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well this sucks the lamp in my bedroom just burned out does anyone have a spare light Bulbasaur I could use guys saw me here and welcome back to some more pixelmon that dudes where we left off if you remember you can see the gym back there Lettie mystic has taken over this episode as you can see by my house Craner and CaptainSparklez it you can just read the signs they hate my Snorlax so they changed my house 2 team in stinkin Team valor well-played sirs anyway so check this out in between episodes for like the past week or two I've been pretty busy first check out my inventory I have a crap ton of items here from killing bosses finding those little pokeballs that sit on the ground look at this III don't know what half this crap is I have a hyper potion hyper potion I know what that is I have a crap ton of pokeballs and also check this room out back here my garage I hit hello skeleton can you please stop there we go I created this dark garage I changed out all the windows all the glass to blackout-curtain so this room is my private grass growing section my private herbs please don't call the cops so I have all my berries growing back here I plan on automating all of this soon enough but ok what I'm gonna do this episode dudes it is Monday we have heard from kyun he has given us our new challenge he said we have not until this Thursday but the following Thursday hold on let me look this up September the 8th we have until September the 8th and what the challenge is we have to catch any of the starter Pokemon although let me go to this screen here any of these starter Pokemon right here from first gen all the way up to fifth gen we could collect any of these Pokemon and we have until next Thursday to train up three of these starter Pokemon to as strong as possible and then we'll head to the gym and battle it out with three of the starter Pokemon so let's go ahead let me grab one of these let's head back to the server so that's what we're gonna be doing this episode I I've wrote down three Pokemon that I want to catch three starters that I want to bring to the gym so I need to find out where they spawn and I also if you guys remember I have this shiny Magikarp I want to evolve that this episode two that is gonna be sick okay so one of the pokemon that spawned that I want spawns at the beach so hold on let me go to the map okay here's an ocean we could also find a Lapras here - so is this a beach hold on f3 yeah this is a beach if you look on the left side wait hold on what is that I know it really a level 6 Marilla wants to fight me round however the heck you pronounce that you get body-slammed homie get get rekt ok so the Pokemon I'm looking for they said it spawns on the beach hold on let me look this up yet has a percent chance to spawn on the beach a cold Beach uh uh uh yeah a cold beach at night hold on oh hold on I think that's a starter Pokemon - yeah that is a starter for that's the third the Tier three starter Pokemon like the third evolution but the what Qian said the rules are we can only catch the first evolution of the starter so I actually can't get that but that's not the Pokemon I'm looking for trying to think will it actually spawn on a beach or only in on a cold beach yeah I am not seeing this thing anywhere it must only spawn I don't know so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna fly around I still could catch those other two Pokemon so I'm getting like I said I'm gonna fly around look for these other two bottoms like I said I need a extreme Hales and I need a forest biome I think there's a forest biome yeah I'm gonna forest biome right now so if I find anything good I'll cut the recording back on let's see if we can cast these three starter Pokemon in one Episode oh I think that's one of them okay hold on is it Chimchar there we go oh hello little cute Chimchar and he wants to fight me okay so what I'm gonna do let's uh Chimchar make him yawn there we go I don't you attack me for two hit points okay let's yawned again just to make sure he act okay he's asleep now so what I'm gonna do let's send out our Scyther right there we go and then let's fall swipe his face there we go okay let's do it one more time to make sure he's actually sleeping okay they're always a walk back up that's fine let's go back to let's go to gasoline and then let's use uh hypnosis to put him to sleep did that work he avoided the attack oh please there we go now he's asleep let's go to bag pokeballs and ultra ball can we get this first one of three our fire tights there we go now we have our Chimchar okay so he's currently level eight uh hold on let me look this up he evolves into a Monferno at level 14 and then into the final stage which is the Infernape at level 36 and that's gonna be our first Pokemon that we take into the gym battles and the reason why I know you guys are thinking at Sunday why aren't you taking a Charizard the Infernape has the highest speed stat of all the starter fire pokemon from first gen to 5th gen oh here's another Chimchar I don't want to catch you because look at this the IV of my current Chimchar is 73% pretty inside and also the Chimchar has great attack stats great a special attack stats so hopefully this will be the best fire type we'll see okay let's head back out I need to find Apple is this a forest biome hold on let's hit f3 we're in extreme Hills roof force they can also spawn in roof force the next ah starter Pokemon that I'm looking for let's run around here for an honest no I don't want an honest shine forget honest they suck okay Kadabra dang it okay I'm gonna run around this biome for a while I want to find this next Pokemon because the last Pokemon the first one that I was looking for on the beach it's actually a cold Beach or any of the frozen rivers frozen oceans which I have yet to see on this server so that might take a little bit to find oh here's a chance cube okay I forgot to tell you guys if you look at my chance cube currently it's only Tier three apparently key and updated the chance cube mod and it got rid of the tier 4 appended so can't gave me a tier 3 instead sorry but at least we have a tier 3 it's half as good as the tier 4 let's see how this works no please I'll kill me ah a lucky block salute what is lucky one is not and you know my rule I have to open both please don't kill me inventory bow what the heck was that I thought I'd dropped a bunch of crap I got excited but it literally took everything out of my inventory and replaced it with dead bushes let me delete all that crap good lord what okay so it did nothing but let's keep running around this biome let's see if we could find this next Pokemon oh I think these are yeah these are iron ore berry bushes nice we don't have these yet we can add to our herbal dark room garden again please don't call the cops let's keep going okay oh I think that's a boss Pokemon hold on is it yellow or is it green I can't see oh it's green that's fine I'll take a green what boss Pokemon are like I told you I think last episode whenever you kill them you they that's how you get different items oh and there's a chance cube down there too okay so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna send out my might what was it called by Chimchar Chimchar on the boss so he gets experience okay and then let's switch out to Snorlax right okay I'm gonna take some damage oh that's fine what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna see you on to put him to sleep and then I'm gonna body slam him for damage okay Snorlax don't die homie but rest rest nori okay now what I'm gonna do let's get out my magic car so he gets experience okay there we go my magic car might evolve here let's go back to my Snorlax once he wakes up I'll be able to take down this boss come on story wake up you fatty there we go my gym char just got 3000 experience my Magikarp got 4,800 let's see how many levels we get here Chimchar night level 9 level 10 level 11 12 13 scene 14 15 16 17 okay match carp 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 fury swipes okay do I want fury swipes yeah and check this out we got a dawn stone and orb and an iron hammer in this orbit I'm pretty oh my Chimchar is evolving okay here we go let's see here he falls I forgot what he evolved into his final evolution is Infernape and again guys I know I'm new to Pokemon don't hate too much be nice here we go okay he's uh Monferno not my said he's sleeping right now homie wake up okay and again we have this orb and speaking of orbs yeah that's right last episode I won a UH an article Oh orb that I need to always have on me let me go back home and grab this orb alright so there we go I have the orb of frozen Souls and like I said apparently if you take it down like 300 and something Pokemon while holding this you can like do something with it and then it'll give you Articuno oh yes this is the biome I'm looking for cold beach here we go dude I have been flying forever look at this this is where I am look at this and this is my house and I finally found it that is what I'm talking about this took for free and it's there seals hello sigh see hello whatever the Freak you are okay and also I didn't show you this earlier but check this out in between episodes I killed a boss and got a power wait what this does I could put this on my on my Monferno and whenever I'm battling pokémon this will give me more HP Eevee so I'll have higher HP on this month for and I can swap it out to my other starters also this thing here this power weight is an insane find okay so what I have to do now is wait until nighttime and then that other Pokemon will come out it says it has a 24% spawn rate in frozen river biomes and right here if you look on the left hand side I'm in a frozen river so I just have to follow there's a chance cube right there dang it I have to get it it's my rule let's get it happy fourth okay let's stay on this the frozen river was that it yes that's it the Piplup and I know what you guys are thinking Sunday this Pokemon is neat nowhere near as good as a Blastoise but here's the deal homies whenever this thing becomes its final form of Empoleon not only is it a water type it's also a steel type and this thing hold on let's first throw our Scyther at this the steel the steel trait or whatever the steel type it's resistance against freaking everything so this pokemon is gonna be extremely resilient in these pvp fights okay let's put this thing to sleep hypnosis there we go into sleep and it's at one hit point let's throw an ultra ball at its face there we go come on Piplup join my team there we go we have two of our three Pokemon okay let's go ahead let's throw down our PC let's get this Piplup out in place of I guess our gastly for now there we go okay so what I'm gonna do really quick let's fly back over to a forest biome I also want to get four more levels on this shiny Magikarp I want a shiny Gyarados that would be sick wait what the crap is this thing I can get out of my face there maybe one shot you get rekt oh wait oh this is a pixelmon it's a shrine tile uno shrine the crap is this for the frozen so the orb is not full oh this is where I get Articuno you need 372 more Kos for this orb to be full this is how I get Articuno okay let me mark this off on the map right click I Articuno that is awesome okay and here's here's a lucky all right here's a chance q what is this a fishing rod literally a half broken fishing rod pendant why did you have to be replaced with a tier 3 okay let's head back home let's head back to a forest biome let's get that last Pokemon and let's also evolve our Magikarp wait did you hear that hold on hold on I heard I heard Bulbasaur oh there he is I heard her sing listen - listen up cutie is on a listen okay here we go we got ourselves a Bulbasaur let's let's throw our oh yeah hold on what I need to do is I need to get out my Gengar all and I'm I can't guard my gastly yeah let's do that for now alright Bob a sore you're coming with me homie let's do this let's go ahead let's fall swipe his dumb head there we go let's get out our gasps leader put him to sleep and then let's throw a hypnosis this will be my third and final starter that we are gonna level the absolute crap out of there we go he's sleeping one hit point come on Bulbasaur don't fight it there we go we now have our full squad for the gym okay let me let me actually check the IV of this Bulbasaur so it's got an IV of 52% that's not bad my Piplup has a 61% and my Mya and my Monferno has a 73% pretty good IVs so what we're gonna do now I'm gonna go on a massive training a power leveling Pokemon service what my magic of just hit level 20 I think it's gonna even there we go my shiny magic are laying in the desert is now evolving into a Gyarados I don't I don't know what the shiny Gyarados looks like I'm interested to see look at him okay here we go red that looks insane didn't Gyarados didn't used to be able to fly Gyarados before maybe I'm an idiot I don't know but this looks sick we have a red Gyarados okay let's go back out our power leveling our people ops evolving nice okay I just took down it like a star Raptor for like it was like level 53 okay here we go he turns into Africa I know his final evolution form is uh uh Empoleon I think the other here we go print plump okay now this one is still only a water-type it only becomes a water steel type in its final form okay let's keep eat let's keep power leveling oh now my bubble store is evolving I checked out a flag on okay he turns into IV so I know Bulbasaur okay we have our three Pokemon to tier two evolutions we got a lot of power leveling to do it's just gonna be good this is a good challenge Kim gave us a nice challenge this time this is good but anyways dudes for now I'm gonna end this here if you guys still enjoy this series keep up the support we'll keep doing this and yes also if you're at all new to my channel be sure to hit that subscribe button and yes I got some work to do we'll see you dudes next week
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,607,202
Rating: 4.9352956 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Pixelmon, Pokemon Go, Shiny Magikarp, Starter Pokemon, Chimchar, Piplup, bulbasaur, Challenge, IV and EV, Calculator, PvP, Gyms, New House, Pokemon, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Snorlax, Ultra Ball, Modded, Mod, Server, Multiplayer, Pokemon Map, Pokemon radar, minecraft pixelmon, zapdos, hooh, lugia, legendary, dragonite, lucky block, biggest, ever, epic, battle, Hilarious, Battle, lucky, block, metagross, series permiere, Mods, Prank, Troll, SMP, no cursing, no swearing, Lets play, #6, Ep.6
Id: mfGVuLrWjnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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