I got smaller and broke everything!

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in this video I turn into a small entity smaller than an ant but this one I start gigantic and my friend keeps biting my foot bite kad's foot bite kad's foot ouch stop it Naro it hurts stop I'll never stop you ugly giant but what he doesn't know is that the more blocks I break the smaller I become I'll become smaller than him to bite his foot so let me come here and break the blocks to become bigger break break everything my God I can break several blocks at once wow only with this pickaxe that I get from being a giant it's really good let me break all these blocks to become smaller break everything break everything I did it now I'm size 25 bite bite bite the Giant's foot ouch bite this Giant's foot God darn it he won't leave me alone I need to run away to break more blocks and become smaller than him look here in my inventory I ended up getting a stone shovel when I got smaller cues it break several blocks at once wow it breaks even more than that pickaxe with this I'll be able to become even smaller break everything I need to become small I need to become small do I need to get many more blocks to become smaller I'm downloading oh look at this now I'm size 22 and the best part is that I got this pickaxe which breaks more blocks at once and it will help me even more wow it breaks many blocks look at that the good thing about being a giant is that I can break an entire Mountain I'm almost destroying this whole Mountain I got a little smaller again there I found you I'm going to bite your foot now I'm going to bite your foot he found me but wait I have an idea about how I can be killing him what if I stomp on his head won't he die crushed look he's right there in front it's the perfect time come here giant come here you take this ouch ouch ouch what happened what did you do to me cadr oh no I stepped on him he got squished he became even smaller cadres you left me downgraded this is the height of Happiness come here cadres now I can bite your foot even more cadr come here I'm going to bite you I'm going to bite you he's still biting me I need to find a way to protect myself from him and wait I already know I'm going to grab and make a giant house because then I hide inside it and he can't get in well but this will take a year for me to make a house that will fit me inside I'll take too long so I'll have to go with plan B I'll use readymade construction let me come here and load giant house and now do paste there it's showing up right here and look at the size of this house house it's enormous and the best part is look at how it is inside it has a giant sofa a giant TV everything inside is giant look guys I saw cadr enter this house here let me break this thing here I need to get inside oh no this wall is thicker than I thought look at this I've already broken two blocks of it and still can't get in I'll have to make an axe to get in wait a minute H for sure now Naru won't be able to get in here and I'll be safe hey guys I made an axe now I can get in look at how much wall I would have had to break by hand man I got in I got in now I'm going to bite you CAD no how did you get in ouch this house here is not helping at all the only way is for me to get smaller I need to break more blocks and I already know the perfect blocks to break I'm going to break this entire pre-built house and to break it I'll use this diamond axe I got is it good my God my God it destroys almost the whole house at once look at this I'm going to break this entire house to get smaller I did it I got smaller good I'm size 17 now but at this size I still can't bite nar's foot I need to get smaller and darn it Naru is still inside my house if I try to break here he might keep biting me come here cadr I need to find another place to break can also break more blocks at once I'm getting small too slowly but I have a plan to break several blocks at once I just need to pull these little blocks up because I'm going to make a redstone machine that breaks a million blocks at once let me put these blocks in the corner and now I'll place ejectors here put a bunch a lot of ejectors in the corners now I need to go inside them and put a bunch of TNT now all I have to do is connect all these redstones behind all the ejectors and put this lever when I activate it all these ejectors will release TNT at once and it will destroy a lot of blocks below let me see if this will work I'll come to the lever activate it and the TNT got bigger my God it stuck even to the system I made it was all destroyed but at least it worked look at this it broke a lot of blocks at once this machine was still too small I'm going to build a much larger machine now there I built this super TNT machine and now when I click this lever here it will activate all these ejectors and break many blocks down there so 3 2 1 I activated it oh no no everything went wrong TNT activated up there darn it uh you know what then I activated it down here at once now it will destroy everything but look the other TNTs are falling down here and it's breaking a lot of blocks for me and the best part is that I'm getting a lot of blocks I got smaller I got smaller again and now I'm size 10 but I still need to get smaller otherwise I won't be able to bite nar's leg and I have a plan to break several blocks at once since I lost my Redstone machine I'll have to do something else and the way is to make a pickaxe but not this iron pickaxe and yes one made a bedrock with a Bedrock one I'll be able to almost break the entire world at once and to get bedrock I dug this whole pit and now Bedrock come to me you will be mine break break bedrock break break isn't it breaking with this pickaxe I think the iron pickaxe doesn't work I'll try with this diamond one here now I can do it come here Bedrock I want to make a pickaxe with your block yes it's not breaking either does this pickaxe not work huh it breaks the normal block just not Bedrock how annoying I'll have to find another way to get bedrock and the only way for me to get it is to steal it from my friend Naru he already used creative mode once and got bedrock and he has everything stored in a chest in his house and look here in the middle there's a chest that must be where he keeps it let me come here and open the chest you came to let me bite your foot darn it Naru already saw me and I couldn't get bedrock let me bite your foot I won't let you bite my foot I need to find another way to get into that house and steal that Bedrock I heard Cadre say he wants to steal my Bedrock but I'm going to set a trap to prevent him from getting it and I'm going to set the trap with this grass here which is fake grass look I return to normal size but it doesn't matter I'm still smaller than him and I can still bite his skin to invade nar's house and steal that Bedrock without him seeing me I'll transform into a pig but then I'll be a slightly giant pig but at least it doesn't have my username above so won't suspect look guys I'm placing the last blocks of this trap which by the way was slightly exposed here but cadres is stupid he won't even see it now I'll hide because cadr can't see me here guys I'm approaching his house it's now that I grabbed that chest I think Naru isn't even home why did I fall down here I saw guys I saw from the corner of my eye a giant pig fell hey guys look there it was a giant pig the pig ruined my trap I'll have to get more grass ah how annoying there was a trap here but it doesn't matter I came back up here and I'll come here through the corner to grab that Bedrock come here Bedrock wow there are three exactly what I need now all I have to do is craft the pickaxe oh no guys no he took my bedrocks but wait why does he want Bedrock I'm going to follow him to see what he's going to do with the Bedrock there I came here far from nar's house and now I'm going to make my pickaxe I just need to place these sticks and now the Bedrock on top now I just need to come here and break these stones and it will break many stones at once and I'll get much smaller huh he made a Bedrock pickaxe guys I've never seen this what will that pickaxe do let me come here on the stones and break them to see if this pickaxe is good my God look at how much it doesn't stop breaking wow this pickaxe breaks a lot of blocks at once look at the huge hole he made it broke everything and my God it went down to bedrock this pickaxe here is the best of all but I still didn't get smaller I need to break more let me come here and break more of this mountain look he's going to break more Blocks he's going to break more blocks what he got small how there now I'm size five I just need to lower a little more and I can bite nar's foot oh no I heard what he said guys I heard what he said he wants to get smaller than me to bite my foot no no no I'm going to bite his foot I'll get even smaller I'm going to start breaking blocks to wait a minute Naru is in front why is he breaking blocks what is he doing Naru appeared here from wait wait he's breaking blocks to get smaller ouch this way it will be harder for me to bite his foot I need to reach size 0.1 quickly if Naro gets there before me I'll never be able to get my revenge and you know what I think there's a way for me to get much smaller breaking nar's house I haven't broken the blocks of these colors yet maybe this will make me smaller let me break here then oh no I got smaller I'll break more break break break everything I got smaller I'm getting smaller and the best part is that I'm still destroying nar's house this is great ouch but look Naru is there in front getting more dirt he's going to get smaller oh no he's even smaller now now he must be at size zero P ouch I'm already at size 0.5 I'm going to get really small guys I'm going to bite kadra's foot oh no Naru is very lucky he hardly breaks any blocks and he's already getting smaller I can't do this if I break just one block I don't get smaller I stay the same size even breaking several blocks at once it's not working anymore I remain this size my only chance guys will be to buy the potion that makes me small but there's a problem there's only one witch in the whole world who sells and she's in this direction here in the middle of the swamp I need to run run Naro must be getting even smaller by now and he can't reach size 0.1 before me guys I went down into a cave because I'm going to break ores because I think if I break ores I'll get smaller much faster look it's working I'm already smaller now guys I'm already size 0.3 ouch I'm coming I'm coming the witch is right here in front it's right here it's her house little witch are you there ouch I can't enter her house I'll break this there now I can now I can talk to you witch you destroyed my house no sorry sorry Miss witch I need to buy a PO from you I don't care I like my house ouch darn it she's not even listening to me you know what the only way is to give her a lot of diamonds and then she forgives me and sells that potion what did you mention diamonds that's right Miss witch you like diamonds right of course I like diamonds I love diamonds wow that's perfect guys I'll dig a hole here and find a bunch of diamonds I even have five in my inventory but I heard that the potion costs 12 diamonds and since I ended up breaking the Witch's House I think she'll make it even more expensive for me but it doesn't matter because with this pickaxe of mine I'll be able to get a bunch of diamonds look already dropped a lot here it's never been so easy to get ores like this I already got 23 Miss witch Miss witch I arrived and I have a bunch of diamonds but I want the potion to get small in exchange okay then drop all the diamonds you have all the diamonds about 25 wasn't it just 12 or 15 you destroyed my house I'm angry ouch okay okay here are the 25 diamonds you can take them thank you very much now take your potion here I'm getting smaller wow I shrank to size 0.2 this potion is excellent it's much better than Breaking blocks Miz witch I want to reach size 0.1 you don't have any more potion do you no the only way to reach size 0.1 is by breaking mini blocks now I'm off what do you mean mini blocks wait I got this tool and with it I can break mini blocks look at this I need to break these mini blocks quickly before Naro manages to get smaller than me guys I'm already breaking mini blocks here because now I want to reach size 0.1 and I'm at size 02 now now guys the more of these blocks I break the smaller I get look I'm already shrinking I shrank to size 0.1 just a little more ah break quickly break quickly Naru must be getting close kadra I'm almost at size 0.1 oh no he's very close I'm still at 0.2 just breaking like this won't help I need to do something else wait I know I have an idea I have these mini stone blocks I'm going to use them to make a mini prison and trap Naru inside then he won't be able to break any more blocks okay I just need to make the bars here so he can't escape through the corners and now I just need to close the roof there good it's all closed now I'll teleport Naro inside the prison guys I'm almost reaching size 0.1 if I break five more mini blocks I'll be this size oh what's this where did I end up Cadre you're stuck there you're going to stay stuck there while I collect more mini blocks to get smaller it's breaking the stone it's not breaking the stone too bad for you now I'm going to break mini blocks until I reach size 0 point no cadr I just need to break three more blocks let's go 1 2 3 there I'm getting smaller wow look at the size I reached now I'll be able to bite nar's foot but cadres I'm still small too there's no way you can bite my foot no when I reach size 0 point Naro returned to normal size now Naro come here I'm going to bite your foot no condr no good I got my revenge on Naro and I even k killed him with my bike
Channel: Cadres ENG
Views: 418,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eHWM2mh362Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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