I have 100 days to BEAT ARK SUPREME

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I have 100 days to beat ARK Supreme a complete  overhaul mod with several tiers of creatures that   you can only progress through once you defeat that  particular tiers boss oh and there's no flyers   in this mod so I guess this is also a no-flying  challenge before we begin though I would like to   announce that I now have Merch this is my first  merch drop and will not stick around forever so   click the link below to be able to cop some of  this fire merch at shop Aztec dot store now let's   see if we can complete this mod within 100 days ah  welcome Legends to day one of this new modded 100   days Adventure I'm pretty excited for you to join  in on this one it's pretty different this time much the same as all my other 100 days  let's try that again since we're killed   by an overgrown rooster I have to assume that  everything in this mod is trying to murder me   see see even this parasol is trying not very  effectively but it's trying and there's white   b as well I'm not too sure why this parasol  isn't actually okay okay don't worry I think   the best plaintive attack for us right now  is to try and get some levels into us that   way we can get a little bit more stamina and  speed so we can escape some of these dangers   I quickly cropped up some tools and then  gather some thatch from these trees so we   could do a little cheesy method of gaining  experience crafting Chibis a lot of them   oh crap yeah so this happened a couple more  times before we actually got a decent start now that I have a few levels under my belt and can  craft some decent items I went ahead and pretended   that I was KSI punching some of my victims in the  boxing ring so I could gather some resources to   create some early game tools I even crafted myself  a spear because this bee kept trying to murder me   two of them they're pretty weak so I quickly  dispatched them and they dropped this Delta B   Summoner Elixir we'll find out what that does a  little bit later but for now I need to put down   a little starter base just to keep us safe and  start Gathering some more resources to collect we finished the base on day two it's nothing  special but I didn't close it just in case you   know something tried to get in and kill us I then  went ahead and used the B summoning Elixir I was   curious to see what it actually did and well it  does exactly what it says it does it summons in   a b and now I need to go and collect some hide  so I can create some of the crafting stuff you   know like a fortune Smithy so I approached  this big green jerboa stabbed it and died when you die in this mod you actually lose  experience points so it's important to go   pick up your body after just to gain those  levels back not too far away from our base   I found a big green dodo and typically  these are pretty easy to kill at least and it wasn't that simple I led that dodo all  the way back to my base and continued to try and   kill it while trying to be safe at the same time  unfortunately I died in the process and this was   going to lead to a series of very unfortunate  events since I didn't have a bed down I had   to spawn back on the beach and attempt to run  back to my base but every time I tried I died so freaking aggressive I knew I had to switch  things up this was just getting way too hard so   I went out to explore and try and find a better  base location and that's when I spotted this   oh so of course I went straight up to it walked  into its Heavenly Gates and transported to this   Safe Haven it's actually just a floating island  above the map or is it really Heaven day three   of course I put down a little starter base  then we got to some farming until we spotted   our first vanilla Dino on the map and this is  probably our only chance to be able to get some   hide we literally chased this Dino around for  ages until he fell off this Cliff where there   was a tech track waiting for him and these Tech  tracks basically one shot everything but they   don't harvest the bodies so we can still gather  some hide we now have enough resources to be able   to place down our very own Supreme refining Forge  we need this one for this mod as it crafts certain   medals that you need for the mod now that things  are looking up it's time for us to get ourselves   some metal tools and uh maybe put some clothes  on now that we're all dressed and ready for the   world we went down to the beach with my metal Pike  and took out our first Delta Dino a level 80 dodo   yeah we're really making moves in this game day  four we now have enough resources to place down   the Supreme workbench this will allow us to be  able to create items that are specific to this   mod we then place down this supreme cauldron  it kind of works like an overpowered mortar   and pestle but it crafts items specific for this  mod such as Kibbles rare flowers and narcotics   now that we can start crafting some real gear for  this mod I think it's time we better try and go   and team something and I think this parasol  is going to be the first one we tame luckily   in this mod they're a passive team so I just had  to run up to it shove some Cuba leopards butt and   uh it's now our friend unfortunately I didn't  have enough Delta hide to be able to craft the   saddle for it so with the help of the parasol we  went out to go hunt some innocent green victims after collecting some hide off of that green  chicken we went to go fight the screen jaboa   and this might have been a mistake look  at the damage it's doing compared to what   we're doing to it I ran away to create some  distance because yeah a parasol is gonna die   that's a lesson to you kids don't pick a fight  that you can't win but hey on the bright side   the parasaur's dead body we can still use  to make a future saddle possibly for this   parasaur right here because we tamed it and  put a saddle on it and we named him Donald   in the parasol right in a parasol wait before we  continue I'd like to introduce you to somebody   this is Sarah and she loves smooth men hi my  name's Sarah and I love smooth men and thanks   to manscape's Performance package 4.0 you can  now have all the smoothness the Sarah desires   performance package comes with a lawnmower 4.0  which is the fourth generation electric trimmer   that also features a Cutting Edge ceramic blade  designed to reduce those nasty cuts on your wall   well anywhere you choose to use it and for those  areas that the sun don't shine it comes with a   LED spotlight so you don't miss any spots this  trimmer is also waterproof so no more mess on   your bathroom floor you can take it in the shower  and shave all that mess off your body and come out   feeling like a brand new man now if you really  want to impress Sarah you can up your game by   using the weed whacker 2.0 nose and ear trimmer  which has a 7000 RPM Motor with a steel blade   system an upgraded cutting performance from their  first generation weed whacker now that you have   your appearance down you probably need to make  sure that Sarah doesn't smell anything a little   funky you know what I mean [Music] fortunately for  you the performance package 4.0 comes kitted with   the crop preserver ball deodorant and the crop  reviver ball toner spray man escaped even through   ruined two free gifts the manscaped anti-chafing  boxes and the shed travel bag so head on over to   manscape.com today and you will receive 20 off  plus free international shipping when you use   my promo code Aaron at the checkout again that's  20 off plus free international shipping when you   use my promo code Aaron at mansgate.com day  five we took Donald out to go kill some of   the local Wildlife but only the weak ones because  technically being Delta tier we're weak and when   Donald's Health was really really low we went back  to base so we could formulate a new plan of attack   for the day but I keep teleporting going up and  down the plan of attack with yes this we want to   tame ourselves some resource sketches so I threw  down some Stone foundations only to realize that   doesn't actually work I swear it usually does I  eventually figured out you need to tame these with   just normal Stern I tamed a few of these gatches  and then just started leading them back to base   these resource sketches are the only way to be  able to get certain oars in this mod to be able   to craft certain items from this mod like copper  ore that this particular resource catcher drops   and named him Mr copper I woke up on day six and  collected all the crystals that we had gathered   from all the resource catches we got this rather  snazzy Riot chess piece from it too and I also   crafted this Delta gliding suit since there's  no flyers in this mod or in this map the glider   suit is probably going to be our main point of  Transport building our base up on a height makes   it much easier to get to certain places like  this metal Rich Mountain it's a shame though   the locals of this mountain aren't very welcoming  oh my God why did I dive down I think for now I   better Farm metal in easier spots like right down  here just below the base day seven we continue   progressing through this mod and made our first  proper armor the Delta hide armor then I went   out to tame a much better Diner than our parasol  and one of my favorite Dinosaurs the Delta trike   I made a good old pillar trap lured it into the  Trap and locked it in and then knocked it out but as I tried to feed the track kibble this Dilo  killed it day eight and we're down on the beach   starter area and that's when I saw this bulb  dog and noticed that it was a passive team and   only required one kibble to tame I figured let's  just tame it and see what it does turns out this   was the best decision I'd made all game you see  both dogs are pretty fast and they jump really   high which will make getting around this map a  lot easier than just walking or even gliding is   it just me or do they have a kind of ugly cuteness  about them I was certain that me and this bulb dog   are gonna be such good friends I gave it a name  and we named it Alastair and Alistair definitely   needs a sexy time friend you know to make some  more babies so he went out and found this girl   we named her Ally you know to kind of keep  the theme going on my way back to base I   stopped off to gather some obsidian  this really wasn't my smartest move   you know when you jump off your Dino  and then you start hearing that sound you know it's game over so yeah we lost  both of our bulb dogs in that process   but fortunately they're pretty easy to tame and  with that we got our stuff back kind of easily   then that night we went back out to go and try  and tame ourselves another Delta track it's only   a level 400 but it'll do for now it wasn't until  the following day that the Delta track was ready   to beat ours we named this girl Destiny after  my cousin with a big forehead and since we had   a little bit of extra time I gave a name to our  Delta bulb dog Alice because I think Alice is a   pretty name and both dogs are ugly they need all  the help that they can get now that we have a   track I immediately put her to work by gathering  some berries around our Island base area and then   I wanted to see what she could do out at the  battlefield aka the Wild and the first victim   is this jibboa and as Destiny kept hunting more  prey she got stronger and stronger we only hunted   Delta tier dinos because I know very well we would  not match up against anything higher tiered after   a successful hunt we took Alice out to do some  exploring I wanted to see what else this map could   offer and I found this cave entrance covered in  spiderwebs we went in saw this thorny dragon with   over 1 billion health and uh yeah we left straight  away day 10 we continue doing more exploring and   that's when we found these beaver dams and we all  know early game beaver dams are op and of course   I went straight for the big dog the giant beaver  Den so I dove straight in and underneath the den   opened it up collected what I needed to made my  way out I only filled some beavers to be rather   pissed off and uh Alice died in the process it's  a good thing that bulb dogs are disposable in this   mod you know what else they can do jump from  all the way up here and receive no fall damage   I then when I collected the remains of my body and then chose a smarter easier Beaver  Dam to steal some cementing paste out of   day 11 I built this platform leading over  the teleporter on the floating island but   I also wanted to have a space that I could place  down this awesome teleporter now that we had an   awesome teleporter who could get back to base  quite easily I then ventured out and explored   portal and that's when I found this point of  Interest which kinda acts like the obelisks in   normal Maps but instead it's like a Dwarven themed  I don't know Castle thing further exploring we   spotted a giant green dung beetle although rather  strange and uh quite big these are always a staple   in basically any playthrough in Arc so of course  I tamed it I immediately took this green beetle   back to base and then I appropriately named  it diarrhea day 12 I found a new location of   Interest this little cave waterfall area I like  it because it's kind of flat there's some water   around and some higher team Dino spawn nearby it's  pretty far away from our current base location so   I placed down an awesome teleporter so we can  get back here whenever we need I did notice   that there was a Delta tier aloe nearby so I  took this opportunity to try and tame it this   turned out to be quite difficult since there was  a prime Allosaurus and an apex Allosaurus a part   of the pack as well getting a good angle on the  grapple hooks was quite a hard so I dropped down   to this little cliff and uh turns out the prime  Allosaurus can reach us from here I teleported   back to try and team this Allosaurus and yeah this  happened once again foreign the Delta Allosaurus   was a low level anyway it's kind of pointless  and not really worth my energy day 13 I placed   down this architect bench it's a really good  quality of life mod that I'm gonna use always   in the future but what am I using it for now  well I'm planning on building a greenhouse the floating islands I had to place  down these metal water tanks to you   know store some water oh yeah we'll  probably need some crop pots down too   day 14 I found a Delta Snail out in the Wilds  but this fiomi was really loud and annoying   yeah that's one way to shut them up now as  most of us do these snails passively generate   cementing paste so of course I'm gonna enslave it  day 15 I figured it might be a good idea to start   breeding our bulb dogs after all ugly things do  deserve love too and they basically die one shot   from everything in the world so you know having  backups is good speaking of ugly things yeah my   head's a bit of a mop so I'm gonna have to clean  it up a little bit yeah we just shaved it all off   no not really it'll grow into what we expected  soon I then noticed a girl Destiny was feeling   a little lonely too so we went out to go find her  a mate and there was one on the beach so of course   we tamed it brought it back and Destiny now has  a good friend day 16 we got our first fully bred   up bulb dog and I named it Aquila I'm not really  sure where I got that name kind of sounds Mexican   and kinda sounds like a killer but you know yeah  we immediately took a cooler out to try and find   ourselves some better dinos that we can try and  actually fight a boss with unfortunately a big   blue gorilla boss found us and then we had  a race for our lives holy crap what is that just throw a rocking us holy crap you're still there I thought I got away get up oh we're going to go back around thank you we're so dead all right oh big blue uni don't want that  uh he might make it over this what is that it was at this point I kind of  thought I got away I was wrong oh my God day 17 we went out to go and  try and find a creature that could help   us fight a boss this took up a massive  chunk of our day but eventually we did   find one here in the Redwoods we found this  level 520 Delta thalicolio since there's no   flyers in this game it's a little trickier  to be able to tame some of these creatures   and you kind of have to think outside the  box so I grabbed my grandpa hook Grandpa   hooked up this tree and just drank the  file Collier out from here don't run yes that ended up being a lot easier than  I thought it would be and now we have a   phylicolio I was trying to solve William but uh  it didn't work so I figured I'd just teleport   him home except uh he's still on follow  mode rookie move let's try that again one I was extremely excited now that we had a  thylacolio something that is just a proper   killing machine all our other dinosaurs weren't  really Killers but this one is I had to go see   what kind of damage it does now 3K damages a step  in the right direction but let's put some levels   into him and see what he does at 5 000 damage  at this level of the game is pretty decent I   just hope it holds up against a big boss now in  order to fight the bosses in the Supreme mod I'm   gonna need a lot more phylicolios than just  one so yes I need to find a breeding partner   for our new phylicolio a jump from the floating  island down to the Redwoods climbed up this tree   and there he was at Delta phylicolio but if it  isn't already obvious there's a lot more powerful   crazy creatures around knocking it out will be one  thing but then getting it out alive very hard our   biggest issue was this Prime basilisk I could stay  away from its poison Balls by getting high but if   I hit that ground I am one shot away from Death I  eventually got the Basilisk away enough but there   were other troubles around and that's when I made  the simple mistake I dropped down to the ground   to try and head over to this rock only to find  out I didn't have any more grapple hooks left   rip and then return to our tree and uh yeah even  more dinos spawned I tried shooting them with   my shotgun only to find out that these bullets  don't actually work against anything other than   the Summoners the next day I came up with a genius  idea to be able to extract the style of colio out   of the Redwoods we're just gonna charge at it and  hope for the best I got to it put some kibble into   it it tamed and then I just started shooting  my soul gun at her hoping that I captured it   I died of course did I get it I have no idea  I have no idea I got back to base went to the   awesome teleporter retrieved my corpse checked  my inventory and it was there oh I got it   we got it obviously I got these two  Pussycats out to start breeding straight away moving on to day 20 I think it's about time we  progressed to the alpha tier and in order to do   that we need to fight a boss I chose this area  as a little boss fighting arena so I made sure   to put down an awesome teleporter so we can get  back and forth to this area whenever we need I   then placed down the boss Summoner but we're not  actually quite ready to fight a boss just yet as   we need to still raise an entire Army to be able  to fight the boss in this mod day 21 some of our   babies have all grown up but then we had to go  through the painstaking task of putting levels   into every single one of them day 22 we were  now prepared to be able to fight the Delta boss   and move on to the alpha tier I made sure I had  my entire Delta trike and thylakolio army ready   for battle and then summoned in the Delta boss oh  there we go the boss came in and yeah it's just a   massive King jibowa I sent in all my tracks all  my thylakolios were ready to fight and then the   entire screen went red the Delta boss summons in  a ton of little Minions that come and mess you up   so we had to avoid them the entire time whilst the  remaining of our army bought the Delta boss then   the Delta boss finished off the rest of my Army so  I had to make a swift Escape yeah we just cut the   fat l luckily I was on a phylicolio so I scaled  this mountain and uh got out of the way I then   teleported back home and I guess now it's back to  the drawing board the following day I just Harvest   some resources while pondering my failures in life  I then went back to the Boss Arena and placed down   all of these Behemoth gates to try and gate it  off a little bit so that when the boss summons   in it doesn't fall off the edge it's now day  24 and we used all of yesterday building up the   Boss Arena and we also used that time to raise up  another Army to give this Delta boss another crack   when I was placing out all my thylacolios we got  this mutation and damn it looks cool look at that die you look like look like I  mean it really does look like   it's so much I had to name it toffee Apple after  a candy I loved growing up the one thing about   having a massive Army going into a boss fight  means we have to spend basically the entire day   leveling dinos and then throwing them out of their  soul traps it's pretty time consuming it's already   day 25 now and I haven't even gotten off the first  Delta tier yet we really need to defeat this boss   so I cross those Saddles up and then get my entire  Army ready for battle once again this is Delta   boss fight attempt number two the Delta boss is  spawned in so I send in my first wave of dinosaurs   which is basically pretty much all of them they're  fighting pretty well and holding up hopefully oh   there goes one there goes two more oh there goes  a lot more oh no and there goes all the rest the   death names keep popping up we are losing this  battle I send in the second wave and hurt for the   best I really feel like this is all over I don't  think we're gonna be able to hold up the Delta   boss is taking very little damage so I don't know  what to do for now it's now Day 26 and we just   lost to the Delta boss for the second time we need  to really rethink our strategy here I'm pretty   confident I know what I need to do now so I get  on my bulb dog and travel around the map trying   to find myself this a high level Delta Allosaurus  by attaining this was kind of tricky you might   have seen that I did try and set up a trap but for  some reason it doesn't stay in the Trap and the   bear trap doesn't work my bad so what I decided  to do is just use my thylakolio to tank it while   I shoot off the back of it to knock it out this  took some time so I had to teleport back to base   to heal up my final collio and return to finish  off the job when the Allosaurus started running   it fell into a kraken that's where I knocked it  out from we now have a very iron max level Delta   Allosaurus we just need to find a mate for him now  fortunately the following day we found one in this   Forest here it wasn't near level 500 but I think  they're having a level 600 should make up the   difference hopefully unfortunately for us taming  this girl was a pretty straightforward process we now have a pretty decent pair of breeding  allosauruses we're just gonna have to wait   a day or two until we have enough Allosaurus  babies to be able to fight this boss again day   28 and I'm out in the Wilds trying to kill as  many Delta dinos as I possibly can why you may   ask whoa because I didn't realize how important  having saddles on your dinos really was in this   mod if you're wearing the particular saddle to the  particular boss that you're fighting it halves the   amount of damage that boss can do to your dinos  and it also just realized after all this time   I'd forgotten an important member of our team Evo  my personal chibi so now it's day 29 and this is   round three of fighting the Delta boss my Army's a  little bit smaller but I'm running out of time I'm   really hoping that these allosauruses pull through  the big fairy third ball summings in I send in my   entire Army and they're fighting away doing pretty  well until they all die once a freaking gen I open   up the gate and I make a swift Escape running  across this bridge to get away from this monster   I take a quick Glimpse back and realize that the  giant jabala can't get through I climbed at the   top of this mountain and a heel of the thylacolia  then I charge back into the battle with this big   Jabor writing in Solo but I don't care we're 29  days in and I need to make some moves we attack   away until our health drops a little bit we charge  back to the mountain climb up it heal ourselves up   again and head back on into the action but this  time with a couple more dinos that I had laying   around that were kind of disposable they didn't  last very long but they kind of helped tank some   damage for me while I could hit it we repeated  this process over and over and over again and   with the Delta boss almost dead we went in for  our final attack to finish off the job itself has   gone low and there we have it we had successfully  beaten the Delta boss and now we can move up to   the alpha tier day 30 and to celebrate our win we  do some gardening yeah that's because we got these   Alpha seeds these Alpha seeds will eventually  grow Alpha fruit which we need to be able to   make some Alpha kibble to be able to obviously  tame some Alpha dinos wow that's a lot of alpha   in one sentence I then took toffee Apple out to  go hunt down some Alpha dinos so we could click   their blood as blood is the main ingredient for  the alpha kibble in this mod the next step we had   to summon in our Alpha honeybee then we feed some  Alpha rare flowers and make ourselves an alpha   beehive but before we could actually tame anything  we're gonna need these Alpha tranq dots day 31 and   we're fully prepared to be able to go out and tame  our very first Alpha Diner the problem is we need   to find something that's actually decent to tame  there's lots of dinos but because there's so many   different tiers it's hard to find the specific one  you need at the specific level you want we weren't   having much luck roaming around on the ground so  I decided to hit the skies with our glider and   that's when we found this Anki I of course landed  and then started shrinking it out once I finally   got it knocked out I noticed that there was an  electric Raptor just up the ways which uh yeah   killed the Anki that we were just trying to tame  I then used my glider to make a quick escape and   uh just wasn't fast enough I was kind of annoyed  at this point so I jumped on the back of toffee   apple and took my frustration out on some of the  dinos around the area this kind of turned out to   be a Monumental mistake toffee Apple was killed by  a freaking dragonfly of all things it was a pretty   sad moment and toffee Apple was a great Dino  but she did leave us with an important message   she said please subscribe to my YouTube channel  anyway we did end up finding another Alpha enki   and we knocked this one out with no travels so  that's a good thing right we did have to wait   until the next day for the alpha Anki to be fully  teamed up though and since now we have an Anki we   might as well just start you know mining metal day  33 we found our next Target that we're gonna Force   into a forever friendship contract yeah there's  level 560 Alpha track it had another friend with   it that wasn't too happy that we were trying to  steal his friend away from it thankfully there was   a clip here and cliffs are your best friends and  mods that don't let you fly I eventually knocked   it out then I teleported back to base because  I didn't have any kibble on me well not enough   anyway but while I was roaming around Becca Beast  waiting for the kibble to be made my game froze   so at this point I just decided to log off for  the day and when I returned I completely forgot   about the trike so I just went about doing my  daily stuff and that's when I decided to give   myself a haircut seems kind of random but it is  for good reason human hair is the main ingredient   to be able to craft one of these bad boys the S  Plus Gardener we did run into one problem though S   Plus gardeners run off of beer and for some reason  the beer barrels that I crafted here don't seem   to be working off the metal pipes and the tanks I  assume the Water Source has to come straight from   the ocean so I just found in a little safe spot  down on the beach crafted up a little beer Hut and this is what we're going to use to be  able to make our beer and then went ahead   and finished off the day by getting out of the  shabby Delta armor and into a brand new full   set of alpha armor which is basically kite  and armor but for the mod I don't know how   I feel about the way it looks yet day 34 I took  my thylacolio out to go hunt down some more Alpha   dinos but as we're strolling along the beach  I spotted that track that we forgot about so   I quickly ran back the base made some kibble  returned and then tamed this track the rest   of the day I went back out into the Wilderness  to try and find ourselves a powerful Dino that   we can tame I eventually found this Alpha Rex  it is only a level 60 but I teamed it anyway I then head on out to see if I can go and  find myself a female max level Alpha Rex   even though the alpha Ricks that we already  have is low level if we find a max level with   high stats that can make the difference  up when we start breeding oh an ant oh   damn it well since we spawned back at base I  decided I was gonna make myself an alpha Rex   saddle and jump on our little weakling of a Rex  we went out to attack some things and yeah it   was just as expected it's pretty underwhelming  but this little Excursion outside of Base wasn't   all for nothing this Alpha bulb dog I wanted to  tame it and they're a pretty easy passive team   of course I immediately wanted to see if this  Alpha Bulldog was any good so we took him out   for a little bit of a stroll around the entire  map visiting most of the biomes just exploring   and that's just like the Delta bulb dog but  because it's a little bit bigger it did get   stuck in a few places that made it a bit tricky  to get out of some certain situations like this yep I guess we're just gonna have to keep  continuing on with the Delta bulb dogs   which must have been our lucky charm because we  found this Alpha dodicorus that we only spotted   because we couldn't actually make it up this  cliff and a few skillfully placed shots later   we now have ourselves an alpha dotigress doesn't  it look cute kind of looks like a sperm covered   in blood Day 36 I got on the back of the dodecurus  and started collecting as much Stone as I possibly   could and instead of using the Anki for metal I  switched it out for a mining drill it ended up   being way easier way better to use this we spent  basically the entire day collecting a crap ton   of metal because tomorrow we're gonna start  working on our proper base and now it's time   for us to build our base but first we need to get  rid of some of the dinos that are hanging around and here it is the final product I would  have done the full Montage but it really   would have taken ages instead let's do a tour  all right let's do a little bit of a tour so   we're gonna need to change this relief  this is a little Greenhouse but I think   we need to upgrade it I'm gonna move into here  we've got a little crafting area to the left   I've left this one open here so  we can have like a replicator room   got three different rooms here I'm not too sure  what we're gonna do with I don't know why I made   it like this it just you know we'll probably  do something I don't know and out here I'm   gonna do like a breeding area slash gacha Farm  but the gadgets around here and then you know   make the make whatever I need to breed breed  so that my soul terminals that are right here   can catch what we need there was something missing  though and it's just the Aesthetics of the whole   thing I just had to place these things on top of  the the walls just to make it look a little nicer   a little bit costly-ish day 39 and we're back on  the hunt for another Alpha Rex and we did find   this level 360 female we did tame it but I don't  really know why it's not really worthwhile taming   it since it's not going to be able to stand  up against the alpha boss I mean 13k damage   pretty good but I know it's not enough it's now  day 40 and we still haven't found an alpha Rex   that's decent enough for us to tame but while at  exploring we came across this Alpha therizino and   not only are they strong they're pretty useful for  you know fiber and berries and you know seeds and   stuff so once again I forced this therizino into  slavery and named her Veronica that's my [ __ ]   day 41 and we got extremely lucky we found this  level 600 female Alpha Rex but taming it was kind   of tricky I tried laying down these gates to  trap it in but it didn't work I wanted to stop   her from doing exactly this running away from me  into something more dangerous it eventually fell   off this cliff and landed in the water and that's  where I'd knock it out from I quickly fed it and   then I teleported back to base because I have  this theory that if I'm out of render nothing   touches it and I was right once I teleported  back we now have a Max Level Alpha Rex and I   didn't waste any time taking her back to base to  start breeding day 42 while we're waiting for our   Alpha Rex's to breed up a massive Army for us we  took our Theory out together some berries and some   Fiber I then placed down this generator so I can  start setting up some air conditioning units and   one of the base to stay kind of neat so I tried  out this little technique that I do for putting   down our air conditioning units so I take out  this foundation and then I place down the air   conditioning units in where that Foundation was  and then cover it up with a ceiling this way it   looks nice and neat and is pretty effective also I  decided to run around my base naked no not really   we were collecting these capture crystals I don't  know why I'm naked and I realized with all these   gacha crystals that we got it comes with a  lot of random items and since those random   items are basically useless to us we made an  industrial grinder so we could grind them down   and get resources back for him I mean look at  all these armor and tools and stuff that we've   collected all through these drops and then once  we grind it we have all of these Resources with   a couple babies over after works all grown up I  wanted to speed up production a little bit so I   added this female so she could join in on the  action if you know what I mean we just kind of   stood here and watched this happen all day is  it weird to watch T-Rex's breed maybe possibly   yeah yeah it kind of is day 44 we headed on  over to the Boss Arena today's plan was to be   able to summon in and defeat a Delta Summoner  now Summoners come in all the different tiers   that you find in this mod but once you defeat them  they dropped different items like XP potions and   stuff now as far as I'm aware the best way to  defeat these guys is with the shotgun that you   can make in the Supreme workbench it's also handy  to take some spare dinos with you to take care of   the dinos that the Summoner summons in we were  pretty patient and since we were at the alpha   level already this fight wasn't too tricky we  killed it but I was kind of disappointed with   the loot that we got from it just a tiny XP potion  and a small XP potion day 45 and 46 we spent the   entire time preparing for the next boss fight so  that we could progress to the Apex tier we went   out Gathering some blood and some highs so we can  create some more Alpha wreck Saddles and I took a   selection of alpha Rex's out to gain some extra  levels day 47 and it's now time for us to fight   the alpha boss but first we have to go through the  tedious and painful tasks of setting up our entire   Alpha Rex Army from throwing them all out of Soul  balls and leveling up all of their stats oh I had   to heal them all with healing dots as well then I  quickly jumped into creative mode so I could get   a pretty cool cinematic shot but this basically  screws things up for us a little bit later you'll   see why and now without further Ado it's time to  summon in the alpha boss yeah that's him he's like   an armored Fire Wolf thing until my rectus get  in there then he's just a pile of numbers now   typically I'd show you the whole fight but there  really wasn't much to see just a pile of Rex's   and some numbers and yeah we defeated the boss  but we're supposed to see like a whole heap of   things unlock but we didn't I didn't realize this  at the time but because we went into creative mode   earlier the game recognized that we already had  all the engrams unlocked so it wouldn't give it   to us so the next day we just continued on our way  our first task was to take down this Tech track   now it had 10 million health so I took two alpha  dinos with me it took us a little bit the time   but in the end we did take it down and the reason  we wanted to kill this was for the resources that   it drops it drops these Apex electronics and  this Apex polymer that we could take back to   base and then craft an apex chainsaw and why do  we need an apex chainsaw well so we can harvest   the burns off of these Apex skeletal dinos and  then we turn those bones into this Apex bone   meal which is another ingredient that we need to  make Apex kibble now that we have that sorted we   now need to get honey and we don't have an apex B  so we're gonna have to go on out and try and find   one luckily I found one here in this little  Forest I quickly killed it brought it back to   base and now we can start making our own honey and  we basically have everything we need to make our   own Apex kibble day 49 I immediately went out to  go and hunt down a powerful Apex Diner I wasn't   here to play I wanted to tame something that I  knew would help us in the next boss fight and   that's when we spotted this Apex UD now it is  a low level but that doesn't matter if we have   a large enough Army we can just sit at the back  encourage raw once we knocked it out we quickly   tamed it we didn't name it because I'm afraid of  building a connection with some of these diners   that keep dying on me it's not my fault at the end  of this day I tended to my crops and then I logged   out for the day the next day I logged back in and  then I realized oh wait none of the Apex stuff had   actually unlocked yeah that was the problem when  trying to go into creative mode to create a cool   cinematic experience for you guys but it didn't  really work out for me so really I had no other   choice but to go back to the alpha boss and fight  him again at least this time we unlocked all the   proper engrams now we can get back to business  trying to find ourselves a really powerful teams   that we can take into a boss fight obviously  the Apex Rex would be at the top of our list   but we couldn't find anything around the map we  did run into this max level 600 Apex kentosaurus   so I quickly put up a pillar trap shot up  to kite it in and uh yeah this all happened oh crap yep turns out the Kentrosaurus can just  walk straight through the pillow trap now even   though the pillar trap wasn't really effective  the Kentrosaurus seemed to have a rather weird   attraction to it so we used it until it decided to  run away from us eventually we knocked it out and   now we have our very own level 600 Kentrosaurus  and we decided to name him Colton after a guy I   knew from school that always had really spiky  hair I didn't want to waste any time I wanted   to make sure that Colton was really up for the  challenge of being able to fight some bosses   so he took him out to see what kind of damage  he could do and it's not bad but once we start   breeding an army of these with some imprints they  might be significantly better day 51 while out   looking for teams we found another level 600  Dino now this is super rare so I had to take   the opportunity to tame it I know it's just a  stego but you know we just thought had to take   it I eventually knocked it out but as we're  waiting for it to team up this happened bro it's the mainly shot oh my God we're dead we're  dead oh my God I died once I eventually respawned   we had the opportunity to be able to teleport back  and pick up our brand new stagger and I didn't   waste any time checking out to see how much damage  it could do and you know how much damage it could   take ah this almost was a mistake because uh we  ran into a raptor and yeah you'll see what happens   oh [ __ ] uh this was a bad idea this is bad  oh my God we just survived holy frick yeah with   that craziness that just happened I wasn't gonna  risk it the next day I basically just went out   and hunted down Apex dinos that I could kill to  collect some more blood and hide day 53 we tracked   down and tame this male Kentrosaurus so now we can  stop breeding along with Colton and I've also got   enough resources to be able to change out of this  Alpha armor into this Apex armor and then made my   way over to the boss fighting arena that we had  made to summon in the Apex Summoner once the Apex   Summoner was summoned in we got a couple shots  off on it and then it summoned in a bunch of   Apex level dinos we only had our Alpha rexes and I  thought it was going to be enough but then things   kind of went South from here because we didn't  repair the gates from the last battle they all   kind of just went over the edge of the Boss Arena  and went down below my rexes ended up getting   stuck a little bit below the Apex Rex's and ended  up just being a feeding trough for the Apex rexes   they all got deleted out of existence and yeah  this whole battle ended up being pretty scuffed   so yeah I just basically decided to teleport back  home to get away from this situation I returned   back to of the battlefield a little bit later and  then when I peeked over the edge I noticed there   was a ton of Apex bodies just laying around so I  did take this opportunity to use my Apex chainsaw   and harvest up a ton of higher than blood day  54 we went for a little bit of a casual Glide   around the map just so we could see things from  a different perspective since we can't fly this   is the best way to do it so far and while we're  out we landed on this ledge and turned around   and look that's a level 540 Apex Rex this seems  to be a lucky spot for Rex's I suppose we felt   pretty safe up on this little bit of a ledge and  then we realized that the Apex Rex figured out   how to get up here by itself how the frick did  you work that out I tried to make a quick Escape   but when I realized it was all for nothing  I just had to keep shooting until it got me I returned a little bit later and finally knocked  it out the only problem is there was a skeletal   wrecks right near it that really wanted to munch  on me too I don't know how I could be hungry if   it's got no stomach so my first job was to kite  that skeletal Rex away and quickly run up to the   Apex Rex and feed it once I did I teleported  back to base just to stay out of render until   it was fully tamed then returned to pick it up  later in the day in another location we found   the level 180 Apex Rex again we'll just breed the  stats into it we only really care about its gender now we can let the ultimate Apex love making  begin day 55 while we let our Apex rexes do   their thing we went out on our cantro to go  and just do some stuff starting with killing   this resource Rock Golem and then Harvest  its remains for all the ores that it has   I then tamed myself an apex photo I don't really  know why but it is a high level and you know dodos   are always a cool team day 56 we had one Apex  Rex all grown up so I took it down here alongside   a couple Alpha records that I had spare to fight  this Elite resource front Golem it was pretty damn   tough it took us a long while and it did Kill A  couple of my dinos I was just curious to see what   we could Harvest off one of these since obviously  it must be better we got a resource column and   collected a [ __ ] ton of oars that I've never  seen before the next day I bit down really hard   on this Delta honeybee which seemed to spawn in  a massive purple they call it a wasp it had six   million Health but I was rocking with my Apex  Rex so you know we're gonna handle our business   I finally killed it and then I got myself a  summoning potion but I didn't get to summon it in   until the next day and yeah I guess now we have a  wasp I wasn't sure what it does until I checked it   out they make boss tiered Honeys so we can start  taming boss level creatures now I had one plan on   Focus for today I really wanted to kill this Apex  Summoner because once you finally do you unlock   all the tech engrams and you get some element but  I went into this fight making the biggest mistake   possible I came with very little amount of ammo  I kind of thought all the dinos I took with me   were gonna hold it down but yes since nothing can  fly this summer it was kind of hard to take out I   eventually ran out of ammo and then we were forced  to just follow the Summoner around hoping that it   would get low enough for us to be able to bite  it out of the sky this fight was lasting so damn   long I really regret not bringing enough ammo if  you haven't noticed it's actually the next day oh my God we kept chasing the Summoner around  hoping it would get lower but I kind of felt like   it was getting higher then at one random moment it  looked like it got low enough for us to buy it so   I just aimed at the sky and started clicking like  crazy there we go there we go baby there we go   baby and then we killed it and got ourselves some  tech engrams and some element we only got like   100 or so elements so it wasn't a lot but it was  enough for us to make ourselves a tech replicator   later on we want to make some transmitters so we  can start finding dinos and creatures a lot easier   than we had been in the past backyard exploring I  killed a resource gatcher which in turn summoned   in a gacha boss I was actually aiming to summon  one of these in fighting this big purple looking   Barney looking fluff ball was kind of easy it was  pretty pathetic as it couldn't get close enough   to hit me and I just kept biting it so we killed  it and then we got our own summoning Elixir went   back to base and summoned in our Very Own gacha  Boss they work like the normal resource sketches   but they kind of craft like better items day 60  I crafted myself up a chemistry bench this way   I can make a little bit more gunpowder to make  it a bit easier to fight these guys yes the Apex   Summoners and yeah this time I did come back with  a lot more ammo so fighting this took us maybe   a quarter of the time as it did last time the  only problem is I learned a pretty harsh lesson   to get the element you actually have to buy  that with your Diner you can't just shoot it   since getting element from the Apex Summoner  kind of failed I figured we might as well   just continue on to the next tier and fight  the Apex boss now Rex has been getting quite   busy creating a massive Army for us so I went  back to base and crafted up as many setups as   I possibly could return to the boss fighting  arena started leveling up all the dinos and   adding the Saddles to them that's when I spotted  this mutated one it's completely black wait   can't I can't send you into battle I'm riding  you holy crap look at that oh my God that's the   coolest freaking wrecks I've ever seen and since  he's all black I gave him a black name Deandre   because he's black day 61 and our Apex Rex Army is  ready to fight I then go straight ahead and place   down the boss summoning altar then add all the  required items to be able to summon in the Apex   boss and then throw out my apic view Tyrannosaurus  I want to try the uni Strat on this fight the Apex   supposed to get summoned in and it's a little  Rhino so it's a little bit hard to make them   or the Rex's fight look I know I'm stupid at this  point but I kind of forgot what the button is for   setting all the dinos to aggressive I sat at the  back of the pack using my courage raw hoping it's   gonna end this fight for us I then noticed that a  few of our Apex tricks are dying but some of them   were kind of weak because I didn't level all of  them I got my long neck out and started healing   some of the dinos just whatever I could kind  of hit there was no real like strategy to it   and as the fight progressed on I threw out a few  spare Apex rexes that I had I was nervous that   we weren't gonna win this fight and it's really  important that we do our rexes were dropping like   flyers and I couldn't tell how much health the  Apex box had I kept doing the car overall hoping   for the best and then all of a sudden they this  happened that basically signaled us winning the   fight I guess it's now day 62 and we've already  progressed to the prime tier but I didn't have a   prime honeybee and I couldn't find one around the  map so that's when I decided to summon in another   Apex Summoner because we've summoned so many of  these in I was basically a pro at this point so I   killed this one quickly and we scored 181 element  from it so of course I didn't hesitate race back   to base and crafted up a tech generator alongside  a bunch of tech transmitters now we'll be able to   locate any Dino on the map that we're after  day 63 we use the transmitter to try and find   a prime honeybee and there wasn't one but there  was a fire honeybee so I guess we're hunting fire   honeybees now I took DeAndre out into the Redwoods  to find these honeybees and we found them killed   them but yeah again it's not what we're looking  for so we're gonna have to wait until maybe a   prime honeybee spawns in as we're making our exit  out of the Redwoods we spotted these Terror Birds   one was a prime Terra bird so I was like yeah I'm  gonna go kill you and as I tried killing it it's   friend the frost terror bird came over and ruined  everything a Deandre [Music] this was a sad moment   to pay our respects to DeAndre we went back to  base and made him a Taxidermy but there was a   problem when I put him in the Taxidermy he didn't  quite look like DeAndre anyway we've got other   things to do it's starting to get pretty late  in this 100 days we went back out to the Wilds   to try and you know spend some time waiting until  hopefully a prime honeybee spawned but instead we   got a gacha boss so I'll take that for now day  64 a freaking Prime honeybee finally spawned in Come to Papa yeah yeah we got it now we can add to our  collection by placing down a prime beehive now   that we have all the essential items to be able  to make Kibbles so that we can tame Prime dinos   I went to the snow area because I wanted to tame  a prime direwolf they might not be the strongest   or anything I just think they're freaking cool  we found this one but it was surrounded by some   pretty dangerous dinos so I kind of just hit up on  this ledge here I ended up placing down an awesome   teleporter around this location just in case we  died well I kind of expect that we're gonna die   I then ran close to all these walls to kite them  over to me and then scale the side of this cliff   now I can finally get some decent shots in on  this Prime direwolf until the little [ __ ]   runs away oh my God so I try a different Strat  this time I jump on the back of my Apex kentro   because it'll kind of work as a tank for me  and then I shoot off the back of that trying   to knock out this direwolf it's kind of effective  until you know it dies day 65 I returned back on   the back of an apex Rex but this time I try  a different strategy we're gonna net gun it yeah that doesn't work either okay this time we're  just gonna sit on the back of our Apex Rex and do   this as many times as we need to we do have a ton  of spare Apex races in case it dies and this Strat   seemed to be the most effective one we had all  day I mean like all 100 day series I mean you   know what I mean and now we have a blue and black  cool as hell looking puppy I named this puppy   KSI because it's a prime direwolf get it Prime  KSI I wonder how much damage it does unleveled   that's not too bad now let's  see what it does fully leveled   yeah okay that's damn good this is a massive step  up from Apex and I'm excited so damn excited in   fact we took on a prime tank boss this Dire Wolf  completely melted it now I was really enjoying   the prime direwolf but it doesn't seem to enjoy  getting shot by a healing Dart every time I hit   it it just runs away well flies away uh what  the hell are you doing dog I was then exploring   casually around the map and then I saw a three  freaking basilis pop out of the ground I knew   it was strong but I kind of didn't know that they  could kill me off the back of the direwolf this   is bad because we're about to lose our direwolf I  respawned and then I teleported over to the Boss   Arena because that was the closest place that I  know to where the direwolf was the direwolf was   getting damaged but the only thing on my mind was  get it in the soul ball as quick as I possibly can once I finally got it in a soul wall I  then had to make a run for it because   yeah look at that Nebraska is chasing  me down oh crap oh crap oh grandpa ouch oh no Firefly why bye just need to  make it over this Cliff oh please please oh my God we got away [ __ ] day 67 we found another Prime  direwolf so I shot it knocked it out and teamed it   then I brought it back to base and named it Logan  Paul so now Logan Paul and KSI can start mating   what a great partnership the morning of day68 I  started on a little bit of an extension of our   base this is just an area that we're gonna call  the Beehive why well because obviously this is   where we put all the beehives it looks a little  bit neater and a bit separate and kind of cool   then later in the afternoon we found the perfect  boss fighting Diner the prime gigger now is only   a level 400 but that's okay hopefully we'll find  a max level of the opposite sex later on and again   like I've said previously just breed the stats  into it the problem is we've got to try and knock   this thing out without dying ourselves luckily it  had no interest in us so knocking it out wasn't   that hard we had finally knocked it out and I fed  it but I was kind of worried that something was   gonna come close and kill it so I had to stand  guard for the entire time I was really more   nervous about that nuclear magmasaurus that was  there seems like they're kind of passive for now oh maybe it's not so passive I'm out of  here day 69 the good old funny number   I took one of my bread up fully imprinted  Prime direwolves out to go hunt some more   Prime dinos so I could collect some prime hide  and Prime blood wow that was a lot of crime in   one sentence and then literally out of nowhere  I caught this at the corner of my eye [Music]   I didn't see that one coming at all  I then thought maybe we'll just click   hide and blood the old-fashioned way  we call this sacrificial Slaughter oh dare you later on in the day though we did  return and find that our direwolf was still   in the water I don't know where that big Death  Worm was I didn't really want to find out Day   70 thanks to the tech transmitter we found out  that there was a massively high level Giga in   the snow so I got some fur armor because I knew we  were gonna freeze and found the Giga in this cave   now I know typically cave dinos are non-tameable  but since this is modded maybe we can tame this   one I'm just gonna have to try and find out if  we can it's worth it if we can't well we just   wasted basically an entire day this Giga had  20.8 million torpor so knocking this thing out   it's gonna take quite a while so much that even  with the fur armor we were so cold that we were   losing health so I went back to base crafted up  this industrial cooker so I could make some quick   health potions and then rush back to try and knock  this thing out once we finally killed the once we   finally knocked out the Giga we needed to sort  out the Apex Rex luckily his head was poking out   so I just got on a direwolf and killed it I then  went ahead and fed the prime gig get some kibble   and nothing was happening then I tried returning  with a taming potion to get its food all the way   down and yes our worst fear was confirmed he  cannot tame cave dinosaurs even in this mod so   in the end in the end I just had to kill it and  then Harvest it for its height and blood day 71   we had collected so much prime resources that we  had to change out of the Apex gear obviously into   the Prime full set gear amazingness and with our  new set of gear on we went out into the wild and   we spotted a level 560 Prime Giga that just  so happens to be a male so once we tame this   Beast we're gonna have a breeding pair and be  able to work our way towards progressing to the   next tier it took us a while but we did finally  knock this Beast out and sit here and watch it   sniff the sky that Sky must smell great now that  we have a sexy breeding pair of giganotosauruses   I wanted to celebrate by changing my hairstyle to  what it should really be well it's still the same   hairstyle but I'm just changing my hair to red  and my mustache to proper black while we wait   for the Giga Army to breed up we had a lot of  time to kill so I went out and tried to team   this Prime basilisk now it says it's a KO team  but when I knocked it out I realized uh it's not   so it's just gonna have to stay here knocked out  because I can't even do anything to it day 73 we   have a crazy amount of Giga eggs but unfortunately  they're not the stats that we want so we basically   have to kill most of them until we get what  we're after day 74 the next lot of eggs were   ready to hatch we just had to weed through them to  make sure that we had decent level gigas in this   Army the a75 we took a bunch of prime direwolves  over to the boss fighting arena yeah these are   all the babies the KSI and Logan Paul then back  at base I placed out a few of these Prime gigas   and direwolves that we had spare unfortunately  I had to murder all of them so I could collect   their blood and hide so I can create some more  Giga Saddles because yes we are preparing for   the boss fight tomorrow the problem with the boss  fights was always just pumping levels into them   adding Saddles to them and getting all your dinos  ready was a long and tedious task day 76 in our   army is all prepared and ready to fight I even  had a couple Apex dinos that I had laying around   spare so I figured I'd bring them too we summoned  in the prime boss which ended up being a massive   death worm that thing looks like a big blue dick  once it's summoned in a bunch of my Apex reactors   basically died straight away I struggled trying  to send in my dinos to fight because I couldn't   get a click on it and everything was dying around  us even all the walls that I put up were getting   destroyed once I finally sent my Army in they all  basically got freaking massacred when I knew it   was basically all over I sent him my last of  the gigas and made a run for it jump see you   later blue big dick I know it's a little bit of  a [ __ ] move on my behalf but I don't like dying   oh [ __ ] my Giga oh man this freaking sucks  well yeah I guess that's comma once I respawned   I went back to the battlefield and tried to  collect all the Giga Saddles from the gigas   that died they're expensive to make I ain't gonna  waste them I had a pretty fresh Giga on me so I   went over to see if maybe possibly I could solo  the death worm since it's stuck and I'm up here   but it could hit me and I couldn't hit it so yeah  that that's not gonna work day 77 are fresh off   of a defeat from the big boss I wanted revenge  and the prime boss has like these little Minions   that are out in the wild that we can actually  kill quite easily but that's when I had a big   brain idea I realized that these death worms  are actually tameable so I ran back to base and   checked my wasp to see what I needed to be able  to tame these creatures I need boss rare flowers   and Prime rare flowers but first I think it's kind  of important to place down a boss beehive I mean   we need to add it to the collection right I need  to make a crazy amount of Boss rare flowers which   require boss Essence and to make boss Essence I  need boss crystals all of this to make boss honey   which is basically the last ingredient I need to  make the prime boss kibble yeah so I guess I'm   gonna have to go out and kill a bunch of bosses  to get their crystals so I can tame other bosses   day 78 we went out looking for bosses to kill for  their boss crystals we found some and they died   day 79 I returned to the death worms from earlier  and I chose the weak one to kill and for some   lucky reason the strong one fell off the cliff I  think he was aiming for our cantro oh yeah yeah   no he definitely was aiming for our country that  was over there now he's kind of just stuck there   so so this would be a lot easier to shoot him  and knock him out with our train darts we then   tamed this big Prime deathrun and I named him  penis for obvious reasons I immediately started   to ride my penis and then run around the map  to see how much damage it would do and penis   wasn't really that good he was kind of Limp he  probably suffers from some kind of dysfunction   I've really had high hopes that a boss Dino would  you know be a lot stronger the only Advantage   this Dino does have is that it does have really  strong regenerative abilities it's just drains   your food really fast day 80 I had another light  bulb moment what about a megatherium since it's   a death worm technically it's an insect type so  megatherium should be able to have a buff against   the deathgram and hopefully this big ethereum  that we just tamed will do the job if we can   find a breeding partner for it that is day 81 we  found another megatherium in the Redwoods but it   is also a female we did start taming it but then  everything was ruined by this Electric phylicolio   oh man the stuff you stuff your mom's stuff [ __ ]  and since that Mega theorem was a female I didn't   even bother going back to get it and before  you guys say anything there's no point in us   getting us a low-level male because we don't have  enough time in this 100 days challenge to be able   to breed in the stats that we need so that's  why instead of just wasting time we just went   straight into setting up to fight the prime boss  but there's a problem in order to fight the prime   boss you need an item that you get from fighting  all the other bosses and for some reason I don't   really remember why we already had access to  fight the Apex boss and of course this fight was   significantly easier now that we're at the prime  tier using prime giggers day 83 and I'm sitting up   in a brand new location to be able to fight this  Prime Death Worm we really need to beat this death   Rim this time as time is starting to run out in  this 100 days challenge I prepare easily my most   powerful Giga Army summoning the prime boss and  get my giggers to start munching on this big penis   our gigas were fighting away valiantly some were  dying I threw out a couple spares that I had   but it wasn't enough once again we were bested  by this big blue worm looking you know what it   is super frustrated I'm gonna have to go back to  the drawing board once again and try and figure   out how to progress to the next tier I'm really  gonna have to come up with another plan but for   now I think I'm just gonna have to grow an even  bigger Giga Army than I've ever seen or done   before maybe there's some power in numbers  but for now I'm gonna have to work my way   back through the boss tiers to collect their  skulls just so I can summon in the prime boss   once again this is the item that I mentioned  a little bit earlier it's a skull respective   to the boss that you've killed that's what you  need to be able to summon in the next tier of   Boss day 85 I jump off my floating base Island  just so I can give you guys a view of the army   that I've prepared to fight the prime Death  Worm that's all the gigas that I've got all   completely leveled and more Saddles than I've  ever prepared in my life I go ahead and double   check that all the gigas are fully healed  then I summon in this big boss I decided to   ride this white Giga because it kind of stands  out and it's got a cool little color compared to   all the others I suppose the big Death Room comes  in and I send every single gigger I've got into   battle but for once the prime boss's health  is melting away and no Giga has died just yet   well okay the biggest one I just keep my distance  and just shoot Health thoughts into them and we're   already at half Health on the prime Death Worm  the death worm is melting away Morkie is rushing   we still have giggers there waiting I think we're  gonna win this one I make sure I get close to   it so I don't miss out on getting all the stuff  that I need and we win we win we got this fight   finally we defeated the prime deathworm boss my  biggest Nemesis in this entire 100 days day 86   had no time to celebrate instead I just summoned  in this epic Summoner so I could get some more   element because just me and the other Giga this  kind of took the entire day and it was kind of a   waste of time because my stupid ass forgot to buy  that with my Diner instead I shot it so I didn't   get any element day 87 and now we're up to the  elemental tier so we can essentially tame fire   Frost or electric dinos and there's been one  that's been on my shopping list for the entire   time this fire rock Drake having one of these  is gonna make it so much easier and safer to get   around the map and it's just stupidly lucky that  it's a level 600 and if you're wondering how I had   all the required stuff to be able to tame him  straight away just remember before when we got   the honeybee it was already producing honey for  it earlier and because we had the prime Giga we   killed some of the weaker Elemental dinos earlier  I just took it out of the video because you don't   want to see me just grinding for stuff all the  time but hey now we have our very own fire rock   Drake that we named Angus because he reminds me  of one of my dad's weird Scottish friends having   Angus was so great although his attacks weren't  super strong it was good to have him so I could   just get around the map quite easily it was quite  satisfying running away from this Prime Death Worm   but back to the most important things at hand  it's getting late in this 100 days and we need   to tame our final massive Army so we could  take on the end game bosses let's start with   this level 560 fire Rex all confident I started  taking this Beast out after all I got Angus by my   side and a ton of train darts it was looking good  until Angus ran out of stamina oh crap oh crap oh   the fireworks killed Angus we only just  got him this was frustrating but I need   this fire ax so I quickly went back to base  whipped up a little basic trap that I could   make and then returned to the location that  the fireworks was at I placed down the middle   Gates got the firex's attention and started  kiting it in I got it stuck in the little trap   but uh it got out because I wasn't smart enough  to put a bear trap down so I quickly went back   to base made a bear trap brought it back placed  it down and then had to get the Rick's attention   once again and kite it back over to this trap  unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and yeah yeah I returned back the next day but I abandoned my  last trap idea this time I'm going with a pretty   foolproof method well I think it is different  way to Bear Trap this big beast Behemoth Gates   if I place them all down in a row and then guided  this wreck straight into the Trap this was so much   easier I just hope that that Gap there isn't  big enough for it to get out of it's not and   now we have successfully knocked out our big bad  fire ax things are looking up not too long after   in a different location we spotted a level 600  female fire X we have not been this lucky all   game and taming this Dino was pretty textbook I  just stood on top of the cliff until it started   to run away and then I got one of my Prime  giggers out and sat on the back of that until   we could finally knock it out and once we teamed  this one I was too damn excited we have a little   600 fire wrecks I had to name it Martha after  your mum it's now day 89 and yeah thanks to   our crazy ass breeding rates we have a stupid  amount of baby fire rexes already this might   be a little low p but in this challenge there's  no way we would have been able to get through it   on standard breeding rates the rest of the day we  just went out into the wilds and massacred every   single Dino because we're basically top tier Dyno  now and everything else is beneath us this might   seem like a little bit of a waste of time but  we're trying to mutate these fire rexes to make   them supremely op because we have a ton of really  tough boss fights ahead of us it's now day 90 and   we have 10 days left to complete this 100 days  challenge we are basically at the top tier of the   dinos that we could possibly tame in this mod but  we're still yet to defeat all the bosses we have   four Elemental bosses four World bosses and the  final boss Wukong the Destroyer we're now in the   snow area and I spot a frost eutyranosaurus and I  know very well that a UD might actually be the big   difference between us winning and losing some of  these boss fights so I spend my time taming this   fluffy T-Rex once teamed I named this guy Jack  Frost day 91 and 92 we spend the entire time   working our way through the boss tears again so  we can get the Delta skulls so that we can later   on summon in the elemental bosses because we need  multiple prime Delta boss skulls Day 93 and it's   time to fight our first Elemental boss starting  with the Supreme Fire Boss this comes in with 700   million health and has a passive ability that just  burns everything around it even some of the wrecks   that are in there that can't actually bite it are  receiving damage I gotta keep my distance but not   be too far away as if we kill this I won't get  the loot that I need to progress I'm extremely   nervous and it sucks because I can't actually get  a read on how much health this boss has and then   we finally get a notification that we did defeat  this fire boss and scored some loot with it we   even got a summoning potion that summons in this  little nuclear Golem apparently it works kind of   like a forge I suppose and it crossed nuclear ore  that we can then use to make armor that's pretty   cool and since time's a ticking I don't waste  any more time later on in the day I summon in   the Supreme electric boss this is just a crazy  electric spider and his passive ability drains   your entire stamina really quickly as well as  does a bit of damage to you I think this fight   was significantly different to the Fire Boss our  rexes were receiving so much more damage way more   quickly and luckily I was paying attention because  there was a few times that our yudi almost died   so I'd have to jump off it and quickly shoot it  with a healing Dart away from any damage coming   from the electric spider and then once again we  get a notification that the Supreme electric boss   has been defeated and the little gift that we get  from this is the vampiric resource Golem the game   that makes vampire all day 94 we summoned in the  Supreme ice boss which is the final boss before   we go on to the proper Elemental boss honestly  this fight wasn't really that damn exciting we   had so much more rexes this time that they kind  of just melted the face off of the Scorpion one   moment there was some noisy rexes the next moment  it was all silent and from this boss we scored   The Godly resource Golem which creates obviously  Godly awe now before summoning him the elemental   boss I wanted to give my rexes a little bit of a  you can let them heal up in the soul bowls so we   went out in the wilds and you know just kind of  killed some dinos and collected some blood and   crystals because we're gonna need that later on  and when I was in the volcano area I spotted the   lady of the desert and I know I need to kill this  boss eventually so I tested out to see how well a   couple rexes would do against this beast and uh  will they receive a lot of damage and don't do   barely any damage towards it there's only one way  to really defeat these guys but we'll get to that   in a couple more days because we have an elemental  boss that we need to defeat as we begin to summon   it in some yellow fog and snow came in and then  the elemental boss was just a mechanical brood   mother I made sure I had extra rexes and that they  were fully healed in this fight because I had no   idea how this would go and I cannot afford to lose  any boss fights we got the elemental brood mother   all the way down to half Health then to a quarter  health and then we defeated this overgrown spider   and learned a load of new engrams satisfied with  this win I jumped on my UD and then my uni jumped   on all the rest just to celebrate day 96 we're  not wasting any time I'm changing out of this   Prime armor and then into the vampiric armor that  we've made from The Vampire all that we had and   from the engrams that we just learned I couldn't  decide whether to wear it with the helmet on or   off now I had one goal I wanted to find myself a  vampiric phony Dragon so we got the location from   our Tech transmitter and started to Glide right  in there because it wasn't too far away from base   the only problem was the vampiric thorny dragon  was stuck in this cave so fighting this thing   was going to be a little bit interesting with  our fire axes we got as many fireworks as that   as we could fit into this cave and then started  munching away unfortunately I couldn't really get   a good angle for you guys to see anything so we'll  just skip to the end where I got my uteranosaurus   out just courage Road the entire time until the  vampire only dragon died now yes we actually have   to kill the thorny dragon and not just knock it  out and tame it because once you kill it you get   this soul that you can use to evolve a certain  Dino in the wild for the thorny dragon we need   to go tame ourselves a fire Moss chops day 97 as  luck would have it there was a level 560 fire Moss   drops just below our base so I made sure to be  safe on this one and trap it in with using these   Billboards which made knocking it out quite easy  and then yeah I guess we just tamed it I then took   this massive fire Marsh drops back to base put  the thorny dragon soul into it and then realize   we're missing a couple ingredients like frost  blood and electric blood luckily it was pretty   easy to gather oh look a nuclear ferox that's  another creature just like the vampiric thorny   dragon that we can kill and eventually evolve  something into thankfully this time it wasn't in   a cave so I could throw out a few rexes to help  out fight this thing but there's a problem with   these nuclear feroxes if you get a little bit too  close you as the player gains radiation poisoning   my radiation meter was ticking up quite high  but I had enough health potions to keep myself   alive at least until it died once it died I went  back to base and just waited for my life to end once we respawned the radiation was gone so  yeah that's kind of my strategy for it okay   let's get back to what's important evolving  this fire Moss shops into the vampiric thorny   dragon we name this thorny dragon Andrew I  don't really know why it just was the first   thing that came to my head it's now day 98 and  we only have two days left to finish this mod   so I jump on the back of Andrew run around the  local areas to try and kill some dinos to get   some real quick and easy levels and then go  visit our friend from earlier the lady of the   desert since we're on a super strong Dino I'm  feeling quite Invincible nothing can stop us   except polovias yeah polovias  can could probably stop us   well this is not the time for that to happen so  I quickly glided back got my fireworks out to   deal with this pesky polovia and all the stuff  that's around and then jump back on our phony   Dragon I shot at the lady of the desert and I  was doing I think a lot of damage it was 300   000 times however many times it hit it but  have you noticed anything yet the lady of   the desert stuck so we can literally just sit  here for the entire time until it's dead this   took us a big chunk of the day but in the end  I'm glad we get to walk away with this the lady   of the desert token the vampiric phony dragon is  really good but I think it might help us in this   situation if we have another Advanced Elemental  on our side that's why I teamed this Frost jaboa   foreign you're probably wondering why is this  Frosty ball so important well the Foster bar   evolves into the nuclear ferox this one right  here that we named Tristan now you can't put a   saddle on Tristan so I went to make the armor  in the Supreme workbench turns out it doesn't   wear armor either it wears a helmet so I just  made him a vampiric helmet which I found out is   quite cheesy because the vampiric helmet has over  30 000 armor value this will probably get patched   in the future I then once again took Tristan out  to go destroy the wildlife around our area to   get some easy levels let me introduce you to the  lord of the snow I threw out a couple fire rexes   to fight the lord of the snow I don't know why  I know that they don't do a lot of damage but I   thought maybe they can tank a little bit of damage  yeah unfortunately that idea didn't last very long   so we're just gonna have to solo the lord of  the snow we're doing over a million damage and   and because of our little cheesy armor helmet  method it's only doing 5K damage to us this   was starting to take quite a while so I got Andrew  our thorny dragon out to help but I kind of forgot   that Andrew is not Invincible like we are my bad  I'm sorry Andrew but yes we got the W in the end   and I've earned ourselves the lord of the snow  token day 99 and we have two World bosses left   to kill before we can summon in the final boss  Wukong the destroyer and since we have a pretty   op ferrox both of these fights were pretty damn  easy they just took a really goddamn long time   it's now day 100 and we have one final boss left  to defeat I prepare for this fight with all the   dinos that I've got spare laying around in the  soul terminals back at base I even brought the   big blue penis and now our entire Army is ready  to fight Wukong the Destroyer our final boss I go ahead and place all four of these  World boss tokens into the boss Summoner   and then initiate wukong's summon Wukong  has summoned in and he's just a massive   yellow Bigfoot he immediately starts  striking all the dinos on the front   line and then destroys them rather quickly  I've run around and then whistle the rest of   my dinos in but they don't last very long  either we send in another wave of dinos   penis is at the back there and I want to try  and heal him before he dies but he dies through   quickly but we weren't fast enough our next  wave of dinos is getting destroyed so we send   in another wave and we've already taken out 500  million Health from Wukong with a large majority   of our army already gone we send in our last few  rexes to fight and now it's just one on one we've   taken out 700 million health so the Army wasn't  all for nothing thankfully our nuclear ferricks   can tank a lot of these hits Wukong started  at 2 billion Health now he's down to 1 billion   500 million and we're still going quite strong  and damaging the heck out of Wukong 200 million   Health left and we're about to defeat this boss  10 million five million Wukong has a Slither of   Health left so we finish him off with one glorious  strike and there you have it we have finally   finished the entire Supreme mod and if you made it  all this way please hit that like button and the   Subscribe button it'll help me a lot thanks for  watching this video I'll catch you next time peace
Channel: AronAztek Gaming
Views: 926,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sr4KABsub5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 57sec (4377 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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