Cart Ride Delivery Service on Roblox BUT In Zero Gravity

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I stole it yeah the last time we played this we completed it absolutely easy all this you see them spinning things absolute rubbish we went through it like it was easy I didn't die once I swear I swear I didn't anyway we completed this and everyone said oh there's a new map there's a new map and I didn't believe them I did jump through that and I thought it was actually kind of small but the map's actually meant to be really big so we're going to try it we're gonna try and beat the game yes yes leave a like on this otherwise you suffer you'll suffer the consequences of my hair I do have hair I swear don't give me them comments saying I'm bold but enough of that there you go next map galaxies the next one okay I guess it's space we're gonna try this side first have got a balloon gun so I can use it on people hang on we've got to be careful because I know what this guy's like and making me fall off so we're going under this one we'll try the other tracks as well no ain't got enough speed let's go how do you boost just gotta click it okay there we go okay yeah yep I've got it I've got it hope it's got a microphone you might be able to troll them this makes me happy this is well cool is that inside a building ah we gotta pick up these Parcels otherwise no one's getting their mail oh why is that lasers oh I see you gotta go through without getting killed away from the go up really stop this makes it very painful to go through why lasers I want to singe off my hair do they don't say anything I know what you're gonna say don't say it broken better get through two or was that pushing it that'll probably be pushing it wouldn't it yeah I'm not gonna push it I'll just leave it I'm gonna go through one at a time might be able to run straight through this one ready Nick get through two okay let's hold my breath there wow we're actually in space this is cool right I see some people over there oh boy this is crazy we're going to one of these black holes over here I've got it too quick no oh maybe I need the speed oh jet oh we just made it oh we just made it okay we need the speed we're almost at the station as well don't crash on me nope oh no this is really hard okay now go for it as fast you can then slow down we've got to place these in here it actually looks really difficult there we go made a lot of credits there let's jump off my cart for now let's see if we can make some friends [Music] [Laughter] hello how you doing I do need the right path do I need a ride yeah I'm floating like a turd wow I don't need ride when I can float like Jesus I mean I guess you're right I have got this this does help you look see they'll make you fly look there we go she's like wee that was so funny oh that poor person I feel sorry because they're so nice they're like hey do you want to ride they're so nice I feel really really bad hang on a sec where is the start of this one oh you're here you're here oh no it's not here damn I thought was there but they're not where where were they they didn't leave the game today guy needs help [Music] hello go go go we will survive yes yes sorry I got you with the balloon gun yeah well I hope we survive ah I'm gonna have to get my own car that's the best way that's my videos what a lovely person that guy's chasing me some reason the gravity is a bit funny on there I don't know if it's the planets cause the gravitational pull it might be my forehead he's coming a bit quick oh no what is this we're going to break for now then we can go weight is on the side we're doing it Mom Mom I'm delivering mail upside down this is the strangest one I've ever seen in my life why make it upside down I don't know no my backside [Applause] he flew away but I didn't I'm safe that didn't go well did it with the space we tried so hard as well it's very difficult to play this it jump on quick yay he's struggling there and now his cart's in the way what they're gonna do what they're gonna do because his cart is in the way she's like you better build a boy they can't get through he's blocked it they just deleted it that was well funny that we can do this together we can make it all the way through space it's like it's a real thing it's like yes we're actually making it through space mum mum I made it through space she'll tell me how much she cares about it not much okay well be careful last time I lost my load see just there it speeds you up it's like loops and everything it says slow oh I see because you go up here and the speed it's really weird on here because the gravity the speed makes it very weird all right we're on the outside of this that is very strange to be on the outside I keep thinking on the fall off we done it we've done it bro I'm so happy to see you Lee oh what a nice fell off you know I'm Gonna Get You Killed yeah you're on the on a train to get killed good buddy [Music] hello man this is bad this is like it's crazy it's all over the place so do we have to come back around on ourselves you'll think that will start sliding backwards but we're not that means that the gravity is actually to these Elite do you have the max friends yes I have a Max of friends drive around here why is that person stopped no no oh well that child's dead not me it's okay it's okay see ya right this one's very difficult oh my God it just gets worse that was just the first part hey no no you're gonna die Batman you're gonna die a bit man no fat man you're gonna die Batman you're floating to Heaven Batman hang on a sec why hey I'll jump to my train for what I jumped on my train get one behind me this berserk guy why jump my train man oh he can't hear me go now let's go are you making a video no no I'm not I'm just playing the game man I'm getting used to it before I do a video so we're just we're just trying to chill we're just trying to chill man we're trying to chill bro mate that's RDM ramming people's a bad thing you know that didn't you you just ruined you just ruined my life why is this guy keep trying to rob my car it seems to be a problem in my car it blew up drive drive [Laughter] look at this baller look at the baller dude [Music] dude why did you stop did you just brake check me do you just brake check me he's got a problem with his car that baller guy oh my God a fella died you wait don't make me buy the invisibility you better stop bro otherwise I'll launch you to space you understand what I'm saying he's gonna ran into your Iran it's your one you're not gonna get anywhere you'll Fly Away beforehand Yeah Boy see we're gonna go underneath it yay get off the track we're making it my dad will be proud Batman's trying to kill me I didn't realize Batman was so evil I thought Batman was trying to help people I bet man I bet man Batman Batman Batman Batman can Batman do this meme no he can't because he's dead [Music] almost got taken to church there it's upside down I don't know what's going on all I know I'm upside down this is getting really on yeah there we go I love it how gravity is kind of weird in space you know like it doesn't exist reverse and then we go for it we've done well it says slow down as well could you go down here and then you go around the corner you go flying like we did last time and I went to see Jesus okay this is a horrible one it's like we're definitely gonna fly into space if you go too fast around these 100 we will fly to space there we go gently does it that poor Batman when was the last time I got uh damaged it's over here weren't I went round too quick we hit them and then we went flying I'm just thinking it's gonna get more difficult as we go along that's what I'm thinking all right the swingers come back around that's right go watch out for them swingers in you when you see a swinger come round you shut the door much easier up here we're going to the moon so even the moon that's the Earth is that enough that is Earth isn't it that is Earth yeah I'm going very gently because last time I went down here and I bounced I'm gonna go around here and we'll bounce again so you've got to be very careful why is this one so long that's what I want to know they make these maps and make it painful like cool how much pain can we make them how much pain can we give them before they leave we're doing it me and this guy we're actually properly getting through this game no joke it's hope we actually do get through it because that does take a long time to get around there why does it keep jet me forwards for I will get there it's kind of scary when it Jets you forwards really quickly we've done it we did it yay what on Earth where's Batman gone is he still in it I think Batman left you all can do it you could do it at nine years old oh my God we've got to be very very nice to these people he's very he's very young he doesn't know anything about anything does he it's time to get his own car he's got a golden car he's done this before hang on a sec I'll just see someone fall down let's just have a person here we've got to find that person well that's oh my God you died hang on a sec you're taller than me what is this yes I am tall you are so tall why is this you gotta find the other person be careful in this no I know I noticed mad times will fall off already it's really hard this game what is this where's the other person we need to find the other person that's got a mic oh they they left that Batman was on here as well but he left as well I ruined his game let's go go let's go let's go well well done why do you break checking me I can't believe you've done this let me go yes yay we did it let's get some speed yeah boy we got some serious speed going on now I don't like space space is bad space is bad Holo they seem very a very nice person they're actually a really nice person what's really strange because something you get really horrible people she's actually a really nice person I don't want a troll it hello yeah I know I feel them if you you fast you will go right over there oh I see and you'll fly into space yes sir so you need to like uh break all right you show me you show me so you go up round and then you come back down Wow Let's go so quick oh I see you got a break I see I see wow wow I'm coming though the backless band the back was man no one could drive back as fast as I can yay okay gently does it gently does it is this the same thing then got a green light let's go uh it didn't work they lied uh okay that was actually very difficult what was that about I've seen people flying across the map it's so funny oh my God we've got some French boy here where is this French boy we we Mr French boy hello hi how you doing my friend what how you doing my friend you're okay yes you yes I'm okay I will help you I will help you fly would you like to fly like me hey hey do you like to you like to smell farts you like you like you want to fly like me why not you will fly look look you will see Jesus [Laughter] oh my God that was perfect that poor person I really feel bad for him well I don't because I would have done it in the first place but also trying to fly Like Me Oh Hope's in trouble what did I say very difficult game very quick [Music] not too quick last time went flying off remember gently quick oh my God gravity is kind of strange don't stop believe it hold on to that feel haha oh hang on it will go up and then we'll go back down then we've got to go forwards to slow yourself down yeah you did it good job yes I have friends man I have friends yes someone just flew past me what is going on this one's evil why is there so many tracks that do this [Music] and then the track disappears and you can go through that's really cool lucky I didn't run out of fuel how on Earth you meant to do this oh it grabs you and drags you up okay okay I'm trying to do it ah yeah we did it can't believe we've done that how awesome that was amazing we dropped it oh finally oh there's not shooting stars oh the same thing look yeah hang on a sec you told me I could do it and you fell off you did a great job with it how did you fall off I either I'm going too fast or before that my back cards just decide to fall off the tracks do you know what I guess do you know what I wanted to troll you really badly but I can't because you're a nice person oh so I'm very sorry that I told you earlier to your yes if you get hit by when I just meet yours does it kill you hope it does just watch him get hit there's far some meteors up there as well is there anyone else hang on that french guy still not in service he he is every time he's still all the way over there oh he's there hello sir how you doing oh no oh no sorry man I'm so sorry oh no I was so sorry to him oh no I'm so sorry I actually broke his car let me go across let me go cross say sorry to him hey I'm sorry my dude I'm sorry I didn't realize it's gonna break your car I'm so sorry I'm sorry Mr Frenchman he's starting to float away look at him struggling with life he just dropped all right let's go and do the next part we need to get to the end of this I ain't doing any more trolling I've trolled enough people I feel bad already let's go I didn't get some speed on because these meet yours they don't wait for anyone they just hit you no they'll actually breaks you whoa that was so close to me you always smacked me [Music] we are going so quick we was I don't want to get hit by these meet yours I think only one of them needs to knock you off and that's it it's all over it's all by chance oh my God how was the chances not in my favor I got smacks no what was that why I was doing so well got all the way through without getting smacked not once and get some speed on yes see that skills with speed it's very bumpy let's just hope we don't get smacked by meteor this time eh it really would like not to it damages my card surprise didn't blow up actually you got hit by it and didn't blow up we did it we made it all the way around hello darkness my old friends no what is the chances it must be so low how is she still trying to do this we'll try it get up there again it is this gate this game is evil especially this one really evil one of them hits you that's it it's all about being quick it's just about getting through and just hoping that you don't get hits like winning lottery winning lottery is that you don't get hit by the way not actually getting hit so someone drink while I'm going around if I get hit here I know what I'm gonna do I'm probably gonna cry it's just the problem I have it's when you get to the end like over there if one of these hit you it'll knock you off the track and that's it that's the end of it no more and you've done all that work for nothing okay get knocked off I beat yours they're gonna go for it come on they could do it I'm watching them not too fast one that was the most funniest thing I've seen it's already going quick why don't you don't want to go any quicker she can't keep playing this that was so funny she went so far bee she just launched off of that see Elon Musk would be proud of her drive it's a bit bumpy yes okay we need to make it to top I want to make it to last part please I'm praying that I don't get smacked by this one of these random meteors they are random by the way they don't don't just hit you in certain places well one bounce off of there but I don't think they're gonna oh they do so we've got to have a look where they bounce off of or get close to and that will tell us where we can and can't go I don't see any banging off of there so we can go around oh that was close almost got smacked by one we'll take the bumpy route it's slow but it's okay I feel safer yes I think we've done it what on Earth zero gravity that don't sound fun all right Zero Gravity foreign [Music] joking [Music] all right so the zero gravity you've got to be very careful okay let's go quick because then if we go quick ah we can roll into space don't worry I've got a tool to help me get back up there it's not working that's all that a painful is not working okay I'll reset myself D4 yeah oh no [Music] that's what happens when I'm trying to get a cart [Music] gotta be so careful there to try troll mate ain't troll mates can you get some speed here just here it needs to hook on just here it needs to hook on but we need it that is so difficult okay that one that one's very difficult this bit here we probably won't need to do too much [Music] oh my God we actually did it all right the bumps before we had to go Ultra slow over oh my that is so difficult there's no way there is no way you could even go over bumps with that low gravity my God you made it here oh my God this one is to catch up somehow this one's horrible I just watched you launch off the end of that track earlier I watched you go super quick I went flying she just stole my car don't worry she's seeing Jesus [Music] she floated down she did what I did okay this is gonna be difficult this is really difficult why is this so difficult uh-oh do you reckon we'll be able to make it you gotta be really precise with these ones I've done a wheelie no that is the most difficult are you ever fall in zero gravity it's so fun isn't it this will be you know the bumps you know the bumps over there don't go fast at The Bumps by the way because you go flying all right fast here and then slow down so we could just get it oh No Just it doesn't work for me I'm dead too much weight in the car mate hello yeah these bumps are evil by the way it gets worse by the way [Laughter] I just watched them fall let's go no Little Italy always falling you drive bro drive drive drive bro let's go up whoa too quick too quick mayday mayday hello my friend do you want to join me on my adventure you just broke my car nice one you broke my cart with your face man there we go one [Music] uh not a big fan you're a human what are you talking about said hello again they flew off did you say that as well Super Saiyan time no there seems to be a problem with our cars don't worry you'll survive yes I dropped him off since you'll survive this game's horrible why is this game so hard go go go I want to follow you I will follow Drive bro you better drive I just wanna I just want to play what's wrong with you man get out of here go on go see Jesus the car's gonna come down and blow us up I was hoping that I weren't going to see you again hope he was going to get through that wasn't me being horrible by the way I'll say something you've got through this this anti-gravity locks not do it too good I get a cart follow us man that's Road rager is finest when you try your best but you don't succeed when you drive too fast and you enjoy the speed you cannot break what can be worse when the brakes don't work and you crash into your friends they cry really hard but it's not the end I'm only a nine-year-old dude look he's trying to push me off the car dude get your hey why you keep pushing my car off that's rude That is rude it's forehead push my car off at least you've got the balloon gun yeah it makes life easier obstacles will be on your way it's because this guy wants to get in the car with me you see let's go you two can go and I'll be free yeah yeah I'm go I'm going I'm going yeah I did it yeah I'm free well listen you're ruining my gamings I have to leave you understand to play a different game I'm a big fan bro you're a big fan but you'll make it you make it so I can't play I can't even start they're making it difficult it's like it's like watching someone trying to eat popcorn I know I said that was awesome and then gently does it gently does it gently does it you've got to be very careful it's very very bumpy oh my God oh my God my internet is running out my Broadband is shut down I've got to I have to do balloons don't worry we'll we'll go to Jesus we'll see you soon [Music] yo how did we survive that I don't know we went up like a sandwich did you see that it's like a sandwich yeah go we can make this I believe in you this is a bit what gets me every time oh my God we did it what hey give me respects can't believe she's done this hey where you from you're from like Germany or Sweden Finland oh I was close I was close honestly ah no no no [Music] too fast too fast no that's what happens when you got too much speed it's time to go let's go berserk [Music] [Music] that was absolutely perfect you couldn't get more perfect than that she'll go too quick why does he keep saying I'm only a child [Music] yay I dropped him off I dropped him off quickly run run from that child that looks very scary indeed well he keeps saying to me he's only a child I don't know what he means oh no don't worry I'll make us float don't make his float yes we could do this we can still do this it will work yeah yeah we're going to space Oh hey God we're in space can we go any higher than space that's all right don't worry we're gonna win this jump out now I'm still going upwards well that ruined that well that's unfair don't worry hey get on yeah I'll try to do this I don't know if I can oh that that was perfect come on oh my God my butt will be so proud mom I'm so proud of me it's like Mom Mom I did the cart game she said she don't care she just said she don't care she told me to grow up laughs [Music] ah oh no I'm too overweight we're falling oh no send help we're falling very slowly how are we fooling there's no gravity let's oh we go I stole it yeah that's what happens when you steal yes indeed take the balloon you'll enjoy yourself drive drive drive oh no no no why did you stop there what is that I've been on there for an hour now I thought oh it's only gonna be about 40 minutes to do this easy no I was wrong let's go me I thought it was gonna die but we didn't there seems to be a problem don't worry I'll sort it out don't round myself around us because you'll blow up man wheel is stuck oh no oh no oh no am I taking too long all I try and do is complete the game [Music] oh she ruined our game what a horrible Little Gnome she just walked into us bloody Dory Explorer Dora the Explorer ruined our game can you say sandwich I've taken to school and then uh I'll come back [Music] oh how slow do I need to go to complete this you have to go so slow it's unreal and obviously you didn't go slow enough now we're falling but it's nice seeing you I nice to meet you it's a lovely Spike what a lovely place to be let me drive to get your license from Legoland ah ah cacao break oh see look now you've got to go like this you see Ultra slow each bump makes you float just a little bit it's horrible [Music] yeah we've done it we can fly right to the end [Music] oh we almost did oh no I've ruined it I'm so sorry I'm so sorry why is it taking so long to get through this it's hurting my feelings it is ah I see oh no I were falling so slowly it's like a very slow I left him on the road they're waiting up there look there's a person up there waiting they're waiting for us to get up there so they can break her car look we [Music] well anyways I'll probably have to go soon I actually have plans today you have plans today you have friends oh my God you actually go outside most people don't that's crazy uh the bonus is my friend's house my friend house cats what do you say my friend how's that oh cats oh my God I thought you said something else then I literally thought because you were this uh it's a bonus because my friend has cat I thought you meant something else could you cut out uh my friend has these two fluffy cats that loves the girl oh I love cats cats are great there are great ah [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 399,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox cart ride, cart ride delivery service, cart ride delivery service roblox, roblox cart ride delivery service, roblox cart ride experience, roblox cart ride delivery, roblox cart ride around nothing, cart ride, roblox, elitelupus, cart ride around nothing, cart ride around nothing speedrun, cart ride around nothing secret, cart ride around nothing script, cart ride into rdite, cart ride into rdite script, Cart Ride Delivery Service on Roblox BUT In Zero Gravity, funny, gaming
Id: l51Wyvg95Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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