I Got Schooled by a Japanese Master Sharpener... (level up)

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This video is brought to you by Squarespace from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the All-in-one platform to build the beautiful online presence and run your business. More on this later, but for now sharpening time. What's up guys, this is Alex. This week I am in New York City. I'm here for many reasons including one super important one I'm about to meet a sharpening master, somebody who has been sharpening knives all his life, and he accepted to meet me to show me around his shop, here in New York City, and also, (and this is a bit more embarrassing, to review my own sharpening skills.) Right, this is the place. I'm a little bit not straight if you know what I mean. Very nice to meet you. Thank you for coming so I kind of grew up with the company The owner is a close family friend, you know, this was my playground when I was little I started selling knives They said oh you want to try sharpening? Sure. Of course. I want to try. I'm interested So that was the beginning and then a lot of people ask me. Oh, so when are you done learning? But for me, there's no such thing master Mizuyama in Tokyo, Nenohi, Misono, Masamoto These are some of the companies that we work with I get to learn from some of the best in Japan Take it home to New York and then teach in English, you know my teacher he was doing it for over 20 years He still went to Japan to learn to improve that sound like a very Japanese thing. There's no end to the learning. Oh wow This is actually what the knife makers used in Japan to make knife But we use this for sharpening knives. It seems like the coarse Sharpening. So this makes your process a bit easier but faster not easier Okay faster if you mess up it messes up very quickly your knife gets very small So we have two walls of knives Generally this side is what we call Western nice it's double edged and Then that side we have the the Japanese or traditional Japanese knives they are single edged So, let's start here your standard chef's knife the double edge with the Western shaped handle next We have something a little bit more special western blades with a double edge chef knife with the Japanese handle One-of-a-kind. It was made by mr. Ikeda blacksmith Ikeda and you can see the design that he put in for the blade pattern It's actually representing Mount Fuji and the moon this isn't drawn on this is actually the design of the Forge and then the pattern that shows and the last we have here this Is a very traditional single edge Japanese knife. So this is called a Yanagi You can tell it's a single edge because the front and the back look completely different So I heard that only on Japanese there is a recess. Yes. The back is actually hollowed out. There's less friction Yeah The food sticks less the food sticks less if you love cooking and if you buy yourself a good knife and you can't sharpen it That's sad because then you will have a beautiful knife. That is just useless. I share that feeling as well So I brought my my own knife with me. I sharpened it to the best of my ability But I would love to get your opinion on it can you take a look at mine. Oh super Okay guys, so this is me again, but Alex from the past this time. I'm about to go to New York City But before I do that, I need to sharpen my knife Let's get to it When the edge shines like a mirror Wow, I'm proud of this I Obviously don't know if Vincent is gonna be proud of this I seriously doubt this but I'm sure I'm gonna learn very much also I'm really looking forward to seeing his face when he reads the title of my first video the day I Mastered sharpening master pack in all up. I'm gonna protect this blade and off we go Here we go. be without any filter just be as rough as you can possibly be So, you know, touch the edge and you can kind of feel it whether it's sharp or not It should feel almost like a very tight guitar string So another thing you can do is use your fingernail when you lay it on it should catch on the fingernail So if it's a dull knife, that's gonna slip right off. Those are sketching by the way, it should cut through Very very smoothly. If you have a very sharp knife, it's gonna be more quiet. The bevel It's very good but if you look very carefully there's kind of It's almost like you're Rocking a little bit. So when you're sharpening it very very subtly. You're probably Rocking a little bit. So if you're a little bit more careful with that you get a more crisp edge Definitely feels like you did a very good job if you want to go upstairs so we can actually work on the stone. Oh, I love to. Let's get everything together. Oh, yeah, let's get geared for sure. I'm gonna get a private lesson Super excited about it. Watch your head. Yes. I would do it like this. Okay. I eyeballed the angle. Then I am going to just smooth Like this then I would slowly move my way up I feel the great amount of pressure No pressure But there's a couple things that I would do a little bit differently. That's interesting. You kind of eyeball the angle ideally you want to feel the proper angle two fingers half on the knife half on the stone Right, and then I lift until I feel that edge Is touching the stone properly if you don't find the proper angle and you're too high You're gonna make your knife very small. If you're too low. You're not gonna sharpen any. yeah. You're not doing anything I like to start by sharpening the tip use your elbow and shoulder So you find the angle and then you just make a contact you make it touch Exactly. You can see where the metal is taking off, right? Oh, wow, so slowly I lift up I lift up I lift up and now you can see that the tip is what's being taken off. Yes So now this angle you remember it it's easier to do it You sharpens two fingers here your thumb down here. You did the whole knife. I do it in sections. I start at the tip And I continue to work my way down slowly working In sections same pressure in each point and you want to keep doing this until you build up the burr It happens to me that the blade just goes in in the stone. Instead of pushing toward the stone Pull wherever the edge is facing away from the edge Actually one more thing is that this mud this is actually metal that's coming off of your knife Mixing with the stone don't wash the mud off It's like an abrasive paste. It's like an abrasive paste. Yeah, you want to use it and it's gonna sharpen more efficiently. I would get my burr on one side I would flip the plate get the burr on the other side and once I get it on the other side I just go to another stone. Yes. That's what I do. Ok. very assuring. That's what I teach in the video, so. So on the finishing stone, we do everything the same as the first stone. Find the angle Lift it to the tip I mean, I noticed immediately. There is no sound The sound is very clean. I'm just using the weight of my hand guiding the knife along the surface of the stone. I don't need to press very hard so basically as the action gets More gentle more subtle and so does the pressure right? Exactly. Because If you keep pushing at the same amount or harder You sharpen it and then you dull it you sharpen it and dull it. so you would basically be Ruining what you just did. Exactly. You've been Sharpening like what? I've been doing it for almost 10 years 10 years Yes, so lots of life. So I'm guessing you have built some muscle memory So your body knows when it's right and when it's wrong It's a nice moment when you do this. This is my favorite part Oh, this is your favorite part. That's mine as well But it can also be the worst part because if you see a chip You have to start all over. Usually when I see chip I just close my eyes put it in in the drawer and just move on something else. Thank you so much man. That was a pleasure. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you man. Cool. Thank you so much Vincent. Thank you so much. Bye Bye. I'll see you man Right guys, I think that's it for this episode. I hope you enjoyed Meeting Vincent as much as I did. I hope you learned as many tips as I did. I feel like sharpening I'm just barely Scratching the surface. It was a bit of a relief working when he said that my knife was Properly sharpened. He also commented that there were a few things that I could improve with my technique and I'm fine with this It's even even further that I'm just fine with I love this I would be pissed to have nothing to improve on on my technique. I'm so glad that He found plenty mistakes in my work I'm gonna keep working on them and I'm gonna keep honing my skills if you allow me Okay If you enjoyed this video then please spread this everywhere share that on social you know the deal and if you enjoy the channel if you enjoy the product if you enjoy The fascination for learning and please subscribe to this channel and I'll make sure to keep the fire on. Okay, so take care Bye. Bye. Salut. Squarespace template designer created with modern browsers and mobile devices in mind and they employ the latest HTML CSS and JavaScript Techniques which is good from the point of view of a former coder like me every design automatically includes a unique mobile Experience that matches the overall style of your website. 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Channel: Alex
Views: 1,547,105
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Keywords: alex, frenchguycooking, french guy cooking, french cooking, cooking, recipe, french cuisine, recipes
Id: PC5mWYgiNlg
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Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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