I Have To PICK ONE Track On Roblox Cart Ride

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I've come on here and I've played a lot of your cart rides some of them some of them are kind of stupid like what's this we're gonna play this one if you give me your ID I'll try and play it I've played loads of these there's a few of these okay I guess you've got to try and get through there that's easy but my rainbow cart let's see what I can do [Music] so you can either go in the hot bath or go up this way I'm gonna go down round easy easy and then that's it I think that's it more updates coming this is level two that was it wow you gotta leave a like on this guys because I just did that you see how Pro I was I did it I leave a like don't make don't make me shoot this just leave a like in the next four seconds if not yeah and leave me a comment below as well tell me what your cart right name and what your ID is because it makes it easier for me to come join them okay go back to Lobby there's a few of them on here okay we have done loads what's this right into the Rock oh right our free cart from Rainbow press I've already done that one I think popcorn oh God what's this that looks like a roller coaster right there let's try this one okay actually it's a roller coaster that's amazing that's well cool I actually thought it's gonna be a cart ride like where you got to get through to each one enjoy the ride it's actually controlling me I can't control it oh no I can't a little bit I can control the speed someone's actually built this this is amazing this is really good oh no it's a very very quick one whoa that made me throw up if I was in real life doing this wee that's so quick that is so cool whoa that was amazing what someone made that that is well good leave a like on that yeah boy let's go back that was really good recently published one of these bad boys do you know what this is okay this is level one give this a try hang on let me make sure I haven't got all my upgrades on that's off magnetic tracks okay there you go I've turned it off so I'm a normal person now I have got the special abilities you see to stop me falling off the tracks but I don't need it I'm going into caves it's like a oh this is whoa cool look how cool this is so this is what I like to see oh that's so awesome there you go now we ran the rusty rusty tracks of joy use code Elite when buying Robux it helps me massively yes yes and And subscribe subscribe it helps me massively and also if you hit the little bell for notifications you'll get notified when my videos come out that's a major part because a lot of you guys don't get notified at all go out okay okay this is a bit Rocky that rock just plonked him on the head go no no no no he took me off the track winning the lava hopefully yes okay I'm back here he went flying backwards this is actually pretty hard I did it yay gently gently there we go and then around see that was pretty cool what's this [Music] oh oh oh I don't know where it's gonna lead us so they're going well quick okay we've got number four why are you going backwards for oh I see why I see why you got reverse back to get the speed I see from here let's do this me there we go done it and down Route what that way I'll help you when life gets you down take this gun what reset character okay we need to slow down after it that's what we need to do you ever go at this one remember to slow down just after it because otherwise you're gonna come off at the end that's kind of naughty that is so just here you need to slow down is slow just there they're horrible people then you've got to speed up somehow let's get around there I did it absolutely fine now it's we're on the wood one and I'm guessing we're gonna go in there and come out the other way let's go into the wooden door then round up but gentle gentle there we go and then we've got to go around here what is this oh I'll clock out there I haven't got the speed there we go got the speed now down and round but gentle ah okay not too fast because you'll come off like she did no no we were so close how close was we we were so close can't believe this I can't believe they've done this why would they build it like this cause us pain everyone I mean me shooting people probably causes them pain but not me doesn't cause me pain all right gentle down here and then you've got to go fast to get over this and then fast again just here you've got to be very very cautious and then you've got to slow again just here you don't realize but this you have to go really slow [Music] we're in rock now oh that's look how sharp that is that is so out of order that is so broken just there there's no way you could get around that we're in rock now or stone there's a guy just there on a pizza I want to help him the guy helped him I reset it oh maybe more no don't say bad person I know you don't have to tell me okay we're going back onto ourselves that is the most weirdest track I've seen [Music] and we're going up straight up okay now we're at what one is this Pebble okay I'm ready all right you're coming in there we go look hey you're bald nice how are you meant to do that there is no way you could do that you have to go with speed just here oh shoot that shoot that girl how did he knock me yeah yeah why is it not working again I'm shooting people in the yeah there we go I bought the gun and it doesn't instantly kill people it makes me very upset nice how tell me how you meant to do this can't do that there is no way okay drive around fast oh look oh there's no way there is no physical way that is actually possible okay we've done the first one how you meant to do the second one as well I don't know you have to go from here 100 Go From Here round and then let go okay maybe not let go don't let me go oh hang on oh I had it and then it went a carp rammed into me that caused me to come off I thought the cuts can't affect you but obviously they can up I know that I don't know how how on Earth you're meant to be I'll do this we're gonna go back you have to get speed and then speed again so you have to go up do a jump you have to let go of the accelerator because if you keep holding accelerate you're gonna turn and that's naughty you don't want to turn let's go let go Oh I thought it was perfect but it would [Music] no no no come on please I am right here unstuck me unstuck me come on I've only got a little bit of Robux there we go oh you horrible person I literally just spent money on that okay they've made this really really hard okay we're gonna we're gonna have to do this this has got to be the hardest one that I've tried so far the first one was a roller coaster lovely this one's evil [Music] oh what what on uh all right let's start shooting everyone I'm gonna stay here make it really hard for them because they do the same thing to me leave their carts there good she's come off good somehow they leave their cart there and it causes me to stop watch we'll go over we'll do the jump and then die like that perfect you ain't gonna get back on buddy do you see that that guy's trying to get back on without paying you pay the win you win yeah they see me rolling they come in we'll go back to here then go this will give us enough speed to do the first jump normally it does but I'm guessing it don't I have got the super speed thing but that'll make me too fast I'll probably jump over both of them we go round speed space no what I landed a bounced even that's wrong even the Rockets when you try and drive through this rocket that's insanely evil I don't know how many people have been past this oh I love that that's awesome let's go let go that would have been perfect you gotta get that speed he hit that so hard up up why can't I do it now I did it perfectly before you just gotta let go no no no let go accelerator that's what you need to do yep [Music] oh oh hey you could do that they've made that too hard there is Rockets even if you timed it there is Rockets right there to stop you oh I'm on it hang on what I was on it okay let's go go do you see how they're doing it look no are you serious that one must be a troll that one must be a troll there is no way that that's the real thing there is bombs on the track round over round over break and then and now I've collapsed off the track I am gonna do it I know it seems impossible but we've got to try if there's a possibility this there must be able to complete it okay he wants to come in I see how it is yes what's this [Music] okay oh we actually did it that's crazy we did it well I did it he didn't he's going for it look at him I'm chasing him he won't be able to stop me there is a few more I can't believe that how how is that one even what [Music] okay that's that's probably one of the hardest ones I've ever done with that you have to absolutely get that perfectly I think there's a bit of a turning just here is there a button why is that just stopping is it like a button that you have to press oh there you go got it I see there's lumps in the road here this is gonna be a bit difficult this one oh you gotta keep your speed up as well okay we got it we got it we'll keep speed up too so speed up that's it keep speed up and then we've got some rocks that are going to follow us all the way down the track but it's fine we're good going now [Music] well that's a bit unfair that is so unfair It just knocked me off yeah you can't go slow mate I like your cart though it's actually a minecart that's really cool how insane this guy is crazy go go oh good luck with that my friends I don't think you could go through it without a cart what on Earth they can't slammed into me can I go backwards because you could only go through this in a car jump in my friend there you go you're welcome bye good time I've just helped him [Applause] that's all you can do is just help people when you when they're in need now that's evil that is evil and it's a cart chasing you as well what means it's even more evil there is a cart chasing you at one point there we go carts chasing me right now all right at some point we're gonna get past them hammers there is no way you jump in [Music] that that was mental ah the same thing as before so we've got a cart Chase here how how you meant to do that corner the cart is chasing you that corner is so abrupt [Music] no what you gotta wait for that car that is so absolute evilness that is we still have to go let's go for it my friend ah [Music] where's the car oh it's gone we've done it nice one was that for furries so it just said oh what that was funny to watch [Music] it says this is the Finish you Liars they said it was the Finish they lied to me don't do that and I have to go the furry route that I don't really want to do [Music] oh wow a pool of blood so somehow we've got to get this jump and put oh we've done it I'm waiting here for him I don't know where he is foreign these are just Rings these are just rings I guess we get chased no uh I don't know what's going on here it literally just rings that's the most easiest one that I've seen so far I don't understand you get car cart rides that right see this is a little bit evil [Music] okay so I'm now going slow you had to roll across the floor there that's pretty cool I've not seen I've not seen that before what how do we blow up though okay so there's something shooting balls out the floor here ready bang there's one go I can see the cannon ah okay just there you gotta go really quickly what still makes it very difficult you're gonna jump on with me yeah 40 would I'll just help him because he's struggling like I am struggling with life okay we've got to go really quick around here so there's balls getting pushed out of here we get ball tips right in the face you'll be very careful with that yes yes we did it so 45 mile an hour limit we're in water I'm floating in the air so it's gonna eat Lopez don't actually ripped my name out right it's normally Elite plus lead plus please I'm your family I'm your long-lost cousin [Music] there we go we're almost at the end we've done this [Music] okay that's really hard you gotta just stop for a second [Music] that is absolutely crazy hard this little skinny as well I don't like skid marks [Music] oh you evil evil thing you evil evil thing let's get some more let's go he loves the snow look here [Music] that one is evil how did we do it before that's gotta be the last one over there that's gotta be the last one this one is probably the craziest I've been on and I've been on some crazy ones people just don't want you to win [Music] why I don't struggle I want to get all the way to the end all the way to the end that's what I want to do why is it so difficult one what even the first one I like it fast fastest better [Music] yes dude I can't believe I did it so fast it's actually better on that one over round I don't know where I'm going back around on myself and in a sharp turn and that's it that's the last bit this one is that you're on crystal [Music] guessing you have to [Music] make your way back I don't know I don't know where I'm going looks I'm going straight up and over I'm flying that weren't the last one that weren't the last one are you serious I thought that'd be the last one but it's not gains of speed who knows nothing killing us until the end I died when I got off the Dr off of the thing to get on there foreign [Music] yeah I'm not doing that I am not I am not doing that [Music] there we go perfect perfect that they're going to be waiting for weeks to complete this one there's people going down there still waiting to drive that is so sad and I don't want to wait for No One or nothing that is so sad so if you jump here you're dead okay oh I see that one's very difficult I I think I'll be able to complete this one before you're gonna go slow over that as well maybe I won't complete it beforehand [Music] yeah that is difficult that is ow you meant to do that the instant you go up there it literally straight away knocks you off there's nothing bringing you back on you have to get speed foreign [Music] for that then you need to outrun a rocket that's chasing you so that is very difficult no joke oh yes that is absolutely ridiculous recording you come off horrible horrible who just signed this go oh no I think we'd just be better off to go down that really really slow route and just wait for half an hour but I don't like that idea where I have to do something they're telling me to do all right round here I'm going to try and go you see that look my thing comes off of it there is no way that you could do that there is no actual way even if you went speed there is no actual physical way you could get around there even with speed no we gotta go slow route I've got an idea hold on there you go that'll work and then I do now I won't do magnetic because I won't be able to get the jump but do this [Music] there we go and then when I come around here I can do it gentle and then get some speeds you see [Music] when they get around there then they're gonna have to deal with this are you serious I am now stuck they've got to deal with that after they've got they've got no idea what they're getting theirselves into like it's all right for me because I've got that speed fee but not you guys you have to go down that slow route and then you have to do this jump that is mad I don't know how anyone would do that jump this one there's no way to do the jump without uh this power thing we'll wait for a thick rocket to be fired I could chase the rocket then they're still going down there that's super slow oh The Rock hit me up the bomb so the rocket still hits you at the end as well we're trying to do this I won't stop until we've done it won't stop no stopping oh I have to go now no oh well hope you guys have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 652,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox cart ride, roblox cartride, impossible cart ride roblox, hard cart ride roblox, roblox cart ride delivery service, roblox cart ride around nothing, cart ride, roblox cart ride funny moments, roblox cart ride experience, roblox cart ride delivery, roblox cart ride impossible, roblox cart ride admin, roblox cart ride pick one, create a cart ride roblox, roblox Create a Cart Ride, I Have To PICK ONE Track On Roblox Cart Ride, elitelupus, roblox, cart ride around nothing
Id: o3YD_z-NhUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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