I Got Hunted By 100 Players in Minecraft!

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we have 100 minecraft players with leather armor and stone swords and they're going to chase us all throughout this map through a castle into a boat into a mythical wonderland it's going to be insane but if they catch up to us and kill us before 15 minutes is up i'm deleting the channel no as long as one of us survives we're good do not die keep running defend the forts and server drop the blast all right and boom oh gosh they're going they're going oh we doing it right now we're doing it right now it's happening i'm going to shoot some of them all right fend them off oh taylor you got in the way a server use the secret weapon weapon okay good oh my gosh they're still there they don't know they're trying to attack us the doors of the castle have been rigged to take like a few thousand damage so as of right now no one else is allowed in besides us carl chandler breach i'm fighting i'm fighting it's only been half a minute we cannot die or i literally have to delete the channel oh hey dream hey dream hi oh hey dream we need to defend the castle oh yeah sorry dream is our castle defender our trap returned to normal all right guys we gotta kill them please holy cow dream can you can you go down there and just you know do the thing i will go down wait the gates are taking a lot of damage the gates are going to break open soon should we drop the anvils drop the anvils yes drop them drop them [Music] dreams going in dreams going in [Music] chandler don't die fine actually you know what let's use strategy i'm getting lava buckets uh oh i'm in the corner i'm dead if chandler dies that's okay we all have to die to delete the channel that's true wait but chandler please don't die i'm dead i'm dead chandler run away i'm in the corner shitler died trailer i forgot this is wood and i put lava on it chandler you can still help us come back to the castle oh no we lost our best player dude the front doors are about to break all right jump on the slime pads down here boys they're not even going after me oh god it's open isn't it oh okay no the anvils are there oh that scared the crap out of me i'm getting beat up when they finally break through the front gates we gotta run to the ship remember boys we cannot afford to die dream you can take a break from fending the gates there are hundreds of people just running all the doors broke guys get to the ship carl i swear to god if you don't get to these ships we're leaving you no all right we're coming to the ships all right they're getting through carl where are you i'm right next to you yeah all right dream dream dream dream dream all right wait wait for it all right flick the switch someone someone has to flick it [Music] oh no you gotta blast me no wait wait someone man the ladders oh they're all around the boat they're following me oh shoot guys abandon ship abandon ship go to the next place dream keep them off us they're coming carl chris why do you have to stay alive there's so much cobwebs who did this i don't know where to go but we cannot die we were supposed to run away guys i'm not gonna lie it's not looking good i can't run ten and a half minutes guys guys guys what is going on oh there's lava i'm surrounded by people and there's lava holy cow i had half a heart there's two blood oh no no you guys missed the lever i died so now it's chris and coral left chris and carl haven't died yet we got to keep them alive they're just running past me i'm hiding at this point screw this wait they don't notice they don't notice you guys have to stay alive for 10 more minutes ah they figured it out keep them alive i'm hiding screw this you guys can run right past me chris have you died yet no i died i died i didn't see the guy oh you're our last hope i'm right i'm running next i'm running up i'll protect you carl you protect me all right but remember if you kill someone they have to go all the way back to spawn so oh my gosh look they took over our four look at him up there they're just looking down on us all right let's protect the president with carl oh wait why did somebody pour lava on me what the crap they grabbed the lava from the chest okay i'm dropping lava around me screw this they're bullying us jimmy we don't want to delete the channel we need to set up they're going to come back i'm dropping lava guys i feel like we should go into the castle here i think carl should just hide down here oh my gosh there's more players guys guys guys protect carl let's spend off the people coming in then let's overtake the castle i'm behind you guys i got the rump i got the rump ow ow i'm about to die they're not one hit killing they're not one hit killing carl you're good you good carl yeah i'm just scared i don't want to delete the channel carl our future is in your hands carl it's all gonna be your fault if we have to delete the channel oh i stepped in lava i will put my life on the line thank you dream no i'm melting help wait does dream also count for our channel like if he dies no just us all right there seems to be a gap in people guys let's go storm the castle so we have a protection all right let's go all right there's people up top we need to take it over take them out baby take them out to dinner get the guy on the throne this is our guy get out of here there's people coming from behind guys get away why are you here come on get out of our castle do you hate this channel do you not want to win money in the future is that what you want if you guys delete this channel church who's gonna need a job carl has to stay alive for five more minutes oh yeah baby let's go there's a person in this in the trunk in the throat get up all right i'm next to you dream i'm next to you you can have most of them there's a few people up top i'm gonna take care of them that way we don't have any surprises oh oh oh i'm terrified if i fall i'm screwed all right oh yeah and i got knocked uh uh i don't know what to do yeah i like being the president that you guys protect because i don't like killing people no i died oh getting killed bull jedi he wants me to not ever win money here all right here i'm gonna lava off one entrance oh i found a guy hiding there's a guy also in the throne kill him dream i want you to be glued to carl do not leave his side dream i'm on the throne okay kristen chandler come up here it's fine oh yeah i got him i got him the next wave will be here soon guys if they breach the castle they could kill carl if they kill carl the channel gets deleted wait there's people behind you oh guys defend the fort don't let carl die i'm really bad at dying don't worry dream i'm not good at pvp jimmy i'm not either oh wait i forgot it doesn't matter if i die i fell in the lava i fell in the lava oh oh someone hit me in lava someone hit me in lava hey i lava they're storming all right i found a bucket of lava up the ladder flutter all right i trust in your dream one and a half minutes remaining please don't let them die boys i'm blocking the middle gate so they have to go around the side carl what does it look like up there it's actually kind of peaceful i'm just gonna hang out well there's a lot of people in the castle now ah they're storming carl stay on this side stay on the side i love how dream knows what he's doing and we're just like herded her i found this guy hiding over here carl if you die in this next minute i will never forgive you will you like me more if i don't yes i've got a bunch of kills we're our defense is working they're going for carl they're going for him 30 seconds carl do not die what if i just killed carl in the last 30 seconds oh right side dream at this point don't let even chris or chandler up there kill anything in sight stop oh i was joking i was joking and there we go we survived 15 minutes without dying i'm gonna join the discord and tell them whoever kills you on the throne first wins a thousand dollars i died chandler died chris died but carl never died we do not have to delete the gaming channel yay now i don't have to be homeless carl i think you should sit on the throne okay can i let them gobble me up now whoever kills cole first wins 1 000 i'm not gonna move again okay guys whoever kills me kills me stop punching me guys guys carl did you die i'm about to i'm about to die oh where did he come from dude they're jumping from the ceiling on you carl they are smart i just literally saw a guy just rappel down on carl's face dude the minecraft kids are smart resourceful too we just released 100 more players i'm gonna go see if i can find them you guys stay there and defend carl oh boy there's a lot of people i'm gonna start running guys where'd you guys go dream you tell us what to do boom and then retreat as soon as they get they reach the line okay taylor can you for the love of god stop shooting me with an arrow dream you hit me in the lava i didn't touch you all right oh sorry dream on your right girl get out of here get out of here kids get out of here there's so many people i don't know what to do oh if only my arrows weren't lagging if i hit you dream i'm sorry you're on top of me also my nose itches but i'm in a battle ah i'm trying to take some take some damage for you all right i died they're above me i'm about to die oh my god no god i'm taking all the damage it actually worked it worked for real i'm taking it i said that oh i died me and chris are dead i'm sweating carl move they think it's me oh god no oh carl no who did it who did it ox knew ox new congratulations on killing carl oh my god why would you do that to me oxnard if you would have killed carl 10 minutes earlier i would have had to delete this channel seriously yeah so thank goodness you waited you won a thousand dollars though congratulations i i don't know how to feel right now and thank you for watching this video subscribe
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 18,363,444
Rating: 4.9307699 out of 5
Id: gDMf5g8EU5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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