I Have NEVER Hunted ANYTHING Like This Cryptid Before...

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a 17-year-old student is invited to go camping with his friends out in South Point Meadows but he decides to arrive a day later a choice that was for the better once Freddy finally arrives almost right away he notices things aren't normal perhaps something's going on play as Freddy Anderson and fight against or run from siren head the giant creature that will trap its prey into a pocket dimension typically disguised as a forest to confuse and scare them so I don't think we need much more of an intro than that guys welcome everyone to siren Head South Point this will be the first ever time I've Tangled with this crypted and a lot of you guys have suggested it as my first introduction so here we are this game is a couple of years old at this point but I'm told it's very very good so here we go today is uh Friday the 22nd 21st I can't recall this whole thing is a Spur the- moment thing a couple of my friends you know the ones I talked about before invited me to camp out it was dropped on my lap so I wasn't able to head over Yer yesterday with them so now I have to drive in the pitch black of night I love driving at night I love not being able to see a thing I like driving at night something calming about it oh great it's foggy now this is just what I needed poor guy oh what oh yeah no there's definitely something on the side of that hill Oh I should be arriving soon um all right I we'll talk again later is this ready signing off what was that thing now that I'm here I should go look for the campsite they're at okay okay so I guess we've arrived welcome to South Point Meadows no vehicles Beyond this point it's cool looking ride too I don't know what it is I think this is set in the 80s too right so we got to go and look for the campsite catch up with our friends all right so before we go anywhere then cuz this is definitely not our first rodeo and any good crypted Hunter should absolutely come prepared right before you go into anything like this especially going into something like that look at that oh do we have no we absolutely do not have a flashlight good okay so got a couple of notes if you guys are new to the whole siren head thing because I mean you've probably seen what I've seen things floating around and things like that and the creature The Entity as I'm going to keep saying then you might not know a few key things about it which we're going to need to today but you staring at so the creation is by somebody who you may know called Trevor Henderson who also created at least the one I can think of off the top of my head his cartoon cat really really creepy design also got a handful of other creepy designs and I always suggest you should check them out but that's not really what I want to tell you guys about the thing that really gave me chills was what Trevor actually said about siren head and it it's this stay in the uh in the Moonlight really capture this siren head is the static physical form of an unfathomable Supernatural entity we really have no idea what we're dealing with guys like we just don't I could come in with all my little notes and we'd have no idea what we're coming up against so with it having a name like siren head too apparently this thing can still see but obviously it doesn't have any like Clear Eyes or anything we going the right way I so badly want to go off the trail but that never ends well the next thing that I want to tell you guys about is how this thing behaves huh what was that I thought hunting wasn't allowed in this park do we hear a shot of something caught me by surprise I hate that when when something grabs your camera and snaps to a point so yeah apparently this thing its main focus of attack seems to be Ambush either by drawing something in through sound or simply laying in weight two ways we can go here let's try this way ambient sounds which when I read that I was like that reminds me a little bit like a predator the old yaa tactic you know making some sounds familiar to someone or something and bringing it in letting its guard down apparently this thing does lay in weight too so if you see me doing this a lot I'm scanning the trees apparently it can really blend in and just because again if you have seen pictures of this or if you don't know this thing what is that is that it o I was just about to say that was moving like something was taking steps it's really focus in here I've got a feeling I'm going to be running in a second that's so weird is this the camp Jesus what is that bear to this I got to get some help wait what I didn't read anything about any other creature what was that wendigo Skinwalker what was it must to crouch in small areas it's watching me isn't it I'm more interested as to why that thing was there oh wait does it make us see things right give me this hey this is John's hunting rifle I may as well protect myself 100% John's not going to need it based off what we're seeing here looks like someone was dragged you guys imagine that are you just hanging around here and there's some gigantic Cryptid just comes in and just snatches you into the air I shouldn't be saying that I know I know I know a lot of you guys are like you shouldn't say that cuz you know what happens when you do things like that we get caught out and it happens where did you go is there anything else we can use oh all their stuff is here I mean it's pretty clear what's happened Freddy they were all around the fire and then all hell broke loose Blood on the trailer everybody's gone at this point turn around get in the get in the car and dip do not hang around I mean look at this huh John's truck is wrecked you would never let this happen breaking news a friend group of local high school has gone missing in South Point Meadows officials say they are currently looking for them and may take some time one of them enjoyed camping and is a hunter so if you find any missing campers gear in South Point meows Park please call the authorities immediately missing but we just got here what's going on oh that gave me goosebumps everywhere was that the creature or was that like an actual PA system cuz that voice it seemed a little bit weird unless there is somebody here that's trying to help us if we can find people I don't know right let's go in that direction and I've got no idea what we're supposed to be doing by the way I mean I guess investigating where our friends are don't think there's oh we do have a flashlight okay nice is there kind of okay there's no kind of inventory system or anything what we got is what we've got yeah so what I was going to say to you guys just as we rolled into this spot is just because this thing is big as I think that's what it was that they saw going through the trees you might think it's like plumbers and like super slow but that is not the case from the reports I've read this thing is super quick when it's hunting you down so we got to be really really careful any kind of cover we can use oh okay yeah I'm super jumpy okay where is everyone is that the way this is going to be just go to certain areas and then we get like an audio queue from Freddy that is absolutely terrifying we should be okay I mean we've done this before let's just try and stay composed we've come up against a lot out in these weird and wonderful woods and we've always pretty much most of the time always come out on top so today shouldn't be any different although got a feeling this one might be yeah I'm not hearing anything can we all right let's get moving don't really have any stamina we're super fit we work on cardio that's good doesn't last forever though can we go oh do we go that way I mean we got to right we need to know this entire area like the back of our hand if we going to be fighting something Supernatural or we're going to be running away from something let's see what's down the spot then I can't get over how cool this looks like this whole setting I really do like this kind of vibe it's not everyone's thing but I really really do oh hello I really really do like it all right we got Watchtower that could be good find some supplies maybe fire a flare up let people know we're here not a fan of the weird sounds off in the Sid of the woods I've been ignore I have been ignoring them but yeah my brain's doing that thing where I make shapes out of stuff let's get up there this is tense though oh nobody's home radio damn the radio tower must be off because of the weather wire on top of this Tower should lead to some sort of generator later this evening a body was found mutilated and left by the park seller where they store supplies for emergencies officials believe that the body that was found is that of John Parker one of the four missing friends from the local high school they say his body was torn apart by some immense Force possibly hit by a oh wow dear God John what the hell is happening who found him that is 100% The Entity right yeah I I was a little bit suspicious when I heard that voice I was like that seems so out of place so we got to restore the power to the park should look for a switch it going to be here or got to move to a new spot look at all this you have information about person's name been redacted or darkiplier H I love looking at all this stuff many cities praise modern systems all these Snippets missing people be kind of cool I really really don't want to go into that Forest now if it sounded like it was right here then it let out that weird sound that's why I feel like that's the entity trying to play tricks on us it's giving us information like little tidbits but oh I did not trust that where do we go let's get back to the road oh I see something I 100% saw something running towards me oh there oh I I don't know if you guys caught that I I'm pretty sure that I got eyes on something running through the oh there look at him oh yeah that's the big guy that thing is enormous oh my it's towering above the trees I mean I knew it was big I didn't think it was that big that's the way we've got to go as well did you hear that sound bone chilling siren kicking up it went back that way oh I've got no cover this is like my lifeline right [Music] now see if we can bring it in is it sound or something where are you I definitely didn't see a switch on this okay try and follow where the power's coming from then these pylons can I hide under them oh I feel so so exposed no I can't even hide underneath them wait where's the next one over there there's no cabins or anything I kind of want to get back to the road that we came in on there was a there was another way that we could have gone I had to come off the path right I had to stupid shiny things everywhere as cool as that looks do not stop that thing looked like it was in full Sprint too turn the flashlight off I really really want to go that way but everything is telling me not to what is that what is that what is that don't recognize that sound is the creature oh I'm so on edge oh there's a building there there's a building [Music] there okay relax for a second okay can't open any of this wait can this thing like shrink down you know what it probably can it's so weird that it's probably got like oh okay I heard this when I did some when I did some research on this thing that's what I heard oh that's so chilling oh that is so so [Music] bad what kind of shadow figure is that oh what no Sean I'm so sorry [Music] what is that sound oh ammunition we can take John isn't going anywhere this good oh power is on and now I can call for help store the power to the park okay we did it I was worried about that because I saw at the top of the um one of the pylons that there was a red light and for a moment I was thinking like there's going to be so many of these things that we got to flick get a look at this creature no what is that oh is that him no it's like the small V see I said it I said it I think that thing can shrink itself down and it did all right let's see if we're going to get atic you should not be here leave us once the longer you stay the worse he becomes what officials have said after a month of searching the kids can't be found it is ruled out that one of the friends Freddy Anderson L them out to the forest because he felt like they were holding him back in high school that's right Freddy we all know what you did we not come for you oh a month of lured them out what is this nightmare is it coming for me knows what you did Freddy that is so cool though what is that thing doing it's it's telling us the longer we're here the worse it's going to be do we go back towards the tower now I guess so since we turned the power on can we can we call for help I'm so scared so so so worried about going across into the open where did that thing go too are we going to get attacked by that as well I want to say that's a Wendy go right I feel like I've got eyes on me everywhere there's a word for that too right I know a lot of you guys have mentioned that before but like the feeling of eyes being on you all the time all right go go go go what are the chances that we need something else to get this radio working oh there's going to be something up there all right here we go moment the truth no all right hello can anyone hear me hello this is Officer Kirkland we hear you loud and clear help me something isn't right there's there's some sort of creature here you got to believe me man you are aware something isn't right but we will help you out of there we don't know what's going on exactly so calm down from what we understand you and your friends are the only people there right I don't know there was a radio broadcast saying John died and that we've been missing for a month it said I lured them out here and killed them I would never do that I I see oh follow my instructions here we will get you some help there is a bridge up the road from there assuming this is a signal from uh the ranger radio station we'll be waiting for you just across that bridge when you arrive make sure you don't have any weapons out just for our safety I'm not the threat and okay thank you I'm on my way please don't shoot me don't shoot us okay Freddy doesn't know when to give up he thinks he can save his friends get a Lo of this guy if I were him I would just lay down on my back and wait wait for what you say do it and you will find out lay down on my back press the prone button to lay down I'm not laying down I love that when he said that a second ago get a load of this guy I'm not laying down is that like just a way to accept death we got to get to the bridge I just I have nowhere where I can hide from this [Music] thing all right I'm ready this is so incredibly well done by the way way I am so so into this I didn't think I mean I've seen a lot of you guys suggest it for a while now as well but this is so so incredibly well done just lay on your back and see what happens no there's no way for you can run over and just squish me into the ground I'm so scared to run as well cuz I really don't know what attracts this thing in maybe I'm constantly being watched by it and it's just waiting but I feel like I've got some kind of control by just taking things slow let's follow this way so we know we've got like a building over there we've got the uh the tower over that side back there is the camp okay just trying to build a picture up in my minders as to what's going on and where everything is hey Freddy I'm over here oh my God no no no what the [ __ ] oh I don't like that I don't like that at all no no [Music] no oh God that freaked me out oh wait is this looping back around to the building oh [ __ ] it is I guess we keep going then cuz I saw the uh the road is he coming in oh get in oh there it is oh the fact that you can't ever make this thing out it's so terrifying there it is yeah I don't think I hit that I'm expecting like a a health bar to pop up come on in come on I'm getting Brave all of a sudden but I know I [Music] shouldn't you can tell by the way this thing moves too this is so fast it movements are so [Music] fluid one minute you see it the next it is gone IM it was just like climbing on the top of that just like holding on to the top of it all right let's see what's this way come here oh sh no no no no I absolutely hate that no what's there oh I really want to go down there we're going to have to I need to [Music] know what we got other campsites maybe fire [Music] pits uh just trailers and stuff okay I think we've checked all the areas out I don't think there's anything here oh wait oh there we go some ammunition [Music] nice is telling me to get to the bridge all right where's that road right back on the [Music] road okay I think that's a pylon over there ooh this thing makes you so paranoid it's the simple fact of it like not constantly attacking what we got here what's this [Music] big old hanger can we hide in there for a second no at this point I don't mind just getting to the bridge you know a little bit of backup if that's what it was would go a long way here this is actually terrifying the fact I can't see anything the scope definitely doesn't help like maybe in certain areas but just some enormous entity stomping through its playground essentially what this is countless amounts of people gone missing and it's oh hey I am not going to come on I'm not going towards that ready I'm over here no no come on no no no I'm not doing that come here hey I know that's a trap 100% I'm trying to stick to what I would do right if I was in this situation I know it's just stupid going towards it so let's keep going clear that flashlight there's the bridge I'm so ready to leave I am so so ready to [Music] leave the bridge is busted um maybe that building can lead the [Music] way oh no no [Music] go through the factory what where was the factory though you see how you couldn't really make out what that was that to me is so much worse the only spot that I can think look like a factory is where we were before where we flipped the switch maybe you have to get back there oh please don't make that sound again I'm guessing by how close it was that was the thing calling me in luring me off the path let's go oh I can hear things breaking that's so dense there [Music] too so what was this place for though [Music] this is definitely a different dimension the trees are acting funny oh it's [Music] open oh is this the factory then okay maybe I got that confused The Other Place look more like a factory to [Music] me wants us to go through this side I think we're okay for amunition you see I say that I don't really know what this is gearing up to am I supposed to be using that on siren head he said he should just be up over there okay so meet with officer Kirkland new task get to safety that sounds like a very very good idea let's do [Music] that what well that's definitely not off Kirland or is it a skin walker maybe are you going to turn into an officer are you like oh I've just thought about something he could be like the guardian of the forest you know I mean I'm going to follow it I have to know where he's [Music] going please don't jump out at me while I'm running down here huh what's over here ooh this place wasn't on the map oh there's a new spot just explore the new area this is definitely a trap wait why have we only got 10 rounds now where's all my ammunition gun pretty sure I had like 23 I think I had go go go go I do want to see it just a scare tactic maybe it's not open got to go round I don't even need to say anything you guys already know I'm very very stressed right now is that horse just going to go from house to house see if we can find something there's something over there too like a barn or ammunition take it it's not actually that dark with the light off sometimes it can be really blinding when you have the flashlight on inside houses and stuff so let's keep it to the outside it's a perfect spot for being ambushed go go go go check everywhere that chair just been in the middle of the room like that who's performed an exorcism what's going on jump that oh yes we can come on we got to have something here no I mean we got more rounds than we started with so it's definitely going to help where are you you giant bastard this is definitely leading up to something there's been no attack so far we're being baited into different areas is that like a oh it's a I thought there was like a tar draped over something it's little windmill just going to stay on the path there's a noise coming from over there I'm not going to it though oh yep look at the size of that thing explore the new area we don't stand a chance against that this rifle isn't going to do anything I mean unless investigate the town's Z for look for information about the town okay can we get up there don't think we can oh wait maybe jump from this to that so many questions but I'm so stressed that I don't really want to talk in case something comes sprinting out we'll just check each one of these buildings one at a time see what we come across oh what what it's got something to do with the creature wait what's going on I mean I put a round into it didn't do anything though can't actually do anything with it yeah you see some there we go more ammunition sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't so we got a giant Beating Heart there is there going to be four of them and that's what we got to do to take down siren head guys I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for here supposed to be investigating but I don't know what we're supposed to be finding so far we found a giant heart surrounded by skulls that can never be good oh here we go okay June 17th 1815 and I really don't know how to say that name so I'm just going to say marry I am sorry tell the others I'm sorry as well I know I was the one next for the great offering but seeing how I wasn't ready for this I felt this was my only way out of this hell I realize the gods aren't as powerful as the order makes it out to be oh no this is some kind of cult or something the hearts marry their hearts are their source of power we destroy that we end the curse and free this wretched town from its curse goodbye my love I will see you in the afterlife upon a hill okay we're dealing with a bunch of freaks good to know you leave anything behind for me are you going to be selfish not pick this up no suppose we can't really use that our hands are full with the rifle so we found one of four so we got to find more of those notes read up about what happened oh we got another heart there can't quite go in I don't think no got to find another way in maybe we just got to shoot that when the time comes I put a round into the other one before but nothing happen so I'm not going to waste my ammunition anybody home NOP we'll take that though oh there we go October 29th 8 1830 there are only five of us left the other buildings and homes have been destroyed to keep our fires going we need the materials the gods or rather the Devils themselves have taken so much from us what were the order thinking I'm done with the order they can kill me if they must but I quit I can no longer sacrifice my family to serve them I want out tonight I'm going to take my son and wife to the church after hours and destroy the heart and leave it's time we start a new life this place can burn and go to hell even though I'm pretty sure we are already there okay that's two so even the people that were here had had enough betraying the gods why am I looking in the poopa little Crum of information maybe you see anything off this point yeah I really don't know what we're going to do against siren head we got 29 rounds though so maybe that's for the hearts let's go back this way so we've got one in this building here we've got another heart which I think was was it this one I'm going to have to get used to where they are because no doubt I'm going to have to come back and Destroy them it's not this one it was that one or that one let me just be sure it's this one here right yep that one okay let's work our way this way then what is that is that some kind of that is a cage don't ring the bell or the dinner bell nothing in here oh my God heart spiking at 500 right now okay here's another one January 15th 1790 the children are constantly afraid this town is cursed why won't normal food be enough and now why must we surrender ourselves to these deities they ask I tell them it is so we can live another month until the next time they are blessed by the crops in the beautiful weather all because we sacrifice and concede Our Lives to it its influence is growing in our homes so a sacrifice is what must be made in order to continue to live but obviously there's say it's not much of a life anything on here yeah I thought I saw a little papers maybe this is number four no we're not that lucky okay time for another heart attack let's go there was a couple more buildings to the right here what is that that's all that stuff hanging off of it it's that fingers yeah that wendigo or whatever it is is slowly pacing around here too oh my God there we go I warned you didn't I the fact you persistently chased me means you we away your freedom must you be so DED you must be punished for the sins you have committed immediately wa I don't you to leave these words but your curiosity has got in the better of you now as it the one who Echo hear my call I bear a gift to you in exchange for safeguarding against the end I apologize about its quality and brevity but you understand more than I could possibly know Monarch of the nthon I have given you s sacrifice after sacrifice and yet I still do not hear you speak when will the forest with your sweet melody may this current vessel be delicious it's offering me up to that thing this is my territory let you linger and bear the consequences of your transgressions oh give me my rifle yes so you've just offered me up then so that thing's going to come into this area now then right you called it in and you offered me a sacrifice give me them can we no can't do anything with it okay still got to look for another clue then I guess or investigate a little bit more that scared me so bad when it was just in the doorway like that oh do we want to look down that okay good to dried up well okay I'm not really seeing anything else maybe I missed something here I know there was somebody up there too do I have to shoot in order for it to drop something oh wait there was something on here okay there was something on the altar that I couldn't see so May 10th 1800 this is outrageous we cannot even keep the ones we love we want to leave this God forsaken town but for some reason the devil's Forest directs us back here why can't we leave why is it keeping us here only so few of us left what will happen when there are no more of us the church demands we keep going easy for them to continue this night nightmare the priest has many wives and all the members of the order get showered in gifts we need to praise and worship their awful heart as a means to keep our peace so that's what they were doing then what is the point and there should be no one left for peace oh here it comes okay I know what I need to do I need to destroy the heart oh my that thing is God God help me no oh my god get in there go go go go go yes we're in that's it go around the back that's it we're going oh that shadow come on we can make this in shoot go don't wait we got to go I've got to get in [Music] here the problem is I think he can grab me through any building oh no okay wow God God help me no I know what I need to do I need to destroy the heart go go go go go and then we're going to go to this one over here it's going to buy me a little bit of time cuz it's going to stagger him oh he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming come on come on come on I think I'm going to shoot it through the window did we do it oh my God look at the size of that you defeat it siren head ending three of three finally the nightmare is over I'm going home oh we can actually leave this is a cool little [Music] touch whoa who's that what is that something tells me that isn't the end of siren head but I've got to say I was actually really impressed with this the fact that you don't see the entity all the time and you hear those blood curdling noises that it lets out it's so so cool yeah I really really enjoyed that I don't know if you want to see more from siren head because there are a few others that I do know about which I haven't actually checked out then let me know down in the comments if you did enjoy this drop a like on the video subscribe to keep up to date for hunting some more cryptids in the future and I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Fooster
Views: 529,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: siren head, sirenhead, siren head gameplay, sirenhead gameplay, siren head southpoint, sirenhead southpoint, siren head southpoint gameplay, sirenhead southpoint gameplay, new sirenhead game, new siren head game 2024, fooster, fooster horror, fooster horror games, fooster bigfoot, fooster hunting, thefoosterchannel
Id: ixHnaCvN3qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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