I got to hang out with Cleetus McFarland!

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[Music] what's up YouTube rayor here so we are at the Indie 800 your oh my [Music] God boom with Jimmy's world and Ray's world now it's Jimmy Ray it looked like it was on purpose man was it I mean yeah he wanted to win [Music] can't do [Music] that chilling by the Vice Gage tent we got Derek be and Jackie Jimmy there signing autographs of course Jessica's over there handing out merch got the uh qualifying going on with the uh top fuels right now it's pretty wild they're not getting in it too hard the track's still a little wet they got it pretty prepped up though rain seems to be holding off um got one going by there but what a beautiful day to be racing guys stay tuned we're going to do some meet and greets see who we can get involved with here and uh see if we can have a little fun today [Music] what do we got going on today what are we expecting we're going to have a really fast round Vic race faster than normal we're on the 38 normally today we're on the half mile these things are going to be going like 90 instead of awesome heck yeah it's going to be great few wall slides and stuff uh the old house I used to get my fixed it turn me into to maniac and it turn inside out but I can't stay away from the wrong side of [Music] town tipb in the factory I st L seems looking for Jimm's world I don't know quite where he ended up but uh we will find him and we will meet him I'm hoping this doesn't blow my mic but pause for Freedom baby here we [Music] [Music] go we got the alcohol cars just fired up and it's sounds like Freedom baby it sure [Music] does absolutely awesome out here guys doesn't get literally doesn't get any better than this guys you've got to make it EVS Cletus cars Indie 800 we're here in Indianapolis it is amazing everybody's out here you can meet anybody you want yeah the lines are a little long but you know you can go to the side sneak a pick no big deal it's America after all right guys got HP tuners out here on Deck Thunder in the Valley you can uh shoot fully automatic machine guns right here in Indiana hell yeah 66 Noble wagon that's flexing on them right there boys that's awesome what do we got going on here so this is a 1974 Alvis Fox it's a scout vehicle straight from England only been in the United States for about 2 months about 345 are made it in history there's only about 10 of them in the United States wow it's a 30 mm main gun and so it's three people driver tank commander and then the the fire on the right side heck yeah and you said how fast does this go goes about 60 mph forward and 60 in Reverse that's five gears forward and five in reverse that is incredible I would recommend doing that fast in Reverse but it's there got to get back where you came from in a hurry made for you to be able to find the enemy pop smoke which is the launches right here and then cover your retreat and then hit reverse and get out of there that is awesome turn on around incredible and it's got aluminum steel body aluminum armor uh that steel it's not a steel uh armorment it's an aluminum armorment so makes it a little bit lighter but it still weighs 14 lb which is more than that truck even ways goodness and we got a 71 M35 A2 over here it's the AM General variant it has the white motor in it 7.8 7.8 l multi fuel okay so it runs anything I just run diesel but uh eventually when I get the space I'll probably do a diesel oil mix lot people say it runs a little better than that's awesome so was the white like the Continental motor they had that was the multifuel yeah so yeah this is a white company awesome three different companies I made them I came over there too but heck yeah and this was made actually here in South bin Indiana okay awesome so who are you what company are you with uh this my Instagram right now is Uncle Leo 317 this truck is called Uncle Leo and then the fox is called Duke all right well I appreciate it well guys checked them out on Instagram super cool they stay around here and go to bunch of the car meets and stuff let you sit in it and maybe even let you drive it the guys at the Nitto Booth here super cool got got me a free back pack so that worked out pretty nice let's go see if we can find Jimmy's World haven't seen his Booth yet but if we don't find Jimmy's World we're going to go harass the boosted boys there's all the freedom Factor's uh transport trucks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God I love America here the race baby wow here to race [ __ ] has got serious everything Kyle the boosted boys and we got uh got their next project here what do we got going on here so this is a Tesla Model X plaid and I currently have a Tesla Model X plaid that we put a minivan body on top of but this one is going to be the second version of that because things should line up better with the model X versus the model S so I just picked this one up off Copart it was in Colorado our buddies over in Colorado with P5 speed picked up the car for me it's been sitting down there ever since and they brought it out here since we were meeting here at the same event here for Cletus and cars so we're picking it up while we're here with them so we brought our two-car trailer only brought one car with enough room to bring this one back with us and we've been kind of digging through it and trying to get it to power on because for some reason it's not turning on right right now oh hopefully I didn't get a lemon oh no everything's there and it's good it was only rear ended so there should be no reason that you know everything shouldn't work it's not like it was a flood car or something crazy do they have like a shutdown sensor from like impact or anything they do have a pyro sensor uh but it shouldn't affect the screen from turning on or off okay yeah uh that just kind of disconnects the big main battery things like that from what I've heard um but we're just trying to double check everything and try to find out why it wasn't turning on realistically we probably won't find out until we get it back and have some of our Tesla mechanic friends give us some help but we done everything we can here really today and goodness it would have been cool to get it to power on possibly charge it over the weekend and get it to move but it looks like we're probably going to have to winch it back up onto the trailer and figure it out when we get home throw everything back inside you guys have been busy it's crazy it was already taken all the interior was already unbolted took it out that made it easy okay re when it was rear ended they took it they just took it all apart for insurance reasons got so okay we haven't been doing too much we haven't had to do do a ton of work it looks like we've been busy unbolting everything before yeah just took it out I was walking by and I came over and uh I was actually I was heading to y'all's booth and then I saw you Zip by on the East scooters and I was like man let's just go see and I I saw this and here you were on the trailer reviewing footage so I was like man that's that's awesome well heck yeah I'm excited to see what you guys do with it and hopefully your boys uh back home can figure it out pretty easy uh that'll be cool guys stay tuned he's got big plans with it we are here with banks with 169 the van Prix tell me what you got to expect today or going to expect today with this well we're trying to stay out the grass we're not going to use a whole half mile because these things only go like 69 mph and they're topping them out at 100 it still don't look like the party so we had to bring a new ramp so we got a new red ramp that somebody built out in Florida they drove it all the way up here to Wisconsin we're not in Wisconsin We're in Indiana that's where came from any she's getting old she's getting blown out so you had to reup for the new model the younger one so uh yeah hopefully we'll go like 69 ft or so maybe further heck yeah hope you guys bring home the W on this one man we're going to have more fun than everybody else here that's yeah heck yeah that's what it's about that's what it's about well interviewed the uh van pre boys they gave me a wobble pop so that's kind of cool I freaking love it out here got some storms rolling in but uh should hold off there's the nle boys they're cool get me a free backpack but uh let's go harass some more YouTubers got some racing going on the uh ND 800 like the oval track stuff should start here the next couple hours we uh we'll see what we get out of that content wise having a blast guys you got to come to these things it is lifechanging and it just screams freedom I mean you can do whatever you want it's awesome got to go get some gas in [Music] it hey guys rayor here with Jimmy's world boom with Jimmy's world and Ray's world now it's Jimmy Ray yeah that's happening Jimmy Ray so how do you like it out here so far for your first event you know I'm digging on it it is different not an air show but it's kind of sort of the same thing we're going to go out pause for Freedom hey that guy lost anyways you were saying that guy was smoking 261 mph that's insane that's insan that's faster than any of my airplanes and he just did that in 5.5 seconds yep definitely faster than a mov Mooney M20 for sure so nuts yeah oh man no I love it here it's the first time out here so thanks for coming over and stopping by yeah uh we're going to race and then we're going to see try not to die or to crash in other people oh yeah if we do crash it's not my car I forgot about it that you are racing in this race tonight that's awesome I was hoping they would let you on that last last one where I guess you lost a bed or something yeah yeah I know I totally I choked on that man I think he was kind of just being nice to me and not he was he was kind of letting me stay up there and everything and I totally choked at the end and I it happens it happens but whatever we're out here today we're going to go out and do it have a blast enjoy we got the van thing where they like the van pre I interviewed those guys earlier yeah are nice they they they were like hey coolers right there have as many beards as you want super nice but they are nuts yeah yeah there's a guy down there uh oh my gosh I I forgot what his name is but they said yeah he's hit his head a few too many times so he's going to be a wild card out there tonight but anyways well I appreciate uh pleasure meeting you man you as well I look forward to checking out more of your videos y it's raor 1000 [Music] I got Frankie Jay and BB here with race rebuild and repeat so what do we got going on here guys oh basically uh your everyday build you know just super clean super clean fresh bottom in it's only got 165k on it yep uh we uh took off the we put the Holly EFI on there there okay so it's it's all Holly engine management we're trying to get it running I mean it's running but it's running way better now since we got this going on here yeah yeah awesome last thing we got to do is get the spray working and uh we should put on a good show this is fancy guys this is fancy I do see the paint match tie wraps so that's that's pretty high class you think we can hear this run for a second or you guys uh you guys okay all right awesome uh it's a 53 327 I guess a bone stock 53 literally just [Music] loud well she sounds good I think she'll do pretty good heck yeah going it's the r going yeah you know it's all mounted nice and neat everything professional you know we got remote tuning going on right now through the laptop awesome get her sorted out heck yeah I don't I don't see the Blinky lights on it oh there they are okay all right cool take out the tailgate too let's check this out this thing is called ghetto booty all right heck yeah yep for the uh box side so these are fiber got hips she's got hips they're fiberglass so we don't know how long they're going to last you know when you blow tires o man first rip on it huh okay so these are going to be gone more than likely more than likely they're going to be blow to SM yeah okay but that's going to make the show right actually that's going to be very optimal if we can blow these off instead of the bottom in that'd be ideal hey those things are tough man they surprise you they they surprise you we've uh we got this vacuum line hooked up it's running 20 times better like yeah who knew you needed a vacuum line the instructions didn't say any instructions didn't say it well it falls under the emission so it's kind of you know recommended sometimes well it's got an internal map sensor we didn't know about it so now we know okay doing it now heck yeah it sounds pretty sweet running running good man sitting on the limiter uh I don't hear any misses so that's that's pretty that's pretty healthy for a for a 53 man heck yeah that's awesome and I I like the hatch for the uh I guess you got some uh what are they W Boral pumps on it fuel pump in there what's the name of it deuts works or something I don't know what it was it's a four it's a 400 gallon per hour so it'll put it'll support like 1,000 horse so when we're done with this motor we're going to put a a real one heck yeah what's what's the next one I got to know or can we not release it to YouTube it's an LS okay okay okay we haven't got it yet but we're going to awesome well heck yeah guys well uh you guys heard it here first uh it's going to be awesome we'll be rooting for you guys tonight here this will be in the burnout competition I'm assuming right yes sir tomorrow so we'll be uh okay okay it'll be tomorrow man they weren't clear on the schedule on this this event but uh we'll definitely uh definitely be rooting for you guys man I appreciate it appreciate thank you all thank you you can't beat that got to love America all righty we're here in the Nitto Booth sitting down for a second it is a wonderful thing coming out here you're able to make content with just about anybody everybody's super nice super chill yeah it's a little hot I'm sweating but that's just just what I do got some [Music] lemonade had some lemonade anyways this is absolutely awesome if you guys don't come out to these events you need to it's absolutely lifechanging so check it out guys uh we're going to film The Indie 800 here soon please like And subscribe I couldn't do this without you guys um things like this Don't Come Easy One Day at a Time One Day at a Time guys I will keep entertaining [Music] you I swear to God that look like my buddy James Miller these cars fire up everybody just stops what they're doing in stairs [Music] man little two-step check absolutely awesome guys up [Music] [Music] 532 so this will be the fastest Crown big race that there has been yet they're going to be able to hit 90 Plus on this track it's way bigger than where they've raced before last year check it out disqualify the amount of left front tire smoke we're about to set a world record of left front tire smoke tonight cuz every one of these things is going to come out of that corner driver's going to stand on the gas and the left front tire is going to smolder off the corner if these things have enough power to turn it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] L that's what this whole weekend's going to be all about our friends kids are going to doid to get this one underway AJ down on the infield section trying to slow and the flag is flag under La already contact already making contact as they head down into the first set of turns so as expected none of these things when they turn like battles ships as they come through that first Leander no taker so far on lap one with a ramp yes so they've learned a lot but here you go you got a file down you've got BS getting sideways and you got a final in nice nice and orderly this is just like getting on ramp no this is like a slaughter house this is like house in a slaughter house that's what do lookl I mean You' got to have a lead built up because if you got more vans that are trying to occupy that space going through there at the same time it is just not going to work let's see do we have any takers here on lap number two we've got one oh my god oh man wipe the front end right that's why you don't do it early we've got two more takers three more takers everybody make it through there but right there for the 169 I believe that or no banks looks like he's gotten through York our winner from back and the 3 to 500 is out already massive massive air he is going off he's going way off that is the Nissan and in contact there as the Dodges make their way around him for York he showed us that the suboptimal Pontiac ball joints canot handle is not so we're moving on as some here comes the wind star the fre star and that is not an optimal place to be on a one B I thought that one might go up and over the front end as they lock the brakes up continue on and keep moving that right front has seen better days and N that thing's not oh boy yeah to say that thing turn on no nothing more it sounds like tuba practice out there as well the the pleasing tones of the minivans are full throttle Tu esque and again the left hander and you can see that the Blue Van that last hit the jump the front end of that thing is just complete garbage at this point he's barely trapped on the straight line oh man big front right landing on the combover van and I think the combover is not quite done yet still Contin on here you see our leader the 169 of Bank uh going to have to try to opt for that some point and uh oh my gosh we're going into the PS are dropping like flies we've got it everywhere we've got Parts in pieces you got to go right up the G right up the middle big one oh my goodness the second time and I think this one might be it awful close there to knocking down one of the fences he almost ended up in the spectator tunnel now keep in mind if they do go you know we have thrt is a lake down he's backing up oh my goodness he's trying to get oh air backy disappointment well it's nice to see that that still the air was still intact but we've still I mean it's getting crazy here four to go to be exact that was premeditated murder we just watched that now Banks was the leader but now he's SP here oh my goodness they're still flying through the air still hanging on and contact contact uh are you you're going to have to shove that 160 no what a move my that was a move of T night I didn't think there was any way he was going to get through there how about it at the line coming through the 360 nice drifting left hand corner there too the 369 of Jake sh so showing oh the skipped the ramp that was about the first time the last four lap he has here big time it was only a matter of time and we've got flag up front here white flag is out one final time unbelievable Jake Sher trying to hold on oh good God that's too fast over oh man Sher Brooks able to get through here they come again opening he saved it and trying to make their way through oh the front ball they both died for the flag is anybody going to make it do it sprinting across the Finish Line what an unbelievable finish and by no means is that legal but that was easily one of the most disgusting spectacles in the history of Motorsports in this great city of Indianapolis it was fantastic but it's van PR so who cares wow unbelievable uh I don't even know where to begin uh that this is why Adam gets paid the big bucks Adam can you decipher what the heck just happened down I have no idea what just happened but I think you just won the van Prix tell us your name tell us about that race name is Jak sh and I'm tired oh man what a wild deal when you got up in here into the little the little uh cork screw and the car died that or the van died what was going through your head I've seen a lot of movies and that's how they end that's man what do you think about jumping a minivan in Indianapolis for all these great fans and everybody on freedom plus are we having some fun yeah now the minivan jump yeah I don't think it gets any better than that man heck yes well here's your bald eagle and here's Mr Cletus let's here for the winner of the van [Applause] Prix brother you did good out there what's that this is my first real trophy brother that's yours you take good care of that's a a bald eagle trophy very rare are you fired up are you going to come back and do another one of these yeah for sure if I get the invite I'll be here all right brother one more time for our man pre [Applause] winner Robbie come here all right who was rooting for the blue Town and Country that's Robie here uh I wish we had a trophy for most uh hits of the jump you would have had that brother you would have had that 20 years of demolition dur in handy today hey you did great you did great all right guys I'll make some noise for all of the van PR drivers in Jim York for making this [Applause] happen that was wild they're probably all drunk by the way here I mean this here we have skids for kids um so what what all is it that you guys do so I'm Andrew I'm the owner of skids for kids uh what we do we're registered not for-profit organization out of Springfield Missouri and we travel around to all the biggest burnout competitions in the the country and from then we do toy drives at all these places and we'll either go to Children's Hospitals or the one we're doing right now is going to the Omaha Children's uh for the tornado victims that just happened okay so we go from here in Indie to Kansas City to Minnesota to Dallas all in the next month awesome and we've raised over $85,000 since we started two and a half years ago now and just just in December for Christmas time we raised over $20,000 oh heck yeah up R Pistons cam biggest stage four cam they made uh Holly Dominator great methanol other than that I mean it's just a pretty basic na build for me me [Music] [Music] absolute monster that is a monster for na dude it's a pretty basic I did it all myself did y'all build the headers by yourself no that's what I had my buddy doing but it was all built in shop I did the whole bottom end myself dude the sound thing the only Texas Speed Titan intake that's polished wow and uh got jealous I got to go do mine now oh yeah hey this one sounds better dude that's uh that's incredible man I really appreciate it guys H in can you do an interview while we drive what am I supposed to be watching [Music] I got to start programming my EG sensors I got one of them done sorry myad this is awesome you want to give him the mic yeah oh hey put it on your somewhere what we got done to this p uh this is a Texas Speed 427 which is now 434 makes about 15 to 1800 horsepower T56 Magnum started off as a BMW 3 Series wow really W her up yeah we just did the first start today on this new revision new ECU new computer new everything so we're actually testing and tuning right now ask what is that switch L out there in the middle Rod uh yes from one of our burnout comps yeah slowly working up to some boost I've been doing it right here CU there's no one out I didn't look at anything that time I'm sorry oh I forgot to hit record yeah we're starting to get it down Inc a lot better he does everything in this car he does drifting drag racing burnout comp he daily drives it yeah that why that's why we can make that turn cuz it's a full angle kit on the car I don't like him but I got a lot of respect for the car IPR said anything surpr no one has said anything think it's put down about 1500 or so on waste gate it's about a th000 then yeah turned up a little bit over 1500 you can sing right now it's probably like 800 is what it's making probably yeah what you're feeling all right that's decent send those logs in I can start programming the twostep I'm going to need that dude going around that turn that was full brakes I was just like H we're not slowing down hold on take there [ __ ] hold on let me get my phone out though oh uh can't do that okay sorry we're just tuning and trying to get it ready I get it once you do it everybody else is going to do it I completely understand we were heading back to parking cuz I was like he was over there I was like you know what we should probably stop this you're going be more mad at us if we do it on the street though do what if we do it on the street are you going to be more mad no I'll tot it yeah we don't want to do that understandable then I appreciate you man thank you do me favor because once you do yep everyone's going to do it y you're good thank you no I'm not I'm not we're good thought this was America exactly I can't believe you like so we can do it on the streets right there's no such thing bad publicity no no we're good get me out of the thing I was coming over cuz your car shut off get that all on video I thought something broke how do you man to get pulled over in a RAC trck he didn't care about the burnout he cared about doing the 100 and something and he was like that's fine that you're tuning but other people are going to want to start doing it so nice about it he was nicey TI to by it's it's there but it's not well we're uh we're going to have to get y's cont for the video stuff oh yeah for sure yeah hidden Motorsports is our thing okay everywhere our YouTube Instagram Facebook okay that's awesome put the oil presses on the Lower Side underw idle I don't know we didn't say anything about my beer in the cuz this is America that is awesome wow what a rig that thing is 0 to 6 right now yeah wow oh goodness God dang I love America I I heard it shut off so I making their way through turns three and four 19 of the pastest and best Crown victorious in the country ready to go from Lucas Oil Indianapolis raceway Park this is the Indie 800 im as they TI turn number one Jack Jimmy's going to take a very tight line there but Le come on Jimmy going to be in big trouble very shortly here the right front of that thing is toasted if it's not gone right now oh there it goes and something has come loose and around go the 88 right in front of thei huge hit huge hit oh my goodness caution is out JH Diesel with the big hit and Jeremiah Burton know where to go nothing two laps to go they're already 3 wide passes start finish off there from byce garage down to the bottom of the racetrack side by side with Walker Walker trying to play a massive amount of Defense there now they going three wide through the corner Walker's getting advantage on Stewart Zack Walker wheel to wheel down the back straightway with the three-time Nascar Cup Series champion Walker to the inside Stewart's going to have the preferred line on the outside they touch middle of the Court he's going to save it saved it Walker getting sideways but here they come out of turn number four the white flag is in the air here at IRP and they're going door handle the door hand around is Corner number one and into Corner number two Stewart has a fight on his hands and there goes Walker trying to spin the car around sideways not a single fan here on their SE in their seats they are on their feet drag race down the backstretch Zack Walker on the inside Tony Stewart to the outside here they come by touch Stewart in the wall Stewart to the wall it's Zack Walker coming off a turn number four and it's going to be the 18 of Zack Walker he wins the NBA 100 he play visual he wrecked Tony Stewart that is absolutely unbelievable Z Walker is the winner of 00 abely Inc finish Walker way out of the bottom way down of the bottom he's trying to protect from Tri Gage car coming around and it's set up perfectly the question is always asked what would you do to win a race and I've heard several drivers say I'd wreck my grandma that was the most intense fireworks I've ever seen in my life Wow guys thanks for watching Ray world that was the indd 800 with the crown Vick can I get a hell yeah brother on three one 2 3 all right Zach dude what did you tell me oh Zach said I need a new engine for my burnout car you just want a 632 from Battle I'm going to be honest I was like whatever three cars back I watched Zach just body slam Tony's car inter turn three I see Tony sliding I'm like this man is braver than me dude and then Zach just speeds off to the wind I'm like oh my gosh incredible guys did you guys have a good time [Applause] tonight thanks for watching new for Dale we'll freaking see you later hey you did awesome man congrats oh thanks man yeah we survived yeah you hang in there you hung in there hey you didn't wreck that's what matters right kind of well I mean I did a few times but we say we we never caution it still runs me it was freaking all over the place that's what matters that's what matters just put the hammer down and hold on yeah y yeah uh put it down and uh what' you say to you God or The Checkered Flag that's awesome man heck yeah cool down hold on yeah we'll hope to see you in Texas man we'll do some uh do some shooting out of the helicopters and I am I am down for that that be cool that would be a lot of fun we'll uh we'll have a blast bring your gun if you want to bring a gun and we'll make it happen R yeah if you want to shoot it out of the top or whatever we'll retrofit whatever and I talked to some of the guys earlier so yeah cuz I mean it's the uh I forget whatever model it's the marine sniper one pretty heavy oh yeah weighs like at least 100 lb they said they've got some stuff they can flip in and make it happen so but yeah a two- Point sling on it or something like that have you shot it a bunch or not a bunch but i' you know shot how far out are you accurate with it I never shot it for we need to do like a 100 200 yard shot out of a chopper that'd be pretty good video withal that'd be a good title yeah I've got armor piercing we can shoot some crazy stuff AP armor Pi yeah a good man good night jimy Cletus real quick you're the only guy I have an interview today what happened out there bro Zach just spun out Tony Stewart yeah hey this guy is crazy it looked like it was on purpose man was it I mean yeah he wanted to win he hit Tony and you don't think Tony let him definitely I talked to Tony for the race and I was like do not hold back yeah and he he said I'm not going to and I mean he led it was awfully sus up there though man that's wild what what a race what an event I mean like I was right behind them and Tony kind of was starting to go inside Zach was sliding they just body Slamm Tony spun it was that was unexpected for sure sh I was six laps were awesome yeah was sick r with r world I appreciate it got a ride from some super nice people man that's awesome I love it here that's day one of Cletus and cars or the ND 800 guys like And subscribe for more crazy content it only gets crazier the more people that like And subscribe to this stuff this is what I'm doing got me a Hot Pocket going to slap in the microwave and go to bed I'll see you guys tomorrow all right guys thanks for watching Raz World 1000 don't forget to click the like button subscribe stay tuned for some more content
Channel: Rays World
Views: 1,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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