In This Prison, Prisoners Must Stop The Clock's Ticking Or It Will Explode In 1 Minute

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hi mystery recap here today I'm going to explain an action western movie starring the great Nicholas Cage called prisoners of the Ghost Land spoilers ahead watch out and take care the movie opens at Blue Flur National Bank where a child stands in front of a gumball machine just then two robbers hero and his partner psycho barge inside chaos erupts when they aim their weapons at customers and order them to remain seated in their place hero then steps forward and demands money from the cashier to which she complies as all of this is happening the child at the gumball machine shows no fear and casually offers candy to Psycho however he points his gun at the child and the scene abruptly ends the story then shifts to Samurai Town ruled by a corrupt Governor he has creatively Blended elements of modern day and premodern Japanese Society with aspect of the old American West and created a unique but oppressive Town Gea like women who wear traditional Japanese clothing Samurai and Western Cowboys go on about their daily routines it is revealed that the governor maintains a group of adopted granddaughters whom he keeps as sex slaves we see one of them Suzie who is trying to talk to passers by under the watchful eye of a guard this guard is the governor's most loyal Samurai bodyguard yasujiro as he enters one of the gish's houses Susie blows a whistle and alerts her friends just then Bernice another granddaughter of the governor arrives with her friends Stella and Nancy Susie gives them a positive signal and Bernice and her friends leave in a car they express their relief at being free of captivity the scene then cuts to Bernice waking up confused and remembering the car ride she realizes she has ended up in a strange Place filled mostly with garbage and several mannequins she then recalls seeing a signboard and encountering some frightening people during their Journey Bernice helplessly screams for help shouting that she doesn't want to be imprisoned again again in the next scene we are taken to Samurai town where a festival is in full swing children play happily while watching hero who is tied up and guarded shortly after the governor shows up accompanied by his most loyal bodyguards and several women dressed as gishes hero is then untied and presented in front of him the governor commends his bravery referencing the earlier bank robbery where several innocent parents and children were killed he then frees hero gives him a bodysuit equipped with explosive charges and orders him to retrieve his runaway granddaughter Bernice as hero Dawn the suit the governor explains his mission he must travel to a wasteland settlement where a group known as the ghosts resides it is revealed that outside Samurai town is the Ghost Land A Wasteland inhabited by half-crazed outcasts and victims of the irradiated environment the governor brings out a photo of Bernice and instructs him to zip a suitcase when hero Zips it a device in the suit activates the governor reveals that the suit contains several explosives that will detonate if he mistreats Bernice tampers with the suit or fails to rescue her within 5 days some of the explosives are strapped to his Fring balls but if he successfully brings her back the governor will deactivate the bomb left with no choices hero agrees to the mission and sets off towards a highway that leads to the Ghost Land he soon sees a sign board the same one Bernice and her friends had seen earlier shortly after hero is halted by a mysterious bus and a group of mutants dressed in tattered prison uniforms the driver with a severely burnt face blinds him with a flash of light causing him to crash into a rock the impact injures Hero's arm and he eventually Falls unconscious in a dreamlike state he recalls attending a festival in the town where he sees the gum machine kid and people wearing strange masks when hero awakens he finds himself in the Ghost Land he's captured by a group known as the rats men who clean up the area they tie him up and drag him away forcibly after a while hero sees an injured girl who has also been captured and asks if she is Bernice she firmly replies with a no and reveals that Bernice is her friend they then arrive at a cult-like territory surrounded by ruins garbage and a tall Clock Tower the inhabitants dressed in questionable outfits and props eagerly await the arrival of the two strangers a mysterious woman then checks Hero's thick red blood and declares that he will be the one to free them all from their imprisonment in other words they know that he's the chosen one because he t after hero frees himself everyone gathers around him the territory's leader Enoch emerges from his setup and tells hero that no one has ever successfully left here those who try are killed by the ghosts and become part of the army Enoch then asks hero why he has come and the latter explains that he is searching for a girl when they see Bernice's photo a boy claims to have seen her hiding within the mannequins hero goes to the said place and ultimately finds Bernice but she doesn't respond to him it turns out she is in a semi catatonic State due to her Trauma from the car accident Enoch explains that ghosts come and kill the girls and take them away therefore they have been hiding them inside the mannequins hero is unfazed by the Revelation as he only cares about completing his mission so he shows Bernice a picture of her grandfather ultimately convincing her to come with him in the next scene hero refuels his car and leaves Ghost Land he removes Manakin layers from Bernice's face and asks her to deactivate his suit it turns out the governor has engineered the body suit in such a way that it can be deactivated by Bernice's voice unfortunately she cannot respond because she's still in trauma at this moment hero inadvertently activates one of his suits explosives this results in the loss of a testicle causing him to pass out after he does this during a vivid nightmare hero finds himself back in the day when he and His companion attempted the bank robbery we continue with the scene where psycho has pointed his gun at the candy kid hero tries to save the little boy but psycho ends up opening fire resulting in the bullet hitting the gum machine Hira desperately tries to calm his friend down but the ladder kills a guard and the candy kid soon a fight breaks out between the two friends and they crash through a glass window the cops also arrive and start shooting in discriminately at psycho but they end up killing a woman leaving behind her little daughter just then a man approaches the girl and Ruffles her hair with care back in the present hero realizes that Bernice is the same young girl whose mother was killed in the cross fire turns out the governor was the one who had adopted her hero then apologizes to Bernice for the loss and Promises to free her from the Ghost Land suddenly smoke begins to rise and ghosts emerge from it these mutant men appear to be creatures like zombies that are thirsty for human blood especially if it's thck they begin to attack Hero and during the chaos another explosive on his arm detonates rendering him unconscious hearing the sound of the detonation the attackers quickly disappear Into Thin Air the explosion however manages to snap Bernice out of her catatonic state it is revealed that she is not the governor's real granddaughter but just a prisoner of his treacherous Reign just like so many others before meanwhile Hero has another Vision where he stands among the people of Ghostland a woman explains that the region was once a chemical Factory run by the governor where nuclear weapons were tested one day a catastrophic collision between a nuclear waste transport and a prison bus resulted in a devastating spill of Highly volatile nuclear waste this led to the the area being quarantined and the inhabitants imprisoned there they eventually died due to hunger and famine within this desolate region lies the settlement known as Samurai Town ruled by the notorious Governor the woman then explains that anyone who passes through this region never returns when hero asks for directions the woman acknowledges his genuine intentions and tells him that he can save everyone if he helps the girl she believes he came to save Bernice and that he has the power to free them all when hero regains consciousness he realizes the connection between the mutants and the Ghost Land they are the prisoners who collided with the nuclear waste transport causing the disaster the Clock Tower and ruins he saw when first entering the Ghostland are remnants of the destroyed nuclear plant and the inhabitants of the area are the Restless spirits of those who died in the catastrophic event the Ghost Land is a realm for the dead as suggested by the white streamers costumes with angel wing likee shoulder pads and numerous mannequins kept at the area hero and Bernice can enter this place because they are metaphorically half dead Bernice from emotional Trauma from the governor's exploitation and hero from losing a losing half of his nut sack it is further revealed that the Ghost Land is not a spiritual realm but a limbo trapping The Souls of the Restless Spirits upon learning of all this hero becomes adamant on saving them just then his suit's device starts beeping as it nears The Final Countdown Bernice realizing the gravity of the situation starts to believe in him she then crawls near the device and says I am Bernice causing the explosives in the suit to be deactivated for now thank you for whispering to my balls says Nick the scene then shifts to the governor's men returning with Stella who had also attempted to escape with Bernice as a punishment Samurai yasujiro swiftly unleashes his Katana and kills her at Ghost Land hero gathers all the inhabitants and tells them what he saw in his dream he then rallies the ghost Landers to revolt against the governor's tyranny in Samurai town a woman in a Cell talks to yasujiro reminding him that the governor promised to free him if he followed orders she questions whether they should remain loyal to him or Revolt it is then revealed that yasu jiro's sister is also one of the governor's granddaughters back in the Ghost Land hero announces to everyone that they will leave the next day his statement is met with laughter but Enoch supports him saying they must fight together hero then asks the rats men for some supplies including a helmet and a weapon suddenly they are confronted by the mutants and their leader the burnt man hero immediately recognizes the leader as his old friend psycho who is one of the prisoners in the bus that collided with the nuclear waste transport during the disaster of fire broke out causing the prisoners to burn in Flames some mutated into zombie-like creatures due to the nuclear reaction others died instantly due to their injuries while psycho endured severe burns on his face he asks hero why he betrayed him by leaving him behind with the police hero responds that psycho was starting to lose control and become aggressive around every everyone he lost hope in him when he took innocent lives during the bank robbery with this the two companions sort out their misunderstanding and apologize to each other psycho then claims that the governor is a predator and he must be killed to ensure their freedom in the next scene we see the governor spreading his usual blasphemy to the people he confidently asserts that he's the reason behind the town's peaceful environment just then hero and Bernice arrive at the scene shocking everyone hero then asks for his suit to be removed but the evil Governor refuses he instead orders his men to finish off both enemies at this tense moment hero pretends to take Bernice hostage this prompts Susie who is traumatized by the governor's abuse to sneak past the guards she gets a hold of a nearby machine gun and kills most of the corrupted men who helped the governor exert power on innocent people but she is also shot and injured in the process meanwhile hero battles with goons with all his might using the weapons given by the rats men he also appears to be an athletic karate fighter is there anything Nick cage can't do rhetorical Bernice on the other hand carries the injured Suzie and attempts to take her to a safer place they're chased by the guards but thankfully a samurai saves them after all the armed guards are killed a final showdown ensues between hero and yasujiro the samurai initially overpowers hero who has several injuries on his body after a Relentless duel the two momentarily pause and put down their weapons but this turns out to be a trick by yasujiro he quickly retrieves his weapon and tries to attack Hero however the ladder has already in anticipated the move so he picks up a katana from the ground and slays yasujiro hi freaking in the meantime the governor approaches Susie to apologize but she cleverly takes the key to Hero's bodysuit from him when he retaliates Bernice exacts her Revenge by shooting him several times bringing an end to his tyrannical rule hero then takes the key from Susie and finally unlocks the device on his suit with the governor finally killed a kid dressed as a crow returns to the Ghost Land to inform the inhabitants they become Overjoyed by the news and claim that they are finally free from time the clock tower collapses and the scene suddenly Fades to Black the movie then cuts to Hero Bernice and Susie seated at a bus stop in Samurai Town while the rest of the town's people go on about their daily routines hero excitedly says Samurai town is going to be a beautiful place one day subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 103,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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