal point error or a couple decibel points that could cause that can cause bankruptcy yeah just like any bank or just like any utility or anybody has at risk that plate how do you deal with that pressure or how do you how do you work on your mindset for that stuff [Music] yeah always thinking about what could mess up that's what causes the stress this is the cost I'm scanning here what did I not check you know where are my blind spots who did I not talk to what questions did I not ask what assumptions brought me here [Music] I just read all this I just read all the stuff Paula Grace put up Tony Robbins Ray dalio a lot of a lot of good people I've learned from Keith Cunningham out of Austin I love Keith putting any better you know we've got one of our guys went to his workshops okay his books are funny I love it it's better than my real life video I would rather do four days with Keith than 18 months at a business school hands down you'll learn you'll learn more in four days with Keith Cunningham than any Ford in any NBA course in the world Harvard included 100 now admittedly I have a chip on my shoulder against Ivy League schools and people that have their you know academic credentials because I I learned the hard way I learned by doing it you know the Navy's history how to do things if you can't do it you don't to serve that job so and again you could pull some pipeline they don't grade on a curve they don't care about your feelings they don't care that you're really really trying hard and you really really tried to get up for that test you had to make they don't care if you don't show up you're fired if you don't have the grades you're fired that is what the United States of America needs more of it needs more of that Cutting Edge raw risk-taking mentality where there is downside real downside not these imagined things that we come up with threats around the world or pathogens that may or may not kill the entire human race or whatever whatever the new thing is going to be we're always looking so far away from us always last people to come and look right here do you know your neighbor do you know both of your neighbors when's the last time you had a had a picnic in your neighborhood do you know who I mean really like coming back into the the Locale of where you live so the micro micro level your HOA student board meetings I don't know whatever it takes to get connected at your roots your home because it's it shows how ill we are as a race when we were constantly looking for things that we have zero control when we don't do anything to fix things we have 100 controllable which is in here and so we're extremely unhealthy Society we know what it takes to fix the problem nobody's done it yet [Music] are things changing are we shifting what's going on you think people are limiting themselves too much about what they can do and what they can think and what the abilities they have yeah I think they're limiting themselves not for a variety of reasons one of which is in personal or interpersonal relationship or you know maybe generational trauma or maybe it's it's PTSD maybe it's Trauma from a rape or incest a case of a lot of trauma in the world these days if you think about somebody who's trying to make it in this world they start off as a young young pop trying to get through you know high school and college or whatever they're trying to do to be able to navigate this world and avoid all the collateral damage from fill in the blank it's slim odds the people there's there's it's a tough world and so when you accumulate trusts I'm sorry stress and Trauma you have a more effective way of living or balancing a better put Never Enough imbalances never get eliminated or energy never gets eliminated it always shifts so I think better we can come together and learn where there is polarity and one person is different than another we can serve each other's needs help each other in some way that is unanticipated and helps us fill our blind spots it's a win-win I think the economy is going to start shifting from a materialistic economy United States it's more of an interpersonal economy where people are filling each other's needs not so much momentarily it could be emotionally if you don't understand what was going on recently said stuff just like life going on recently I just turned 50 and I was having some Revelations and going through some I'm doing a lot of housekeeping my mind and my soul I'm trying to get my my wife an organized state where I feel like it's like a I just clean my desk and I feel really good about wherever wherever right stored everything doesn't mean everything is resolved it means everything he's got at home you know what I'm saying that's just what I was trying to do that's to me what stretching allows me to do is clear my mind I turned 40 this year and like I was pretty sad for months I was just like I was turned 40 and I was like I'm not married I don't know what kids like I'm what's happening I don't know it was definitely kind of a threw me off tilt I was a little staying like 16 pounds in 10 days and I was planning on doing the opposite for my 50th birthday you know I was planning on showing up all ripped good shape and I don't know just I've been doing a lot of work and I probably just needed a break I'm part of myself they were way too early to ourselves so yeah I learned to have empathy for myself and realizing okay everything I'm doing I'm doing great I'm healthy my body's moving great I have no restrictions right now everything's on track I'm gonna go walk the beach here every single day from here for a week get my feet in the ocean and being grounded as long as we have a way I think we just I think us humans don't really understand how we best health when I say reboot I mean you can reboot your health in 10 days no matter where you go if you have the right resources you have the right food you have the right people you have the right conditions you have the right preparation or squeeze you're not bringing bottles of Jack and PBR you know whatever it is whoever you're with you can set it up to be a health trip you can get you can get a massage therapist there to share among four or five people couples whatever it is you get massage therapy acupuncture some basic stuff Chef that cooks organic food whatever it is 10 days a lot of time where you can get off the grid attach detox electricity information people stress and see how your body is affected and literally watch how you walk differently you'll literally your brain is literally have more capacity to physically move around but that's what I've learned from stretching that's what I learned from because I've been pretty high tech when it comes to what muscles do what in the golf swing exactly what muscle groups need to come into balance for me actually any offer biomechanically to be the basically a robotic golfer I'm building a machine that all it does is generate success basically I want to learn golf so stretch and join the Navy after hanging out with you those are like my three like I need to get underwater and do submarine things cool for like 30 minutes after that it's like what the [ __ ] but I would say one thing to come back on I mean my word of the year is be kind to Noah because then I could be kind to others but I'm just shocked in general how mean I am to myself on the regular and then how much everyone else is doing that too and I do have one or two friends that I love being around because they are so nice to themselves I um I didn't need a piece of chocolate two nights ago and I texted my buddy Tynan I said hey man I thought of you because you would probably tell yourself I'm so proud of myself he's like dude I just did that yesterday and it just makes me kind of remember that like for you for me all the people I don't just like be a little nicer like it's okay like you can't okay you're gonna get back it's not over I think in general what do you mean it's really good place there's some badasses right on the menu first and I'll water it down make it last you always want the fast first what's the day in the life like now for you because it sounds like before your day sounds stress as stressful as hell like I most of my days have been stretching it's stretching yeah I have found the path to my physical my psychological development has been stretching directly it's helped me a lot it's helped me become more patient less stressed way more relaxed able to breathe better I'm an inch taller than it was three years ago as I stretch my central hamstrings enough to where I got the cathartic curve out of my lower back got a straighter spine better posture all is good always other benefits so the more I invest in myself physically the more benefits I get out of myself financially financially I would say it's not happier and life seems a lot easier the noise just just Falls away do you mind showing me yeah like uh this is my balancing stretch oh yeah [Music] holy [ __ ] dude get the stretch how much do you spend a day for stretching like you pay someone to help you stretch and you're spending like 2500 a day I guess how do you these these are very highly experienced people though they it's like getting surgery without a knife honestly it's just it takes a little bit more time you know how do you decide what's worth it like what's valuable like that's worth it for you to spend 2500 a day or something like that I just see the results how I feel I feel better if I feel better life's an emotional experience life's about the quality of your emotions which requires you to have good thinking obviously support the emotions yeah and go hand in hand but I've been learning this you know especially the analyzing my stress levels and how my body seems to perform best how I thrive in social situations the best where I'm not necessarily wanting to get my energy all the time um I like to look at physically how my body's holding up and I can see no better place to invest my my money then right back into my physical health I was thinking about stretching in like your well you mentioned really early on about like internal conflict which we all have and it seems like that helped alleviate the physical the physical tension as well as maybe the mental tension if you've ever read the book the body keeps talks about different vectors that trauma stress any kind of toxic emotions relationships and a physical injury can take to get into your body infest itself as locked in trauma you got hit by a car your bag went off and you had a concussion that trauma's locked in the body at that moment so we're starting to learn more about that kind of stuff now and roll up fashion plays and be able to um map wherever that trauma is in the body and what kind of Downstream effects they could have you know I think I think the next wave of business is the next phase business of the United States is going to be shifting to more of a postmortem of what happened during the pandemic what what's wrong with the scientific community in the world what we're going to do to fix it am I having plans to do that not going to do it and how are we going to get the data to do that take some data take some information and it takes openly transparent repository to be able to do that so that the government can't get its calls on things the government should have nothing to do with investigating itself and how it's conducting itself to make our nation a healthier country I want to go back to the day where we have the Presidential Fitness Awards you know yeah yeah we did the running tests climbing the rope and if you did all these things you got a letter from the president United States of America you know that's what you need to go back to is our physical health relates from mental health one-to-one what made you say yes to even letting us see the plane and then he has to like you know what's going on why not those empty seats [Music] right game changing it's so it's so epic just like a lot of what we try to encourage others just like not to go stand outside airports but just to ask like you never know right and the fact that you're super cool I got to connect with you and like I think we're gonna be friends for a while yeah I agree and uh it's like the ability of that yeah I just think that the more that we take care of each other the more we can help each other that's what's truly going to create more value in our society it's something we don't we don't quantify we don't measure because we we consider GDP to be one of the only measures of economic out activity like I said we haven't had any activity in the United States in a long time zero we'll improves the [ __ ] thing I was born in 1972. I I was born in a time when this people a lot more proud to be American I'm a lot more proud of our actions on this on this planet than we are now and I just I don't like the way I don't like the way our Direction's going so I want to be part of the solution how can I be part of solution get healthy why I just turned 50 years old what's gonna who am I gonna be when I was when I turn 60. I can tell you're going to be when I'm 60. I'm going to be a lot more [ __ ] Rich I'm gonna be a lot more handsome I mean a lot more powerful I want to be a lot more [ __ ] connected I'm going to have a lot more capacity to solve more problems I'm gonna have a bigger [ __ ] plane I'm gonna have more resources I'm gonna employ more people and I'm going to fix [ __ ] Problems if rich people who fly these [ __ ] planes actually did something with their money with that mindset we wouldn't have any problems we'd have less problems the problem is everybody thinks that the goal is is to make it to keep it it's not that's not the priority the universe God whatever you want to call it doesn't reward people and give people nice things because they deserve it as a reward and just say hey send you off in the sunset it does obviously at times people get lucky I think more often than not there's a system to why certain people percolate to a position where they say why not me and they get pulled into the tractor beam of Entrepreneurship and they start realizing oh I can solve problems and this is like this is fun this is like is like a spiritual Endeavor to me it's like if it's fulfilling you know that's when business can become like easy yeah it's life fulfilling instead of detracting you know it's not it's not a it's not a it's not a job yeah I was thinking about like if you can create life if you can create your work to be your lifestyle and and you also want to live a nice lifestyle with great people that's a pretty powerful combination if you make that happen if you'd like this conversation and you want to watch another interview I did with the billionaire founder of Kinkos check out this video right up here and if you haven't already make sure to like And subscribe Uncle Noah loves you and I'll see you out there
Channel: Noah Kagan
Views: 5,479,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -Zi1m8hzK8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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