Plowing 8” main line over a high voltage power line, we got this right?!?

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[Music] all right guys rolled into our next tile job this morning this should be a pretty quick and easy one but there's a high voltage power line and possibly a bridge involved let me explain [Music] all right guys the ultimate goal of this project is to eliminate a lot of this surface water coming down through the field here you can see it's kind of got a ditch washed out there's actually a culvert up there it catches a lot of water off that hillside so we want to catch at the beginning of the field get it underground and drain it out in a ditch down here and this is the one major obstacle we got is right here there's a high voltage power line that comes from the highway and feeds the camps back here on the river behind me and uh supposedly that i was told when they put this in i had a lot of trouble crossing this ditch and it may have floated up and been kind of shallow so we're going to go down here dig a start hole get plowed up to it at some point this morning the utility company is supposed to be here they want to be here while we cross that to kind of monitor everything and make sure we don't get in any trouble on it and they want to kind of know what that depth is themselves so we'll uh they should be here in about an hour or so but while we're waiting on them we're going to go down here and get us a start hole popped in get everything set up and we may even plow up to him and quit i don't want to get too close to him that way if we got to adjust our depth as we come to meet that to go above or below we can but i don't want to sit here and twiddle my thumbs waiting on them either so let's go do something yeah i closed the door because it's may 21st today is jen and i's 15th year wedding anniversary and it's still cold out there i'm over it global warming bring it on i feel a little bit of tree trimming here first thing this is good for a lot of things digging in tile utilities clearing is not one of them can't be scratching the excavator though this is the 120. i get this cleared out here a little bit so i can kind of see what i'm doing i'm going to make sure i get a good straight path through here we're going to be a little tight on grade on the first half of this all right basically right here is where that uh ditch kind of flops back over in the field you guys can see it gets pretty deep pretty quick so i'm just going to clean this out a little bit it should give us a pretty nice pretty nice little start hole here we'll go get the plow take off [Music] used to digging with the other machine gotta take a little while to get used to this one now that'll work all right let's go get a dozer up on the other end this is the hole we're trying to drain i don't know if you guys can see the track hoe but it's right down there by a little clump of trees the ditch actually goes out and around we're gonna try to plow a reasonably straight line down there once we get the pipe up here and then we'll uh get us a little dry dam built in here hopefully get this all caught and uh underground and out of here so it's pretty deep little hole in it it is i bet there's 18 inches of water right there i don't know let's just hope there's not a dozer stuck in there later don't jinx all right let's get in place get this jewel fired up this morning actually uh we plowed in a small job for farmer chris i thought he was gonna video it so i did not video it went pretty well with the end of that job i started smelling a little bit of fuel out of this thing i didn't really think a whole lot of it unloaded off the lowboys right over here yesterday notice there was a small little puddle of fuel underneath it that's interesting got the check of floods this morning and uh somehow the fuel filter had managed to almost jiggle itself off like it was like two and a half turns loose so i think we got our fuel leak fixed and i think it was an easy one so nice wherever you got simple simple fixes we're gonna track this over there get it set down the hole come back and bring matt to the tractor let him get a little pipe and get over there man we're going to be you know we're just measuring this off we're going to be close i'm talking close on pipe we're about i don't know 150 200 feet further down to catch the ditch than what i remembered i hope i don't bite us in the butt so one way to find out let's run around [Music] uh [Music] good good [Music] go get some part [Music] so are you the uh pipe floating master i don't call myself a master nun last time i tried to help you you got mad at me you said you do this all by yourself i don't need no help he said this is the one where they cheated us on the core i am ah i got that one out of the way at least that one didn't hit the mirror we ain't gonna talk about that let's see how good he is at getting there lined up here you guys see down through there oh we got it readjust [Music] really close oh he might get her [Music] that's not too shabby first try oh can you handle that oh well not not with the camera it's a little awkward with the camera nice we found these eight inch we did it the right way yeah the right way what we call right away all you guys have been asking about that because it needs to feed off the bottom if it feeds off the top see right there's the end of the pipe it feeds off the top and if it first comes off there it just turns into spaghetti junction so all right i don't know what we do without the trailer though yeah i think we might need to give the trailer some extra bolts we'll get done with this bam all right let's go down here get the pipe stringed out oh oh rangers over here guys you gonna be the break for a minute oh i guess nothing better than a little bit of runaway pipe first thing in the morning that's probably good [Music] [Music] you're gonna make me get down there in the mud and pull that out aren't you absolutely well man not sure how i got the short straw on this one around holding the camera instead of climbing on a plow push it's probably good we don't want a whole lot out there we well depends on if you're wanting to go to that roughage or right there yeah we can go a little bit more great all right that'll work it yep [Music] all right matt's gonna get what pipe you can laid out where the 120 sitting at is actually where we're gonna cross that power line so we're gonna stop laying pipe right about there uh that way if we got to cut the pipe or do something crazy to get underneath it we'll have that option we got the laser set up here pretty much ready to roll you guys have been uh blowing me up with a lot of questions about our grade control system questions comments concerns all the above everybody seems to have an opinion about what we're doing and most of you guys think i'm an idiot and nothing's working right but let me explain this a little bit maybe i didn't do a good job of explaining it when we built it with this crook in this arm right here this offset actually puts this laser control pretty much right in line with the tip that tip is the most important place to keep and maintain grade and uh that seems to be working really well even though you see some movement up here that boot rocking back and forth and different things like that every time we've ever dug this thing up that pipe is just as flat as pretty as can be and we probably uh whenever we dig these test holes to put in laterals and stuff we still have the laser set up we'll come back and check it and we're usually within a half to three eighths of an inch if not dead on grade which is uh for this setup i'm just absolutely tickled to death now where i do got to be a little bit careful i've learned is if this dozer tilts this way or this way like going through a ditch or something that'll obviously affect this out here the closer it is into the boot the more accurate it actually is i just have to know that in my head whenever i get in those situations to know that i may be off for a little bit according to the laser or i or i need to pay extra attention to make sure that happens so man guys i uh i'm just like dumbfounded how well this thing's working and how well it's holding great it's working extremely extremely well now we actually put this in backwards and put it over here this way right now as we're plowing up along these trees right here we really need to feed the pipe from the other side this is not an ideal scenario it's the exact opposite of what we really want but no longer what we're going i'm not really worried about maintaining slope i just got a few little dips i want to make sure i get through perfectly fine so this will basically give me a perfect reference i need to plow up through there and hold that on hold that on grade and we may have to make one adjustment i can see my drag chain from the cab 85 to 90 of the time but occasionally in certain situations it kind of disappears behind the ripper arm so they make a slight adjustment there but boys i think we're ready to plow some pipe out up to uh up to our power line and then from there we'll have to regroup and see where we're at so all right adjust our speed all the way down throttle up break off ripper good we're flying pipe [Music] you're running about 28 inches right there like a dream [Music] hey [Music] so so check this dance here running about uh 40 inches mike that's looking great i'll hit this wet spot here i think you're going to have to pull it for a little bit my spot over that this is one of those scenarios where i just want to kind of quit before i'm ahead i'm actually still able to pull the plow we're on just a little bit of a side slope as you guys can see it's really wet the dough just wanted to kind of work its way down and i really want to go straight so i'm gonna have matt just hook on to me and we're gonna plow on through here straight for a little bit once i get up there where he's out back on that dry ground i should be able to maintain my own my own slope or my own trajectory that's the word i'm looking for that's a big word perfect looks like dale with rac showed up so um we'll get pulled on up here and then we'll get that power line located well going up i think you'll be able to track as long as you can stay up on the hill and ain't gonna take a whole lot you gotta pull me just gotta keep me straight all right i'm back moving on my own what we're gonna cross that power line at is about uh 47 inches deep so he said if we come across at about 36 inches you'd be comfortable with that so that's going to be our goal is to plow up to it about 36 inches feet look at me back here on the plow i need to be no no more than 36 inches all right now we know where we're gonna cross that out we're going to dig down and just kind of verify our depth here it's showing about 48 49 inches we don't want to trust the machine rather have a good visual on that so we know what we got i don't want to dig too big a hole i like to cross it with the dozer and the plow check it 25 down we still pretty much the center of the hole so so hard to see it gets all holes filling up with water we did visually locate the line it is right there we dug down right there visually located the wire we come across on this plane right here will give us about 12 inches of separation which is what the utility company wants so that will be absolutely perfect the question is hopefully we don't collapse too much or cause too much collateral damage coming across there i know you guys can't see the wires that's already covered up with water but i say we just take her nice and slow and easy and see what happens yeah you ready [Music] so we're getting ready to plow across the high voltage line we've got a hole dug right up there in front of dozer we're hoping to drive right across it the plow come out at the depth that we've dug down to visually found the line put the pipe across it go back in where we can't see it [Music] so you guys can see the hole right there [Music] pretty close [Music] hold that for just a second mike let me look down in the hole clapped a little bit there [Music] [Music] [Music] keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going they make shovels for stuff like that i even brought it over here oh man look at that weird dead now it's on great that's perfect dead nuts all right let's go a little further what do you say it's hard to find good operators nowadays it's your spotter that made you that you nailed it so we dug down there and found the tip of the plow it is perfectly in line with the depth that we wanted so mike's hopping back in the dozer there later it taker chip that sounds like a really good plan you guys can tell that dirt that's built up right there the tip of the plow is just right there basically actually see the metal now perfect couldn't ask for no better you're actually a couple inches higher than what we thought with the bottom of the plow [Music] he is going to cut through your tape [Music] hold that just a second mike let me stand on that pipe don't stand on the pipe because i saw it bump up just a little bit there all right go ahead [Music] beautiful doesn't get much better than that [Music] all right all right guys that's a big relief to be across that thing we probably got about 200 maybe 300 feet of pipe left on this roll that way to get another roll we're going up a pretty good little grade right here so i'm just going to drag chain this and keep it there run this one out before i get the laser set up once we get the top of this hill it kind of levels off and goes into that low spot i want to make sure we come in there pretty good so let me run this out and then we'll get reset check it out guys what's the kind of job that plow does the ditch actually did not collapse right here look at it it's just laying down in there as nice as can be so first run is out matt's getting the second run hooked up into it it was kind of a nasty plowing up through here it's really wet hard to get traction and we had to go really deep we're actually kind of shortcutting this a little bit the ditches over there so what we've come up with is if we can come across this knoll right there where the lasers at uh four foot deep which is about exactly where we're at or maybe uh maybe an inch off that not much basically what that should allow us to do because once we cross this laser we can lose two feet of elevation between here or two feet of depth i should say two feet of depth between here and the wet hole up there we got a little bit of a slide to go through we'll have two feet of cover right there so we should end up two feet deep up here at the hole and i kind of sharp shortcut a little bit and save them some height so we're gonna get our second round of pipe hooked up so far the 120 has been able to be just enough extra assistance to uh get us plowed through here if we get another 30 40 feet we're gonna be really good ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] we got our connection all made you got some tile tape got it all taped together checking our depth here as you guys can see right there's our four foot mark we're uh we're maybe just a few inches shy but we're really close we got we got a little bit of room to work up there on the other end i'm gonna try to gain a little bit of dip between here and there going to pull me on back here for a little bit i think if you can pull me another 40 50 feet i think we'll be all right so we'll go that distance and get our laser guidance set up and amber down again here we go so all right matt's gotta be pulled along i think i'm in a position now where i can basically pull myself we're starting to lose depth running right on grade so see how far we can keep it all right we are closed still on grade matt had to pull me a few times coming through there i think they buried a brush pile through there i think they uh plowed through a little brush problem i think we're back under our own tire again let's get this last little bit here and see what happens hold lot we snagged something else again i don't know i think it's some underground looking back in the trenches some underground trees like uh they buried a brush pile or something there man it's got to pull me through this next one here i go for a little ways then i just hit something and stop so so so so hmm so so me [Music] oh so we'll just uh go ahead and put the tea and riser on that just let it all go through the plow negative you don't think that'll work negative oh come on now yep all right let's do this i'm hoping we're pretty shallow now we're only about two feet in the ground which is exactly where we wanted to be somehow that worked out but uh see if we can get through there last 25 to 30 feet [Music] so [Music] you're running about 36 inches there mike [Music] [Music] might raise the blade up [Music] that's about 28 inches right there [Music] so you're good [Music] yes the pipe is out of it it's the bathtub well let me tell you i thought that was going to be a quick easy little simple run that was an absolute adventure getting here i think the water's going down the pipe though that's a good sign back here and up there big nice little tornado for uh now we know where to put the riser huh there was close to 18 inches of water in this hole and it drained out rather quickly which is encouraging we're gonna go ahead and try to get this riser on here i'm gonna name off this little bit of water they end up this little bit of water coming in here yet so maybe try to help keep mr millennial a little bit dryer as we put that riser on pipe should be two awful deep right there it should be right here in this neighborhood here oh like i just hit it nope they're out all right that's gonna be a white one [Music] gotta be close right there [Music] [Music] i don't think i have the right shoes fart oh man sorry about your life where did shuffle go back to the ranger back of the ranger i can't do that though if you got a cut i could probably take the excavator and just rip this end out you can try that i think i have it cut well i'll let you know so you start pulling let's find out let's see what happens here hold that now i haven't got quite all the way [Music] it's all yours you guys can see the pipe right there clean it up a little bit let's pop on that one the pipe's dry that's a good thing it is dry can you take another bucket out about two feet so that'll fit just kind of scoop it beautiful [Music] oh yeah she's going she's one swift kick away from being there can you get your shovel in behind it and yeah oh yeah that's it he's going there baby sweet i guess i can hand you the risotto oh no you just stand there and don't look perfectly darn sure can't do that nice all right let me fill in around that we'll let racist water go in well guys right there is how we're going to leave it here at the end of the day holes drained out pretty good i actually pushed a little bit of mud down around there i need to clean that out a little bit before i leave everything down through there is cleaned up and good to go this is kind of um kind of how we've been leaving these projects here is matt and i have been coming in getting all the pipe plowed in and then i kind of take the 850j and just rough up these dams strip a little bit of topsoil get the bulk of the dam pushed up and jerry's been coming in behind us with a d4g and just kind of really polishing everything off and putting the fine touches on it's just that thing there is just a little too big to be up here walling around these small dams you can see i almost got myself in trouble right here definitely don't want to collapse any pipe or cause any trouble and uh that system seems to be working out pretty good the only bad part about that system is you guys don't see a lot of the finished products because uh jerry's did it i'm not around to film but if you want me to go back and maybe get do like a whole video everything we plowed in this spring and kind of see what it looks like late summer fall comment down below and uh let me know one thing i did learn today for sure is the way we have that grade rod set up that does not work i that's even more important than what i thought was to have that thing around front mimicking the front of the boot we were able to get by just because we had so much room for air coming up that hill but uh if we get in a situation where we got to be just right on the money that's not gonna work the other thing is i forgot to mention earlier you guys have been asking how come we haven't been using the laser chaser here recently uh mostly because all the fields we've been in got a lot of slope or grade to them so it's just the main a matter of maintaining depth not necessarily needing to maintain a a really close grade but we're leaving here we are loading up and we're going to a big job we've actually put in about 15 000 feet of pipe so far to date and the next job we gotta put a hundred thousand feet in so i really hope you guys don't get bored of the tile plow because uh we're gonna try to hammer that out we're gonna try to hammer that out quick now a lot of these ones have been kind of short difficult more difficult runs down there it's big wide open fields we're actually pattern tiling so it should go pretty quick we should be able to really hammer it out the laser chaser is going to be essential that's actually the job we built this tile plow far so it's been great to kind of get all this experience and all these different scenarios so we can get to that one just absolutely hammer down but as you guys can see the rain's moving in again i need to get loaded up get out of here and get to the next job hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did give her a big ol thumbs up definitely helps the channel want to make sure you don't miss out on the next ones consider subscribing guys that way we can uh yeah catch you on the next one have a go guys we're out you
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 302,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power lines, andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, trackhoe, welker farms, tile plow, farm, drainage, how to, drainage tile, farm drainage, drainage pipe installation, bulldozer working, surface water, water, surface water drainage, drainage system, ditch, excavator working
Id: 5Q6XK3VnjAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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