I’ll Never Do THIS Again!! ** Disaster Catch, Clean, Cook**

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[Music] what is going on y'all we are back out here at the lost beach once again because you asked for it and we've got a couple things going on i'm actually really nervous today because i'm feeling great about today actually myself if you didn't see our last video i lost a bet with ron so i do have to sing karaoke tonight will be in this video will be in this video so don't click off if you want to see me sing karaoke and maybe bam a beach bum as well i know and uh but what we're going to do we're going to do a couple little things we're going to walk this beach right here and it's just such a secluded beach there's not another soul in sight but we're also going to try to catch a big stingray and do a stingray catch and cook that part i'm not so excited about i mean that's my way of getting ron back from making me sing karaoke i didn't you made yourself sing karaoke by not catching the key that's on you man has nothing to do with me that's all on you so all right let's get started let's make this happen so i want y'all to just look at how crystal clear beautiful this water is and so there are i don't think swimmers understand how many stingray are at the beach and we're just gonna walk and i've got my new tarpon rod here i want to break it in and we're going to look and look there's a stingray right there he's just going he's a little small i want one just a little bigger and in florida you're allowed to harvest stingray a number of different ways from snatching to bow and era really any way that you want to harvest a stingray and so we're going to snatch them today kind of like you do when you're alligator hunting and we're just going to walk the beach with our water land shades and look that's it there's a good one right there oh he's he's moving he's moving like i'm literally first first stinger i really saw right here let's see if i can get on him i'm close right there oh i missed him how did i miss him that's what we call a swing and a miss folks when now i can't see him because it got too rough i don't know if you guys can see this with how rough the water is but when it comes you can see i'm like there's literally three stingrays like right down here there's one right there i don't know if you guys can see him right he's kind of moving in just a little bit kind of look for that shadow in the water and then the waves crash over him but there are multiple stingrays all along this beach so the chances of me not having to eat a stingray today are not looking good because i have a feeling miss brandt down there is going to find a way to snatch one of these stingrays and get it up on the bank and we're probably going to take back the house and cook him up but that's okay because no matter what i have to eat today i'm okay with that because tonight brandt's got to get his thing on and i'm telling y'all right now that is gonna be a good time and every time i see one of these guys the uh the waves come and then they disappear it's unbelievable yeah but i want to try to get this one he's huge there he is i got him i got him there he is that's him that's him oh this is a good one too i wanted something y'all to stretch out my new custom tarpon rod this is my tarpon rod that i got for pier fishing let me run down the beach with him and we'll get one even this is my tarpon rod i just bought for pier fishing and i was wanting to break it in today which is one of the reasons that i wanted to do this stingray catch and cook these suckers are bruisers man this is the perfect size this is just what i wanted right here on baby come on baby we set out to do a stingray catch and cook and he's almost complete come on buddy you're caught oh there he is there you go now pull him up on the beach we got him that's our ray right there y'all that is our stingray catch and cook good job ron that's complete we got what we came for we're going to take the sting right back right now we're going to eat him for lunch we're only going to eat one wing because we're going to donate the rest to the shark guys that do the beach shark fishing and then uh hey we're gonna go sing some karaoke so gonna be a good day the first thing i'm gonna do is remove its tail all right this right here is what gets you all right that is the barb and you don't want that anywhere near you it's what killed steve irwin and it's what injures a lot of people ron how are you excited are you to eat this on a scale of one to ten zero zero i'm way more excited about later tonight than i am this i'm just tolerating this right now so guys what we're gonna do is just take one of the wings off all right that's it like i said that's all we're gonna try and i've eaten stingray before i've never eaten a real big one this is a pretty good sized stingray i've eaten really small ones and they're kind of an awkward fish to clean now the reason i'm only doing one wing on this guy is like i said we are gonna donate the rest of him to some shark guys because these make excellent beach shark baits in fact they're one of the best hammer head baits that there there are all right hammerhead shark absolutely love stingray my dad i believe it was my dad he grew up pier fishing a lot he still pier fishes a ton he's a pirate and he's who i learned to pier fish from but i think it when they were younger they caught a hammerhead shark off navarre pier with i want to say around 50 stingray barbs stuck in his mouth all right look at that okay so this is this is actually going to have quite a bit of meat on it right here it's really fascinating now i i'm not an experienced ray cleaner so if you have another way of doing it comment down below but all i'm gonna do is just trace along this line right here and we can do that on both sides kind of like cleaning a flounder and uh it looks like worms ron that looks all like worms doesn't it really brent that looks like worms it's not that's the way their meat is okay and we're gonna clean this top part off just like this and then clean the bottom part underneath it there's a bone there's a like a line of bones that goes right here and so i'm cleaning right over the top of that yeah this is very similar to cleaning the flounder the flounder meat did not look like that dude so i wanted y'all to look at this that is a stingray fillet that's a little stingray fillet does it not look like a like a bunch of worms yeah it looks like a bunch of worms well that's what we're going to be cooking that right there i'm going to clean the bottom side of it and we're gonna go go fryer up baby we're just gonna cook this in its most natural state right here these are the two filets i'm salt salt little pepper we're gonna cook it in oil on the skillet just because we want to get a true taste of what this stingray tastes like okay nothing crazy going on there ain't no way i'm trying them without cheese balls all right you at least have to take one bite before you do anything else to it and then i'll taste it with cheese balls to get the taste out of my mouth and possibly a gallon of sweet tea ron has a sweet tea addiction by the way guys that's why i have kidney stones but i can't help it well i'm serious this man carries this with him at all times right here that is a gallon of sweet tea and i have never i've never seen ron show up without this with him right here we just don't show you all the real stuff we got like that's his real addiction y'all think he's bad with cheese balls not and all the people that think i drink a lot of beer no sweet tea ron does not drink a lot of beer he ca this dude keeps milos in business nah man that's real that's my sweet tea that's a real stuff that's kentucky sweet that's right i will say this is the stinkiest thing we've ever brought home you think so 100 percent really 100 versus the stinkiest thing we've ever brought home are you practicing backstreet boys dancing right now they don't even know that's what i'm singing yet ron picked the song are you golfing or dancing because you kind of look like you're golfing i'm just being 100 real with y'all right now i don't know if i can eat this i've tried a lot of weird stuff the only thing i've never really eaten was the ladyfish cakes that was because i had a kidney stone little stingray appetizer okay that's all we wanted i'm not trying that one first that's all you hey that's fine that's fine i got this is the smallest bite i've ever seen anybody take ever i don't like it i don't like it [Music] then i don't even need to try it dude i like it i don't like it you don't like it there's no chance i'm gonna like it i know what we should know hang on wait i know we should do here take the camera by the way this is myla for those of you that don't know come on milo say you want some stingray sit hey sit sit good i was girl i bet she won't even eat it yes she will easy no she just scarfed it down dude i was going to say even the dog would she just scarf it there's no point in me even trying which means you have to no dude the subs have been wanting you to try stingray for so long i tried a little piece this piece right here cut look at this guys oh my i should not smell oh that was a mistake go for it god no do not bring one of those things home and cooking oh that is the worst thing we've ever had all right man so we're good for 6 30 tonight then perfect and you got the chalkboard so you're you're literally calling it the yak stage what are you talking about oh don't worry we're fine we're just working out the details of your performance tonight try look i got him a special outfit i don't know if he's going to wear it but we'll see what happens when we get there stage is set i'm not friend i'm not wearing a special outfit man the menthol look he didn't even make it let me just tell you something i know i don't back down from anything i'm going to kill it i'm a little disappointed that you're not wearing white i don't know if you met brandon hey i'm brown i know i i took care of half i talked about in the video i'm like it's kind of weird but my wife has never met any of these girls weird that's probably why we're trying to shield you from us which is probably a good idea on his part in the best place because of the hair i went with backstreet boys i want it that way but i also brought you a white outfit to wear so you got to wear the white outfit i ain't wearing a white house that's not [Music] and so this is where it's going to go down right here very very soon yeah cause we're running out of daylight we're running out of time we have lights we're good i don't back down from a bet you you look legit i bet ron i lost this was the stage and i'm doing it how nervous are you i'm not nervous at all it's that's a lot that is i mean look how he's got his hands on him i don't know right now nothing good is about to happen when i'm about to get up there and kill it that's all that's about hey i'm gonna tweet this to vanilla ice i just want you all to know that we do this for you shoot me a thumbs up right now i'm literally about to sing backstreet boys not a musical bone in my body right here y'all [Music] i want it that way [Music] [Applause] [Music] is tell me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter the distance i want you to know deep down [Music] the one desire you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] hey y'all can never accuse brant of not falling through for the for the promise the man said he'd sing karaoke if he didn't catch a king he didn't catch king he came out here he rolled through karaoke y'all gave him a great big thumbs up i want to see some more singers and i think the subs do too [Music] yes it's been a year since i seen a deer had a small [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] again yeah i love me from california but it sure ain't tennessee and my roots down there when they started [Music] [Music] that was it so that was it yeah for me
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 40,925
Rating: 4.9210005 out of 5
Id: ovQwoqoF_nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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