I Learned The Art Of The French Croissant...

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Hey, guys. Salut A bit of a low and shy Salut this morning, but it's about 5 a.m. and I just woke up. I'm on my way to -to somewhere special this morning. This is the 11th district in Paris and behind me is Utopie. It's allegedly one of the very best bakeries there is in Paris. So in the Croissant Series, this will be episode number three. In episode number two, I made some croissants. *little crunch* I am proud of them, but I just want to have the legitimate, unbiased opinion of a baker. And that's why I'm here. I'm here to learn. I'm here to catch as many details as I can from -from an artisan baker. Okay, quick interruption. I have been nominated for a Shorty Award. It's basically super unexpected, but it's incredible. The thing is, I need your help to win this stuff. So there's a link in the description. Okay, back to it. The dough is super soft. *poke* *poke* *poke* Super relaxed. The chances I am going to make this, within my first try, are about zero. STRESS! One of the things I realized when were like shaping those triangles into croissants, is that you don't need to be more delicate. In fact, you need to be firmer at first, and then you need to be more delicate. So it's a mix of toughness and finesse. Those guys are just machines. I was just slow af. Just stuck in between those two. I think I managed to make three croissants in the same amount of time they managed to make two trays each! These croissants are ready to go in the oven. The last ride. I feel like I'm making pizza. Yes! Oh la la Everything inside is just...distinct. Like you can see each and every layer inside. *sniff* *sniff* Oh la la We've got this buttery, sweet - it's less yeasty than my croissant, honestly. I'm stunned! I'm exhausted. But I'm happy. Within this croissant experience, I guess I've been given two things. The first one is a lesson of humility. Those guys are so skilled. It's mad! They are so committed to their job. And the second stuff I was given today is a big amount of challenges. Because I'm so far away from what a true, perfect you know, Etopian, - That's very appropriate in this case. -croissant would be. If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to the channel and the series because in the next episode, I'm going to be addressing each and everyone of my problems, my croissant problems. My problems would probably be a bit too much. Okay. Bye bye. Salut.
Channel: Alex
Views: 612,258
Rating: 4.9756713 out of 5
Keywords: how to make croissant, french bakery, patissier, utopie
Id: yw-4zNOYTjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
Reddit Comments

I think this is why so many places outside of France get it wrong when they're trying to make croissants.

It's very basic ingredients, but they have to be very high quality, and a very simple process, but it needs 3 fucking days.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Masquerouge 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
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