Reacting to Linus react to my PC Build TRAINWRECK!

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what a train wreck xcpc build stream yo wide people happy guys [Music] okay okay again i'm reacting to his reaction this is reacception what a train wreck xcpc build stream reaction you're the kind of person who piles on when somebody's already having a bad time but here's the situation xqc reached out to me a number of weeks back asking for help with a new gaming pc i pointed out that i'm sure anyone and their dog would be happy to send him a free gaming pc in exchange for a tweet given his popularity but i did offer my help if he really needed it and then i promptly never heard anything about it ever again guys in my dependable chat guys this this is how i treat the k are there p if this is not it says let me do about them okay it's just it's just a life philosophy okay i feel bad people that interact with me okay but this is how bigger streamers at celebrity andes any youtubers smaller this is how anybody interacts with me dude this is just how it's just how i deal with things i don't know why it's just how it is until i was streaming today and you guys wouldn't stop talking about how apparently horrible his build was so given that i did offer to help i will with no guilt not ego what be critiquing i don't select qc's pc build i've never done a reaction video before so wish me luck just like i feel lucky to tell you about our sponsor written wallet while it wants to redefine the wallet with its compact frame and rfid blocking plates check out how they can keep your wallet bulge down and use offer code linus too hold up let me just fix the volume remember the one earlier i i kind of bugged it um it was over here like this and like that and this should be good to go save 10 and get free worldwide shipping we're building this bad boy does he be able to run minecraft at unlimited fps uh is that my face it is my face why is my face on his stream okay first things first um yeah i want to unbox everything but first things first i'ma set myself up on the carpet now we did show recently in our collab with electro boom that the risk of actually damaging your components with electrostatic discharge is pretty low but i probably still wouldn't go out of my way to sit on a low pile carpet and unbox computer hardware so motherboard goes first i got a rog cross air v iii formula dude wanna catch up this is a very overpaid computer okay some of these parts were really way more expensive than it should have been but it's covered and whatnot so it is what it is man is he actually gonna water cool because that motherboard has like integrated chipset water cooling first we'll open the actual cpu itself what and then i know what i i don't know what he just said this is usually like 900 bucks but it was like a 1.7 k because of uh scalpers feels weird man he paid 700 dollars oh but there's nobody there's no alternatives this is the piece that is worth all the money right here little metal bracket up oh my god this must be how people feel watching me handle stuff like seemingly not carefully i assure you guys i know what i'm doing but i'm not actually convinced that felix knows what he's doing oh that got it you gotta you gotta pull out from the thing okay okay put the arm the other way also what's important here the most important part of all this is the bragging rights whenever you build it all those stickers whenever you buy these boxes okay he's joking about this but i actually have like a whole sticker book with like a shiny kitty on the front of like old case badges from yeah like way back like 10 15 years ago 128 gigs of ram juicers so these sticks are i'm sorry this the word juicers he's now used to doing juicers twice he's got 128 gigs of ram and a gaming pc and he's calling them juicers i'm really not sure i'm following so far i want to try one pc setup with a really good computer and if it's not it doesn't work as well as i thought it would i'm going to kind of like break it in two and make two pcs with my old pc and the new new parts and split in half and we're gonna get two pc setup okay i kind of understand what he's talking about here so if this single computer gaming and streaming setup doesn't work then he can take 64 gigs of this hundred and twenty eight yes slot for a gaming and streaming machine and put it into a separate machine okay let me do a little explaining boys i know sometimes you guys already know this okay and you're like like a tech genius so this is um i don't know why this movie doesn't have it but normally you're gonna have two colors right these are your channels sometimes something called dual channel i think or something like that okay that's very close the memory slots are color coded so you will correctly install your dual channel memory but they're not color coded according to the channels it's actually the other way around they're color coded so that your monkey brain will put two sticks in the same colors and get dual channel operation but it's actually the two separate channels that are the same color dual channel now you know open the browser at the back one two three four okay then we're gonna wedge the ram inside the computer it's backwards okay this is normal more about it everybody makes that mistake i usually put this on the side that doesn't have the lever on first now on the one hand he says i usually okay and that's not even wrong to put it in the side that doesn't have the latch first but he usually but then this is actually hard and scanning your thing and [ __ ] among us what i'm telling you dude am i doing this well yeah i love the coaching from the background do you have the lever open unfortunately it's so poorly put in that i'm gonna it's it's gonna break i'm gonna lose it why is my face keep showing up is this like a twitch feature stick number two twitch chat's already like call linus it's backwards again dude okay next is going to be the m2 drives okay what would our cool technological advancement boys uh we don't have to have these uh see this is like the old ssds which are it's been nine minutes and he has installed the cpu in memory they're very popular those are a little bit better they're a little faster they're little less of a hassle to put in it's true and thankfully boys we got two of them he is in for a real nightmare if he wants to configure nvme raid on well really any platform but i know that is i've done amd's recently and it's not fun i think it's a company called rocket and they make those in like crazy storage like okay uh sabrin uh they have the rocket line up up to eight terabytes um i think that the m2 drives are hidden under here after the bolted can i just say for a moment that i love the quebecois of englishing d-bolt it unscrew depot who cares same thing i'm just going to d-bolt it de-boltable like attachments transformer-looking things like that oh it's just a strip i've seen worse drops these are like support bolts or whatever standoffs and we're gonna go set it up are those spongebob socks because i definitely approve that really is not all the way in good thing twitch chat is babysitting oh he's no it's still not in isn't that in okay i'm stupid overall i've i've seen far worse i've seen far worse not for the second one wait is he gonna screw it in uh oh it's a dual bolt collider dude the x back the x back plate what guys i had to screw in the [ __ ] x back plate before the motherboard oh the back is open no okay all right the bill i got the kraken seven seven three guys i thought back in the days you had to put like like a weird thing at the back and put the x juicer and then bolt it from down to up chat recommended i really don't know that i would buy a computer based on twitch chat's recommendations pre-applied therapist people say it's bad i don't necessarily agree i kind of like it people say it's bad nobody says pre-applied thermal paste yeah people say that self-applied face not because i'm lazy actually just because i'm lazy and that's a triple radiator wait why is he trying to put it in the top dude it actually doesn't fit i can see his twitch chat right here telling him to call me no shot it goes inside what the [ __ ] you're talking about man up until this point of the video i kind of thought he was just playing a character because he would be like oh yeah it's kind of called this so i don't know and then proceed to completely correctly explain what it is pretty much but now i'm just really not so sure remove the case i have to remove now does he not know that you can remove side panels dude it can't mount it's too big yeah this doesn't fit it just it just it just doesn't he's got to be he's got to be just pretending like i think you guys are just suckers i'm not sure i always pretend for content guys just fine guys if ruining the case fans is a [ __ ] hassle so he a hundred percent knew that he can put the radiator in the front you just didn't want to remove 12 screws to i'm gonna read but the message i sent him it's possible we could get you hooked up with the system and we'd love to collab but surely you'd have at least half a dozen system integrators on speed dial who could get you anything you want if you're not in a hurry it'd be a fun project but we're still undergoing renovations and not in a position to tackle anything big like the creeper pc we built for pewds at the moment if you're in a hurry it may be faster to just get hooked up with a pc builder just let me know email's best for me since this is a shared inbox with many other staff here if you wasn't willing to remove 12 screws guys guys it's not about the screws chat is that in the pc if it's if it's p if if the fans come with the case okay you have to d um you have to cut the wire holders and split up and all the wires go loose and it's crazy already pre-installed and pre-wired and already pre-settled it's going to be terrible to remove them i just said that no it's going to be 12 screws to remove i i can't do anything what oh he doesn't know how to remove the front you just gotta you gotta pop it just de-mold the whole thing yes i think we need to de-bolt the whole thing oh wow that's gonna be a lot of fun guys they're welded through the mesh dude oh my god no they're oh i bought this thing over here so i pulled this in at the top the speed with which he switches between eureka moments and having no idea what's going on again okay well this is remarkably really tough little chat this is literally soldered together no and re-screw our thing manually at the top so we can put the the cpu fan intake from the side it was a magnet this hole in the top is going to push or some i don't know again he's demonstrating fairly deep knowledge he knows that we're gonna have pole fans at the front and we're gonna have push fans at the back the reason why i sort of know in depths of a knot because one of my brother would build pcs he would tell me about it but i would only remember certain parts he said yo dude a computer uh airflow push-pull push-pull it's gonna push suck fresh air and push hot air out balanced airflow but then he thinks his case is welded together i don't wait a minute it doesn't fit of course all you had to do was you just had to leave the fans exactly where they were and just put the screws that came with your radiator through them we need to go way back to basics and do a 4b wait a minute wait that makes sense dude i could just debuff them leave them there no but even with the radiator on is the gpus that wouldn't fit though beginners build like really for beginners we need to bring in a committee of qualified beginners to ask their questions as we go and make sure that we answer every single one of them dude there's not enough space for three of them why is he trying to put three fans there is he faking it because he came with three of them no it doesn't go like this it turn it around now it's an intake well the [ __ ] it's going through the plastic i spun this thing the both ways and you guys said wrong side of both times what the fiat about dude the radiator should fit in here yes it does all right we got the radiator in okay why would you have the tubes down aren't they going to work against gravity dude fun fact in a closed loop gravity kind of is like cancelled out you could think of it that way because gravity might pull some of the water down but then that equal force will push the other water like up like it's wait a minute yeah but once you want gravity to be doing that process and on top of the pumping instead of doing that motion through mechanical pumping entirely doesn't really matter somebody said tubes down won't fit with the gpu longer lifespan of the product got it i actually don't know if that's gonna reach with the tubes on the bottom i know it's like more optimal for the pump to last longer but it actually just might not reach oh and then you install the thing on the bracket and then you bracket it in there we go oh wire it's not the same size dude no no it's fine you got the other holes it's okay it doesn't fit dude it does it's fine well we're gonna be using those then that we have to use those then people are gonna tell them to flip it around right oh no no no no no no no pace is oh the pace is gone oh my god no way it's impossible to clean this one no no it doesn't go on that side of that now how do we do it what wait is he gonna put one corsair fan and then like other nzxt dude the fans are on the wrong side man guys the wires on the other side fans can go on any side of the radiator you want it doesn't matter if they're on this side then they blow and if they're on this side then they suck it's it's the wire goes inside the computer this goes on the outside good this is gonna hang the whole thing together yeah fans then need to go inside the [ __ ] bracket it doesn't matter so like this then that's fine the bracket goes at the back and then the bracket goes inside at the back logo outside yeah this side okay okay dude i literally from the start i don't know if you had it right the whole time but yes fundamentally what you're saying is sound so the logo the sticker uh the on the hub okay that points towards the direction the air goes this is this is fine i need to say nzxt on the way upwards way over the radiator this is like so radiator facing outside the cage it is completely installed just fine i mean the fans the cables are coming off in a way that the cable management is gonna suck but like it's it's mostly fine it only fits this way i think no he does have the tubes at the top so yes the fans are sticking right up next to the window okay i mean that's not gonna affect the functionality of the machine rog strix gaming graphics star geforce rtx 3090 nvidia asus or oc o'clock 2040 gpu juicer there it is i don't think that's gonna fit that thing that's an enormous card if it wasn't coveted i would just fly out there and build it for him i can't [ __ ] screw it it's actually not lined up oh that no that's fine you just gotta you just gotta kind of you know get the screw in there and kind of yeah you know dude i'm pushing right now i can see how that would be really confusing for people uh i think this case is just trash i mean look and even then even the gpu slot doesn't line up dude unless you're meant to use the squares part but i don't think so no please don't do that no that's not necessary you just don't [ __ ] get there dude look at the oh look at him so much anger you're not gonna fit this in there i mean yeah yeah i just thought about this this is [ __ ] dumb it's not like he has a completely invalid point the manufacturing tolerances of computer cases and the way that pci backplates sometimes don't quite have the mounting holes lying you know what i figured out was a problem if i de-bolted the motherboard a little bit a tiny bit and i loosened it and i pushed the whole motherboard to the side and then re-bolted it it would have given giving me a bigger a play zone to get the screws in and up can be extremely frustrating especially for a new builder and i can see how if you've spent you know two grand on a graphics card you don't want to be like like pushing and pulling on it but the reality of it is a lot of the time when i'm manhandling stuff and i seem really careless actually it was a 2.8 grand i i'm actually just like kind of doing what you need to do you got to have you got to put some force on it sometimes you got to understand that the kinds of costs that pc case manufacturers are targeting it's just it kind of comes with the territory okay i'm gonna re-box some of this stuff i can't chat we need a new case there you go corsair honest consumer review your case a disaster the good news is i don't think any of this stuff is broken okay now i feel worse because at the beginning it was pretty clear that he was just pretty much knew what he was doing but was kind of like playing a character then by the end it's obvious that he was ready to huck the gpu at the wall so felix if you're watching this my offer still stands i dm'd you i would be happy to walk you through this we can make that case work you can you can destroy that case get rid of it do whatever you need to do donate it get a different one but um just let me know because uh i'm i'm here for you my mystery so the case was a disaster does he agree does he agree that the case is a disaster is that is that what he said he agreed right oh canadian just like i'm here for my audience to tell them about freshbooks freshbooks is the easy-to-use accounting software specifically designed with you in mind the small business owner freshbooks has everything you need to manage your books including invoicing expenses time tracking i'm gonna send them tonight i'll ask you what would be the best case for that current build i thought i thought the fractal was pretty good and it's got built-in automation so you can spend less time invoicing expensing and tracking projects and more time doing what matters most whether you're a tradesperson creative agency or youtuber they've got a plan that's right for you and if you're having trouble their award-winning toronto-based support team is always happy so don't wait try freshbooks for free for 30 days today no credit card required at linus normally at the end of our videos we throw to another similar video we've made that you can go enjoy but since we fractal yes we can match oh okay because you have one it makes whatever now like this before why don't you go watch linus reads mean comments they're me i'm not really the well that was very nice okay because he didn't roast me too hard because he got he didn't roast me too hard but because i was you didn't follow the secret verge text first of all you're gonna need a table oh true how hard can it be if liz can do it it's your faultness it may look easy true guys i'm not subscribed you guys this yeah this is my business account boys this is this is a business account dude oh i'm sorry i i i didn't mean to i did i didn't mean to i just thought you i i don't know why it i i wish i had colors for this dude i'm not i never like or dislike videos guys i don't know how to explain it again and even if i did it you would still question mark make it i don't know what it is about communicating with other people i just i'm just smiling not the best communicator like uh five months somebody will show interest or they want to help whatever and i'll send it one vm and then my brain starts jamming and i end up never playing anybody [Music] give me you
Channel: xQcOW
Views: 1,413,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xQc, xqc, xqcow, overwatch, twitch, highlight, variety gamer, video games, streamer, reactions, react, reaction, xqc reacts, linus, linus tech tips, xqc pc build, computer build, xqc fail, fails, linus reacts, xqc linus, xqc reacts to linus, computer, pc, gaming pc, tutorial, funny moments, pc build, gaming pc build, pc build guide, gaming pc build guide, how to build a pc, gaming, budget gaming pc, best gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, custom computer, custom pc, tech tips, how to
Id: 0cZ1jY0pGnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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