I Found the BEST Facebook Ad Formula for 2024

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there's a very specific Facebook ad formula that exploded this business's profits in the past few months and they're not the only one so in this video I'm going to share the exact Facebook ad framework that every business should be using in 2024 to connect with their audiences on a deeper level and finally make Facebook ads profitable now I first discovered this ad formula from Facebook at Legend Molly Pitman she's been using this with lots of her own clients and they've all had great luck with it I say luck but there's really nothing lucky about this it's based on nothing but pure human psychology you know just stacking one persuasive element on top of another resulting in higher conversion rates and more profits than any other AD type I've ever seen think of this as a testimonial ad but with a unique twist to ramp up its Effectiveness and profitability because the problem with most testimonial ads is that they just aren't very strategic they jump right into singing the Praises of your product service or business you know saying stuff like working with anchor Financial was a dream come true or this course changed my life but what does that sound like to the average person an ad right and people don't typically respond well to ads that sound like ads because they're G Isa right they're much more likely to respond when it feels like a story to show what I mean let's take a peek at a fantastic example from a business that's absolutely exploded this past year mostly thanks to this style of AD they've been using meet array so they sell supplements but don't worry if your business is different the beauty of this approach is that it works for virtually any offer products Services even free offers like a lead magnet let's take a look at this ad from the bottom up starting with the headline so you'll notice this isn't screaming out buy array supplements today instead it goes for a much more subtle approach saying this is how I resolve this problem super important distinction because this bypasses that internal ad blocker that most of us go through life with how I did this sounds like information that we can use right something that'll help not a sales pitch so if you're a dog trainer this could say something like how I finally got my dog to stop jumping on my friends then let's move up and look at the visual which happens to be a video and in this case it's a customer who's used the product already and had success with it but she's not just chilling for the brand not yet anyway notice how it starts with this Crystal Clear audience call out calling all my gym girlies and that's super important because it forms an instant connection with your ideal customer client allowing them to basically self- select if they're in or out and what will happen is the people who don't identify as your ideal customers will just scroll past but the ones who are will keep watching and Facebook's algorithm is going to pick up on who who's watching what they all have in common and we'll show your ad to more and more of the right people over time helping it perform better over time next she goes into the problem that she had really describing how it made her feel then she gets into what turned it all around for her now a few things here first this is presumably a real customer I don't actually know if she is or not but the idea is that she is a customer so there are a few ways you could do this for your business obviously if you have a great customer or client who could do something like this for you great but this does tend to work best if the person featured here looks really comfortable on camera and that isn't everybody so what you could do instead is find an influencer on the Tik Tok Marketplace who's in your budget who's really closely aligned with your ideal customer in terms of you know demographics age gender all that good stuff then you can actually reuse that Tik Tok video that they would create as the basis of your Facebook ad and this does feel very Tik Tock right you know in 2024 that's a great thing it helps it read is much more authentic than a typical ad you know she basically used the green screen effect here to show images and context behind her which makes it appear super native to the platform and it makes it more interesting to watch too and when people are interested they watch longer and when they watch longer they convert more pretty simple math now I want to address the elephant in the room here but Wes if this is essentially a testimonial how can I control what they say there are a few ways that you can steer this the way you want it to go first and easiest is if you just pay an influencer to create this for you and tell them the points you want them to hit on now you may have a moral dilemma with that I'm not here to say if it's right or wrong to pay someone to say nice things about your business all I will say is that commercials do it all the time so that's completely up to you you can always find someone who you can actually offer your product or service to for free so they're actually talking about it in a much more authentic way and like I said you can find someone in pretty much any budget who would probably do a good job doing this for you over on the Tik Tok Marketplace or feel free to bring on a real customer or client and you'd probably need to provide them a list of points they need to cover and then you just edit it into something that feels like this you know but truthfully you'll probably have a much easier time just getting a pro who's good on camera selling it you know that's going to make the difference between it feeling like a real organic Tik Tock style content versus just another video testimonial and next up we have the text so you'll notice that it's long form ad copy because this is what's working really well right now but don't be intimidated by it because I've got a really tight worked out formula that you can steal to get this exactly right and the overall gist of this long form copy is that it's the story of your customer in in their words but I actually recommend that you write it yourself as the testimonial subject taking their overall thoughts and crafting it based on this step-by-step Formula First the person featured should call out your audience remember you know calling all my gym girlies from before just make it clear who this ad is for this is for my business Travelers or hello home chefs and this should take up about 10% of the overall ad copy text next bring up the problem or paino and this should take up about 35% of the overall text this is where it should tell a story and get a little bit emotional here you know the value is sharing real details of what's wrong in their life or what's missing and hopefully the person reading this is going to see themselves and their own story reflected in this part getting them all the more invested in it there's something magic in storytelling and that's exactly where we want to focus when it comes to Facebook ads and the essence of these stories lies in people sharing the slices of their life not just becoming the mouthpiece of your business you know imagine a potential customer vibing with someone because they relate to their situation saying hey my life is eerily similar to this she tried it and loved it maybe I should give it a shot to then you'll give about 10% to introducing the offer itself here's what solved my problem and here's why it's cool from there for the next 40 % you want to dive into the benefits and I don't mean features I mean real tangible benefits we're not trying to convince them why your product has the highest quality the best price or why it's better than your competitors what you really want to do is explain how this product is going to make a positive difference in their life that's what resonates then end the last 5% with a simple call to action to you know click here to to buy or to schedule or whatever they need to do to actually take you up on your offer and if writing this seems at all intimidating I got you covered in this start to finish video that shows you how to use chat GPT in the smartest possible way to write your Facebook ads so trust me this is going to put you miles ahead of your competition even if you're not a writer so just click right here and I'll show you how to use AI the right way in your ads so see you right there in a second
Channel: Wes McDowell
Views: 36,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads 2024, facebook ads, facebook ads strategy
Id: vrAydm8rieY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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