I Have 100 DAYS To Conquer ARK's Hardest Mod!

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this mod is capable of destroying even the most skilled Arc player dinosaurs are no longer tameable you will now have to get past their very aggressive herds and steal an egg sounds easy enough but it's just not that simple dinosaurs are aggressive to anything they think is trying to steal their precious egg even when you've outsmarted or even killed these prehistoric peanut brains the baby that comes from the egg is level one this is not going to be easy it might not even be fun now that I've already finished it but it might be fun hey there I'm Rex Wright and I invite you to join me on this epic adventure of mine as I have 100 days to at least attempt to defeat the gamma monkey boss while being hunted this one's gonna be a long one but it's definitely gonna be a good one so grab yourself a snack and a drink and let's get straight into it thank you [Music] on day one I spawned at the lovely area called tamash Bay I began by picking up a stone ripping a bush from its roots and punching a tree like the beginning of Any Other Ark story after I got the essentials I crafted my first pickaxe and since the hunted make stats lower to begin with stuff like Health stamina food water melee damage and even crafting skill is all lowered by at least 50 or more the crafting skill is 10 and it's horrible it took 10 minutes to craft a pickaxe of all thing I am definitely going to invest in my earlier points going into crafting skill while I was waiting for my pickaxe to craft I was able to kill a whole tree and by the time the tree fell cold and dead and in this case just wiped from existence I had drained all of my stamina so not only are the beginning stats awful but the stamina gain is atrocious these 100 days are not going to be easy before I had crafted my first Hatchet I had gotten my crafting skill up to 30 percent so it didn't take forever to craft the hatchet well not as long but still a pretty unbearable amount of time since stamina is so bad I decided to start harvesting stuff with my hand out of all things it totally makes sense that spending your hard-earned time by ripping bushes by their Roots picking up probably heavy Stones not that that really matters since we're basically ripped but Nino also picking Dead Leaves actually you know what it kind of makes sense that it barely drained stamina by doing that stuff after I destroyed a hundred bushes and picked up a thousand stones or some number equivalent to that I made a campfire into storage box I found a nice area to camp out next to a rock So I placed the campfire in the storage box next to the Rock I crafted a spear and went out hunting for the first time in these 100 days all right I need food and uh food means either berries or meat I don't know what I can kill out here I met a demetradon and it was aggressive and looked like a snack so I turned it into a porcupine before it fell asleep while it was probably sleeping I skinned all of its high that's how you get hide oh this is gonna take forever this is why you don't fall asleep first at a sleepover anyway it took forever to skin this thing this is no this is wrong why does it take this long it's been like six months almost there finally when I got all of its hide I decided to harvest this meat which also took forever resulting me and breaking my pickaxe and running out of stamina so I called it there and went back to my Camp while at my Camp I just huddled around the campfire cooking meat while crafting my first set of clothes that looked really comfortable now that the game isn't at 360p for some stupid reason I was getting torpor even though none of my stats were visibly lacking so I decided to take a nap now I guess in this mod your character sometimes decides to get tired and fall asleep anywhere just like your grandpa I eventually woke up unlike your grandpa after I woke up I made a thatch foundation and a mortar and pestle a place to thatched Foundation next to the Rock and place the Morden pestle on the top left corner of the thatch Cube I was going to begin crafting narcotics and thought to myself that they probably wouldn't come in handy unless I wanted to knock out some of the protective parents but I can't anyway since that recipe also changed I shouldn't need oh it takes Venom and Narco Berry seeds anyways I decided that it was probably a good idea to harvest all the meat from that dimetrodon this decision cost me my night and I got no sleep just kidding who actually sleeps in this game wait a minute your character never sleeps I just realized that it's kind of weird on day two I made a bow and went to craft some arrows then I realized I needed feathers I forgot that this mod makes you get feathers awesome well you need others ah so now I have a ball with no ammo I guess I'll be keeping my spear for a while with this newly learned knowledge I gripped my Spear and began my second hunt I found a baby catcher on his mother I took a look to see what the baby catcher needed the passive tame hoping that maybe it would be okay with some metroberries but nope this greedy little spike ball wanted regular kibble spoiled brat so I took my anger out on the mother kill you or die trying pulling out at a powerful level it probably won't go me in one shot oh good wait it's running away what hey get back here by convincing her to go to sleep so I can take her skin off I mean Harvest or hide with the hide I just took from a consenting mother I made my first Ebola then I went back to hunting although I never really stopped so I guess I just continued hunting I found a family of pigs and I guess I haven't built their houses yet because as much as I tried and I tell you honestly I did not try I could not find a straw house stick house or a brick house or I would have loved to steal it as well as the hides from these Piggies the baby pigs required bicycle so of course I didn't tame a pig which is a hidden Miracle when you really think about it so I temporarily love the pigs expecting them to probably start building a house what I had to give them a chance to build something I could steal anyways I continued my journey on the beach and ran into a nest of spinos the protective parent obviously saw me as a threat which is surprising because as if I'd really be able to do anything to Spinosaurus but you know being a brains don't know better so of course I got chased but like I mentioned the second go peanut brain isn't very smart so I usually Got Away running away from the giant angry lizard I ran into the pigs again but they didn't build me a house yet I mean build themselves a house so I decided to make some signs and try to trap them I would later find out that making the signs was a waste of time I trapped an adult and a baby pig it wasn't easy and I found out that I could just bowl of them anyways when I killed the adult he ascended to Narnia or someplace okay he's gone and then I killed the baby ooh headshot I picked up all the signs and found the adult sleeping body I took the hide from the adult and then tried to take the hide from the baby I guess I need to be 18 years or older to be skinned I mean that's convenient but like it doesn't help when they're dead as if I wouldn't be able to skin a toddler like come on game get your priorities straight the other pigs were obviously somewhat smart because they were able to hide or run far far away I later found the rest of the family of that one ketro I had convinced to sleep on the beach and I decided to also convince the rest of them to take a nap on the sand this took a while in fact it took all night to convince all of them to go night night I had successfully convinced all but one to fall asleep this was quite the sleepover as there were a lot of contestants I convinced to fall asleep and I'm sure you already know what happened when you fall asleep first at the sleepover while I was skinning a ketro that was asleep for probably a few hours the glass cantro had come charging at me I was already convinced that this ketro just didn't want to be in this epic sleepover anymore and left but it came back and now it knows what happens to people that fall asleep at my sleepovers so I couldn't let it Escape because it seemed too much since all of the ketchers were now catching disease I chose to scan them all since I had obviously consented to it by falling into a deep sleep by the morning of day three all of the countries at my sleepover were skinned and none of them woke up I got concerned for a second and I remembered that they had all signed the agreement papers off camera I was curious if there was a nest that the kentros left behind so I tried to look for it either it was very well hidden or just non-existent I also ran into a pack of pakis that was so stupid anyways I bolded them and ran away while I ran away I ran into a Trudeau the truodon decided to invite invite me to their sleepover but I said no and the true Don didn't like that answer so they knocked me out anyways I managed to fall asleep mid-air and I guess this amazed the Troodon as it didn't skin me alive after I woke up I kissed the ground and ran away before I was first to join another sleepover with the risk of not getting out alive I ran down the beach going back to my camp and found a pig that had previously decided to serve its family and it still hadn't decided to build me I mean build itself a house yet so I convinced it to go night night so I could take its yearly salary yes pigs get paid in hide didn't you know that I was about to start the process of foraging Metals soon since I was a few levels away from crafting a refining Forge so it took some time to get metal from River Stones so I could immediately craft a metal Hatchet and harvest the rest of the stuff from the sleeping kentros this stuff being armor plates and their Ivory spikes I finally got to level 20 and made a refining Forge immediately I made two maggot bandages to see how well they heal me it's really slow but I guess it kind of works I don't really know I can't really tell I'm kind of stupid while the metal was melting I crafted a full set of height armor then I transformed into the human form of Rex Wright and hirochi also joined me a few days late I would say but that's okay she says she was busy trying to colonize New York or something or whatever that means with the metal I had smelted I made a Smithy I used a Smithy to make a metal Hatchet and a metal pickaxe with these new shiny tools I went to harvest the rest of the resources I won fair and square by convincing a family of catchers to fall asleep it took forever but on the morning of day four I had finished acquiring all of the resources from the kentros I decided to upgrade my Camp by a little bit and by a little bit I mean I just added two wood foundations I had to move the campfire a few feet but that's fine after I added another eight square feet probably I'm not a carpenter I added a bed so I could respond when I eventually die because let's be honest I will die I decided to go into the forest to find a tank or an egg to still really or some Crystal living before I did that I crafted two water skins so I didn't die of thirst I found a pack of Raptors and I successfully bullied one I made a really bad move and ignored the fact that Raptors are probably in a pack oh Lord Lord so I got jumped by like three more Raptors leading to my first death when I came back I killed a raptor not knowing where the other Raptors were but unbeknownst to me the Raptors weren't the only threat out here an Amargasaurus of all things felt like killing me wonderful good night I decided to use my brain and in order to use it I had to plug in new batteries or um something like that now that my brain now has the delicious Taste of AAA batteries powering it I decided to craft a canoe I went to the other side of the gulf and saw a capro attempting to assassinate me my sixth sense went off and I bullied the reptile dog mid-air you can do about it who get pranked stupid then I took it out because it violated the ninth law of harambe by attempting to kill me an innocent innocent man who has done nothing here or that's what I told the council at least after putting the dog down I found a family of dodos they were very brave dotas and tried to attack me they were so cute that I accidentally threw my spirit at their faces I tell you deeply and you have to believe me this was an accident I swear anyways since they were conveniently no longer alive I took their feathers since they no longer needed them since they were also no longer parents I contacted CPS and they told me just to take their eggs the dodos had left two incubated eggs so I decided to adopt these eggs however I would struggle to hatch them because I don't know what I'm doing while I was writing down in my notes a very rude Baryonyx decided to attack me oh come on dude I was busy man you guys are rude I was doing my note I decided to attempt to get my canoe back but these reptiles with uncomfortable looking claws smelled me from at least a mile away and of course killed me once again already okay uh-huh I was like a mile away from you guys I attempted to swim across the body of water once more and when I got to the other side of frog of all things invited me to a sleepover no come on bro I literally just got to my canoe go backwards back up I'm stuck oh and he's just gonna run away put a little outward I guess I wasn't the first to fall asleep at the Frog sleepover because it didn't even skin me alive when I woke up I quickly got on my canoe and went home I made a nest hoping that I would incubate the dodo eggs but nah The Nest doesn't work so I made four torches and tried to incubate the egg but they were somehow too cold cold come on dude there's no way you're too cold on day five I ventured up the hill to try and find something interesting the only thing I found and they were very interesting indeed was a pack of aloes they didn't kill me though because my face met the ground and fell in love immediately by Falling in Love I of course mean me face planting into the ground at like 10 miles an hour minimum and being sent straight to my bed for my next death when I awoke I made a crossbow to replace my literally never used bow I found on a river in the forest and decided to destroy a bunch of River Rocks for their precious metal after it got some juicy delicious metal from the river Stones I found a pond the pond had a few things living there including from what I could see a Sarco and a Frog the Sarco looked like it was at a sleepover a sleepover I wasn't invited to turns out the Sarco wasn't actually asleep and that there was no sleepover therefore I didn't have to sweat about not being invited to a sleepover what a relief however the Sarco still wanted to eat me which I can't say I don't hear often since I like to meet a lot of hungry Predators like women I eventually got away from the giant crocodile or alligator whichever you prefer probably a crocodile because of its snow you see a crocodile is recognizable by its skinny elongated snout whilst an alligator has a more short and wide snout supposedly according to google of course well I had escaped the Sarco another Predator had been seeking me out since the moment it saw me I assume like most things when they see me I am beautiful after all anyways it was a leech and even though I like my fans in community leeches are beaches and this leech without my consent of course attached to me like a vacuum cleaner except this thing was definitely not cleaning later I had run into a few metal notes and I decided to harvest them if I died soon then I made a campfire to kill the leech that had attached itself to me earlier after I killed the leech I found Raptor so I bowled the Raptor like you usually would but before I could kill the Raptor I had to fight off two flying ants after I killed the flying ants I threw a few mega-sized toothpicks at the skull of the Raptor and it fell asleep very quickly while I was killing the Rapture I had to avoid some large ants crawling on the ground and once I killed the Raptor I killed the stupid ants as well I guess the ants remember when I stood on their ant nest when I was seven but it's not like they didn't have their Revenge when they crawled all over me and I only realized when there's about a thousand ants crawling all over me the moral of the story is uh don't stand on ant hills since the ants were gone I began to collect my prize off of the Raptor this being hiding feathers on day six I jumped off the cliff into water either I missed and die and I teleport home or I successfully land in it and I get to explore down here let's go I attempted to tame an Equus since they were all level one and I assumed that they would like some berries or something but I was wrong of course they wanted kibble why wouldn't they want kibble I knew it after I stormed off being upset about not having a level one pony I stumbled into an RG nest in the nest I found the corpse of a Baryonyx and I attempted to harvest the heavy Claw from its corpse because come on you gotta admit it at least sounds cool plus it's red so you know it has to be worth taking I unfortunately was interrupted by an Amargasaurus of course at least I beg of you please no jerk you're a jerk no one likes you no one likes you literally no one likes you I managed to escape the Amargasaurus and quickly take my opportunity to take the heavy claw once more but I was of course interrupted by an RG this time if there's anything I do right now it's get this heavy claw oh you man you guys ruin everything I'm gonna steal one of your eggs if I can that'd be funny this made me upset so I decided and tried to take one of their eggs I just needed to find their nests wherever they that is we're not so if this is the RG oh you bad distract them oh man why are you faster than me it shouldn't be oh come on man 2 30 2 30 nah I ended up not being able to find the nest and after trying to run away from multiple RGS chasing me down I eventually died to their claws when I respond I decided to make a raft and live on the raft at least temporarily so I put the raft in the water and began moving everything from my Camp to the raft and they've been adding a few things like extra beds and ceilings and ramps of course right we are ready to go I sell to my canoe picked it up and then continued sailing into the ocean I went to scout out the spinal nest because I felt confident enough to steal a spinal weight so I parked my raft in a good area and ran down the beach these Morello tops decided to chase me so I thought I would prank them by making them run into the spinal Nest the spider was obviously blind and cannot see its two giant Mills in front of its eyes because it decided to kill me because I was better tasting or something why are you coming from me why are you coming from me get them their bigger Foods bruh okay so I respond and decided to go up the cliff instead of running along the beach like an idiot I carefully climbed down the cliff and snuck past his spinal this however would not be that great because of course the hitbox of the spinal Nest is really small and buggy so I couldn't take the egg because the spino came back and took me out almost instantly oh bro why can't I no no no it's right there I saw it it's so dumb I already tried to take the egg this time I had a parachute and attempt to delete the spinal away you have an idea what if I just like bleed it away I know maybe this will work a little bit come on all right I let it away oh I'm gonna I let it away when I awoke a quadruple Moon Rose so I decided to do a little XP farming by crafting a lot of cooking pots by the morning of day seven the quadruple Moon had vanished and I managed to get a lot of levels so back to attempting to steal a spy leg here I come I managed to get to the nest but like last time the hitbox is too hard to get to by the time the parents realized that someone is snooping through their nest well come on dude this game is rigged bro where is the stupid hitbox this is so dumb so I came back again and this time I had originally planned to lead the spino into the ocean but the spino got distracted by them relatives now don't fight that thing wait no do fight that I took my chance and ran to the nest I was feeling hopeless because I just couldn't find the hitbox for the life of me however the spinal felt generous and it gave me a lot of time and when I managed to find the hitbox I snatched the eight come on come on come on come on yes please please just go you can kill me you can do it eat my booty I got your egg I got your egg we can do about it I had done it probably skipped a lot of chapters and don't know when I'll be able to hatch the egg but I had done it and that's all that matters I continued down my journey of sailing down the beach and found some paths that lead up to the mountain I was hoping maybe I could find Crystal or obsidian but no dice what I did find or should I say what found me was a group of carnos they must have been really well trained because one of them came out of this okay Rogers came out of this guy what that's not fair he's cheating he's cheating this must have been some special corpse of Carlos probably dropped out of a Carnotaurus Airship or something I was able to avoid them for a little bit but they were very stubborn they managed to finally catch me and they did not hesitate to put me in my place oh hello no no I don't want to get stuck like that you gave up uh wait why is there some down here where'd you guys go go no okay okay uh-huh as if I wouldn't be able to fit that tiny little crevice on day eight I finally figured out how to not be stupid and use the nest correctly apparently you dropped the eggs on the nest instead of putting them in the inventory of the nest which is both dumb and highly unexpected dropping the eggs into the nest is a huge pain because every single time I drop an egg it has at least a 70 chance of rebounding out of the nest it's literally so annoying with this brand new knowledge of mine I hatched both of the dodo eggs I stole a few days ago when they hatched one of them got launched oh he just got launched I didn't want CPS on my back so I gave them food I also made a Titan chest plate but all I'm really doing is wasting precious chitin because apparently chitin is really important in this mod I think after a while the daughters were finally adults this means I could kick them out of my house if I had one but I live on a raft and I don't think CPS would consider it a home actually you know what those aren't even my kids CPS you don't even have to be called again don't worry about it since the dodos were no longer children anymore they had to pay rent and the rent is its feathers so I took their feathers and I made 14 arrows I also wanted more dodos because the more dense Birds I've got the more feathers to me and the more the feathers I have the more arrows in my pocket so I think it's essential for me to start breeding them while the doders were breeding I ran down the beach to see if I could find anything interesting I ran into a dimorphodon nest probably I think it was a nest anyways I ran away from the dimorphodons and ran into a pack of truodon after I ran into the troodons I just felt like taking a nap and by nap I mean these little Dino rats drugged me and skinned me alive when I respond I respond in the wrong area like an idiot so I had to run all the way back to my raft on the way back I killed the dimetrodon I harvested the hide and then started writing down some notes while I was minding my own business and writing down notes a pack of six or seven dillos jumped me really bro come on I was doing my notes my guy bro why are there so many of them dude I thought my very best as hard as I ever thought the final two dillos were running away cowardly I eventually managed to kill them but then the two berries from earlier finished and yeah before I got hit twice you guys got Aimbot run away oh not again fine let's play Ring Around the Rosie losers ow ow run away oh you guys are quick you guys got Aimbot dude I can take you on Run Away Little cowards I got weapon yeah that's what I thought oh not the berries again no no please I'm innocent I'll take you on everything wants me now when I came back I saw a baby Dillo and it had no parents so I convinced it to fall asleep and when it woke up it would meet its parents again on day 9 I ran into the cavern looking things again at the same place I was mauled by troodons yesterday I outran a dimorphodon just run into a herd of stegos so I decided to run up a path to get onto the top of the cavern looking things when I got to the top I was chased by some pakis I pulled both of them and managed to kill one but unfortunately the other ran away then I continued looking for Crystal I was a bit clumsy and managed to fall off the cliff so I of course had to go back up oh that's not good I ran past the stegosaurus and probably got impaled but I'll just walk it off oh I after I got rudely impaled I ran into like five packies so I just balded them all and continued running up the path then I ran into an Iguanodon and it looked at me wrong so I bowled it and killed it after I killed in Iguanodon I found its nest stole its egg then harvested the clay and Savor root seeds this Iguanodon must not have been happy I mean I stole its babies so I guess it kind of makes sense that it was mad so I had to kill it the next Iguanodon however had a way different approach this Iguanodon jump scared me scared the hell out of me oh holy crap I did not like getting jump scared let's be honest I did basically nothing to these iguanodons so I killed the Iguanodon that jumpscared me and every other Iguanodon I'm gonna destroy your nest now then out of spite I destroyed the nest and then took like 20 minutes to skin all the iguanodons I was harvesting some big bones I found it gives salt I don't know if it'll be important or not but I broke my pickaxe on the bone so that's cool then I found the corpse of a Dillo and apparently you could Harvest Venom from the Dillons which totally makes sense now that I think about it ooh venom for medello I don't know they gave Venom I also found a pachy nest and I think that maybe it's the nest from the pakis I killed earlier or the five new packies I also found earlier anyways I took the egg harvested the seeds and the clay then proceeded to destroy the nest while exploring up the mountain I finally found crystals and since my pickaxe was broken I had to use my ax which turned out to work out totally fine I'm gonna knock out soon oh Crystal my pickaxe is broken but this should still work harvesting Crystal made me so tired that I decided to fall asleep on the crystal come on there I go I'm just oh that does not look comfortable at all that looks so bad that is probably fine for my spine I'll feel it tomorrow when I woke up I continued harvesting crystals and apparently the nap I just took wasn't enough because I took another one and there I go for the second time when I woke up I of course continued harvesting crystals I harvested crystals until my ax broke and there goes my ax I made a stone pickaxe but gave up because the stone pickaxe sucks I ran into a spider so I bolted it and killed it [Music] foreign which I have heard is very important late game so I'll hold on to that I ran into a pack of dimorphodons and microraptors or something they must not have really liked me because they would not stop chasing me get all of it oh that's so hot that's that's like 600 I'm more for Downs it's not good that's not good they eventually slaughtered me so I respond and tried to convince myself it was a dream on day 10 I hatched the Packy and Iguanodon then I expanded my raft a little bit I just added some ceilings I was about to place down the cooking pot but a Troodon started attacking my raft so I bowled it and let the Three Amigos kill it I thought it was just a random occurrence then did not expect any more troodons but after I placed down the cooking pot another couple of troodons attacked I managed to Bull a one in the water but another jumped me from a different angle this was completely unexpected and the truodan ended up knocking me out the baby Packie was still growing up and she was running away but then she grew up and gained the courage to attack the troodons yes Packy what a legend he grew up he grew balls uh oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no everything was seeming fine my dodos and tacky were teaming up and killing the troodons and we seemed to be winning but out of nowhere the Troodon just had asked for support from a couple of carnos and we got steam at first the Packy defended me and attacked the Carno but eventually the was overpowered by the horned beast the Cardinals killed everything I was killed and I don't even know who else was still alive the dodos were dead the Iguanodon was dead I had lost everything I quickly responded and got on my raft the Cardinals even tried to swim after me save yourself why like this you guys can't swim oh you're pretty deep it's in deep water though they did eventually give up though turns out my Packy is still alive so I got her on the raft to safety she was all I had left I named her Legend and for she was the most courageous dinosaur I have seen in a long time I crafted a Packy saddle for her and made my first Spyglass later in the day I attacked a parasaurus legend after just barely killing the parasaur legend it was pooped and took a nap oh is he gonna knock out what in the green Jilly Billy Boo I don't even know what I just said I fed Legend stimberries to wake her up faster then I crafted a water jar and quickly got Legend back on the raft and when she got on the raft she almost immediately went back to sleep she must be really tired I fixed my armor that was broken and then Legend Woke up again I gave her levels and health and melee and gave her berries to eat at the end of the day I made a clay Nest even though I can't use it because it requires oil on day 11 I cooked up some basic kibble apparently when you make one it crafts 3 which is actually pretty nice I hatched the dodo egg I got earlier and I hoped it would be a female if female dinosaurs if you don't already know lay eggs eggs May kibble and you need kibble to tame some dinosaurs when the dodo hatched it was a woman so that's really good news after I left the dodo alone don't worry she has food and probably a babysitter I took Legend out and killed two dildos with her I bullied pigs waiting for legend to catch up and she fell asleep again oh come on why did you fall asleep again why do you always fall asleep I don't get it this is completely stupid I don't even know why she's gaining torpor I gave her some more stem berries and she eventually woke up and just like that she falls asleep again I don't get it dude why are you gaining torpor but why and she's out again I figured out that for whatever reason that when I feed her she gains torpor so I just let her wake up without any stimberries this time while she was waking up I harvested some Venom from the dillos I killed then I passive tame the parasaur while its family abandoned it I named the parasaur Buddy and when I got to Legend she was still asleep note to self when you passive tame something you probably go with the like the youngest one because I don't think I'll be able to imprint this one on day 12 Legend Woke up and she was still gaining torpor for whatever reason so I quickly got her on the raft in case she fell asleep again I got a Delta implant from a blue drop however it's not going to be useful to me because it's not even the right implant for a parasaur saddle I got everyone on the ramp for safety reasons obviously and then travel to the tower I thought that maybe there would be spiders or something in it so I thought it would be a good source of chitin I got to the Tower and I went up some stairs but I was stopped by a metal gate so I went up a different set of stairs and got all the way to the top but found literally nothing oh well besides his campfire looking thing I don't know what I expected but I jumped in the fire resulting me in burning my toes don't really know what I expected since I didn't find anything I went back down this time I went down a staircase and then into a Cave System the first exit I found was just a hole in the cliff and if he followed you would probably die the second exit I found was just another exit of the cave so I went back in and the third exit was yet another exit so I went back in and went to the first exit I found and I jumped out with my parachute when I landed in the water I saw a hesperonas and it said all it wanted was a fish tank so I swear I'm along the coast looking for fish I didn't find any fish but I did end up finding another two more hesperornas I tried looking for the nest of the hesperanus but I couldn't find any so I just went back to looking for fish and I still couldn't find any of those I'm beginning to think that fish don't exist I chased Elementary for a while until I couldn't anymore because it felt like flying up a cliff yay no kite in for me yay on day 13 I saw a capro chilling in the water and I tried to see what its level was with my Spyglass but I wasn't showing any levels so I swam closer thinking maybe it was dead or bugged out or something but I was wrong it was very much still alive in fact it was so much alive that it jumped me so I bolted it and killed it after I killed it I used its corpse as an island to place my canoe I was planning on swimming on the canoe back to my raft but this Baryonyx had different plans the Baryonyx obviously killed me when I respawned as former spiders were attacking my base I have absolutely no idea where they came from Buddy died like a hero kind of I quickly got on the raft and saved the dodo from falling off and then I swam into the Seas I parked the raft along the coast and started fighting the spiders apparently Legend either teleported back to where the raft previously was or she somehow got back to where the raft was because she was killed by spiders so that's cool I guess wait no no no no no no no no no no how did what how my boat's over there how did my oh my did it actually like wake up and then Ah that's so dumb and I bet you it fell asleep too so stupid this event was really dumb who knows where the spiders came from I certainly don't know where they came from and because of these spiders coming out of basically nowhere I lost buddy and Legend which sucks on the morning of day 14 I started to harvest all of the spiders I had just killed although I only managed to harvest one because the other spider corpses seem to have disappeared which is annoying I forgot how slowly you gain Health from the spot so I made 10 maggot bandages the maggot bandages supposedly help you heal although I never really saw them make a huge difference but they're cheap so I don't care about having to craft them here and there I also named The Raft USS Titan because the raft is a real chat of this 100 days so far I climbed aboard USS Titan and plucked the feathers from my dodo to make more arrows later in the day I was sneaking up on a baby kentro just to see what it takes to tame and while I was doing this a spider came out of nowhere so I killed the spider then harvested its chitin I still don't know where all of these spiders came from but oh well I went back to sneaking up up on the baby kentro and the parent of the baby must have some sort of anger issues because for absolutely no reason it killed my dodo this made me Furious because for once I actually didn't do anything although now that I typed this script maybe the adult Kendra knows what I did to the other ketros but I had their consent and plus the dodo didn't have anything to do with the sleepover this was unacceptable so I killed the adult kentro while I was harvesting the corpse of the adult kentro the baby walked by and seemed to mourn the loss of the adult kentro when I looked at the corpse of the dodo it had 19 levels that's heartbreaking right there later in the day I found a Zeta implant and a flare gun from a white drop I came across a pack of raptors while exploring and all but one of them jumped off the cliff so I bullied the lone Raptor and tried to kill it but it broke out of the Ebola and jumped off the cliff which I was totally okay with while I was searching for the Raptor Nest a scorpion popped out from the ground it surprised me so I killed it after I killed the giant bug I harvested a heavy cloth from the corpse of the Baryonyx I went back to searching for the Raptor Nest but still couldn't find it so I gave up and stole the Stinger from the sleeping scorpion turns out the Raptor Nest was really far away I'm surprised that CPS wasn't caught because the whole group of raptors were very far away from the nest and they didn't even leave a babysitter those Raptors are very bad parents baby Raptors apparently take regular kibble which is extremely stupid so I just stole their unhatched sibling instead I got jump scared by a microraptor so I killed it oh Jesus Christmas oh scared The Living Daylights out of me get out of here loser damn I flunged so bad you're gonna die for that as I was harvesting the feathers its friend attacked me okay come on I am busy can't you see and at first it ran off like a coward then it came back so I bolted it and killed it I stole its feathers as well later in the day I ran into a herd of iguanodons I bullied them all and tried to find the nest I saw baby iguanodons but couldn't get the option to claim one since the hitbox was messed up the adult Iguanodon next to the babies got free from the Bola so I had to run I managed to escape but I came back on the rock with plans to scout out the nest then Bola all the iguanodons and take an egg or a baby while on the Rock I killed an Iguanodon so that's one less to worry about on day 15 I found the Iguanodon Nest but I couldn't interact with it because it was on the side of the cliff and the hitbox was basically broken there were three baby iguanodons and I could tame them their boxes were fine but it would be too much of a hassle to get them back to USS Titan I finally found the hitbox of the nest so I quickly snatched the egg then I harvested the seeds and the nest clay then I proceeded to destroy the nest after I destroyed the nest I was mocking an Iguanodon that was trying to get me from the bottom of the hill little did I know that there was an Iguanodon about to jump me from behind hoyo yoy it didn't push me down the hill luckily but it was still a threat so I grabbed my crossbow and terribly missed my shot so to embarrass myself less I just ran because it obviously wasn't worth it after I ran away to protect my dignity I ran into a family of diplos I was looking for their nest because a Diplo would just be amazing right now anyways I still wanted to snatch an egg because I assumed that a Diplo wouldn't hurt me since they just push you I didn't find the nest but I did discover that they drop huge turd balls oh these things are massive damn I'm taking these geez so generous of you guys so I grabbed two of them and saved them for my future Farm while I was searching for The diplom Nest I found a nest but it wasn't a diplom nest it was a parasaur nest so I stole the egg while I was harvesting the other resources a gang of monkeys threw their poop at me so I ran Why You Gotta Throw your dookie at me after I ran away I found the diplom nest I stole the egg still assuming that diplos couldn't hurt me but they did and they actually hurt pretty bad so I ran away again ooh ooh they're coming in oh they herded who they herded run away it's good we're good we're fine we're chill we're chill I didn't think it would hurt me you hurted me you pushed me and hurting me I got to the edge of cliff and jumped off with my parachute all right let's do it see where we land I landed on a huge rock near the beach which I thought was pretty cool but I wasn't at my raft so I had to continue going I parachuted one more time and landed on a smaller rock I tried to communicate with Raptors and then parachuted once again oh hi guys hold on just one second and I'll transfer you over to my executive this time luck wasn't on my side as I got stopped by another rock and then immediately slotted by a raptor see you later losers oh that's not good ooh I made a mistake I made a mistake thanks Rock for getting in my way jerk when I respawned I sailed to the small island on the horizon and when I got to the island I planted some potato seeds in my crop plot after I started my farm I hatched the parasaur and Iguanodon I named the Iguanodon shark bait and the parasaur Buddy too I made a parasaur saddle and immediately realized my mistake I'm pretty sure now that I'm writing this script that I already had a pair of short saddle and two an Iguanodon saddle would have been way better to make anyways after I made my mistake there was nothing I could do about it so I searched the island when I came back I had three sources of good news one no hostiles on the island two I found some metal notes and three today's sponsor custom Lux PCS custom Lux PCS custom Lux PCS make wonderful PCS I know because they made my current rig their build time is quick and their reply time is even quicker if you want the best PC with the best customer service then I suggest you check out custom Lex PCS if you follow my link custom luxpcs.com forward slash raxorite you can pick from three tiers gamma beta or Alpha you can even score another five percent off when you use code racks right when you check out and if those three PCS don't fit your budget or play style then you can submit a custom build request in the link in the description as well thank you custom Lux PCS for sponsoring today's video on the early morning of day 16 I used the flare I got earlier because why not although I do admit I probably should have used it when it was darker out but oh well after I probably wasted the flare I am printed buddy too however I didn't realize you wanted basic cable so basically I wasted a basic kibble I didn't want to let that happen again so when shark bait wanted basic kibble I said no so I repeatedly put shark bait in and out of a soul ball until he demanded a cuddle instead of this very very expensive kibble I gave buddy 2 his desired kibble and harvested some berries with him then I put him in a sew ball for protection and free levels the potatoes that I planted earlier weren't going to help me in the long run so I replaced them with long grass the corn plant since I will be needing corn for one of the kibble recipes in the future when shark bait grew up I put him in a sew ball to protect him as well then I settled back to the mainland when I got back I went to a white drop and got the Zeta implant I needed so I reactivated it and made an Iguanodon saddle that needed with the newly crafted saddle I placed it on shark bait and went on a little stroll I was hunting pigs with shark bait and when I killed the second Pig a bunch of raptors came out of nowhere it's almost as if they literally just spawned it so of course shark bait dies Not only was them spawning from nowhere stupid but since they were attacking shark fate constantly it prevented him from going into travel mode literally the stupidest event in this mod so far so I sailed away and tried to ignore the trauma that was just given to me I got a bunch of Errors from a green drop which is actually pretty nice maybe the game feels bad for cheating after that I killed a Titanoboa and harvested its goodies like its venom on day 17 I searched for oil since I needed it to power the clay Nest I found a nice area that had oil veins deep underwater my plan was to dive down Harvest as much oil as possible and just drown there was no way to dive down get some oil swim back up without dying so I thought this would be my only logical option on my first dive I got a lot of oil and then I drowned as planned when I respawned I went down again for my second dive and to my surprise the oil vein broke on one solid strike for my pickaxe so I drowned for nothing this time I went to another oil vein to do this one more time and on the way down a shark prevented me from committing demonetization to myself and that was really nice of him however I couldn't let the shark get in my way because I really needed oil jeez I'm starting to sound like the United States now anyways I through some oversized toothpicks at the oversized shark and then continued my mission to die whilst harvesting oils after I died and respond I had a fight with a Sarco I chased it while throwing my Spears at him and he eventually just ran away apparently though it wasn't done because he came back for more when he tried to run away for the second time I whipped out my crossbow and sniped him as he tried to swim away loser I tried to harvest his armor plates but I began to drown I was going to let myself drown a little bit to harvest the armor plates but out of nowhere an annoying hesperornus came and tried to kill me so I gave up on the armor place and just killed the hesper artist instead since I could power the clay Nest I placed it down and hatched the two Raptor eggs and began hatching the Diplo egg the Raptor egg hatched and they were twin boys after the Twins were born I decided not to hatch the Diplo Egg and I picked it up to a hatchet some other day I really didn't want the Raptors right now so I just put them in Soul balls on day 18 I looted a white drop that had a golden ring which is equivalent to getting a box full of trash wrapped in a pretty paper with a nice shiny bow anyways I obviously didn't get anything good from the drop what did happen however was an Allosaurus decide to jump scare me I heard you but I foreign at least I got the implant I don't care when I woke up to my 30th life I found a pink Equus so I tamed him since there was an aloe earlier I was hoping that maybe there would be an unguarded Nest so I searched for one while doing that a rude microraptor knocked me off the cliff bro you did not just do that I wish you could take fall damage I would love to see you fall to your death when I reached the bottom I conveniently fell asleep as I was waking up the microraptor came back so I killed it and plucked its feathers I named the pink Equus I tamed earlier pinky because there is no name more suitable while I was attacking a necklace with pinky he fell asleep before he even killed the horse oh awesome why is every creature in this mod so tired all the time I took buddy 2 out of the Soul ball and he had 15 levels so I leveled him up to level 25. when pinky woke up I put both him and Buddy 2 in soulballs for safety of course a few minutes later I found an Iguanodon Nest so I took the egg after I took the egg I got ganged up on by like 20 iguanodons and even some flying ants they kept chasing me and I kept throwing Bulls at them until I was safe to just keep running I eventually ran into a pond and then got slaughtered by Raptors and dillos it's interesting when I respawned I made a compost bin because I would eventually need re-fertilizer for the living Nest which I'm not even close to getting but may as well be prepared for when I can make it as I hatch the Iguanodon I just stole the iguanodons from earlier must have remembered so they attacked me again all this led to was a bunch of dead iguanodons on day 19 I made an awesome Spyglass supposedly an awesome Spyglass should show the outline of Ness making them easier to find a few minutes later I made a full set of flak armor I saw that the cooking pot had a blue dye to make so I dyed my crossbow blue because why not when I went back to the Iguanodon Nest I got swarmed by bugs pinky of course ended up getting killed by the swarm of bugs while I was destroying the nest a nearby enki got mad at me so I quickly destroyed the nest right before the enki could touch my toes later in the day I found another Iguanodon Nest so of course I took its egg as I harvested The Nest clay a nearby Iguanodon got mad at me so I bolted it and killed it then I destroyed the nest I also found an Inky nest and as I was taking the egg and enki proceeded to attack me it broke my bones but I managed to limp away to safety heal up and then run away a few minutes later I found a Pteranodon Nest so I killed a protective father and stole the egg and then I destroyed the nest I hatched an Iguanodon and named her Cinderella then I waited for her to grow up on day 20 I gave Cinderella an imprint she wanted kibble that I didn't have so I used a Sobol trick to imprint her with a simple cuddle instead when Cinderella grew up I put her in a soul ball to protect her a few minutes later I found a nice area to set up camp for a while I placed down the clay nest and then hatched the Diplo Anki and Pteranodon even though I can't make any of their Saddles yet both the Diplo and Pteranodon had hatched I had assumed the Yankee did too so I picked up the nest just to find out that the Anki didn't actually hatch So I placed the nest back down and then hatched the Anki I ended up naming the blow chunky the Pteranodon Flappy and the inky stabby on day 21 I was running out of time and unfortunately could not imprint stabby once more before he became an adult there were seven seconds left and really unfortunate anyways I did manage to imprint chunky once more a few minutes later I found two Bronto nests right next to each other I put together a plan in my head my plan was to expose both of the eggs from the next without grabbing them after I exposed the eggs I would grab the resources and then destroy both nests then I snatched both eggs and ran I successfully got away but to my surprise there was a Rex attacking my raft when I got back to it this wrecks just out of nowhere just tried it on down to my raft very convenient Mr Rex so I quickly ran to my raft and tried to move it but it was stuck I eventually got it free but the wrecks had already destroyed many things and even murdered Cinderella I really can't get a break from this garbage mod can I I knew it was going to take a while but I was very adamant about killing the wrecks now hey look you're coming back on the morning of day 22 the wrecks had finally died to brontos although I did most of the work it took forever but I did eventually take its armor plates and arms I went back to my raft and repaired everything that the Rex had destroyed well everything I could repair that is I unfortunately couldn't just repair Cinderella but I had to hatch another Iguanodon so so that's what I did when the Iguanodon hatched I named her princess I waited for princess to be imprintable and then I imprinted her I put princess on USS Titan although now that I'm typing this I probably should have put her in a soul Ball but whatever it's too late now a few minutes later I crafted my first fabricator and then I stole a turtle egg and killed its parents I mean I put the parents to sleep so it would never mind you already know on day 23 I put princess in the soul ball to protect her finally jeez I swear past me is an idiot sometimes and that's coming from me script wrecks right anyways I hatched the turtle egg I stole and named the baby turtle Shelly while Shelley grew I went out exploring and I found some metal when I did this time to get home I parachuted all the way home from the top of a cliff I was done living on USS Titan as fun as it was I was just over it I wanted to settle down so on day 24 I found a really nice flat and open area to start construction of my house thank you [Music] foreign [Music] building the house took all of day 24 25 26 and 27 and was finally finished on day 28. I was actually really proud of how it turned out I didn't initially have any idea of what I was building like I usually do but obviously it turned out well comment down below if you like this house or not the first thing I did was place a feeding trough for all of my creatures to eat also remember those Raptors I hatched ages ago of course you do you pay attention anyways I let them out of their soul ball so they could grow up while waiting for them to grow up I moved everything I needed from USS Titan to the inside of my new house on day 29 I built a greenhouse because I will need to grow many crops for future kibble and even the palm trees for core fiber then I got water to the greenhouse so the plants could drink I apparently did not record any of this but here's what the greenhouse looks like now that it's all finished on day 30 I went out to get some obsidian and I found really peaceful spot so I started mining while I was peacefully mining a very rude and oddly level one Baryonyx attacked me so princess and I killed it since it didn't even have my consent to attack me like that anyways I was harvesting some more obsidian in some other place and then the Broncos nearby were attacking something and since brontos have really long tails like I'm sure you know they hit me even when I was a decent way away from them I don't know exactly why but princess had run into the herd of brontos I don't know if she was attacking them or just running away like a coward but she almost died I managed to get her out and then we ran away a few minutes later I went to a really tall place on the mountain and just parachuted all the way home on day 31 I came across a Dodo Nest I demonetized the parent and stole the egg then I harvested The Nest fibers and the feathers as well I also missed clicked and killed the baby later in the day I had to defend my house from Manalo so I enlisted Chunky's help and killed the annoying owl I hatched the dodo I stole earlier and named him feather maker because that's what he'll be doing after I prepared the dodo for his future purposes I went back to take the aloe brain from the aloe I just killed not even five minutes ago I invested in some glass arrows because they claimed that they make Dino split however in the future I will soon find out that the arrows don't make every Dino bleed which is kind of annoying but there's nothing I can do about it a few minutes later I snuck up on a theory nest and somehow the parents didn't notice so I stole their egg of course that made them mad but I easily evaded them I also snatched an archeopteryx egg but obviously that's not as cool as a fairy while I was running I saw a lot and I mean a lot of tritons I didn't really feel like fighting them so I tried to run away but I decided to take a nap in the water what you've never like fallen asleep when you've been taking a bath probably for the better but I mean it's kind of comfy my torpo was almost gone and I was about to wake up but out of nowhere an Allosaurus came and killed me okay well now there's an aloe doing four damage per hit okay now it's a little about 59. I was doing just fine until you came into the picture so I respond but hey on the bright side at least I don't have that annoying red pulse around the sides of my screen days 32 and 33 I wasn't actually recording so I'll tell you the important stuff and recreate it with my epic art skills or whatever I gave Flappy a saddle then I needed fish so I killed a baby Mosa I harvested the baby Musa as much as possible to get as much fish meat as possible on day 33 I found a Pteranodon Nest stole the egg and then destroyed the nest I then found an island with copies and rare flowers so I killed the copies and harvested the rare flowers on day 34 I hatched a copy egg unfortunately it's a male so I can't get any tiny eggs but since he is Tiny I named him tiny then I made a whip so I can collect mushrooms easier in the future a few minutes later I found a beehive so I gathered 5B honey with no consequences on day 35 I found a broken down Castle somewhere in the Redwoods and saw another beehive so I harvested the honey and this time I was hunted down by bees my main objective at the time was to sew ball Flappy in case I died I somehow managed to survive on one HP which is honestly kind of insane since I didn't die I went around to harvest more mushrooms when I thought I had enough mushrooms and since I was far from home I'm basically dead I'd made a blood pack to teleport home when I got home I made five re-fertilizer and made my first living Nest although I'm not going to be able to use it for a pretty long while then I made a preserving bin and put the mushrooms honey and even some eggs in it a few minutes later I found an aloe nest and of course I wasn't recording the footage when I snatched the egg but I recorded the footage when I destroyed the nest so that's cool I guess on Day 36 I had an encounter with a titanobo it knocked out Flappy so I killed it before it could kill Flappy after I killed the giant snake a swarm of bugs attacked me so I had to kill them too then I took the Venom from the snake while I was harvesting the spider I heard the footsteps from an all too familiar creature the spino he's just standing there the spider just stopped and stared at me it was really odd I later found out that it was stuck what it was stuck on I have no idea so I placed down a sleeping bag in case I died a few minutes later I shot it with an arrow and I immediately regretted it the arrows somehow freed the spino and it attacked me with all its Fury apparently breaking the sleeping bag in the process so of course I couldn't respond over there thanks spino on day 37 I added a potions mod the posters mod has a potion that can change the gender of a dino I wanted this because I've been told that there's a glitch that babies were only female I didn't really believe this as I've already gotten male dinos but just in case I need to switch the gender of one for breeding or something so I made some gender spot potions and used them on feather maker and Tiny so I could start getting eggs since I needed them for Kibble anyways I finally made a soul gun and even made an awesome teleporter So I placed the teleporter pad outside in a good area later in the day I found a Dodo Nest a copy nest and even a dead guy actually I took the dodo egg and the compiet but just got garbage from the dead guy a few minutes later I found a dilloness too so I took that egg as well on day 38 I made a best eggs machine probably one of my top five most favorite mods the best eggs machine is so convenient and will be super helpful in my upcoming Arc story 100 days anyways I used the best age machine to incubate all of my eggs I hatched the Dillo copy dodo and Iguanodon I named the Dillo dill pickle the copy Mo tiny The Dodo Feather Maker 2 and the Iguanodon print after that I hatched both of the pteranodons they were both female so I named them Olivia and Sophia then I turned feathermaker back into a guy so I could breed dodos on day 39 I started breeding prince and princess although I will never use any of their eggs for anything I will not have another Iguanodon ride so basically I just wasted my time other than that I started building a wall around my base so I could have my dinos out and be confident that they would probably be safe for most predators foreign on day 41 I had finally finished the wall and I was super proud of it I think it looks really cool on day 42 I realized that you could just walk in the water around my wall so I placed down some spike walls to at least try to prevent that then I had 19 dodos and put them all behind the rock on day 43 I plucked the feathers from all the dodos and made 62 more glass arrows then I made my first batch of regular kibble even though I probably never use all 18 kibble I also got a Pteranodon with a health mutation even though I stopped breeding the pteranodons and will not continue on day 44 I alluded a corpse and got some arrows and a deactivated gamma implant a few minutes later I looted a purple drop and got a flashlight attachment and another gamma implant then I looted a red drop and got a Mastercraft Shield just another thing I would probably never use later in the day there was a corpse of a UD outside my wall I don't know how it got there or would have been killed it but I did go ahead and harvest it I got 96 feathers two lungs and 322 Quail light I then took the two lungs to reactivate the two gamma implants I got this morning with the two reactivated gamma implants I made two Superior Saddles I was gonna waste one on a Diplo saddle but I changed my mind on day 45 I tamed two baby dolphins when I got home I made a dolphin saddle and a Carno saddle I don't know when I took the cardinal egg or when I even hatched it because apparently I didn't feel like writing that down but I named the car note 7. then I named the female dolphin dark Pearl and the male dolphin Earl a few minutes later I imprinted seven and the dolphin siblings on the morning of day 46 seven and the dolphin siblings were fully grown up I gave seven his saddle and went on a hunting trip with him a few minutes into the hunting trip was seven we killed three stegos I decided to harvest their juicy resources but didn't realize at the time that it would take all night on day 47 I explored a big cave that was basically a hole in the ground while in that cave I tamed a dung beetle for fertilizer purposes I had managed to lose a lot of HP and somehow lost my teleporter remote so I just decided to teleport home the old-fashioned way okay bye-bye nice name you when I got home I plucked all the feathers from the dodos then I put them in a soul terminal with the dung beetle to begin production of fertilizer after that I took the feathers I plucked and made 160 glass arrows later in the day I stole a stego egg and then killed the parent I was just kind of roaming around and then I came across two mantis nests this surprised me as I hadn't seen any mantises in this area so of course I took both mantis aches on day 48 I destroyed a scorpion burrow and after I did a rude Dillo attacked me I still hadn't made another teleporter remote so I had to run home while running home I was attacked by a lot of things the first thing was an Iguanodon so I killed it next thing was an archeopteryx then a pack of four dillos and a partridge in a pear tree sorry sorry my bad anyways the Ford dealers all shot at me I managed to dodge them and then continued running home on day 49 since I had procrastinated for so long I made another teleporter remote so I wouldn't forget again later in the day I was harvesting a stego and out of nowhere a rude Corner came up and tried to assassinate on day 50 I had gotten my first 100 kills with seven this got 7 to rank up to a strong car note apparently some of the high-ranking creatures in the wild drop stuff because when I killed this timer Pig it dropped a ramshackle aloe saddle which is pretty cool I needed to get angler gel to begin hatching the big boy eggs so on day 51 I went anglerfish hunt I ended up killing three anglerfish and had harvested a total of 42 angler jump when I arrived home from anglerfish hunting on day 52 I hatched an aloe since I have the saddle for it I named the baby aloe Baja because that's what I always named my first aloe after hatching Baja I hatched the spino theory stego and the two Mantis eggs when the two Mantis eggs hatched they were both triplets I even researched and asked people if this is normal as I had never actually hatched mantises before I'm honestly just going to say that in the hunted bugs just hatching triplets or something because there's no way I'm that lucky all six mantises were male so I turned five of them into female also I could breed it faster in the future I named the spinal Nexus the theory Shredder the stego chunkzilla and the Mantis that I chose to be mine yet would never be used zeltron I finished day 52 by imprinting Baja on day 53 I made my first batch of exceptional kibble three to be exact after that I hatched two Bronto eggs and then immediately put them in so balls because I didn't really feel like raising them in order to make a manta saddle I needed a beta implant the way you can find a beta implant for my current knowledge it was from a yellow drop so that's what I did I went out and looted drops I didn't find a beta implant but I did find some other goodies I found an ascendant Titan helmet with 459 armor from a purple drop with a golden ring after that I found flak boots with 412 armor and black leggings with 365 armor from a red drop Monday 54 I released the brontos from their prison but I mean Soul balls and let them begin growing up while the brontos were growing I went on a hunting trip for Baja a few minutes into the hunting trip I had a fight with X this fight would almost kill Baja and the reason Baja wasn't killed is because the Rex is kind of stupid and started to run away even though it was winning after I killed the Rex Baja got 15 levels I spent a while healing Baja and thanks to the hunted being well the hunted uh AKA stupid at the end of the night Baja was barely half full but oh well on day 55 Ein continued to hunt with Baja since killing is actually fun now that I actually have some decent mountains at the end of the day I had racked up 80 kills so I called it a night and teleported home on day 56 I killed a legendary Pig except it's obviously not the legendary Pig because it's not technically anyways after killing the Imposter it dropped a ramshackle pelagorno saddle that I will never use a few minutes later I killed an epic Diplo and got an ascended dotic saddle which I guess could come in handy someday if I ever choose to tame one but I've just been using my Hatchet for stone and it's been working just fine at the end of the day seven was still doing more damage than Baja except Baja was faster and had more help and now that I think of it Baja also had a better sound too in this case more armor on day 57 I came across an RG nest and apparently you can Harvest blue gems from it which is pretty cool if you ask me not sure if I'll use them but at least I have some I guess after I drooled over the blue gems I took the egg then I killed the parent and harvested the talons as I would need them for the monkey boss fight a few minutes later I had slaughtered three rexes and two carnivals by the time I had harvested all the resources from the three rexes and two carnos I killed earlier I was halfway through day 58 I had gotten 504 armored plates and 10 Rex arms oh yeah I had killed two more rexes while trying to harvest the three I killed when I got home I hatched the baby Archie it was a red and black looking bird when it hatched and it was actually pretty cool looking but when I Soul balled it and relocated away from the nest it was way uglier it had turned into an ugly brown with white highlights thanks game I think that's still a glitch that the hunted for whatever reason you hatched the baby but if you like put in a cryopod or a soul ball and release it somewhere else it totally really just changes the colors and I don't know why it does that it's kind of annoying on day 59 I had imprinted the RG then named him Birdo at the end of day 59 I had fully imprinted Berto on day 60 I began breeding all six mantises since you guys voted for me to beat the monkey boss with mantises I will need four artifacts for the boss artifact of the cunning Hunter pack and skylord so I went to get the first artifact on the list artifact of the cunning the cave was pretty easy all I had to do was kill a few bugs and then grab the artifact on day 61 I made a weapon Smithy so I could manufacture cool guns in the future after that I took a bunch of Mantis eggs from the best eggs machine and hatched them when they all hatched it made my game super laggy but that's probably because there's like 100 or more of them but I don't really know I didn't count them all I claimed a lot of the level threes and fives as these were the ones with mutations with the other hundreds of mantises just sitting there I took out Baja so I could convert their souls to experience and more kills on the kill counter but nah the impatient lizard just killed all of them the two level five mantises were twins with melee and weight mutations I decided not to use them in my main breeding Lane but instead named them slice and dice I brought out one of the females that had a mouth mutation and named her n so now it's the slice and dice Trio I'll let them grow up so they can kill stuff later after that I replaced zeltron with the one Health mutation male so the breeding can continue on the morning of day 62 the slice and dice Trio were all grown up I then took all the eggs from the previous batch of bread mantises that were bred using xeltron and then killed them with Baja to get her to rank up to a powerful Ally [Applause] amid an ak-102 gun in the weapon fabricator even though I will barely use it after that I made a chemistry bench since the chemistry bench is greedy and wants Power and Gas I had to work on powering my house so I made a power generator and put it in a shed outside near the back door that I made specifically for the power generator you apparently can't store Rex arms or in this case Hunter trophies in the fridge so I put the preserving bin out back next to the power shed so I can store all of my hunter trophies in it on day 63 I made a bunch of gunpowder so I can start making a bunch of bullets I was feeling like my house was a little bit too small and that there was a bunch of space not being used so I added this balcony thing with the gunpowder I made earlier I made a bunch of bullets after that I crafted a combo flashlight silencer attachment dang that was a mouthful almost reminds me of the Amazon listings where it's a brand new awesome cool very good working condition nice flashlight big and bright With Many Colors being white and even brighter white or something I don't know kind of just made that on the Fly it's pretty pretty impressed actually I'm very proud of myself with that one then I made an M4 A1 rifle since it's just better than the ak-102 on day 64 I went to go test out my new toy the um rifle not my super cool bouncy ball I got yesterday anyways I demonetized a bunch of innocent creatures except they weren't innocent because they were existing and that is a legal in 14 States after that I killed some salmon stole their row which I'm pretty sure is their eggs or something I don't know all I do know is that otters love this food for some reason so I use the salmon eggs to tame an otter when I was trying to teleport home a gang of microraptors attacked me because I thought I was going to steal their egg so I killed them all while killing the annoying tiny Raptors I accidentally killed a baby aloe oh sorry yellow not bad and this time I actually mean I accidentally killed him when I got home I named the otter Delphine in honor of mildly modded season 2. on day 65 I entered the hunter cave in the hunter cave I loaded a yellow drop and got an ascendant Mega ethereum saddle which I will probably never use and the blueprint of an ascended Anki settle as well which is expensive and I will also probably never use norcraft to begin with when I killed the bats I noticed that they dropped guano or I guess you harvest guano from them but apparently this guano fella is also a fertilizer so that's interesting I guess I grabbed the artifact of the Hunter and then teleported home on day 66 I hatched a ton of baby mantises and for some reason all of them died I guess they were allergic to sunlight or stupidity which I am probably giving off more stupidity than the sun gives off sunlight so I guess both options are totally viable here on day 67 I ventured down into the big hole in the ground this all turned out to be the cave where the artifact of the pack was stored when I got to where the artifact sleeps there were hundreds of spiders guarding it took a while to kill all the spiders but I eventually killed them all I grabbed the artifact and then went and harvested all of the spiders foreign at the end of the day I had gathered 397 cocoon silk which is definitely going to be coming in handy on day 68 I hatched a whopping 90 mantises and got a whopping zero mutations just my luck really which is just another reason I really think that the hunted mod just hatches all the insects as like siblings and stuff because I have no luck there's no way I'd have a 0.04 chance of getting that no uh disagree just not happening what never happened anyways a few minutes later I went into the cave of the skylord and grabbed the skylord artifact with the bugs and snakes I killed in the skylord cave I got out with a 5 to 10 a bow of Venom I needed for the boss when I got home I painted my M4A1 red white and blue because of the USA or something I don't know I just like the color combination really at the end of the day I finally got a health mutation on the mantises another one that is day 69 nice I killed a Sarco for its skin since I will also need that for the boss fight after that I came across a giga and managed to sneak up to it nest because the giggle walked off the cliff I took advantage of the stupid Giga parent and got to the nest I stole the Giga egg and even had enough time to take the alpha implant that I will need in order to craft the Giga saddle after I stole the egg and took the implant I destroyed the nest I was curious how hard it would be to kill the Giga but turns out my M4A1 rifle killed the Giga easily [Music] foreign through Day 70 I had finally harvested the heart and armored plates from the sleeping giant after that I decided to go shark hunting with dark Pearl and found out that she had 30 levels so I put most of it into speed besides enough levels into weight so she could carry me of course the first thing I killed was a plesiosaur and it was a very good thing I had my scuba tank on me because harvesting the Shag green took forever for some reason the harvesting process instantly finished and I wasn't paying attention because I was writing down in my notes so I don't really know but I will try to pay attention next time next time was me killing a Megalodon I try to pay attention and at first it wasn't doing it and then at the last second it did it again I used my guesstimation skills and figured that it was probably me holding C because for whatever reason when you leave the area of the corpse by swimming downwards it instantly harvests the corpse which I will definitely be abusing in the future on day 71 I ranked Baja up to an elite aloe by getting another 100 kills after that I came across Rex Nest I didn't feel like fighting the Rex Because deep down I honestly didn't think Baja could win so I took out my M4A1 rifle and killed all directions for some odd and really stupid reason the nest disappeared after I killed the parents which I don't know if that's intended or if it was a glitch either way it was really stupid so I looked for another Rex nest and while doing that I came across a dinopithecus den and when I destroyed it a baby dinopithecus spawned and wanted a medical Brew so I teleported home to craft one when I came back I gave the medical Brew to the baby monkey and tamed it I eventually found another Rex nest and the mother didn't care that I was stealing her egg nor the beta implant she eventually realized what I was doing and walked closer I very audibly told her not to step any closer but she wouldn't listen come any closer and he gets it don't just stop stop moving imma do it all right that's it you asked for it when I was teleporting home a monkey was charging me down you can't do it he tried I hatched the Giga and Rex eggs when I got home on Day 72 I named three new recruits to the family I named the Giga Armageddon the Rex destroyer and the dinopithecus a perilla don't ask me how I came up with that I don't remember I also made Rex metal armor because it's cool looking and will work as a saddle so I don't have to go out and find another useless Alpha implant or whatever on day 73 I crafted a mantis saddle then I took out the slice and dice Trio and made swords for all three of them and let the trio heal up before I took them out on their first hunting trail when I took the tree off for their hunting trip slice which was the Mantis I was riding was doing 303 damage off the bat which is actually pretty surprising to me the first bigger thing we killed was a trike and this poor three-horned lizard got melted after killing the trike we attacked a Bronto and this was a bad idea the battle started off good but eventually the Bronto Got The High Ground and killed and and dice no well they're not very durable slice barely got out of it alive and the reason he survived is because I the imprinter was writing him probably I don't know that's just my guess I had to take out Baja to save us madnesses are very powerful yet very fragile bugs even though we lost two soldiers a day they do seem at least somewhat promising comment down below your goodbyes and farewells to dice and end I really regret their names but at least I don't have to say it anymore since you know they're dead or whatever on day 74 destroyer and aprilla were fully grown up I put aprilla in a soul ball and gave Destroyer his awesome looking metal armor saddle I don't care if it's technically cheating because I didn't make a rake Shadow the hunted way I just want to be able to ride the tame that I stole fahren Square anyways Destroyer is pretty decent doing 250-ish damage to begin with when I got back home I hatched 39 Mantis eggs and only got a single melee mutation and I'm just focusing on health since mantises are pretty fragile I remember that you can ride dinopithecus without Saddles like a wolf or a horse so I tested out aprilla and she's alright not really strong but definitely a fun Travel Mount she can even jump over the walls I built on day 75 I killed two aloes and stole their brains a few minutes later I found a baby owl roaming around so I decided to tame it after that I proceeded to kill two more aloes for the delicious Springs on day 76 I killed yet another aloe then I got Baja to rank up to an epic aloe I took the brain from the aloe and now I have all the yellow brains I need for the boss fight well actually I only needed three but no well when I got back to base Armageddon still wasn't fully grown I released the baby owl from his soul ball and named him orange Knight then I hatched 33 Mantis eggs and finally got another Health mutation later in the day I was harvesting a Bronto corpse when I realized how broken it was harvesting the corpse brought in a lot of experience at least for a Rex so I abused this and harvested the Bronto all night so Destroyer could get a lot of levels halfway through day 77 I was still harvesting the corpse I had accumulated more than 17 levels but expect the corpse to be gone by now so I just gave up farming the corks when I got back to base Armageddon was finally fully grown up her health is really low but that's okay I won't let her die probably I had her follow destroyer and it took a while but she did eventually find a way outside of the gate while we were walking looking for something to kill Destroyer took a huge dump into Armageddon ate it why did you just eat the poop bro turns out Armageddon is actually pretty weak she does 168 damage while Destroyer is doing 707 damage yes I know Destroyer is heavily leveled and I'm riding him so he gets the imprint bonus but still a few minutes later I came across an alpha T-Rex and I began fighting it halfway through the battle I teleported home to give Destroyer an experienced mushroom when I got back I continued and eventually killed the alpha T-Rex it was halfway through day 78 and the T-Rex tooth was finally harvested it took 15 minutes I am not lying I recorded this I timed it when I was taking it it took 15 minutes that's how absurd this mod can get when I teleported home I reactivated the alpha implant I got from the Giga Nest a few days ago a few minutes later I went out to kill a tuso and I had a decent battle with it almost losing dark Pearl in the process I killed four megalodons in day 79 and did the glitch to instant harvest the shagrin when I teleported home I met an extraordinary saddle I then made a spinal Sea King saddle for Nexus I could have used Nexus as a mount a long time ago using this mod but I think it's fair that just now I'm starting to use him after that I made a giga saddle for Armageddon then I went to test out Nexus and he's actually kind of disappointing doing only 250 damage with levels already into melee and with the water buff is just pretty pathetic he looks cool though and that's all that matters I spent some time harvesting a Bronto corks doing the thing I did for Destroyer a few days ago I called it quits at around 15 levels and put them all into melee now Nexus was doing 366 damage with the water buff and they call the spinos the damage dealers on day 80 I gave Armageddon her saddle and tested her out after killing three brontos she was doing 480 damage it is definitely going to take 20 days for her to heal unfortunately healing isn't the same thanks to this dumb mod so you you can't really force feed meat to heal carnivores so they gotta heal themselves almost as if they were a herbivore at the end of the day Armageddon was only doing 519 damage pretty disappointing on day 81 I had 29 mantis eggs I got a melee mutation but unfortunately no Health mutation after that I went hunting on Destroyer as there were still some Hunter trophies I needed for the monkey boss I ended up killing three sarcos and harvesting their skins on day 82 I killed a family of fairies and stole their claws then I killed a family of argies and also stole their claws although technically they are Talons but who cares right at the end of the day I finally had everything I needed to fight the monkey boss so you know what that means right breeding montage [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] with the breeding Montage lasting 15 days I didn't really get many mutations unfortunately just my luck really I ended up sticking with 19 mantises all with six Health mutations and one melee mutation since I couldn't really get any more mutations I just decided to level the mantises up on day 98 and 99. on the morning of day 99 my Army had a rough battle with a herd of brontos the brontos managed to kill a couple of my soldiers I don't think my Armory is ready but I don't have any more time so there's nothing I can really do about it since I only had 15 mantises left I needed to recruit some help so I recruited sergeant 7 first sergeant Nexus Corporal Baja and Corporal orange Knight and of course sergeant major Destroyer boss fight time I am now ready for the boss fight comment down below if you think I will win or lose let the boss fight commence oh awesome they're not even counted as this they have to expire for that's actually pretty stupid 2 000 years later all right there we go now we got it because apparently if they're not spoiled yet then they're not usable which is completely absurd but I guess we'll go ahead and spawn this I'm actually kind of terrified I'm nervous okay also I don't know where my torso went that probably won't be a problem unfortunately we do not have a utahrandis for a piggy piggy so no health no courage nothing like that okay let's do it we're doing it aren't you guys excited if you guys watch this far and you're excited to watch me either die or kill the monkey boss definitely go ahead and smash that like button and if you have not already subscribed go ahead and consider subscribing it helps me out a ton and I thank you for that so thank you for liking and subscribing and let's get into the boss fight oh that has a lot of help dude okay that's not good that's not good okay well this is not going good at all this is horrible you can't do anything against this this is horrible there was no chance at the beginning there's this is not possible dude yeah wow that sucked I mean it's honestly what else was I supposed to do like I I had 20 days to breed I barely got any mutations as it is I got six mutations on a mantis that you guys chose to vote for they're all imprinted to 100 I couldn't get any of their Saddles because I couldn't find another beta implant um like there's literally so much that caused me to lose and this was just gamma like honestly like there was literally nothing I could do I I had all every creature that I was you know that were strong I had my gun that I actually thought would do a lot but it didn't do anything everything died in the first 10 seconds I had basically most of my armor on the chest plate was like adding another 100 armor or something like I don't know there's something about the hunted that makes it so difficult to get a strong creature all of those creatures are way stronger if I were actually writing them but because I wasn't writing them they were at least like I think 50 percent weaker than what they are so Destroyer doing a thousand damage when I was riding him was only doing like 500 damage because I wasn't on him so that already made my power 50 weaker just because of the whole imprint thing that makes all of them stronger you know like I said I had no Saddles I had no time I I had no I had bad luck I didn't get any mutations there were so many times where I hatched 300 mantises and it would get no mutation I really do hope you guys enjoyed this it was a long time to do this this mod almost made me just want to quit because it's just so it's so boring and it takes a lot of time and effort and I'm a procrastinator and I don't I don't like having to work for my stuff like I do it because I have to but it's not it's not fun okay so I would give this mod a 2 out of 10 eggs because this sucks this mod is it's boring you can't get a strong Creature if you want a strong creature for a boss fight you're gonna have to breed hundreds of mutations into it if you're even that lucky and in the time frame that you have in a 100 it's just I don't know it's just not really possible well guys that was the 100 days they hunted video I really hope you guys did enjoy this video if you did why not like the video and hey if you're new here why not subscribe for more 100 days content and with that I'll be seeing you guys in the next one peace out foreign
Channel: Raxceryte
Views: 705,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalFear, #ARK, #ark100days, #100days, #arksurvivalevolved, #comedy, ark primal fear, ark, primal fear, #viral, #insane, #challenge
Id: ElEpG7ODsyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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