I Got Revenge on These Dummy Ragdolls in VR Physics Playground!

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20 years ago my father was walking home from work when suddenly he was jumped and chloroformed by a bunch of crash-tested dummies they were tired of being abused so they decided to pull the old crash test dummy switcheroo when my father awoke he was hurling at a wall at 70 miles an hour in a sedan now today 20 years later i get my revenge on those crash chest dummies oh yes it'll be a glorious day okay i recognize all that why don't we just we just have a ball oh behold my beautiful body what is it i look a little i look a little chesty what do you think oh crash test dummies come out and play before i murder all these crash chest dummies we're gonna need a sweet training montage [Music] okay oh geez all right that might have been too much check these things out we got a sledgehammer oh it's a little heavy oh my god my wrist is it supposed to be making these noises as part of my training for crash chest dummy revenge i've removed all the bones from my wrist there's a shark get in there number ten that was a crash to zombies face you know enough doing this what she'll be we'll just start with no not the shotgun this will be my my first tool of revenge let's just swing it around what the heck can i throw myself oh i'm like that guy in a pot he climbs over mountains in a pot you know him you you know what you did you don't know what to do to my father oh you're getting up are you okay let's give him the old all right let's give him the old windy city whirly up and yeah you monster huh test this jerk oh my god you think you're better than me no i'm [ __ ] a sledgehammer up your [ __ ] oh he's got some moves look at him i missed hey ah the 360 sledgehammerino my signature move it's a wobbly marmos okay can can you just come here all right let's just i don't know if i can kill these ones this is just a practice dummy oh i'm gonna throw you from the top of a freaking mountain we're gonna have a nice walk buddy we're gonna see the science it's gonna be a grand old time look at him he's like oh please i have a tiny crash test dummy family at home how would you like to put them in the car and smash into the oh he's fine can i do so emotional i can [Music] it did nothing sledgehammer you know that's no good this guy he can stand up to anything you know maybe it would be bigger of me to just to just forgive him and the indiscretions of his previous generation i mean we can't all be liable for the mistakes and horrors of our ancestors maybe we can use this moment to learn and to grow and become better people and crash test dummies or that works too stay down oh my god these are the most well made crashes dummies ever i'm out of ammo maybe i should actually fight some actual ones instead of just this guy he ain't hurt nobody oh my god it's so loud oh yeah they're coming i can sense them oh man oh he sees me oh didn't see that coming did you punk oh he got me ow what is that oh health oh noise lost one hand suck it nerd oh hey cut that out look at me go hold on [ __ ] it on my ammo he's coming i can hear him check your corners punk like i just feed myself shells through my belly button like robocop i don't have an umbilical cord i have an impul and bullet cord in bullet oh jesus you can't hit me buddy just spin move [Music] that's freaking sweet blue gatorade give me the grenade i don't [Music] now you see what you've done oh hold on human shield hold crash just dummy shield hold up hold on never got him it's working crowbar this punk let's see i think we can actually like oh my crowbar jump oh no no all right all right one two oh that would have been good for a training monitor ah oh god go get help call the fire department i'm stuck in a tree no oh how is this happening oh no oh no not again hey it's like a magic trick right yeah climb it there we go hardcore parker oh my little footsie oh my little touches easy easy yeah oh no i'm stuck in this tiny maze hey hey oh oh man oh man oh jesus oh god i really hurt i gotta go to the dentist guys quick dentist break hey ow what the heck just hurt me is there a dummy out here shooting me oh he's over there oh we're gonna zip line on this fool come out jesus oh god he's a hell of a shot no and zip line away zip line away and [Applause] oh god you block it human shield go ahead try it punk yeah honest no no you don't do that do you have to impale him no you didn't oh he's fighting me all right live and die by the blade punk ah [ __ ] [Music] let's grab it what are you gonna do now oh there you are where the heck did he go how do i stop these guys from spawning stop spawning goobers leave it alone all right time to finally take this guy out oh my god he's just is he invincible look at those things that i call throwing knives and then people go they're not going through every name see job it's a knife and i'm gonna throw it all right yeah it's just a stabbing knife he's having a hard time come here just stop stop moving oh there you go pierced his heart he's like in the back too he's like a freaking terminator he's just kind of limping along he's got some sweet moves there all right i'm gonna i'm gonna head home i've had a full day i'm out of here i just feel bad for him now ball get him what is the ball i don't ah boom headshot i've done it for paul i've got some revenge be proud oh i gotta do cool reloads right oh we did it ah freaking weirdo all right he's just gonna keep going on perfect one shot one kill and then the rest is just for fun 12 shots no kills that's okay i know i'm not paying by the bullet here enjoy yourself huh i don't think i'm dodging them very well nope all right we got to make ourselves like an obstacle course or something so we got all these physics who can i wall run oh that's pretty sweet this works a hell of a lot better than bone works oh i think i can jump on these trees hold on a second hey hey yeah all right i don't know if i can make that what did that do dude go on slightly disappointing wait oh there we go oh i'm just gonna run into a wall at some point like i got it well that's karma while jokingly trying to run into a wall i kind of actually ran into a wall i heard my little wrist right there right there that's the one oh wait this is way cool i just hit my balls oh i just hit my giblets oh my precious giblets oh geez papa i failed you i failed my jim blitz papa i'll check this out cheating oh there he is classic stephen stephen what are you doing yes i named him steven by the way in my head what happens if we jump off the map to the trees now stephen will think i'm just an innocent squirrel cowboy oh i'm back here oh no steven he's gone i shall miss you forever stephen all right one last thing i want to do on a zip line down there while shooting someone that sounds awesome oh jeez they're after me oh god this ball's falling oh god this there's a lot of them okay i respond too many oh okay let's grab this did i really where's my gun there it is okay go forth zipline away i don't know if i got any oh that was almost really cool you didn't see that coming did you punk let's see if these can actually throw in a way that makes sense as a throwing knife oh no that was bad hey where's my right arm hold on oh no i think i did something i broke the game already oh just slap him oh the slapper's coming i'm not doing that my hand's at my slap him no i'm in the ground you monster okay guys looks like i've successfully broken the game again oh look mannequin taint oh geez everything the screen's gone black oh oh wait and i think it's night time [Music] you
Channel: Ctop
Views: 1,577,246
Rating: 4.8577518 out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, gaming, video game, vr funny moments, virtual reality funny, physics playground, physics playground vr, vr physics games, good vr physics, vr physics playground, physics playground vr quest, vr physics, dummy, dummies, ragdolls, ragdoll vr
Id: fJemAZKMzUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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