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- [Announcer] Please make your way to gate number nine. Nonstop service to Washington Dulles... - There he is. - Yep. (soft knocks) (dramatic music) (people arguing) (dramatic music) - Yeah, okay. Yeah, fine. Hey bitch. - Hey. - You responded, that means you're a bitch. Hey Cal look, I'm Harry Potter. I have to get to Hogwarts. - Hey put that back, you're going to wrinkle it. - I won't, I promise. - I'm going to have to iron it in the morning, please. - Whatever you say Hermione. - Why are you here? - Because I live here. - College is important, Landon. - No, we're not doing this. - Do I need to tell you why college is important? - No, stop! - Mom and dad have-- - La la la la la la la la, you're a bitch. - You need to go to college to do-- - You're a bitch! - What I know you want to do in your life. - I don't know what's worse though, being there or being here. Did you hear what I just said? What was the last thing I just said? - You're a bitch, you're a bitch! - No, stop! - You're a bitch! - After that, stop. - What do you want me to say Landon? Congrats? (door slams shut) (bell rings) (soft chuckles) (laughs) - What's going on here? Cal, get to your seat. The morning bell has already rung. You boys are just too much. - That's why you love us. - [Teacher] Right. - Evan, Evan I'm sorry. - Just stay the fuck away from me. (soft music) (upbeat music) - Can you turn it down? - What the fuck happened to knock first? - Are you serious Landon, what are you doing? - Calm the fuck down okay, it's just weed. Don't tell mom and dad, please. I'm serious, just don't. - I won't. - Jesus Christ. Can I help you? - I was wondering if since you're home now you can start picking me up from school. That's it. - It's so much work. Just walk like you have been. - It's freezing. - I always had to walk. Fine. - Thanks. - Just don't tell them, okay? - Just open a fucking window. - I looked at your grades online today. I noticed that your math has gone down to an A minus and your Spanish is down to a B plus. - Yeah, it was just some pop quizzes but I'll get them back up. - Okay. Do you need a tutor, baby? Sarafina speaks Spanish, maybe she can help. - Baby. - Yes, that's what I said. - [Landon] A B plus is a good thing. - Not if he wants to go for valedictorian and he does. - Vale-dick-torian. Mom, it was a joke. I wasn't talking about him. It's good food mom. I said good food mom. June. - Cal, help wash the dishes. - Yes mom. - Let me do something, what can I do to help? - [Mom] Really, you never wanted to help before! - Well I do now, you never asked me before. - Yes I did, many times. - Landon, don't start. - I didn't start anything! I just asked to freaking help. - You want to help fine, go clean your room, it's a mess. - You're the one who put all your shit in my room. - Why don't we just both do the dishes? - Yeah, yeah why not, huh? - Fine, do what you want. - Does it suck going to an all boys school? So does nobody have a girlfriend? - We have a sister school, dumbass. Geraldine, it's all girls. - Okay so if you could get with any girl from Geraldine, who would it be? - Um, there's this one girl. - Yeah? Show me a picture. - Okay. (chuckles) What? - Sorry, it's just funny to see your taste. Okay, Stacy Ellis, she kind of looks like a boy. - Okay, fuck off. She doesn't even. - It's cool. It's too early for you to have a girlfriend anyway, so. (car dings) - Hey, hey, where are you going? Turn left. - We are going to a friend's place. You need to loosen the fuck up. - I don't want to go to your friend's place. I have shit to do tonight, Landon. Go back. - All right fine! - I need to go home, turn around. Are you going to turn? - I am! - Whoa, what? - Hey man. - I thought you were still in school. - Nah man, I'm enlightened now, I dropped out. - Oh shit, sorry. - No, nothing to be sorry about man. It's going to be good, we're going to hang out like all the time. This is my brother Cal. Cal this is Jackson. - Hey, y'all kind of look alike. For real, I'm seeing double right now man. Alright, come in. Check out my psychedelic posters. - Here, just one hit. - No. - You want to know what college is like? This is what it's like, literally, it's just people smoking. - I'm not gonna get myself killed. - Listen to yourself right now. - Dude, he doesn't have to smoke if he doesn't want to. - Whatever. Little bitch. Oh, that's a gnarly drift right there. I'm coming up on you. - Shut up. - You know I'm going to get you. - Shut up! - Better watch out! Yeah, fuck yeah! Here Cal. Roll another one man. - Man, you're wilding right now. Here, there you go. If you can't sell it, smoke it. - So you sell marijuana? - Marajuana. - Yeah, like it's a side gig, you know? I'm not going to do this my whole life. Honestly, I don't even really smoke that much. Like right now I'm smoking, but mainly I just need the cash. - Cal is so above that, he goes to St. Francis. - Yo! No way, really? - Yeah, I do. - Dang, isn't that where all the bougie kids go? - I mean, I only go there because my parents- - Dude, I'm just messing with you man. Hey, you know Antonio de Souza? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, he's my cousin. He got in on financial aid. - Oh, cool. - Yeah. He's super smart. - He seems cool. - Yeah, well you seem pretty cool too so maybe that's where all the cool kids go. - Yeah, I guess. (soft music) - [Landon] Boo! - Screw you! - I'm just kidding, it's lit. - I like this progression. - Really? - Yeah. - Dude, do you play? - Piano. Guitars always hurt my fingers. - Hey, check this out. Here, give me your hand. So you feel my fingertips, how super rough they are? Yeah, so like after a week of playing, you kind of build up these callouses, right, and then you kind of get used to it. (soft strumming) - Oh shit, we gotta go Landon. (groans) - Hey, y'all need a ride? We should do this again sometime. - For sure. Thanks for the ride. - Dude, you are fucked up. - Come on. - I'm getting out! Don't be suddenly touching me like that. - Dude, chill. See ya. Yo. - What? (piano music) - Hello? Yeah the back, just drive around the perimeter. You'll see me. - You're in trouble, Roy! - Your boyfriend's gonna tell on you! - No, he's not going to say shit. - Where you going Cal? - On your way to fuck Evan? - Newsflash, Calvin Conroy is currently on his way to fuck Evan. - Exclusive interview, Cal, does it feel good to have Evan inside of you every night? - What are you going to do Rocky? Throw a haymaker? Come on, hit me. (honking) - Hey! (upbeat music) Get, get, get, get, get! (loud laughs) - If you just take one sip I'll shut up forever. Come on. ♪ You'll get it, you will see that I don't love you ♪ ♪ And I never loved anything ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ You've got to be nice ♪ - Are the boys home? (chuckles) (clicking) - I'm going to go outside for a sec. - What? - I'm just gonna go outside. - Why? - I'm just... stop being dramatic. - We just got here! - Hey man, do you want to like ride that carousel for a second? Thanks. - Thank you. You good? - My dad's in the hospital right now. - I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do, just let me know. - It's just like really expensive for my family, you know? And this kid from St. Francis, he wants to like buy from me. Do you know a Jonas Prescott? Well, he's going to drop like a ton of money. And I figured since you go to school with him, if you could like help deliver this stuff, that could like really save me. - I don't know how comfortable I feel doing that, you know? - Okay, for sure. No yeah, I don't want to like pressure you into anything. Don't worry about it. (bell rings) - What would I have to do? - Nothing hard, it'd be like super easy for you. - Okay. - Okay? - Yeah I'll try. - Really? Thank you so much! Oh my God, I could kiss you right now. - No problem. - Thank you, seriously I owe you one, man. - Landon, you're going to get sick. - No I won't. - Stay warm, love you. (clock ticking) (toilet flushing) - Roy, I... - What, here to watch the boys pee? - How'd those eggs taste, Roy? - You motherfucker! No way, perfect shiny Cal is a fucking drug dealer? - I'm not a drug dealer, okay? - Oh you want it back? - I'm sorry, just give it back, please. - I don't know about that. Hey, stop molesting me, get off! - Hey, what on earth is going on in here? - Nothing Mr. Jane. - Cut the crap. You, what do you have there? Show me what you have, now. Hey! Why? Why? Why? - Why, why didn't you listen to us? This is your future Cal. - Mom. Please, listen to me. - You listen, Cal. - Look what you've done to her. I don't understand, I just don't get it. You had everything going for you. You were set, why? - It was Landon's friend, okay? - It was Landon's friend. - It wasn't my idea. It's not fair. - Hey, hey Landon, wake up! - What the hell? - Explain! - Explain what? - Why your brother got caught at school with drugs! You know this can get him expelled, right? - You're a dumbass Cal. - You're a dumbass! You dropped out of school! - What the fuck does that have to do-- - You took me to Jackon's! You got me wrapped up in this whole drug thing. - Don't try and pin this on me! - I'm talking! - What did you make him do? - I didn't make him do anything! Why is that so hard for you to believe? You think just because you gave him that stupid uniform he's some angel child? I don't know what the fuck is going on but this is because of your mistakes Cal. Yours, fucking own up to it. - No, he doesn't-- - He's the one who brought you in here in the first place. No, fuck, no, stop! Fuck. Dad, if you just-- - Is this what you were spending our money on? - No, not all of it, if you just let me explain. I promise, just be rational. Dad, what are you doing? Dad, stop! Where are you taking that, what the fuck? Dad! Stop, please Dad, what the fuck! Dad! Dad, dad! - Dad, stop! - No, you could've broken it, Jesus, what are you doing? You're paying for this if it's broken! What? Mom fucking help me! What, hey, hey! What? Fuck you all! I know you hear me, fuck you! (sobs) (cries softly) - Whoa, man it's late. - I know, I'm sorry. Landon hasn't stopped by here by any chance, has he? - No, he's not here. Hey, do you have my money by any chance? Just... my dad, remember? - I got caught. - Wait, are you serious? Fuck! - I'm sorry, okay. - Fuck, fuck, fuck, what happened? Were there cops? - It was totally my fault but you need to help me find Landon, please. - I barely know you! Fucking faggot. - Then you should have just done this all by yourself! You junkie. - What the fuck did you just say to me? - I said you're a fucking junkie and you're never gonna amount to anything. (grunts) - Hey! - Whoa, I'm sorry man. - You're sorry? (grunts) - Landon, stop! - Don't touch him! - Landon stop. I'm really sorry. I didn't know. Can you say something, please? I don't have anybody. Everybody at school hates me and I don't have friends. Just because... Somebody found something out and told everybody and it's so fucked up because you don't even know about it. And mom and dad don't know either. - You can tell me. It's okay. - I'm what you think I am. - It's okay. (cries softly) - I'm a terrible brother. - No you're not. (cries softly) - Come home. You can get help and they'll forgive you. - I just can't go back there right now, okay. For a while. - We don't have to go back there. Right now, we can go anywhere we want. (soft piano music)
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 395,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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