I Have 100 Days to Beat Primal Fear!

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this is olympus a gorgeous map filled with  god-like creatures this is my new home and   i have 100 days to defeat primal fear one of  ark's most notorious mods with everything from   exploding dodos hell infused goats and wavins with  the power of the sun i have a few goals that need   to be completed by certain days in order to beat  this challenge firstly i have to beat any ark boss   by day 25. on day 50 i need to have defeated  an origin a primal fear boss with millions   or even hundreds of millions of health day 75  begins a fight with one of the guardian a tier 4   boss that can one shot anything if you are not  careful finally on day 100 i will fight pick on   revenge a massive behemoth with billions of  help this is the story of how it all went   as i woke up on a beach for the very first time  to begin the act of picking up stones punching   a tree for wood and thatch to make a pickaxe  before attacking the local fauna with a spear   which failed at first even though  there's a spear straight through its head   i made my way over the mountain where i was robbed  at claw point by rat i tried to fight back but it   almost killed me so i let it keep my stuff and  ran off where i crafted a campfire some clothes   and cooked some dodo to regain my health i had a  drone spying on me but it was immune to my spears   in the morning i wanted to make a boomerang  but i couldn't find any sand on this giant   sandy beach so i just continued crafting a large  foundation base for boosting experience and a   simple starter shack i made myself a khmer fishing  shack which allowed me to get a chibi who i named   manny i had just declared myself the new king of  the beach when in alpha dodo ended my rule so i   made myself a bunch of bowlers and spears before  taking revenge on the dodo made a smithy and   some metal tools and then had some alpha thorny  dragons trying to encroach on my small territory   forcing me out the base but i just ignored them i  found a toxic dodo that had laid a bunch of eggs   that i was able to grab as these would be very  handy later which i'll explain when i get there   in the morning i was exploring the beach checking  out what was all nearby before back at home i made   myself some hard armor bowlers and arrows before  taking out a nearby para for its meat and hard   i realized it probably isn't safe with these  giant sand lizards roaming so close to my base   so i picked up my stuff and moved  it up the mountain to a flat plateau   spent some time murdering off the local wildlife  before i decided my first goal of this challenge i   needed to defeat a vanilla boss before day 25 this  can be either the spider from australia harambe   groot flappy bird or others i ended  up the day by spotting a kamikaze dodo   you don't want to get too close to these guys  so i started taking some long range shots   eventually hitting it and blasted half the  mountain that kamikaze dodo was awesome to kill   as it gave me the crystal i needed for spark loss  so at least i can see what's killing me on day 4 i   looted up a dead alpha trike before harvesting it  for hard as i continued exploring the beach i was   on my way back to base when i saw spirit dodo had  decided i am not allowed to return home managed to   aggro it and lead it off down the beach and then  i made myself some poison spears which deal torpor   so i was able to use these to knock out a  parasol before making some potent tranq arrows   which are like normal tranquilizers but stronger  that i used to knock out a level 280 pteranodon   my parasaur ended up getting murdered by stinkin  dodo but i collected some meat and tamed up the   terror with the use of a tame helper an item  from brahma fear that increases hunger drain   when i noticed there is a manticore flying above  me thankfully he had no interest in me so i spent   the time gathering some resources to build what  i need for basic trap to get a max level star   well guess i'm not getting that starico anymore  the next day my pteranodon was tamed up and the   stream named him berries leaving berries  at home i came across a giant moth that i   bowled and spammed arrows into its face before  harvesting it for chitin to make a terror saddle   i made myself some desert cloth since i had salt  from the mother killed as it was better than heart   and i just liked the look of it i saw some damage  numbers back at my bases so i ran over to find an   alpha dodo attack in berries we managed to kill it  and got an experience potion from it having a sip   of that pushed me to level 42 which allowed me to  make a tyranidon saddle so we saddled up berries   and flew off down the beach i really wanted  this out of moss chops i saw down the beach   as they are incredible early game times landing  nearby the chops before bowling it and building my   trap around it had a close call with an apex orgy  but thankfully it wasn't interested in chasing me   so as the sun rose on day 6 i started the long  process of tranqing the moss chops using tranq   arrows and poison spears as well as dealing  with any toxic dodos trying to mess with me   the chops was finally done so i stuffed them with  berries the fruit not the pteranodon grabbed the   tame helper at my face and we now had chopsticks  the best early game team for primal fear   i proceeded to go on a monstrous killing  spree before my health got too low   and i just get out of my way back to base at  home i gave myself a nice haircut and spent   the rest of the day harvesting trees and bushes  with chopsticks on the final day of the first   week i made myself a primal smoothie which you  need to craft all the kibbles for primal fear   so allow me to take a moment and explain the  progression system for primal primorphia there   are 14 types of tameable creatures in short for  every tier of creature you need their kibble type   in order to craft each tier of kibble you need  eggs from the previous tier so for example alpha   kibble you need toxic eggs there are a bunch of  other ingredients such as crops and jerky but   that's less important you also get boss variants  that follow the same order however they have their   own eggs you would need there were some bunnies  wandering around my face so that i tranq got in   tamed as i couldn't remember if they actually  did anything they didn't and i ended up setting   up some basic crop plots down next to the beach  too bad i didn't have any seeds yet and i was   checking out what was nearby my base on berries  when an alfa griffin killed one of my bunnies   though i reacted quick enough just to lead it  away to kill some branches instead i flew off   down and towards the swamp in the hopes to get  seeds rare mushrooms and flowers using chopsticks   after a massive resource grind it was  already the next day when suddenly   whoa no leave the capro my chopsticks was  just stolen by a capro we managed to kill   it but it's kind of scary when the giant  lizard dog is just stolen underneath you   only to have it happen again this time almost  killing me we managed to kill off the capra   again and as i was just trying to recover  health as now an alpha capro stole chopsticks   i really wish chopsticks would just fight back  i ended up dying as a brontos swung its tail   smashing my face into the hill also damn  desperate to save chopsticks only to die   once again to the same bronto as  chopsticks was killed at the same time it took a few meaningless deaths to piranhas  trikes and capros before i finally had all   my stuff back and began the track home safe to  say this was a huge setback to lose chopsticks   i used the rare mushrooms and flowers that we did  have to make up some toxic narcotics that i could   use to make apex narcotics before paying homage to  the fallen berries and chopsticks with a flag in   their honor to end of the day in the early morning  of day 9 i made myself a long neck raffle before   running up the mountain to gather full inventory  of metal and crystal i wanted to actually plant   some of the crops as i now had some fertilizer and  for toxic kibble you need raw carrots i never had   any seeds so i started to crank out a low level  brachy we had a bit of a chase but finally ended   in a spot where i was underneath it on a hill so  it couldn't attack me and brought it down with no   problems it was the next morning by the time that  bracky was tamed up and we named him berry bread   since he was such a bad level at least fairy  bread was good for gathering bushes i was quite   concerned with how close an apex defense unit was  so i potted up berry bread and almost instantly   was confirmed that to be the right decision  as the defense unit started rolling towards me   once i was on the safer side of the beach i threw  out berry bread and harvested up a ton of bushes   before i finally got the carrot seeds i needed  just before metal truck decided to try and kill me   after escaping the trike i snuck up to my base  grabbed my fertilizer and planted my crops   i was able to use the carrots i'd planted to make  my very first toxic cobble which i planned to use   for some toxic dodos it was almost morning when  the sky started falling to the earth destroying   everything it was a celestial rex rats on my beach  party the chaos popping i thought the beaches and   ark were supposed to be safe i thought i would  be safe when the wrecks turned in my direction   and launched its attack straight towards me i  still don't know how it missed me but i was alive   i now had two major threats close to  my base so i chose to ignore them both   completely i mean what could i do punch your  ass to death i made myself a dragon hat and   christened myself the volcano truck and i  started making my way up the mountain oh no   yeah the truck started chasing me back down  the mountain towards the celestial wrecks   thankfully it didn't push me too far down  as i was able to turn around and get past it   to continue my way up the mountain where i  bowled and cranked out level 270 pteranodon   as i was munching on some delicious raw meats  that i just had rotten in my pockets the truck   decided to chase me again but i broke its ankles  by juking around a giant rock i traded some raw   carrot seeds for 50 times tame helper from cyanide  as yes this is a public ark server that i'll host   for members of my discord link is in the video  description and while you're down there i would   love it if you subscribe to the channel as only a  small percentage of people who watch my video are   actually subscribed the tara teamed up and i named  him arsenic as i was flying around on arsenic i   thought the sun was rising but turned out to just  be a spirit rex nuking the mountainside below me   i was back at the base where i made myself a few  better tracks and so i would need citronelle or   alpha kibble so i grabbed those seeds and some  poop i spent most of the time flying around   looking for new elder moss chops when i came  across a max level terror that i started taming   i killed a diplo nearby for some prom which  i went back to shove up the pteranodon's ass   while that was taming i was flying around when a  manticore died nearby but don't worry that doesn't   count towards my goal of killing boss above day  25 it was fast approaching midnight when an orgy   just to walk straight into my base i knocked it  out in a few hits with my fancy train cars before   giving it my meat and leaving it to tame up the  next day i flew off to pick up my terror i had   left to take him up and after safely getting  him back to the base introduced him to arsenic   they immediately hit it off and while they're  busy getting to know each other the stream   named him brenda i hatched up brenda  and arsenic's baby imprinted it and left   it to raise up while i saddled up my new orgy i  chose violence by killing some trikes and compies   it was fun i did have one close call  where i fell off into the water as the   megalodon came to try and eat me but managed  to get back to base where i hatched more terror   eggs that i just stuffed in a box for later  i flew on my rg to harvest some jellyfish but   they weren't dead so i got dismounted and  killed by a reaper queen chilling on my beach   i managed to grab my stuff and was swimming  back to base when i got killed by a manta ray   i ended up landing straight onto a shark when  i jumped into the water to retrieve my things   i survived but that didn't give me a huge scare   and after the shark left to grab my stuff and  headed back to the base as the day came to a close   on day 14 i started out by harvesting a metal  truck that had the audacity to fight a demonic   parasol before i spent the morning raising  and imprinting my backup pteranodons i flew   out on arsenic when i found an okay level alpha  starker which i started tracking out only two   once back in i brought down the starker i  turned him up and ah cracked and named him horny   because he has horns as i was flying home i stole  an alpha dodo that i brought home with me and the   rest of the day was spent sorting out my crops in  the morning i tamed the alpha dota before taming   up three toxic dotas with poison spears to the  head at least now i would have a steady egg supply   i set up some preserving bins to start  getting some jerky and then i continued   to commit more dodo theft before flying off to  try and tame a max level alpha thorny dragon   i started out hiding on a rock cranking it it was  taking too long so the next morning i went to grab   what i would need to make a trap i crafted up some  metal billboards and got to work trying to trap it once it was in the trap it was still able  to shoot me and actually drank me out   so i made some foundations to hide  behind it that i shot with my arrows   and also through some spears i ran out about  halfway through so i had to use horny to gather   some narcos when i saw a captain black boulder was  chilling on my beach i managed to craft the spears   i needed and was on my way back only to find a  spirit rex had decided i'm not allowed to tame an   alpha thorny dragon and had gotten itself stuck in  my trap it finally got itself out of my trap but   now it was an even bigger problem with attacks  narrowly missing my base this was very very bad   all i could do was just watch from a distance as  it aggroed onto my base and blew up everything one   day 16 weeks the next morning wasn't much better  as some parrot minions from black borders started   hunting me down but i was faster so they never  caught me the wrecks by now had moved further   down the beach so i quickly recovered all my items  from the death caches but horny was dead and all   my pteranodons were dead i was just thankful that  my egg doters were in soul walls and never died   i hope the spirit rex would get closer to the  demonic parasaur and the hopes it would get killed   by it the plan did not quite work as the rex  killed the parasol first though at least now it   was further from the base i spent the rest of the  day just rebuilding my smithy and other structures   as well as picked up my trap from the alpha thorny  dragon where the only thing left was a single egg   i knew i desperately had to move base locations  as i had just gone through so much pain on this   beach i went off with the goal of taming a griffin  i never had any fancy tracks so i grabbed what i   needed to make a trap for this 170. it ended up  just blind straight in completely on its own i'd   never even needed to lure it it took some time  but managed to get it down safely in the trap   grabbed some prime meat and used the tom while  waiting to harvest up some metal modes and   went back at the base i was attacked by some damn  parrots but i reacted fast enough again to escape   after the parrot situation i was chilling out at  the base and this time a fabled mantis came out   of nowhere i wasn't so lucky this time the  mantas killed arsenic before turning to me   i never even had a chance to escape it was morning  by the time i respawned grabbed all my things and   a new surrounded on and fetched the griffin that  i had left taming up i ended up crafting my very   first elemental kibble which i would need to  tame either a fire caustic electric or asthano   using my gryphon i was able to kill a low-level  apex thorny dragon for some apex blood that i can   use to make fancy drugs later i got extremely  tempted by some loot bags i could see while   exploring on my griffin but boy oh boy was i glad  i never gave into the temptation so close as a   wandering lunatic narrowly missed blowing  me up i found an alpha raptor i took down   for some much needed experience so back at the  base i was finally a high enough level to make   apex track dots now these would make knocking  things out way easier the next day i went on the   hunt point elemental but i realized if i wanted  to have a chance i would need a better long   neck thankfully i had a blueprint i just needed to  smelt up a ton of ingots for it when i came across   a level 100 caustic feather light and thought i  can just crank it out with my primitive raffle   i quickly realized i would not have enough track  so i left the better life for now as i harvested   up more metal and crystal before just flying  around waiting for it to smelt as the day was   ending i found a max level alpha terra that i  was able to take down in a single shot on day   21 i continued harvesting waiting and mucking  about as i needed my metal to smelt the alpha   terra had fully tamed up so i led her home settled  her up and put her to the test killing brackies   trikes and turtles it felt good to be fast i  even managed to take down a fable terror which   gave me the awesome looting experience yes i even  got a god-light long neck things were looking up   i almost messed it up when i flew too close to a  chaos griffin as for those who don't know chaos   creatures have a deadly aoe around them and that  was way too close i ended up crafting some health   potions back at the base before heading off to  find the caustic better light again flying back   and forth as it chased me and turning to shoot it  i thought i had it down when i ran out of darts   gosh darn it back to the base to cross them all  and then i quickly found it again and it was just   one shot to knock it out nice in the morning  i named it nuclear as it can drop these gas   bombs which can deal some insane damage i thought  i'd be smart and use nuclear to kill that alpha   rex from up high above just dropping bombs on it  yeah that sucked ripped i wanted to get my stuff   back so i flew over with my alpha pt and started  shooting the celestial aloe to try to lead it away   as i was flying home i saw an elder phoenix now  these things are insane and can deal incredible   damage so i cranked it up and flew off to find  some prom i got pram and a tame helper before   naming the phoenix zuko using zuko i killed some  alpha defense units and took on a promo stego   i was feeling confident so i started fighting  some demonic hyenadons pain zero attention to   my stamina only for that to be zuko's demise  as we dropped out the sky and zuko died to   fall damage i somehow managed to escape the  hyenas chasing me and even an origin orgy   by diving into the water i ended up taking off on  my alpha terra in search of another phoenix which   i found next to a river trying to tamed i again  wasn't paying attention to my stamina got pounced   by primal take raptor and another elder phoenix  is killed i'm just really glad this isn't hardcore   but hey if this video gets a hundred thousand  likes i will attempt to play a 100 days dino   overhaul x arc's hardest overhaul mod in hardcore  until i beat it at least an easy mode and actually   that sounds terrible i don't want to do that  please don't but a respawn the next day grabbed   grithus and blew off to where the primal tech  raptor had killed me i managed to take it out with   a few swoop attacks and once i recovered my stuff  i was told there was a forest titan on the map   and i knew with the limited time i had left until  day 25 i had to go and see if i could take it out   so i flew over and there he was the giant walking  tree the forest titan i at first tried taking it   out with the turret but it was not working i had  to look around and found a max level alpha droid   and proceeded to just start raining down  plasma bullets on it i mean i caught him down dodging its roots attack before eventually  blasting a damn defeat in it goal one accomplished it was the next morning and i spent most  of the morning rolling around the mountain   killing everything i could and avoiding my base  since an apex poison waving was right next to   it away from my basement i was contemplating  taemin and alpha archie when i almost blew   straight into a celestial rex after that narrow  dodge i went back to base where i took down a   fabled bronto and then started working  on taking out captain black blackboulder   my defense unit had just barely enough knockback  to keep it away as we slowly smashed down itself   it was already day 25 and while i was killing  black border i was told of my next goal   i have to kill an origin by day 50. so i  chose not to kill the black boulder as i   got it far enough away from my base and took  off on my terror to see what i could find   i found an elder moss chops that was stuck inside  someone's face i trained it out since it couldn't   run away though i did have to fly back for some  resources but got them no problems and came back   i did kill fabled truck for team helper but it  wasn't quite enough and then an alpha brood mother   was rapidly murdering its way down the beach so  the moss drops tamed up as i was dodging the brood   so i jumped off on the pt dashed for the chops  soul trapped it and got the heck out of there   as the brood was advancing on the house day 26  i was flying around when i saw a caustic griffin   i wanted so badly it was bitey that caustic  mega raptor i had to take out using my alpha pt   after doing so the griffin was nowhere to be seen  so i took the opportunity to regain some stamina   oh hello griffin not expecting to see you here oh we died we died we died we died  we died we died i'm unconscious once   i finally woke up and somehow the griffin never  killed me i started running around and round on   the hillside dodging the griffin as i did my best  to build a trap around the griffin i got some down   but ultimately died and then i used a backup pt  to get back reposition the trap before i got the   griffin in tranked and tamed it up what do we name  it the stream suggested i named him bobby frank   gamma and cor cork so i combined all three and  named himself all three what don't you judge me   i went off to the swamp with some rare mushrooms  and flowers with the other mars chops but this   time i killed everything first with gawk frank so  my mouse drops wouldn't get stolen from me i was   hovering near my base when a wandering loot bots  ran straight into my base killing my taranidon   somehow matritica never died to the initial  explosion radius and we were able to bring it down   but now an apex poison huaven was attacking i was  so sick of this so i faced it head-on with gawk   frank got him i was so sick of all the attacks  so seeing as everything was destroyed anyway   i loaded up everything into gawk frank before  flying off in search of a new base location   the base search continued into the next  day with a stop off to fight the centurion   it was a piece of cake i searched far and wide  high and low for a nice spot and then the day was   almost over when i found a nice spot in the desert  on a har rock bridge where i could set up shop   placed down a house set up a flag cleared out  the locals and i even had some neighbors moving   cyanide and frosty we did have one problem  circling our base which was a manticore   but i figured i had nothing to lose flew straight  in and actually killed it with no problems turns   out golf frank is pretty pretty strong the rest of  the day was spent packing up the rest of the base   collecting all my stuff and crafting some basic  defenses in the new area day 28 rolled around   as i killed a melon pteranodon which gave me a  new primal fabricated stopper awesome these are   great as they shoot the fancy narcotics i tried  to bowler dood which i thought you could before   just shooting it to track it out there was a  celestial wreck near the base that was looking   pretty injured and i was feeling pretty confident  frosty that's not nearby that's next door   call frank and i dived once and then twice to take  it out for some sweets i shoved some major berries   up the dodec's ass place down some gateways at the  hill entrance and set up a crafting station inside   i had some final things to fetch from the starter  base before beginning the slow flight home to find   my dough to fully tamed and i will just say that  some mass harvesting ensued day 29 we woke up to a   level 290 manticore attacking our little refugee  camp so i flew straight in and just led it away   i was not going to try and kill it if i didn't  have to risk losing gawk frank i killed the   centurions again as they're a great source of  experience and i'll be needing tons of artifacts   the full back of the base made foundations  fabricated generator and other general base stuff   there was a pair of max level alpha and  doms outside the base and these are not   your standard knockout teams you can tame  the end doms by getting the female down to 10   health at which point she will spawn an egg  i did this pretty easily just by pooping   gas bombs on them with cork frank no need to  endanger myself more than necessary and once   she was down i left the egg to hatch up while i  tamed the max level electric archopteryx but it   vanished halfway through taming we found another  of the indomper and i easily took out the female   as the male then ran straight up to cyanide nearby  and took one munch killing them in their terror   i felt bad so i gave them a lift  from the base to pick up their stuff day 30 i took my first few steps into  parenthood as i started raising up my   first indom when i saw the electric  archer that had vanished yesterday   i continued to track it up when the damn thing  vanished again it took a couple minutes this   time but i eventually found it and was able  to bring it down tame it and get the heck out   of there i desperately needed polymer so i flew  off to the snow in search of penguins to murder and thus began the most i struggled in this  entire playthrough for the next two days and to   top it all off i had to pause my recording to see  where i died so i never even got the footage of me   getting back to my griffin but i was streaming  it to the discord yeah i felt like an idiot   oh no day 32 was spent finishing the raising  of my indoms planning out the foundations of   what would actually be my base then saddling  up the indom and taking her out for a spin   i even fought my very first demonic head on i was  feeling good i knew i wanted to have a backup pair   so once i got home i let my two indoms go out  to a hotel well i kept an eye on the kids yeah   we day 33 i went back to finish a black boulder  that i'd left wounded on the beach and put him   out of his misery with gore before killing some  aloes including an omega aloe i'm going to cry   about that later when i went to tamo makers  towards day's end a demonic parasol got into   a fight with the primal raptor once the parasol  finally went i just swooped in to come and steal   the loot like the little treasure goblin that i am  i got some primal health potions and holy cow are   these things overpowered i ended up finding the  gacha and just gave it all my junk to eat to tame   it i also found an elf of phoenix that refused to  stand still wasting a good chunk of my darts but   i finally hit it on day 34 tamed it and named her  azula once i got home azula and i went on a mass   murdering spree sometimes it's fun to just commit  killings of all the creatures in a five kilometer   radius we even took down a dodo wavin and a  demonic thorny dragon i needed more rare mushrooms   again so i grabbed my indom before heading out  to the swamp we got in a fight with an alpha   brood mother but thanks to my indom and those opie  health potions we were able to bring him down at   least now the swamp was safer for me to go around  on top three born harvesting many many mushrooms   on day 35 i had enough shrooms  to make my trip feel worthwhile   so gawk and i left the swamp when he found a  demonic thorny dragon had spawned in my base   i had started to gas poop it but it would  eat itself off the side of the bridge instead   and i was able to finish it off with the zula  i was fighting the demonic parasol and when i   came back to my base i had this giant eternal  flame in my base so i chose to worship it day 36 started with one of the worst things  that can be outside your base a spirit griffon   i managed to aggro it with azula  and deal some insane damage   but it hit me at the last moment taking us  down at least it was far away from the base now   i marked a grave for zula in the eternal flame  because i just felt that was the most fitting spot   day 37 started with having to deal with the  buffoon barrocks and a manticore both outside my   face so i spent most of the day just transporting  all my junk and building walls for my base i need   to stop trying to live out of a cardboard box i  started day 38 searching for an alpha theory or an   alpha mammoth neither of which i was able to find  i ended up finding an alpha thorny dragon instead   once that was tamed i spent the rest of the day  moving my final new things into the base i started   day 39 with a massive wood collection mission  by holding a chainsaw while riding gawk frank   no clue why i even wanted a theory mammoth or  thorny if i could just do this i also realized   i desperately need my crop production again  so i learned everything i need for greenhouse   and started crafting a bunch of pipes but by the  end of the day i had a fully functional greenhouse   even if half the walls were missing day 40 started  with a good deed by giving some crystals to declan   who was just starting on the server i then  spent the rest of the time attempting to   complete my very unfinished greenhouse as well  as setting up a bunch of composting bins for   plenty of fertilizer day 41 i found tranquil  tamed my first apex stylo or eggs i still   needed a female dollar so i continued my rampage  along the beach before i was trying to tame the   second one the rest of the day was spent mucking  about crafting things expanding the base and   just smelting metal boring day i know the real  excitement comes later with all the boss fights   day 42 the first day i had a fully enclosed base  except the fact i had no ceiling i started it off   by breeding my apex stylos so i'd have plenty of  egg layers only to get two males in a row i also   set up a load up mannequin before shoving all  the dials into a pokeball and into the computer   on day 43 in fact this day was so  sad for me i can't even talk about it   just watch my stupidity unfold in real time  i don't know i'll just stamp it up stamina whoops indeed rest in peace gawk frank you shall  be missed all i headed out on my electric archer   when i came across an apex gigger that i started  trying to knock out and i eventually managed to   do so by chasing it down on foot as the day ended  the 44th day had me crafting my very first omega   fabled and advanced elemental kibble i got back  to my giga teamed it up and then named my electric   archopterox but not as sprinkles a name that  hundreds of you seem to like in the previous   hundred days of the hunted banana sprinkles  in our search the entire day for an omega but   found nothing so i just ended up at home saddled  up the apex giga and went on a leveling spree it   was going great till i ran straight into a primo  corner wondering loot boss and alpha reaper queen   they got me pinned against the wall but  i somehow got out biting and backing away   eventually making a breakboard up the ramp  to our base but the reaper queen had followed that was way too close i healed up my giga  on day 45 and fought the celestial ferox   before finding the primal carno and starting  to munch it but it was taking too long   there was an artifact during our base that was  actually going to be something i hunted down a lot   as you need a ton of artifacts in promotion and  then i ended up going out some banana sprinkles   where i found another gacha that i managed to tame  up by feeding that stone and other resources that   are harvested right there day 46 started with  meters flying around the map aimlessly over   mountains through ruins across plateaus and over  the desert i can't quite remember what i was   searching for as i never remembered to take notes  but i know i didn't find it i took my alpha indom   out on a meat run as well as used him to take out  a primo carno and a demonic thorny kinda weird how   my alpha indom is stronger than my apex gigger  i desperately wanted a demonic to use for the   upcoming origin fight but for that i needed omega  and fabled eggs so i went out in search of both   i did find an apex griffin not tamed up so  i'd have a mount i could shoot off the back of   we named her a hemograph since she looked  like blood i tranq contained a fabled orgy   early on day 47 but now the crunch was on  to find an omega could tame i searched the   entire day for nothing not a single omega i could  actually tame i needed a new plan and that plan   just appeared in front of me it was day 48  when i found a level 170 necrotic warvin   i cranked it out but it fell into the water so i  raced back to the base for some scuba gear i was   so close to being back when i saw it had died so i  took out my frustrations killing as many wavins as   i could in the hopes a new one might spawn i found  a level 50 in the last few moments of the day   it wasn't much but it would do as necrotics are  insanely powerful glass cannons and could be used   to spam down in origin i even killed a spirit  waving chaos rex and spirit griffin using mine day 49 i finally found an omega aloe  only to have a die to a demonic parasol   i knew i was out of time so i went out on my  necrotic woven to find an origin raptor to kill   instead i found cyanide's indom i wanted to save  it as a spirit rex and aggravate onto it but just   like icarus i flew too close to the sun that  was my final hope for day 50 origin kill ruined   i am not giving up using my spare indom i was  able to get back and even killed a primal raptor   after a very long time of course since these have  millions of health but at least i had all my stuff   and a dream day 50 and origin fight day started  with the simple alpha magma sorting next door   to my base as i would need it for metal before  beginning the search for an origin i could attempt   to fight in the hopes i would kill it before the  day ends it was midday when i found one swimming   in the lake i charged in on my two noms and began  the longest click fest ever i was racing the clock   swimming through the water so it couldn't attack  back but making sure it didn't have a chance   to run too far it had just barely started to  turn in tonight as i killed it hell to the air day 51 had just started and i named my end of  captain america in honor of their achievement of   defeating an origin but that was the easiest of my  challenges i now have until day 75 to prepare for   fight against one of the guardians bosses that  can literally one shot anything they fight if you   are not careful i ended up spending the rest of  the day searching for omegas as i still had none   i found a fable terror that i tamed for eggs  before almost blind straight into a chaos dodo   on day 52 i found an omega x it died to some  staircase i found an omega ice wyvern i didn't   have enough kibble screw it i just went to go make  myself more kibble i was desperate for omegas okay   once i got back to the snow i  couldn't even find the omega   oven and while i was blind a  chaos woven aggroed on to me   full panic mode blind swooping dodging and weaving  i was losing health rapidly from its aoe effect   i have no clue how i even survived that i was  chilling on my phone here browsing through   twitter make sure you go and follow me by the way  but you see that that's an omega aloe i never saw   so thanks scoopmaster who was watching the  stream and pointed it out so we named it in   his honor and then trapped it and stuck it in the  box for eggs day 53 i messed up i found an omega   x that i was going to tame when i saw a buffoon  barrocks that i decided to shoot for fun rest   in peace here my griff i was running home with  no backup flyer when a wild sabertooth appeared yeah it's not safe to walk through long grass  without repellent these days i spent the rest of   the day on a metal run with my alpha magma saw as  well as stone and sand as if there wasn't enough   sand from the sandstorm going on i really wanted  a grinder but for that i needed ingots so day   54 i set up 20 forges to begin mass melting for  ingots before heading out on a crystal run i then   did what every arc player does for hundreds of  hours i went afk while waiting for things to smelt   day 55 began as i went hunting for oil though i  did first tame an omega soccer to boost my egg   production once i got home i made myself  a grinder and then proceeded to destroy   hundreds of items i had gathered so far for their  raw materials in fact i got so many resources   back i made myself a primal industrial forge so i  never would have to worry about ingots ever again   on day 56 i found my favorite creature fear  a fabled grifficorn this gruffacorn unicorn   hybrid is the fastest creature in primorphia  i had some slight difficulty tracking it   even tracking a wrecks while shooting it but it  was mine i had so much fun just speeding across   the map on a murder spree for experience as i  was out hunting on day 57 i was asked to tame   an alpha rock drake which i did and then never  used the entire 100 days but hey i had one i ended   up finishing the day by munching down a primal  kantro as i needed its blood for more narcotics   i was running out of electric feathers on day 58.  you need feathers to make kibble and you get them   from all the elementals so i had the brilliant  idea to breed my electric arches together and just   mass murder the babies three electric feathers and  then in the second half of the day i created my   very first demonic kibble now it's just a matter  of finding the perfect demonic i found a max level   demonic thorny dragon with a single arrow shot to  the head using an origin arrow that i crafted from   the blood of that origin raptor the demonic went  down she was so beautiful i named her ember gojira   settled her up before purging the beach with  her power day 59 started with me hunting down   origins as you get one origin blood for each  kill that you can use to make origin arrows that   i used earlier to tame ember gojira i took out  origin orgies raptors and even an origin wrecks   i now officially had a full set of origin armor  as i got back to the base on day60 i cleaned my   entire inventory before making the tech replicator  i wanted to unlock a tech transmitter and for that   i need to defeat an origin wavin so i went out on  a search holding gojira in my gryphicorns claws   i spent the rest of the day fighting origin karuku  origins step bears and getting stuck in the ice   day61 i killed another artifacto i killed so many  of these things for the 100 days let me just break   down how many bosses i have to kill for this  100 days i need to kill one pikon's revenge four   colossus five novas five picons ten emperors ten  empresses at least 200 origins and more than 150   artifactors so i spent the rest of the day hunting  more origins when i came across the celestial   wrecks which i teamed up and then crafted a ton  of origin summoners that are summoned into the   desert and took down with ember gojira day 62  i started off making more kibble and then made   myself a tech transmitter so i could scan for  whatever creatures i wanted to find on the map   i immediately used to tame a level 290 demonic  thorny to start breeding them once i had some   babies i imprinted them fully before being a great  father and just going afk so they could raise up   i remember day 63 fondly it was time  to fight the demonic reaper empress   a boss that has ended many armies of those who are  underprepared i headed off into the desert with   two fully imprinted demonic thornies both of which  i had pumped a ton of experience potions into   i summoned in the empress and we went to  war she was taking heavy damage but so was   my second demonic thorny she kept sending me  flying before finally the final spike launch   took her out i got her soul a token to summon my  very own demonic reaper empress and a saddle but   amazed a very important loot bag that could have  had demonic armor in it the next boss i wanted to   work towards was the celestial indominus emperor  but for that i needed celestials one issue is all   short of caustic feathers to make the kibble so on  day 64 i headed out and tamed up myself a lot of   feather light as light and dark creatures give all  four elemental feathers and as we learned earlier   i can just mass breed them kill them and harvest  them with the chainsaw once i had the second   featherlight i threw them out at the base and left  them to make love in the dark corner of my base   while i went out in search of a level 340 necrotic  woven we named him necro explosion waking up in   the morning of day 65 i began by throwing out  all my sweet beautiful baby light feather lights   before shooting them all in the back of the head  and cutting up their bodies with a chainsaw for   their feathers with the freshly bound feathers i  turned them all into kibble to feed to creatures   with the fresh kibble i went out to tame a  celestial archie i managed to hit it with   an origin arrow the board hit me back instantly  killing uni griffin dropping me to the earth below my gosh i almost died and then the piranhas  showed up fortunately origin armor is incredibly   strong and i was able to kill the stupid fish  before swimming to shore with my broken leg   throwing my demonic thorny and using the safety  of riding the flaming lizard from hell to heal up   day 66 i tamed up rudolph as i had no flyer to  get home but i didn't know he needed a saddle so   i just ran home on my thorny dragon i grabbed the  backup grifficorn and flew off to the now sleeping   celestial orgy that i was able to feed and pick  up once i got home i saddled up the orgy before   taking it for test run against a primal aloe and  a primal manticore on the morning of day 67 i   started out by breeding my gryphicorns to ensure  i always had a backup and then i went out to tame   my demonic reaper empress so i summoned her in and  whacked her with an arrow she did bury herself in   the ground and it took a bit to finally find her  tamed her up and tested her out before trapping   her never to be seen again i went out to tame a  second celestial orgy it fell straight into the   ocean but i was not going to lose another one  to drowning so i dabbed straight in after it   my oxygen ran out and i was starting to drown  i threw out an old friend droidika that i was   able to ride so i could eat a health potion  to keep me healed past the suffocation damage   as day 68 started i set my brand new orgies to  breed to begin imprinting the babies i went out   and tamed the demonic parasol pretty quickly  before coming home and imprinted all my orgies   i named them tweety core celeste and featherman  i was short on hard for my four rg saddles so   i did the classic arc theme of murdering babies  and cutting them up to turn into saddles welcome   to day 69 nice i spent the morning leveling up my  arches before heading off to the desert healing my   orgies and summoning in the celestial indominus  rex emperor fighting off celestial wavins   celestial griffins and of course the emperor  himself i kept getting grounded as the fight   went on mass feeding my argues health potions and  stamina potions as if i let my stamina drain i   would instantly die off my mount and if my health  went to zero well you know what happens then i had   a third problem starting to arise i desperately  needed water and my torpor was rising i managed to   find a break to grab some water and headed right  back into the fight but we finally did it with one   final rg shotgun blast to the face up brought it  down only two rg survived fight tweety and celeste   but i did get celestial boots from the fight  which made me speed the rest of the day i went   out and tamed my very own celestial indom using  the summoner that you get from the boss fight as i   started out on day 70 i found dragon that i wanted  to tame so i absolutely lit it up with bullets   chasing it all the way to the edge of the map  where tried to hide behind the chaos manticore   it ended up falling asleep and straight into the  ocean so i dived in after it before falling out   of the world and straight into the manticore arena  so i had to cheat for the first and only time ever   in my hundred days and ghost out of the  arena riding my dragon in order to get it out   i took out tweedy on an experienced run  before running into an origin karno that   i started killing it somehow killed me  off my mount but i managed to come back   whistle my rg over and finish off the carno  i needed to start prepping for the guardian   fights and as today was day 71 that left  me with only four days to gather all the   missing origin tributes to fight the emperors  and the empresses for their souls so the next   few days were an absolute blur of hunting  down origins artifacts and standard artifacts day 72 while i was out of hunting  origins i came across an [ __ ] of an egg   and after missing the egg in my hunted 100  days i was sure to pick it up this time day 74 was probably the most challenging decision  i had to make i finally decided to fight the chaos   guardian first i crafted the summoner and there  was no going back now i ended up spending the   rest of the day prepping my inventory raising more  demonics and crafting up saddles in the evening i   threw out my army of demonic thornies my emperor  and my empress i had a plan i was going to let my   emperor keep grounding the guardian with a spike  attack while i barraged it on a thorny dragon my   empress would be there for extra damage as  well as a parasol and some extra thornies   as the sun rose on day 75 the  chaos guardian was summoned   my plan started out perfectly the guardian  was grounded and we were able to absolutely   light it up with damage it was only down  to 1.1 billion health when my emperor died   uh-oh the battle continued as my demonic parasol  fell the fight was absolute chaos when time just   stopped the server had unknowingly restarted  due to an update only to log back in and the   chaos guardian was gone this was a huge setback  for me i had another emperor that i was able to   summon and tamed up who are named pooper stein  for good luck and this time i had a new strategy   i was going to ride bupestein while leaving  my army of demonic thornies to deal the damage   so on day 76 i summoned the chaos guardian  for round two damage was going much slower   this time around when two of my demonic thornies  both died at the same time making sure to always   have a health potion running so as to not  die eventually my final demonic thorny and   empress were both killed my damage per second had  now taken a serious hit but i was not giving up   that easily the fight lasted forever i got itself  down to 900 million when it got itself glitched   into the mesh and deleted i was devastated my  army was still completely dead it was now day 77 i   needed a plan and i needed it now in order to beat  primal fear you need to defeat pikan's revenge   so whether i was ready or not i would have to  summon him on day 100 or fail this challenge   on the map there was a max level demonic parasaur  i was able to easily tame it up before finding   and taming a level 290 as well as two level 280s i  bred them all up into the perfect stats on day 78   using the time to hunt down artifactors with my  celestial rg i wanted an army of demonic parasaurs   so i threw out a bunch to raise up i tamed up  a fabled mega shilon on day 79 as they generate   a metric but ton of rare mushrooms and flowers  so i could restock all my health potions before   heading into the desert with my parasol army to  start leveling them up i had an army of eight   highly leveled demonic parasaurs some with as much  as 50 million help it was time for round three   versus the chaos guardian the start of the fight  was absolute chaos but we were doing it all of my   powers had died but the guardian was down to half  hell continuing to run in circles as i blasted it   down this was it i was doing it i heard a saying  once that when things are going well is where   you need to be the most careful as at the top is  where you relax the most and any mistake can be   devastating i didn't realize my health potion had  ran out and the guardian took full advantage oh   i respawned on day 80 and thankfully the guardian  had left my stuff alone so with tweety and celeste   we flew to face the guardian yet again 400  million health and a dream to keep alive   dealing only four or five million damage  in rg blast it was non-stop cat and mouse   flying in a figure of eight making sure to  watch my stam and my health 300 million left   my frames were dying as the fight started to  lag my computer 200 million health i was down   to four health potions left 100 million  left i was dying of thirst so tall ball   was rising i had an opportunity to grab water  to stop myself passing out but it was a bait   the guardian showed up and aggroed my rg away  from me i tried to throw out a parasaur to hop   onto it but it had no saddle and with my frames  down to his single digits it was as if i was   on an official ark pvp server i wasn't able to  settle it up in time as the guardian took me out   i was so close now i could not give up i flew  back on a backup rg in my slideshow of a game   but with no health potions no stamina potions all  the odds were stacked against me thankfully there   was hope the guardian wasn't aggroed on to me  as able to pull celeste away from the chaos but   that made the guardian follow me i tried to fly  away and harder under a random desert titan that   had spawned but its flock dismounted me just in  time for the guardian to show up and take me out   i went back into the battlegrounds just in  time to see so let's dive to the guardian   but i had no time for mourning as the guardian  saw me and killed me on my grip record   i knew i wasn't getting my stuff back if i didn't  kill this guardian i never had enough demonic hard   for paris or saddle so i whipped up my chainsaw  and sacrificed one of my breeder paras to harvest   sports hard made a saddle and ran into battle with  my final para to finally endless once and for all   throughout all of this cyanide and protox had  been keeping an eye on where the guardian was   so that i could still kill it they knew they  couldn't help me fight it but were there so   it wouldn't despawn so i thank them for that it  was on an abandoned island i was able to swim to   and finally end this guardian's life it was the  end of day 82 by the time i finally defeated it   at least now i had the chaos all  unlocked so i could tame chaos creatures   i was definitely going to need  a rebuild after this fight   i started out in day 83 by raising all my demonic  parasaurs as i had sacrificed my breeder to defeat   the guardian and then i crafted my very first  chaos orb there was a chaos waving on the map   it wasn't quite a high level but it was better  than nothing gave it a shot with the sniper   before turning to hit it with an origin error and  as the arrow hit true so did the wave and hit me   i was so sick of dying at this point i got back  to see the wave and had cranked out but i couldn't   find my grave i eventually used the transfer  tool just to pull everything to my inventory   fed the orb to the wavin who i named alduin  congrats on making it this far into the video   you get an a so i'm going to ask that you comment  without taming fudge you never would have won that   battle we can go ahead and confuse everybody who  never watched this part the rest of the day was   spent just having fun with eldwin decimating the  centurions celestials primals and even origins   it was time to begin working toward taking on  the spirit guardian and with how poorly the chaos   guardian went i did not want to take any chances  waking up on day 84 i saw in my transmitter there   was a level 350 or swapping so i immediately  started flying across the map to go and tame it   but by the time i got there proteorax was already  taming it so i would have to find something else   there was a single creature that i felt would  be my best option for the spirit guardian   and that is a chaos griffin preferably an  imprinted one there were none on the map   so i used the time to farm primals celestials  demonics origins and collecting artifacts don't   worry i won't show every single one on this video  else it would be 10 hours long day 85 86 and 87   continued my elderly onslaught killing everything  i could on mountains and cliffs in the hopes of   triggering a new grip and spawn but no matter  what i killed griffins refused to spawn i mean i   needed all the origin tributes anyway but would  have been nice to get the tames i need as well   then on day 88 i finally found one a level 100  chaos griffin it wasn't great but it was exactly   what i needed to give me that boost in confidence  that i could still beat the mod in the 100 days   i launched an origin error and missed [ __ ] so  i went back to the base and came back with 15.   managed to track it up tame it up and name her  anubis i now had it to get a huge move on i   crafted up my spirit guardian summoner as well as  some emperor and emperor sumners they didn't stand   a chance and then day 89 i crafted a ton of origin  summoners to fight all at once for their tokens   and then i saw a level 270 chaos griffin had  spawned in so i immediately went entertainment   and if that wasn't exactly enough luck there was  a level 1 290 right next to it like how i mean   i won't complain but this is exactly the luck i  needed to be back on track i suppose it did help   there was a dino up between day 88 and 89 i spent  the rest of the day breeding my chaos griffins as   tomorrow i would be taking on the spirit guardian  day 90 the final countdown has begun i headed out   on my fully imprinted fully leveled saddled up  chaos griffin i was ready hello spirit guardian   the fight was long the fight was hard that's what  she said and i had many near-death experiences   800 million 400 million 100 million and dead it  felt good it was day 92 after the spirit guardian   fight and i needed feathers for more kibble so  well better lights had to die i crafted 5 or 6   chaos and spirit orbs as you need them to make  the final tears of bosses spent the rest of the   day fighting the remaining emperors and empresses  with my chaos griffin just melting through them   day 93 i continued the soul farming fighting  multiple empresses all at once and at the end   of the day i started making my destroyer and  creative boss summon on daniel 94 it was time   to take on nova the destroyer i wasn't too worried  about this one but i didn't want to take any risks   that's why i was fighting it here in the water as  it's basically cheesing it and since i needed to   kill 5 and i only had a few days left nova  decided to sink to the bottom of the ocean   i tried to swim after it with my celestial  blade but she wasn't interested in me so i   came up with a new plan and went off to tame  a chaos wreck i did track out a level 280   only to accidentally kill it while clearing out  the creatures around it so day 95 i went off and   found a chaos rex that was level 260 at least  this would do so after i grabbed the saddle   and ran all the way back with my speedy boots  don't know why i didn't bother flying you know   my chaos rex and i went scuba diving to hunt down  the nova which dropped her head so i could hatch   and raise up my very own nova while i left nova to  raise i went off to take down pick on the creator   a giant fish that launches black holes and rains  atomic meteors down on you gave me pikon's armor   a full set of overpowered tech armor and as much  as i wanted to revoir my new power i didn't have   the time so i went straight back in to choosing  another four novas using my chaos wrecks making   sure to grab all the eggs for my own nova army by  the time i got home my first nova was fully raised   up and i still needed the final view creator  souls so using nova and my chaos griffin i was   able to take them out quickly and easily day 96 97  98-99 each day was spent takada colossus fire ice   core stick and electric the final defenders before  pick ons revenge the fights were pretty simple but   i had to do them anyway day 100 had finally  arrived i never expected to get this close   to achieving my goal of defeating primal fear in  100 days i had brought an army of novas and chaos   griffins all named after my patrons and channel  members it was time to fight pekkon's revenge   spawning in with over 10 billion help cloning  my entire army to rival me and raining down   meteors from the heavens the battle was  intense my entire army getting wiped out   my nova was taking stacks of damage but my health  potions were keeping her healthy pekon's minions   were launching lasers in every direction i only  had one other nova left everything else was dead   when the dust finally cleared to reveal  that i was victorious thanks for watching   and check out my other 100 day videos if you  enjoyed this special thank you to all my patrons   and channel members who have been supporting me  through all these times cheers for now and goodbye
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 1,190,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Evolved Episode 1, 100 days in ark, ark 100 days, ark survival evolved 100 days, 100 days ark, primal fear, pikkons revenge, primal fear guide, how to beat primal fear, ark primal fear, primal fear in ark, 100 days primal fear, ark survival evolved best mod, best mod in ark, primal fear 100 days, ark survival evolved primal fear 100 days, ark modded 100 days, modded ark survival evolved, ark modded, modded ark 100 days, ark
Id: tg_IQdgEFiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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