Punching Gladiators Super Fast! Slow Motion Mode! - Gorn Gameplay - VR HTC Vive Pro

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[Music] yeah candy some stretches hold on touch your toes back twist twist hey hey I'm stretching don't Jed going into rubber band what are you doing this calisthenics it's good for the spline okay I got sciatica you understand you don't care all you care about touching me they're full up in little fists weird to do he's quit the dancer hello my baby hello my darling I'm over right time go hey there Jim hey there Bob you know why you're my favorite gladiator because you're so sweet cuz there's a full of candy anyone anyone man we got a tough crowd take that Jim check that Steve to get Beelzebul oh candy kit easy today we're gonna slow things [Music] just a little bit by finding around the custom game modes messing around the game speed because I'm going to become the flesh my name is Gorney Allen I'm the fastest gliding alive oh wait no I don't watch heinie mode there we go uh game speed here we go slowed way down point to let's just start with that dang got all the weapons woo ah too many to choose from let's go with the katana no no miss beard way I'll go I did start it okay uh uh trucks oh it's in solution oh my weapons disappeared oh I look at a fast I am what this is taking forever I just want to kill and turtle rock at him Oh bull Joe come on what's the matter buddy you can't block what you can't see too fast the fastest gladiator or life I still can't go here there we go don't wanna get up Oh his little foot what do you do you punch me right in the bottom of the face yes who dares fight me in my magical rock oh all right in the guy let's see are they slow or am i jist super first come on get get back up all right can I reach up I can't reach him get get up your I can't get him yeah yeah I got stuff to do you kill my here please so I can punch you mister slowpoke was gonna try and get me you try and get me he here is trying I'll give you a shot okay let's dodge just ready here comes duck underneath it Wow and then boom oh it didn't do too much yeah let's see killing a matrix dodge his little face give me that ooh that right chest punch boom oh not like that Oh moving so fast no I want to throw that someone okay come on man oh no stop spinning stop spinning yeah oh oh dang it right over him hold on let me grab this hold on a second hey slowpoke boom never knows they're always balls like that when he hit them it's amazing a little bit lower Oh bari bari thanks for all your help little buddy oh here we go this guy's body what oh now it's a challenge old buns were coming at the plate oh can we catch the arrows if you shoot some at us that's awesome let's try that boom he's got punch price for in good yeah here oh you're shooting here on me what excuse shoot it shoot the arrow you know you want to come on shoot the arrow date there go oh no oh jeez what's it worth - well I can't catch the arrows out of the air oh my god I'm amazing alright another one please Oh Eva not you my fist close slowly and Oh Oh yummy right at the goon no pity how was it fast enough was enough oh there we go that exploded candy everywhere what oh yeah last night gonna hit him is it not right over them dang it I can't believe I got shot I got to catch another one alright I'm poised ready for action he's got an interesting uh technique there come on chewie by the Euro huh and you run up to him man yeah there we go I didn't like that now we can get a real slow motion shot right here ready oh the chest get a head shot yeah that's a little high dang it bye-bye careful buddy let's not get ahead of ourselves I really needed to do pun for that oh it bounced bo staff ooh oh he hit me no you don't know you don't know one day hey hey dick so play with an army go it goes the normal speed for us a nice grab this you're that no I can't just grab it you're that relinquish your weaponry to me oh geez Oh bending Oh something's happening can I stand with his own weapon working career fine you from here oh wait he's gotta lay on us on these sharp Lanice let me sure huh okay I got an arrow should we catch him with an arrow like she she's a spear use a spear that's better oh no oh he's going out of range no there he goes ooh just that just that just that Hey ah there we go let's grab this dude's body that's slightly just ever so gently Chuck me here let's grab a couple other ones hair flick through them up row him up huh she's gonna rain bodies here we go let's get this guy get this guy and yeah let's boy here oh yeah oh my god this is so freaking awesome this block that Darth Maul you come out here buddy oh don't throw too far hey yeah let's see four Oh Chuck someone's our madam let's take this guy's buddy throw him up once again see we end the land on his friend you - oops oh the gravity is not low this she's the speed so one needs to come back down feel still get impaled as if they're going to full speed oh heck I got hit alright come on buddy shoot me kind of hang out there for it bit SQS would like to hear Oh another person no see boom yeah here with your arrow there you go right in the arm behind him grab it teleport behind him and perk of the swamp see throw him up and get ready for the descent oh no this thing gonna go well for him yeah I didn't do much oh right in the spine he's dead you dead there so stretching weird look at that these bodies can I go watch him Richie whoo okay there goes fist bust up the bow Stefan these suckers oh my guys you are going flying and lift off you two there you go let's keep them juggling even juggling stay up in here yeah can't let him push the ground let's get this guy up come on actually no it's just boom right in the face she coming down no his risk up there oh you guys amazing I think it's loving at all it's just the game looks so weird and small motion it's awesome three arrows three targets we got this yeah what target to target Oh three target oh oh hi no oh hey field failed you all I will now take my penance but I punch it myself in the face with a fist that doesn't work okay one buddy you one shot whoa oh you look so angry come on hit me again do it oh no jeez messed him up you wanna heroes a signal my seagull rod right in the face oh there is a little footsie boom and come on it's so bad it's that terrible Oh excellent all right it's like I'm God yeah yeah it's gonna arrows are all right okay I'm gonna leave know what guy I don't care you got to survive you get to live and tell the tale of the fastest man alive now we're gonna face some champions crazy swap already foot oh yeah I can juggle better oh oh these things go down come on Oh easy easy you sort juggling oh wait wonder keep this up and launch it at this guy I could swap these no no come back hey miss come on flam's we're gonna have the sword right here we're gonna hit this guy yeah oh right in the goop didn't see that coming where are the champions none of you champions Oh God Oh the crab is back the crabs back and he's pissed let's see little this little there's a little light love tap more useful crap oh man all right crabby I like you and you don't like me get out here so we can fight please come on you gotta get a get worth the crowd hey red hair my hair - hair look at em they love it they don't have any bodies and they all look like they're on an ambien or something or the opposite I haven't slept in like 18 days the crabber Missy he's full of pink stuff are you dead yet here we go yep general don't even need this thing huh I miss them mister by that much I think we're gonna be uh struggling here look he does do some create pretty crazy flips and stuff though right now he's just kind of falling backwards it's your upper cut and whoa where are you going oh I totally was for a second that was amazing oh you got some friends do yet you can't even get out of there dude come on yeah Schumi both three at the same time yes two arrows at once let's do this yeah come on try it Oh what arrow come to our cut that's so freakin cool oh my god what you got buddy and that but he's doing like a somersault roll thing punching with a buddy big head okay fine all right ouch punch my controller is that you kind of difficult let's go a lot armor on can't really hurt him come on give me the sword put your soul in the face oh don't you guys cut it out oh yeah there we go knocked him out get on by the face oh ma oh yeah shoot your own boss I just Chuck over the air a little bit bye-bye wanna go out there to tell me and how about you just lightly the love tab just to stun them and then take off their lamps oh and Chuck him into the stratosphere baby get me they all love it look at them they're all cheering me on isn't it beautiful my friends oh wait this guy's coming down all right let's try it shoot them me that bow and arrow get like pieces on it oh my I missed them that's my bad there you go enjoy that what is going on over here I don't know exactly what happened seems to be all kind of oh it's gone that Oh what is happening to my life whoa he's bending backwards oh we need some what is this what if this fist come from oh well we got it we got a fan safai this up a little bit let's go with drawn the iron fist I don't really need that let's do these and these so crab claws Wolverine oh my god I am a monster if Wolverine have the powers of a crab they're kind of slow no no no this just seems dangerous come on Debbie crabby [Music] suddenly taking this time and don't do it buddy don't do it oh you did this to yourself that you're that liver that claw come on I got you got him by the hand and her out Oh trying to dance with him hey Kermit Nick where's that delicious candy heart in there somewhere it's in there somewhere oh just took his face off oh oh no it's the Berserker it's your name and too much without that or that sea down already Wow there is quite the quitter come on walk into it there you go didn't like that hey go little top will up the bottom throw off that bottom to you oh hey go buddy oh this just seems unfair there's a fair fight let's mix it up let's do the opposite 2.4 times game speed and I'll keep the claw in the Wolverine that's fun oh geez here we go oh here it comes here it comes hey honey are you doing I don't even know what's happening things are just things that is happening very quickly yes let's just leave our cloud there he's still alive he punched me and he's got his own he's hurt himself oh god the Badgers are no no it's killing me like their cankles there you go little hey this should be it attempted double time skier sweet oh thank you that guy oh yeah we got to stop playing god this is getting dangerous [Music] you
Channel: Ctop
Views: 11,266,207
Rating: 4.8004303 out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, htc vive, vive, gaming, video game, gorn, gorn gameplay, crab, gorn crab, gorn crab champion, crab boss, crab champion, video games, vr gameplay, vr headset, gorn update, crab claws, candy mode, gorn candy, gorn slow motion, gorn custom game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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