Can I make my Wok slicker than a Nonstick Pan ?
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Channel: Alex
Views: 792,544
Rating: 4.8821206 out of 5
Keywords: seasoning, nonstick, cast iron, carbon steel, rust, flaxseed oil, polymerisation, how to season, seasoning guide, lard, crisco, bacon, oil
Id: vsthDhOodDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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Flax works great for the first egg. Not so good for the 20th. Tried it a dozen times and it always gets brittle and starts shedding.
Canola and grape seed oil worked better and are easier to find. They donโt get as slick, but they are much more durable.
Meh, flax.
A French hero
Do you like this method with a different oil?
Vegetable oil works just fine for seasoning. Itโs the best in my opinion.