I USE my *NEW* Strategy to WIN! (Pixelmon)

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right so if you guys remember last week we learned that Hitmonlee looks like a thumb and now I want to figure out why does me you look like a fetus what's going on guys Sunday here and welcome back to some more pics of my not deuce today I have a plan like I said in the challenge I have a plan for this episode oh here's one here level 12 Starly I already have one come here Starling get my ball as you got okay let's see if we catch him as you guys know there's been reached win version 2 I captured this star Lee when did he become version 2 ah okay whatever so my goal for today is to take down Ben Drees twin Qian said he's already and this year says if you can beat me I will tell you something special make sure you read what I say if you beat me right so that's my goal for this episode and if you saw our last challenge wear a spoiler alert at the gym is purple I used a specific strategy I'm gonna be using that same stretch okay so let's do a star Lee so this star Lee here that I already caught he has quick attack and this star Lee okay yeah this this star Lee here also has quick attack so my goal right now I want to catch three more star Lee and I know star Lee they spawn in planes but they have a higher spawn chance up here in the extreme Hills so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run around a little bit see if I can find any star Lee's oh here we go to star Lee's right in front of my garage here in my garage I starla get caught Isis darling can you please stop jumping neo yeah there we go okay hopefully that one's caught word the other one okay there's see if we get this okay we got that one let's see level 12 perfect okay so we have forced charli's I want at least one more right so uh then we can have at least five you'll see my strategy in a second I also have three focus sashes that I got in between episodes from the oh that's a star Raptor I don't watch you I watch your children oh here we go oh no I don't want this strange AVI how are the freak you pronounce that I want the star Li's dang it I also want to take down been reached I per change or maybe we can powerlevel our Pokemon with been reached i per changer oh here we go here's another three more stars let's get the highest level on that one is teeny it's so cute let's get the level of what can you please stop jumping for two seconds there we go okay so if we test this one we'll have five so what I'm gonna do let's put up our cipher our fear oh listen Starly can you not it's becoming nighttime so I'm going to throw a dusk fall at your face do not flight faint what let it happen okay so let's get out our team full of Star Lee's and just there we go we caught that star Lee and just Snorlax alright let's put two exp shares on both star Lee's and two lucky eggs on those stars let's go power level are our star Lee's until I believe they get level 14 or level 17 I forgot what it is and of course this arbok wants to fight a level 100 Snorlax get freakin body-slammed okay I really hit level nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen thirteen fourteen fifteen double-teamed no I don't want double team don't care about double team okay no I don't want my star Lee to evolve I don't want any of my star Lee's to evolve I want them to be at a lowest possible level yeah let's take on Ben Rees diaper changer look okay let's get we want all of our star Lee's to hit level 17 okay level 69 squirtle oh good okay so let's bodyslam the squirrel sorry squirt on your key and a Weedle okay let's see what level Starly fifteen sixteen twelve thirteen seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen okay I don't want double team double team don't want okay let's dig it impact the wheedle sorry the heck is this big thing is that Shamu what okay oh there we go this Starly hit level 17 and now has endeavour this is my mitt we are in shampoos head this is my main attack let's get rid of growl for endeavour okay oh I think we got another star Lee up - yeah no I don't want whirlwind no I don't care about whirlwind there's endeavour let's get rid of growl for that whirlwind don't care uh okay alright Chauncey get freakin one shot please don't kill my store okay there we go oh good lord my store my star Lee's are leveling up way too high um Daggett rocket game please what it just says waiting I can't do anything um I were back think the server just died I have no clue okay so we have one star Lee with endeavor we need to get the let rest to level 17 hold on I'll be right back I'm gonna do this really quick this is kind of boring just give me a minute if another star Lee tries to evolve they all are trying to evolve right now but please okay so we have three yeah three past level 17 so I need these last two to get past level 17 yeah let's take off these experience shares I want them to be as low level as possible alright there we go all of our star Lee's our level 17 now here's what I'm doing every single one of them at what why you know have endeavor alright here we go we have all of our star Lee's with endeavor and also quick attack so what I'm gonna do let's trade out you Snorlax I'm sorry homie you gotta go let's get rid of Snorlax and let's pick up where is it are ya our dough trio with also wit which also has quick attack so here's what we're gonna do let's go back over here so here's my idea I have three focus sashes and for you guys that don't know what a focus sash does if I if if I get hit okay let's put these on my first two Star Lee's if I get hit if my star Lee with the focus sash on it gets hit from full health down to zero it'll save my life and keep me at one hit point and also all of my Star Lee's have endeavor which endeavor what this does is it puts the enemy Pokemon at the same hip points as my current uh Pokemon so if it gets me down to one HP I'll put them at one HP and then to finish them off I have quick attack which you guys know quick attack always attacks first so check this out been Reece twin version two let's see if we can do this so what I'm gonna do whole hold on hold on well that was freakin annoying I'm back then I don't know what happened I had to catch some new Pokemon and I glitched out the server crashed half of my Star Lee's didn't keep endeavour I and now an Ekans wants to fight homie listen get freaking quick attack get out of my face let me go heal my Pokemon let's go take dump and also I have I have a bunch of revives a bunch of potions this has to work been raised twin we're coming for you alright been reached win what oh let's do this okay okay so let's throw out our star Lee with a focus sash okay here we go lugia lugia 106 the heck is a lugia loogie kind of looks like a loogie okay so let's do only of remember if we beat Banri we have to look down here at the chat if we beat him okay here we go so what we're gonna do let's first attack with endeavour he's gonna attack me get me down to one hit point will attack back and get him to one hit point hopefully there we okay okay so now if we use quick attack yes I start just took out a 106 okay here we go oh yeah we're leveling up twenty twenty-five level 32 Oh aerial ace whatever we'll take aerial ace over tackle takedown don't care okay so what I'm gonna do here trying to think if I do endeavour it'll get them down to 15 hit points let's try that let's try that okay he took down my starter that's fine let's send out our next star Lee with a focus sash let's use endeavour there we go okay quick attack okay lettuce or it gets the Kyogre get coyote the coyote okay oh we're leveling up again 25 are we gonna get back up so level 32 okay aerial ace let's get rid of tackle take down a wing attack I don't freaking care I'll never use these star Lee's again okay let's do endeavor Dagon he took me down that's fine okay let's send out our next star Lee with the sash right and let's do endeavor there we go quick attack there it is okay what's the next what is this Pokemon SLP oh yeah we're leveling up again oh look are we gonna do this uh whirlwind don't care aerial ace whatever take down um let's get rid of wing attack okay now here's the iffy part we don't have any more Pokemon with focus sashes but this is still possible what I'm gonna do what's through endeavour oh we got him down we just got to make sure he doesn't attack us aerial ace yeah oh you too okay okay okay okay okay hold on what I hold on let's be smart here endeavour yes if you're not gonna attack a level 106 Mewtwo take it down for you okay last guy is a Snorlax oh good lord are okay okay okay okay so we have a starling with 16 hit points Snorlax please don't kill okay what I don't care if he kills my star Lee let's use endeavour oh there we go okay he's got 16 hit points let's Wis out to our dodrio please um he didn't attack okay let's use quick attack we just got a master ball from that oh my star Lee's are trying to evolve no star Lee's what did I tell you before you do not evolve we just took down and there we go go to nag it let me write this down hold on hold on so he gave me a coordinates negative one one zero eight one seven nine two zero six nine so we got a master ball from beating been breeze twin uh what the what is going a brave bird all right I guess let's get rid of takedown I don't really care okay so we got another master ball so now we have to but we have to go to these coordinates now hold on let's hit f3 that is like a thousand blocks away yeah it's in this direction okay so it's in this direction over here it's like a thousand blocks away oh I can't believe that strategy worked dance endeavor is Opie we might have to ban endeavour from from these challenges what I'm gonna do let's head back to our PC I'm gonna grab conduct condone trio fly hold on let's throw out my dough trio hold on let's throw this out I can ride them oh we can oh we can fly don't trip can't fly okay let's go get our fear oh right so it's in this direction can what are you doing what okay hold on let me half a head F 3 so it's that we're at negative 200 it's at it's negative 11:08 we're right and it's at Z of 2069 so it's like 1,500 blocks away in this direction I mean this is way the freak out here ki and I am NOT Dora the Explorer I do not need to explore um ok we're almost to the x coordinate which is 1108 so we'll just go a little bit further and it's on a y-value of 179 so it's way up in the air ok so we're at the x value let's go in this direction now until we get to 2,000 okay we're coming up on 2000 okay and the what is it this island and the y value is 179 uh yeah these are their coordinates hold hold on let's keep what is so special about this island oh there's a button what's the button do a wild wild me was a pink what kid you ain't but I would honor let's throw my Snorlax at it level 15 ohm you don't okay hold on hold on wait Mew but please Moo no no no mute please do please do please do please no no I have a master ball I watched it throw a basketball at your face no no Mew no he's in the bedrock come on just accept my snorlock okay here we go no I missed I missed okay mu please please yes okay so if I go to bag pokeballs master ball I don't even care I used to master Paul has just earned the achievement first legendary thank you points let me out that is what I'm talking about hold on hold on can I get another one what No so it's a one-time-use oh I wonder if crater and CaptainSparklez have gotten a mute look at this we now have a Mew dudes give me a minute we're gonna head back home I want to check something out alright so here we go on backup I've been busy getting some resources and whatnot but check this out okay there we go so I have this here this is called a fossil machine I have two of these which they're pretty easy to make they only take like aluminum plates which I just made a crap ton of so check this out what I have to do take the fossil machine put it in the center hold on tight so I need to make an orange tank just like that and then a green tank just like that and then I use obsidian like this red stone in the center and there we go a cloner now check this out if I take the green tank the orange tank let me see I guess we could put this in our scary garage let's put this at our scary dark garage I guess um actually yeah hold on I have to combine these just like that okay we have the cloning machine yeah so let's put this back uh yeah right here this will work right there I can't place this there at whit right right right there that thing is huge okay so what after huh let me clean this up really quick right so what I have to do is if I click this I placed in my Mew right and then I have to throw in three blocks of diamond two three oh it's gonna start calculating well let me get out my master ball Justin K yeah look at that it's starting to clone to MU is it gonna work though we now have ourselves a Mew and Mewtwo that's what I'm talking about bed Reese twin is Oh freaking feed there it is anyways suits for now I'm gonna end this episode here if you guys have enjoyed be sure to hit that like button down below and also if you're at all new to my channel be sure to hit that subscribe button and yes we'll see you dudes next time [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,155,039
Rating: 4.9142118 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Pixelmon, Pokemon Go, Mew, Mewtwo, Legendary, Benry, Master Ball, Trainer, Egg, 10Km, 5Km, 2Km, Shiny, Gym, Pokestop, Challenge, Pokemon, Battle, Team Mystic, Team Valor, Team Instinct, Ice Blast, Empoleon, IV and EV, Calculator, PvP, Gyms, Ultra Ball, Modded, Mod, Server, Multiplayer, Pokemon Map, Pokemon radar, minecraft pixelmon, zapdos, biggest, ever, epic, battle, Hilarious, lucky, block, series permiere, Prank, Troll, SMP, no cursing, no swearing, Lets play, Clone Machine
Id: e5Q9ZnPHqVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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