This Jurassic Park Inspired Horror Almost Finished Me!

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we get a drink my throat's a little bit dry there's nothing in here okay oh my God what what did we see stay low and move quick oh my God okay oh oh my God no let's have to toggle the flashlight oh there's no way oh my God it is it is it's my worst nightmare welcome to Oakwood a long abandoned Campground nestled in the forest of British Columbia explore the woods caves and a dilapidated Lodge in search of your friends while surviving the prehistoric Horrors that now haunt the grounds why have I never heard of this before hey Maddie we're almost at the campground and about to lose reception so I just wanted to check in so beautiful out here just keep following that Logging Road till you see the sign for Oakwood it's been abandoned for a while so hopefully it's not too hard to miss we're supposed to lock the fence behind us but we'll leave the key out for you be safe on your way up here and we'll see you tomorrow can't wait oh okay so I definitely got like old school horror vibes from that intro there and Oakwood it's a little bit misleading it basically gives nothing away to what I know we're gonna run into and listen to this but yeah never heard of this before and a lot of you guys let's left shift to run a lot of you guys have been suggesting some older style stuff because you want to see me go back and take a look at it and this is definitely within that lane so yeah let's see what we come up against now full disclosure I have seen a couple of screenshots guys and you can probably guess what we're gonna run into what's that bottle okay it's gonna be like that use left Mouse button to interact with glowing objects so we're gonna get some like weird cryptic message hey Maddie you're on the right track just keep following the path see you soon M oh Maddie I thought she said mati at the beginning but yeah I was so surprised by this seemingly coming out of nowhere because I genuinely do always keep an eye out and make a list of things that either you guys suggest or that I want to revisit and this just was not on my radar so yeah we're taking a look at it together all right I'm just going to keep following the path then and when I come across something I'll bring you guys back oh there we go this is what we've been looking for this is the entrance right yep there's the gate that she was talking about Oakwood right on cue how do we get in this thing she said she left the key for us oh there we go [Music] pick it up this was definitely the first clue that you might want to stay out and as much as I do love the whole exploring the abandoned and you guys know that I do sometimes it might just not be a good idea oh I see the campsite down there okay this is all boarded up and stuff so this is just genuinely an area where people come to to Camp then we got missing Robert lowright Robert was last seen walking along Seeker Trail to go fishing on July 9 1990 wow you have any information please contact woodpine park services so is this just giving the idea that people have gone missing then more recalling it guys nobody's gonna be here we're going to see a note like we heard something we got to get away from the area quick we've [Music] oh did not like that we've had to take refuge yep look nobody's here all right what we got to Emily Lawrence July 4th 2018 date of arrival July 7th seven guests for three nights directions follow burn Trail for 13 kilometers to Green Lake find Logging Road on the North Shore follow Logging Road for eight kilometers use the key in the mail to unlock the gate please lock the gate behind you have a wonderful trip okay why does the camp Oh I suppose it doesn't I was going to say why does it look trash but it's just all this crap here what's this drinking rules breaking silly accent no sneezing each time Hannah says no way no point in whenever the fire goes out everyone chugs forgetting to say grace before each new drink last one laughing they're gonna be blasted is there anything that I can oh hot dogs buns marshmallows propane cannons to bacon eggs coffee filters bug spray and drinks sunscreen it's just a list of everything that they've got now I don't know if it's just me guys but if I was to go out camping especially in a part of the world like this and you know there's big old Predators around phone Mighty before wood Pine Ridge no reception Oakwood okay so that's was then right we got the phone call before she got to that spot if you know this that's brown like bears and stuff you only take some kind of protection right Leah meet me by the lake at midnight Hannah the feeling that's not gonna happen Fire's still burning though take any of this some sunscreen and things oh my God cars were such a dog that just gave me chills it came from that way right it was like my right side of my ear oh okay oh my God she's such a dog I can't believe he packed so many stupid gadgets it's kind of cute one of those radios he was showing us doesn't even work LOL just remember you invited him okay we gotta go that way then please take this oh no why would you not take that it's something Maddie please stick anything okay I can already tell this is the point of no return I actually don't know how long this is I I probably should have done a little bit of digging but you guys are here with me for it okay Crouch that scream was definitely down in this direction though a little waterfall down there we're just gonna find a body or something I mean I don't know why I'm this nervous we've hunted a lot of things in our time guys like we're we're veterans at this point of all the Cryptids that we've hunted down I'm not saying that's what we've got here but you know we should be at home in this environment what the hell is that totem oh is there some like weird ritual or something going on Warren tap water was pumped from the lake and not treated any water poured from the Taps must be boiled for at least one minute before drinking brushing teeth cleaning raw foods preparing infant formula general rule then oil the water first yeah that's so weird that we just picked up I told him all right let's keep it moving then go towards where the screams were she said that she was gonna meet us tomorrow tomorrow right the music gave me a little bit of a jump scare that you've probably heard that oh I'm so on edge oh careful careful don't break your leg no more notes anywhere oh going in the direction of that scream guys it's making me feel really uneasy I don't mind telling you oh something's around me then isn't there oh my God oh that made me tense up so bad see I'm so conflicted here because half of me is like keep going oh what was that okay there's something over there half of me is like keep going you get to see a lot of cool stuff and then the other half of them is like run you idiot what are you doing you want to hang around I can't believe there's nothing we oh okay well something's been eaten but impacts oh okay go go go get inside what just happened did I fall through the floor oh my god did something destroy that door oh my oh oh [Music] he knows I'm here oh wait did that hit this thing and it knocked me unconscious [Music] Josh [Music] oh it's gonna it's gonna slam straight into this oh [Music] right off stay still oh [Music] wait did it Roll It oh wait what oh yeah we're like whoa oh whoa that really messed with my brain wait oh okay okay so okay left controls the crowd we gotta stay crouched he's always asking us to do oh I can barely see anything oh wait wait wait we found wait wasn't it a piece of this there's some strange going on guys I don't like it Oakwood Lodge Community Hall okay we're inside the lodge oh what was that why did my torch no please do not die if I have to find batteries or something like that wait we it might be safer inside I mean you know there's a massive wrecks out there but I stand still Alan Grant tells me I'll be fine whoa what's going on like did we get injured when we rolled in that trailer we got here what's this today's activity is freeze tag at 9am ring toss at 10 A.M spaghetti lunch noon arts and crafts reading and storytelling soccer scavenger hunt oh I felt way more I felt way more comfortable outside Jacob capernisuke last seen during the summer Jubilee Day scavenger hunt he was last seen wearing a red hoodie and brown shorts please contact Oakwood administration of media without information oh he's dead just like everyone else that's missing yeah like there's something really weird going on with Maddie's movement plus sign up sheet survival Fitness swimming local mythology white water rafting and archery oh another totem piece what let's go and doors locked no doubt gotta find a key can we not just find the power to this place and just turn the lights on please oh my God that's so incredibly dark what's this extreme people of the woodpine ridge region published 1989. oh my God what was that oh okay well known specimen of animal drop-ins have recently been discovered along Seeker Trail Dr hillheimer of the University Came Upon simplifying seven years ago when tasked with surveying the region lab results returned inconclusive if my suspicions are true there may be a closed pocket ecosystem nearby for the nature of my mysterious Flora that pollinates this area is any indication Dr K Latimer she was on to something oh come on open we know we've got a Rex around here there's death definitely something in here okay I can Xbox calendrical cycles and seasonal rituals of Pacific Coastal inhabitants published 1978 I think I might have butchered that word but I think it's just talking about dates and things right okay there's a whole bunch of crap that we can read here maybe about what they found the unique Flora of the outward temperate zone published 1984. okay so there was a weird oh they're finding weird floor around this area then Sasquatch Ogopogo and other Cryptids of the Pacific Northwest a guide to indigenous mythologies published 1977. I don't think it's that as much as I kind of want it to be right now I don't think it is oh my heart is thumping open okay what we got come on give me something dear Mom and Dad can I come home from Camp early it's no fun anymore everyone is freaking out about some kids going missing we aren't allowed to play outside anymore unless there's a counselor like right there yes thanks for the cookies oh a counselor is not going to save you with what's out there oh my God what what did I miss oh it's just the blood okay oh something's been dragged round into that what are they called like a dumb waiter or something what was that oh the fact that that radio had so much static too and I couldn't hear what's going on I thought that was actually like a a lift or the dumb ways or whatever it's called it's just leading to outside so they've dragged out okay I picked up the women's room key I've got a phone there no line nothing in it none of these counselors have pistols just in case there's any weirdos coming on the camp you know what I mean please turn off all the pressure pipes and transmission lines by 11AM September 30th ensure all windows are boarded up and doors are locked place all gas and other fuel containers into Cold Storage take how many personal belongings so is that when they wrap this place up just locked it down tight so that's the men's is that open it's locked women's and we go I can't close the doors oh my God is that somebody alive or is that like a comfy or something I heard one of the counselors say Sandra's gone missing too do you think she ran away nope she's been eating that's just the truth is this the gym stay next to a wall you know when you get so scared your throat dries up yeah I got that now I'm so stressed guys I just hear something behind me then I think it might have been a human going through the vents like hiding or trying to escape or something that's what we heard all right well we've made our way around barbecue equipment we get a drink my throat's a little bit dry there's nothing in here okay oh my God what what did we see stay low and move quick oh my God okay oh oh my God no let's have to toggle the flashlight oh there's no way oh my God it is it is it's my worst nightmare oh my God okay oh [Music] oh my whole body has got pins and needles at least we get to see what we missed oh God it was a tail okay oh God I hate that go go go I'm I do not want to turn the flashlight oh it jumps up on the side oh that's the other one oh my God oh my God oh this guys you have no idea how hard that was for me to do what's bunion what what okay I don't know where the hell I'm supposed to be going there's no door down there all right I'm trying to stay quiet oh my god oh this is the worst thing I could have ever done oh this is so bad why am I doing this no get in oh wait is he gonna follow me in the vents watch that thumping sound too are they actually trying to break into the vents oh did I oh go just go just go just go oh wait okay so I I did like a whole big U-turn and then I locked this thing in oh can you get free oh I think it just got free come on the door is locked electronically okay oh you guys how bad that scared me up there I I think you guys know just how terrified I've told the story a few times but just in case you don't know Jurassic Park the seat oh my God oh wait no no no no there's people alive oh we heard people on the radio right I thought it was just some creepy ghost oh my oh I don't think I'm gonna survive this I don't I really don't I'm not even gonna get to say what I want to say to you guys in case you don't know the story I basically got the ever living scared out of me when I was a kid in accordance with Oakwood development groups revised safety standards no work maintenance within the town site sewers can be executed without the direct supervision of a member of the regional infrastructure Safety Committee present okay did they did they know what what's happening with the lights this is horrible oh there's like more of this that I've got to work my way around sticking your wall something go up there oh I so expect him to be run at them by something the volume of fossils found in this area is astounding after months of protests the Oakwood Development Group agreed to a compromise of expending full efforts to preserve any natural ore anthropological artifacts that may be uncovered on the site the development still receives constant threats to vacate and Grave warnings about the dangers of disrupting the area I wish we would put more effort into respecting their beliefs I wish we would put more efforts into giving me a weapon because there's nothing I can defend myself with against literally my worst nightmare foreign oh my look at that someone was just dragged into the vents is there anything around this way it's gonna be a bad idea right I mean I'll take that if I can slam that off I wrapped his head on like make it eat that and I can get away okay come on where are we going where are we going I keep pressing that I need just that lean thing is freaking me out too nope all right where the hell am I supposed to go find a place to hide weird I've seen how this movie ends please do not open that door foreign nope I don't trust it nope I'm not moving this is where I'm staying for a bit I need a breather oh my God all right let's go is that the door that was broken in okay oh oh the banging is me okay I know you guys can't see anything it's so dark for me too slightly seen movement going from left to right okay let's just keep going which one oh he's attacking the microwave okay that's a good thing then that is I've used it as a distraction okay nice where do we go here we go oh God I hate this I hate this oh go go go oh [Applause] my God one of the worst things I've ever experienced by far if anyone reads this Dylan and I are up ahead looking for a safe place to hide until morning it's not safe in the woods that you hunt from the bushes please be careful you know what they are right please be careful they're like one of the most perfect killers ever we're not just gonna be able to sneak past the bush oh I guess I've just got to stay on the path then if we got here oh I'm gonna get so sidetracked with stuff like that this way wood Pine Forest they're all dead I'm calling it right now there's no way Raptors freely roam like that and people are just alive there was like a kid's voice back there too okay I can already tell I'm gonna have to do this and then stay low down I am so so dead oh [Music] no [Music] I'm staying away from any bushes hug this wall all the way around am I gonna get past this can I get over that oh there we go my brain isn't working right guys when these things are around I like I can't think straight what nope get back in there no okay just breathe just wait for a second I'm running I'm not hanging around what is that Hey Zoe check out this place I just got a random invite to this Campground thoughts directions attached looks cool no M why are you bringing everybody here bush oh [Music] [Music] who is Dylan is that somebody else that's alive and he said they were at a utility Shack or something oh vehicle needs gas where am I gonna find gas [Music] oh go I can't explain to you guys just how okay there we go guess horrifying this is think of your absolute worst scenario that you could be in okay I don't need the wheels oh my God and I know I know what you're gonna say I put I put myself in this situation please leave me alone please let me in oh he knocked the fence down okay I saw that fence back there let's go just go go go go there's something in this oh I heard it grow oh my God oh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm holding my breath I'm getting really light-headed oh what's that over there there's something shining off the the headlights so we're going in that direction then look at all this okay just just Sprint just go oh my God we're actually in the long grass oh my God I can hear something running like oh [Music] is this it what's happening oh I can hear something go go go go go go go go go [Music] oh I don't know if I can do this I swear to you guys I'm not joking I am shaking right now oh my God [Music] okay don't open all right we turned the power back on oh there's more I thought we're gonna like climb up to what we saw up there oh my God just gotta go oh my god oh there's something behind me again ah oh I do not like that oh how am I doing this oh I'm so braced [Music] I have no idea how I'm out running a raptor get in oh my God here we go and then one runs over the log okay that was different this time go go where's the shack there it is oh please get in there okay [Music] oh it could definitely jump that I hate everything about this I absolutely hate everything about it oh we're gonna get chased again just go just go I genuinely have no idea where we're supposed to be going oh I'm just gonna go in a straight line and hope that's where we're supposed to be going oh they're scoring around in the grass this way what [Music] go go go go oh my God okay oh of course we're in the sewers now of course wait we fell down there we didn't break anything oh okay I'm so light-headed oh Town site sewers we're gonna be Raptors down here too it's so quiet after all that panic I don't know who that is but every single time they come through on that radio it scares the living hell out of me because I think I'm being attacked all right what's this saying notice outward Township sewerage established 1990 sewage conduit remains incomplete construction postponing definitely until further notice completion date unknown oh my phone I'm lost I'm 100 absolutely lost where do we come from oh there okay so this way oh I'm bracing oh my God again oh oh just go just go just go that definitely wasn't a Raptor weird looking whatever the hell it is and it's just so incredibly dark too I'm absolutely gonna have to brighten things up for you guys but I don't know how much it's gonna make a difference this way the size of that thing don't do it again whoa I thought I heard like a step I'm just oh I don't know if my brain's playing tricks I mean I thought I saw something there so tense trying to keep the flashlight on the wall so I can see which direction it's going if this flashlight goes off guys I honestly do not know if I can finish this I'm gonna go as far far to say this might be the worst thing I've ever played I mean just for me the lantern there okay I mean if it's just one thing then it's not as bad as what happened back there before with those Raptors please don't okay stay next to a wall so you can see which way it's going what is that no no the flashlight's dead what is it he's heating an arm as well oh there's no way oh my God just go just go oh this is absolutely horrible please in case of emergency water inundation the excess Port can be opened by pumping three auxiliary flow levers caution each flow lever requires a source of power I've got to turn the power on and pull those things okay so so if I gotta turn the power on here I've got to find the power first okay let's keep going then flashlight still dead okay this is gonna be so bad I can already tell I genuinely had had no idea that this was going to be as bad as it is I can't even climb this I'm so stressed no written by Dylan I lost Zoe I don't know what to do don't think I'm making it out of here been using Carter's goggles to make my way through this place battery's running out though hope he's okay it's always got one of his radios he might have the other one still but the receiver's broke so there's no way to tell to whoever finds this please tell my mum I'll miss he never got to finish oh we're actually gonna oh I don't think this is any better guys I really don't this might be worse and I've got a battery in the bottom left so I'm on a time limit now come on turn the power on is it this caution the emergency access port is locked mechanically the gate can be opened by pumping the three auxiliary flow levers located on the flow control valve station near the generators please note each lever requires a power transfer from a generator Source okay foreign I just have this feeling every time I'm going to turn a corner I'm going to see something the gate switches require a power no it's a Dilo I saw the uh the thrill around its neck oh please yep that's 100 a Dilo down here to the right in there as long as I know where that thing is it's not too bad okay there's one go go I don't know if he's going to bring that thing in back up back up there's two because the one's got to be straight down there go go go go no open them [Music] did I do it oh my God I need that thing to move I think I've got to do all three of them [Music] there we go is the power back on oh my God oh no [Music] go [Music] the flashlight is still dead where are we going this way oh my heart can't take much more of this we've gotta find a way now down there can't go through it oh I cannot believe this flashlight is just completely stopped working oh there we go valve okay stop the water then and then go through oh honestly guys it's been such a long time since I've played a horror game I mean don't get me wrong I still get really scared with horror games but it's been a long long time since I've genuinely thought about not finishing one and back there with those Raptors and even back down there with the Dilo I came very very close oh you already know what that means I keep pressing the flashlight like somehow it's gonna start working again let's just go [Music] yep I think we're about to see a Rex and the god of Madison is who I see you from over if you can hear me's up ahead but be careful there's one of those giant things that somehow I snuck by it without him noticing me I'm gonna go up ahead and see if there's a hide please be careful okay so she said there's one of those giant things up ahead she's talking about a Rex right if it's a Rex I can handle it I know that sounds stupid because it's a massive carnivore but it's not a raptor that can hide in the grass and chase me through it I can deal with the wrecks said nobody ever by the way [Applause] don't make too much noise Easy Does It what did she say I managed to sneak past it all right let's just keep going then I gotta be honest if there's an option to save Zoe here go go go go go if there's an option to save us or Zoe I'm picking us 100 percent it's kind of what he's forcing me into here it's making it sound like Zoe is the only one alive Dylan's dead Dylan was back then we took his goggles if Zoe's alive and there's a choice she's gonna be food I'm gonna push her I don't have to be fast I just got to be faster than her right as the old saying goes [Music] my assistant and I believe we had narrowed the area in which the pocket ecosystem may be located by following the growth patterns of this unique Flora that appeared to bloom every seven years we can trace the location by following the trail of the Aging plant life with any luck the plant should lead us to their point of origin Dr K Latimer um I'm guessing it's round here then she's got to be dead too right everything we're finding here is just off dead people okay so far so good stay completely still there it is I'm not touching anything okay so that's how Zoe snuck past see that's nowhere near as bad as the Raptors nowhere near the fact that you're in such a confined space with those things oh my God oh my God I can't take it back oh no go there is no way in in okay I'm not gonna open my big stupid mouth anymore with stuff like that go go oh I could really really use my flashlight right now I don't know what I'm running into um I just wanted to see some cool dinosaurs I had an edge that needed to be scratched oh no go go go I think he's just broke through I'm not turning around there's no way oh that thing was right on us as well always pissed go so hard to see oh there's a toad smoke there look at that what is that a Rex skull wait what [Music] just a mass grave [Music] is this this is everybody we've been looking for dear Marissa she could have joined us this weekend we're having a total blast you wouldn't believe this place he's so remote but beautiful and we have it all to ourselves can't wait to tell you all about it when we get back you definitely didn't get back Ted Stevens Journal July 7 1997 this place is amazing tomorrow I want to check out the abandoned Lodge it feels great being so far from everything with just a few friends he's all our friends then July 4th 1997 Dear Mr Stevens we invite you and six other guests to spend an adventurous weekend at the awkward camping site on July 7th three nights are the directions [Music] so he's radio yep relax oh yeah with that there's no way [Music] so there we have it guys that was Oakwood I'm sure you could probably tell but I don't think I've ever been as close to quitting a game as I was with the lodge sequence with the Raptors it might not seem bad to a lot of you guys watching but please take my word for it there were moments where my heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest I hated all of that and I'm sure just like you guys I don't really care all that much for graphics I mean that was one hell of an experience but I can't help but wonder what this would have been like with the updated Graphics I don't know if I'd have been able to handle it so for now this is where we're going to end please drop a like on this video guys you have no idea how much it would mean to me if you did that especially just making it through so for now thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your support and I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Fooster
Views: 2,003,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oakwood game, oakwood gameplay, games like the lost wild, games like deathground, games like instinction, new horror games 2023, single player horror games, games like project ferocious, fooster, fooster horror games, dinosaurs, jurassic park, jurassic park style games, games like jurassic park, horror game, horror games 2023
Id: yuQHzZf7f8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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