I Found the EGG HATCHER 9000 in Pixelmon!

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I can't stop running I must have eggs please someone send help my legs they're turning into jello [Music] what's going on guys Sunmi here and welcome back to some more pixelmon i do today is my last episode before the challenge this coming of thursday you guys know that the gym battle challenge is all about eggs we can hatch three different pokemon or we could break three different pokemon to the gym this coming up Thursday and the only way to get these Pokemon are from eggs and I have a crap ton of eggs here hatching in between episodes apparently I been read he built an egg Hatcher 9000 which check this out let me get these eggs here and once that aren't hatched but this is all you do it's the egg Hatcher 9000 and there's also workout music listen there goes one of my 2k eggs okay and what I do instead of just running with this thing on my screen I just store this so that so that art goes away okay so what I'm gonna do like I said we can bring a board there's two more oh holy crap they are all of these almost ready oh this one's almost ready and the 10k is almost ready our goal this episode it's to get three strong Pokemon I have like seven 10-kilometer eggs if we can get three Snorlax that'll be G frequency and also they added another building over here we'll check that out in a second and I also have these four master chests that will open up in a second let me first let me finish hatching this egg we need like 250 more metres egg Hatcher 9000 but this is Opie and there we go that 10 kilometer is ready okay so let's put that in there sort that okay so we have all of these eggs ready to hatch let's put down our PC because remember on this page here my page - these are all the Pokemon that I'm thinking about you this this side is at my trash pokemon that I got from eggs this side are my maybe Pokemon that I might use we'll check that out a minute first let me open up these master chests let's see what we get so if we shift that okay metal coat hold on let me look up what a metal coat does oh this is a held item which we can use for this next challenge it increases steel type attacks but our moves by 1.2 X so 20% boost that is pretty good okay next master ball there what zap zap cannon that's an electrical attack hold on the power on zap cannon is a hundred and twenty it's almost as strong as giga impact granted it's only accurate 50% of the time but if this hits somebody it paralyzes them and also keep in mind remember over here Honolulu see yeah this right here I have an electric gem remember the electric gem this gives my next electric attack 50% more damage that goes well with that okay let's go back over here and let's open up these other two ah master chess okay so if we shift right click that changes it to the server and then open fire stone okay this is for evolving a Pokemon and whatnot okay let's open up this last one give me a master ball uh I aya Papa AIA papa berry what the heck does this do alright let's do this first up let's open up I believe the blue ones hold on let's type in egg uh okay let's see here okay so the blue ones are two kilometers the red ones are five kilometers and the green ones are ten okay first stuff let's do all the two kilometers give me some starters here we go go uh freaking spear of what is the deal with Spiros next two kilometer will Pikachu okay we already have a Pikachu right actually well Pikachu turns into a riot you I already all right you already looked at that right you isn't that strong we'll put it on the right side on the discard pile okay let's keep going two kilometer uh another spear Oh what is wrong with this server a two-kilometer another sparrow delete both of you you trash cans the next two kilometer a jiggly but I already have a Jigglypuff game the place our last two kilometer please give me something good with Geodude oh if I could evolve this Geodude into a golem that is a pretty good pokemon for PvP we're gonna store this Geodude over here on the left-hand side okay alright let's keep going let's open up so we have five or three five kilometer eggs okay so from the five kilometer eggs don't break the amount of Pokemon we can kid there's a crap-ton but we can we can't get some good stuff so let's see your first five kilometer egg the place up a doduo I already have two of these game please why do you keep giving me to say let's over this next one please no doduo is it a bug I just got another doduo this game has got to be broken okay next one I just got three Doh duo's in a row this has got to be broken what the heck is going on right now I swear feast 10k eggs are all broken I am uninstalling minecraft here we go first egg 10-kilometer give me a freaking Snorlax what is this mr. mime I think I already got a mr. mime yeah here's mr. mime right there did so I have to mr. mimes yeah I'm pretty sure last time I opened a 10-kilometer egg last episode I got a mr. mime and level 15 okay next 10-kilometer mr. mime hitmonlee okay I got a hitmonlee okay so the hitmonlee level 39 hit mom Louise are pretty good I'll put this on the left-hand side for now but the freaking mr. mime has horrible stats I remember now oh good lord let's keep going what is this a freaking mr. mime oh my gosh please game three more 10-kilometer eggs please game no mr. mime freaking mr. mime oh my gosh next cycle our Snorlax jinx hold on I'm pretty sure in pixelmon not in Pokemon go but I'm pretty sure in pixelmon a jinx can evolve hold on oh dang it no I'm wrong it does have an evolution but a pre evolution it's called a Smoochum okay so what are the stats of a jinx not that good last 10 kilomettre egg please don't be a freaking mr. lime if you are a mr. mime I will cut you what is it onyx oh I know in Pokemon go onyx sucks and in pixelmon onyx sucks but it can evolve into a steelix let me look up the stats of the steelix I mean the stats are not bad it's got a total of 510 200 defense I mean that's not bad it is stealing ground so it's resistant to virtually everything so that's not bad I may use that I'm not sure we'll think about that okay so what I'm gonna do now I'm all out of eggs for now we're gonna think of a steam what like I said I can bring three Pokemon to the final battle alright so I think I know my team and let me know if this is a good team or not I'm not sure it's out of these six Pokemon right now so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put up the horse eat the Hitmonlee and the meter ran so this is gonna be my team we have a magic card which turns it to a Gyarados we have a Geodude that's gonna turn into a golem and an onyx that turns into a steelix and if you guys are let me grab my pc if you guys remember off from one of those master chat those master ball chests we got that uh that i think it's like the steel coat I believe yeah the steel the metal coat which if we put this on a Geodude or not the Geodude the the the Onyx if I trade somebody it'll turn into a steelix we'll do that in a minute so what I'm gonna do for now let me grab let me grab my Snorlax and my fear oh so I could fly around let's level up our Pokemon by the end of this episode I want to evolve all three of our Pokemon into its final form oh I just got another a exp share that's my second one I forgot I had that other one remember what exp share does let me take off this metal coat if I put an exp share on Onix he will share experience watch so if I throw out but let's find a Pokemon yeah this numel over here sorry Newell this is for science if I throw my Snorlax at him noon will come here help me stop running your this is going to happen so if I body slam this my Onix just got 820 experience and leveled up twice we are gonna level up like Rizzo and I forgot to tell you guys Qian told us we have a level cap on this next challenge of like 60 to 70 did I tell you that I don't freaking know I have a memory of a goldfish let's go grab this other exp share yeah and let's put this on I guess Geodude yeah let's put that on Geodude if we could find another exp share that'll be good oh yeah while I'm back here check this out this building here this is called been real ABS ink org gig of calm and in here is been reached win but can told us not to mess with him just yet he's still working on him and apparently he'll tell us something if we beat him I have no clue and then there's been raised I / changer and then over here there's been really I have no freaking clue he told us not to mess with those for now let's go level up our Pokemon for this final battle and we're also going to be looking for new eggs leather it's three leather and a string good lord game we're gonna be looking for new eggs just in case I I don't know I kind of like the team that I have they're extremely tanky except for the Gyarados that's not real that tank but the other two are extremely tanky slimeball so Idol no I kind of like the team I have will see what you guys tell me I'm not sure so again let's level these things oh here's a trainer let's go wreck this trainer so remember I have these exp shares held Nicolas let's go I have let's one shot your entire team with body slam get freaking rekt there we go Oh Gio do just level dog he learned mud sport and rock polish well that's Raynor just got rekt let's keep going so our Geodude is at level 14 our Onix is at level 14 and I also have a lucky egg on our Snorlax I don't know if that helps anything what kind of fighting Jim and re revives aren't good for the final battle they are good to have but they're not good for the final battle oh I just got a ground gem hold on a ground gem I can put this on either my golem or my onyx or my steelix and they will do a crap ton more damage in this final battle that is perfect oh that's a perfect gem to fight if we can get another one that'll be good another 5-kilometer egg that's not bad well keep running around to hats that I think what I'm gonna do now let's head back remember that Jim that small city without all the been reason rien lend Ruiz let's go power level our Pokemon there with our Snorlax yeah let's do that let's run back there to hatch this 5 kilometer egg oh yeah and I forgot to tell you on the server since we have this automated at rare candy farm can gave us a rule that we can only use 5 candies per Pokemon so we can't just spam candies on our pokerbot anymore there's a rule so we don't want to ruin the series and that's our rule okay so this this Henry you suck yeah you're too weak let's just go straight to Zen we hello Zen Bree I need to I need to level off your Pokemon here we go okay so let's body slam mm experience for Geodude and onyx oh oh this is actually good since both of these Pokemon our ground type Smackdown makes it to where ground abilities can be used against Flying type that is really good let's get rid of Harden for that okay let's keep fighting Isis or get body-slammed death oh that didn't kill them cor you're pretty strong homie there we go get wreck smackdown on golem also um I guess let's get rid of a rock throw yeah let's get rid of rock throw for that okay last guy is Gengar giga impact to the face oh yeah that doesn't work we're gonna have to switch to our fear Oh for this one let's drill pack his face get red there we go one more drill peck for the win okay and we got another ultra to my golem is evolving into or my Geodude is he falling into a alright golem gravel or I can't see you homie you're blocked this is the tiniest gravel or ever look at this okay so it's easy fault let's put the exp share on our magic card lets get him evolved on len free alright let Landry let's wreck your face really quick all right there we go Landry down and we got another polka chest okay so my magic harp is level 18 two more levels and it'll evolve okay let's open up this these two chests you would get shift right click okay ah Sun stone don't really care about that and egg bomb well hang on to that not sure how good that attack is alright let's go let's go heal up our Pokemon alright benriya I'm here to take you out what who left it Granderson uh hi how goes it okay so let's do this I don't really care about beating Ben reef I just cut okay are you recording uh yes yes okay Oh once that's the relaxed Magikarp should get a crap-ton a level slam who is slam good just took down Tyranitar now we are up against aa Metagross okay let's do deck giga impact okay we took him down half okay we need to rest yeah let's Metagross just killed my Snorlax now I have nothing else Pharaoh sorry homie you're gonna get one shot Onix you're going down to its stood ragged breath and we are good oh I have an idea my magic orb is trying to evolve no no I want to bring a zombie Magikarp to the final battle or a zombie carrot dose give me a minute right so what's through our magic carpet lava thing [Music] there we go he should evolve into it and this is the Pokemon we're gonna bring oh and qiansun oh good lord key inside I asked can to get on to help me out with this but look we we have our vomit turd that's gonna confuse the crap on a crane er in Jordan okay so I have something for kid yeah he's right here okay so I need help from him for a second hold on right so I have the metal coat on Onix right let's fer okay so if I trade so ready and trade okay now what's evolving for him he's gonna cancel that and give it back okay let's see so if I go back in here give him back his Mudkip ready and trade there we go nah now we're gonna have a mini golem look at ki and he's over there dancing oh oh my gosh can you are so freaking weird what it with a mini Sunday back there mini gold oh he's so cute sick okay so the golems done now let's do it again with our Onix right well got some bad news we just found out from one of the cert from one of the mod makers that steelix is not in this version we're working on updating our mod 2 version but there's no steelix ok Onix you are useless yet again you big give giant dog turd well maybe we can update I don't know so I'm gonna have to find another Pokemon my guess is I'm probably gonna use horsey we'll see because it evolves into a Kingdra but for now dudes I'm gonna end this here we have a golem and a guy Rideau so if you guys are still enjoying this series be sure to hit that like button down below and also if you're at all new to my channel be sure to hit that subscribe button and we'll see you dus next time [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,126,635
Rating: 4.9094033 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Pixelmon, Pokemon Go, Egg, 10Km, 5Km, 2Km, Egg Hatcher 9000, Golem, Gyarados, Shiny, Gym, Pokestop, Challenge, Pokemon, Battle, Team Mystic, Team Valor, Team Instinct, Ice Blast, Empoleon, Master Ball, IV and EV, Calculator, PvP, Gyms, Ultra Ball, Modded, Mod, Server, Multiplayer, Pokemon Map, Pokemon radar, minecraft pixelmon, zapdos, legendary, biggest, ever, epic, battle, Hilarious, lucky, block, series permiere, Mods, Prank, Troll, SMP, no cursing, no swearing, Lets play, Trainer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
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