I Gave NYC Strangers TAHO to Try, They Were Shocked?!

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Oh gosh! Wait, are you sure this isn't a prank? It's not poison? Oh my god, I'm so scared!!! Oh lord! Guy: Are these eggs?! Girl: Is this boba? Three two one what's going on everybody, it's Xiaoma We are back! So guys, our friends from that cafe Angela's Called us back from the halo-halo video And they said Hey Xiaoma! It seems like the strangers in New York City Really enjoyed the halo halo, eating it for the first time And I was like, yeah duh, it was great So they were like, okay Well how's about we make you some taho And you bring it to them to try And I was like, "Taho? I've actually..." You know what, I've never had that before So They made us some, guys! And... I am so excited to try this today Because I've actually never had taho before It's really kind of rare in New York City Oh my god This looks so beautiful Okay Wow, it's nice and warm Now that is nice! Wow, it's really silky Oh my god, this is good guys! So they made us a bunch of tahos, little mini tahos And we're just gonna take them to people in the park and see what they think about them If you guys like watching these videos, please leave me a subscribe And umm... Let us know what other Filipino videos you guys would want to be featured on this channel Alright guys! Let's go introduce people to taho today! Thanks Augee! Bye! And if you guys want to check out Angela's, they do actually make great ice cream (and taho!) But let's go Do some taho today! Come on, baby! Oh my god, I'm scared! No, no, so nothing to be scared about So basically It's a dessert / snack called taho Okay Have you heard about that before? No Here you go Oh no!!! It's warm?! So just...open it and try it? Yeah! Oh god... I can tell you're a little nervous, but it's... Oh gosh! It looks so interesting! Mix it up first Oh, mix it up? Yeah Oh gosh! I'm scared! It's actually really good! It's just a weird texture... And it like...kind of scares me It looks like chicken It reminds me of something, but I don't know what But...it tastes good! It...reminds you of chicken? It looks...the tofu looks like chicken! Oh, I see And so, I just It looks like a weird soup It doesn't look appetizing but it... It tastes good! Oh wait... He's trying it?! Wait, if I'm gonna try it I want to try it before Kelso! Yeah, I'm gonna try it! It's good! I don't know what it reminds me of Flan! Oh, a little bit, there's some vanilla flavor in there Okay, ready Kelso? Try it, Kelso! Kelso likes it! Right: It's all getting on my jacket, but that's okay! Left: Is that yummy? I think he likes it! Looks like he likes it! You like it, Kelso? You're getting it on my jacket! So today, we have...taho! And, we're curious to see if you've ever had anything like this before What you think about the flavor Wait, are you sure this isn't a prank? No, it's not a prank! It looks a little bit suspicious? What do you think? Yeah...alright, so... What is this? Tofu Okay This is actually pretty good! No, this is actually pretty good! So what is it? So it's tofu So it's tofu A little bit of caramel sugar Xiaoma: And...vanilla Guy: Oh, that's why it's good! It's really good! Sago pearls as well, like tapioca Okay! So this is mine, right? It's yours, yeah! No, you must give it back to us! No, it's yours! Never! Well, so basically... It's a dessert called... Taho, from the Philippines What is it? It's ice [cream]...? Oh, it's hot! It's a little warm! Oh, it's warm! You want to try one too? Oh, wait a minute! I'm scared! We can share I don't want to waste... Oh my god, I'm so scared!!! Why, what do you think it is? It's not gonna kill you, I don't think... It's a little watery It's a little watery The consistency is a little different! We're gonna try it because you said we would! So what it is is actually...tofu Tofu? Tofu, yes Why does it say... Oh lord! Guy: Are these eggs?! Girl: Is this boba? I'm not...y'all, we in this together! You want to mix it up to get the sweetness at the bottom! ...sweetness? Yeah Well... Are you ready? Cheers! Ready? Bon appétit! Oh lord! Eat it! I'm getting...Cream of Wheat vibes! [American hot breakfast cereal] It tastes like Cream of Wheat, oatmeal What's the texture, though? I don't like the texture!!! Hamilton! Come try this! I'm sorry though, because the culture... Like I'm here for the culture, but it's... My tastebuds are not... It does taste like Cream of Wheat! Cream of Wheat A little bit, yeah It's not bad but It's not my forte... It's not a prank...? It's not a prank Is it gonna make me sick? It is not gonna make you sick Is it like ice cream? It's warm What's in it? Tofu, sago pearl Okay, well I'm gonna tell you right now, I am a texture person Already, this is not the texture I enjoy I don't like...gelatinous things And this seems rather gelatinous It's a little sweet... Just do it! It's not bad! Cool, there we go! Not bad! "Not bad"! Not bad! It's better than it looks? It's fine! Yeah I like it, thanks! It kinda just tastes like oatmeal or something Somebody actually said that today Oatmeal Yeah, this is Yep Girl: It's okay, it's not as bad as you think it is! Guy: Looks strange! Yeah It's actually not bad! Really? No! You want to try? Man I'm not big on tapioca But you are big on tofu I am big on tofu He does like tofu Okay Very skeptical at the beginning Yeah, it's like sweet tofu Thank you! Cool, have a good one guys! Do you want this back? No, it's yours! I'm taking it back! So it's basically like a tofu based... It's warm! Sweet, it's a little warm, yeah Is it like flan? Actually people have been saying it tastes like flan, today This is interesting! The balls dripped out! Have you seen anything like that before? No, I can't say I have! This is interesting Tastes like oatmeal Oh you know what? I guess a little bit Kinda like oatmeal with cinnamon in it No, I don't want to! Have you ever seen anything like that before? No, never! I mean...it's okay, it tastes like tofu though! Want to try? It's like sweet tofu! It's okay though, I like it! Have you ever had any flavors like that before? Like other desserts? No, not really, no! It's not poison? It's nothing weird, it's not poison This is a dessert? Yeah, sort of like a snack How do you like it? It's not bad! Yeah, there we go! I like the texture It's weird, but... It's okay Why is it weird? It's more like a texture thing This...tofu...sweetness... Is not a thing in America And people are just like Really...I felt like today, were... Very weirded out by the... The texture... You know, it's not really a thing in America, this type of food But you know? People tried it, and they actually were surprised by the flavor So that was really cool But then yeah, you give it to Chinese people, they're like... "Oh, we've seen this before!" But it was cool that they liked it as well See you next time! Bye bye!
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 5,312,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, yt:cc=on, food, street food, food interview, nyc, new york, filipino food, taho, taho nyc, nyc taho, americans try filipino snacks, halo halo, first time, filipino food new york, philippines, filipino taho, filipino taho recipe, taho filipino dessert, filipino street food taho, pinoy taho, pinoy taho a taste of home, americans try filipino food, first time trying filipino food, Tauhue, tau huay, tofu, doufu hua
Id: KBckeRChNT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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