I Forged My DREAM Saucepan

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what i can see this channel is not sponsored by a hair conditioner brand however it's sponsored by great human beings you guys my lovely supporters on patreon and if you're one of them i want to thank you so much if you're not one of them then you can join in anytime i will leave a link in the description box down below okay let's get saucy [Music] [Music] hey guys sally this is alex and this is the mother sources series if you remember well i told you i needed to get my hands on the ultimate saucepan because i think it definitely can improve my source game now here i am in beautiful istanbul in turkey and i'm here to see a friend of mine emir who also happens to be one of the most brilliant copper smith these workshops are located inside the grand bazaar which is that enormous beautiful market right in the center of istanbul he's waiting for us so i suggest we bounce [Music] so at the moment i'm looking for emea's place uh i've been to this place once in the past emir's metal workshop are all located in this i think it's called the han but it's a very very old building let's get inside [Music] it's beautiful by the way it's just stunning you can hear somebody banging must be super close i can see some stairs i think it might be this way definitely getting closer to the noise [Music] okay it wasn't the place metal workshop should be somewhere like i need to find emma's place it's a maze and an amazing place okay that one was nothing how are you man listen i must be super close to your place i'm still looking for it stay there okay okay okay okay okay [Applause] how are you mate good good yes how was your morning in istanbul so far magnificent do you like our building i love this placement it's a 17th century imperial production building i feel like i'm in history at the moment how close was i 25 meters ah come let's go okay following humans will you have a tea with us yes please welcome back to istanbul let's see our teas are coming i don't know if you remember guys but it's not the first time that we meet in a previous episode i did about food you can find in istanbul we met in the bazaar where i live yeah exactly when we had the muscles yes and you said with the muscles all along so so i'm aware of what you do but some of my viewers don't know what you're doing i'm the founder and owner of soy and we manufacture professional cookware from copper and silver but we do it entirely by hand the craft skills that we have allow us to do i'm gonna go ahead and say the best uh cookware in the world i knew i was in the right spot i'm in the middle of this series about sauces sauces are very important to french people you've been to france you know that it's the foundation of your cuisine thank you thank you the saucepan basically matters very much when you want to reduce down a source to the exact amount you need copper is the material to go yeah if you want perfect heat control yes if you want the the pot to heat up exactly at the heat of the flame and when you turn it down it cools down exactly at the same time i want all this you are at the right place you need to have a lining yes exactly right so usually people use tin tin melts at 240 degrees the traditional 140 degrees celsius celsius with thin lined copper where you have to re-line them yes because the the lining basically scrape away of course that is definitely one of the main reasons why i never got myself some proper copper well i came up with a with a new kind of cookware silver plated copper cookware 968 degrees these two metals are the two most uh productive metals in the universe stainless steel depending on the alloy can be up to 127 times less conductive than copper i tried to put a stainless steel pot and a copper pots on infrared imaging stainless steel have some red areas and then you have some green areas and on copper everything is like warm yellow and you will not need to mix for example you know when you do sauces you don't need to mix no since the pan itself is a full vessel for conduction if you put a cover a little if you put a copper lid on it they'll read well the lid will also uh the heat oops it's like making a mini oven yes it has to get practical let's make your pot i mean i'm in such a bliss at the moment wow so what are we going to do okay well here there's a furnace where the silver layer of your pot and the copper layer are gonna be fused together so this is your copper and this is gonna be the silver sheet on it it's yours eating them at their super critical heat both and silver is going to be very close to its melting point so the all the oxide is going to go fusion okay it's a super quick word from the headquarters if you've been following the channel for a while you must be familiar with my beloved notebook that's the place where i store all my wacky ideas like for example this steel pizza oven which you never heard of however you must not be familiar with this this is the very first prototype of a commercial version of my blue notebook inside there is a beautiful inlay hold on a second at the end you've got some very useful cheat sheets cooking cheat sheets and then you've got the inlay and then the back cover i'm sure you guys must have tons of brilliant ideas worth being written for good this was made for you so if you're interested in getting one there's a link in the description box down below so that you can leave your email and get notified when this goes publicly all right that's about it let's go back to making saucepan in istanbul so this is gonna be dipped in acid we're gonna lose the oxide on top and then we're gonna start working on it what's going on do you think it's gonna work it's gonna work i find it amazing know what this metal was a few minutes ago and how it changes so quickly and he's going to enter the radius in the circular saw we just cut the piece to its final dimension now it needs to be polished it's funny to think that this is gonna turn into the most precious saucepan ever it's beautiful though like the moon basically [Music] come with me downstairs okay this is gonna be a piece for my best memories hajj ahmed is going to do it himself [Music] our disc is ready yes we're gonna spin it spinning actually it's a very very old technology it's three rows and it's at at least four thousand years uh before the christmas okay so look at it listen look you should not look at your hands you should look at the flow you're creating okay do you see do you see blind come come near me come near me here i'm going with my left hand you're good you're very good you could be a rower why don't we go eat something there's a very good place right next to here the smell it's a mix between grilled meat and like metal working no yeah there is a furnace going on but there's also a bbq somewhere okay this way okay western turkish specialty you're not gonna find this anywhere in the center of the east [Music] this one so how long does it take like usually to make one pan three days but we are 12 workers here each of us can take you know 20 30 at a time you can end up with something between 15 to 35 large pans per day the reason that we do everything by hand is a reason of quality so so you mean it's beautiful just by design that's what i believe beauty is it's like bauhaus beauty by function so now we're gonna put the serial number [Music] so i just hit it in the center you hit it in the center and then when you're done with the center you make a turn with the hammer around it what do you think we're gonna use a very very fine cotton okay and we're gonna give the final shining on your product so this is a very delicate and dangerous steps we're gonna put our masks on and it's better and maybe if you step out okay uh be careful with my pan okay don't worry about it that's our baby after all these efforts i can't wait to see it [Music] [Music] i'm so pleased with what we did oh it's so sweet you saw it from start to finish literally it's all the making it's insanity the amount of work required to make this so part of your energy went to spin this another part went to rivet this yes i'm gonna put it in a bag for you give me five man yeah yeah bye well guys i think that's it i think i've got the ultimate so spun now the only thing left is not the easiest i need to put it to good use i'll catch up with you in the next one bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alex
Views: 1,155,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saucepan, copperware, coppersmith, copper lining, tin, copper pan, silver, soy, istanbul, turkey, forging, hammered
Id: 33ddRK_jG6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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