How To Test Facebook Ads In 2024

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how do you test new Facebook ad creatives in 2024 today I'll be going over my exact process we'll be diving into the ad account and showing you step by step on how exactly we test new Facebook ads in 2024 I spent roughly $2 million a month between my team on Facebook ads and all of our clients that we work with and I'm going to show you exactly what we do from account to account let's dive in so I'm in one of our accounts right now this is more of like my YouTube account that I just make videos off CU it's not one of our actual client accounts right here and I want to show you guys really quick just how it's structured so if you go watch my video how to uh you know run Facebook ads in 2024 like my Facebook ad strategy 2024 you'll see C we structured so we do one CBO campaign uh per objective we also do like one CBO campaign her country so yeah and this is one of our objectives um this particular store right here the best performing product is this infinity sign so we only push this infinity sign and we use our email and SM M to sell all the other products in the store so just wanted to show you case that really quick so we go to our CBO campaign you'll see we have a lot of different adsets running each one of these adsets is a different creative test each creative test either won or lost and the things that are still active or the things that one I'm just going to screw it over we'll go over to I had one right here 159 we show you guys how we set this up so scrolling through um make sure websites select it you know there's some people that St website and Shop I'm seeing like a small cases where like the website shop is working I'm also seeing small cases where like just websites working try it out I would just do it once and see but we mostly do like website cross 90% of our accounts formance goal maximize number of conversions select your pixel select your conversion evit which is purchase you should not be optimizing for anything other than purchase unless you're doing like Legion or something like that for a completely different Niche s day click when they view pressions uh make sure you turn on Dynamic creative and then yeah pretty much from here uh select the country you're advertising in select the age range uh for this particular product anyone can purchase in this age range so it doesn't matter me and just leave it all uh we have like one account where like we can't legally advertise to anyone below 60 so like we have to do 60 plus uh we have other accounts where just there's just no reason why we need to Target a certain age group so we just leave it 18 plus Jinder this is a unisex product means anyone can purchase male or female uh but I had like a men's clothing brand I would only target men unless I decides to run it another campaign for female and Target as like the perfect gift for your man but just giving you examples right there languages just leave it an all and I do Advantage Plus placement right there here is where the net magic starts to happen um so we have our ad set now here's how we structure our creative itself so we have three different photos and all or you know this could be three videos or three photos I get this the question all the time do you have to do photos or videos U theas reason why is because when my copywriter makes the plan for the creative she writes it with the intention of it being a video or photo like if I go write a video script how the am I going to turn that into a photo you know it's a lot of that needs to be displayed so my video editor takes that script and goes make the video for it that's it we roll it out if I go write a photos script how do I turn this into a 30second video you know just doesn't make sense to these questions we all ask and the reason why we only do photo or only do video is one it keeps the variables on the control like these are all split by one variable uh so like for example they all have the same hook which is give a sentimental gift to those you love they all have the same hook there just different zon so like our um you know like variable we're testing is you know essentially just the design of the particular image right there three creatives all videos all photos and then from there split it by one variable right and all of our different tests like we do and stuff like that like all of these have different Dynamic creative test some are videos some are photos so it's not like we need to do dedicated photos or videos for that whole campaign some of our Dynamic creative test or a video some of our dynamic or a video we do not test video in photo per concept so like we don't do like a d DCT for video and a DCT for photo it just kind of comes down to our concept idea like there's no reason why I need to do a video for this maybe if I had an idea of like her unboxing it and frying and reacting to it cool then I can go do a video next thing you want to do is we want to put in two primary texts uh so one of the primary texts needs to be an existing winning copy and then the other primary text needs to be a new copy that goes with that particular concept if this is like our second DCT test and we did a DCT test for this particular concept right here and then we found a winning creative and then I wanted to create an iteration off of this particular creative right here where like I don't know maybe we wanted to change this color right here to like black green and red right so I have three different creatives in here I don't need add in another primary text cuz we already know what primary text works for that particular concept so I'll just do like one primary text one headline uh I get that question sometimes as well if I do like an iteration off of DCT where I change one little thing what does that need to be um same thing for the copy like if I if I want to keep the the image the same like I know this image works I might just add in this one image and do like two or three primary texts that are all different to test just a primary text and then like I said one's new and one is an existing winner and same thing for the headline one's existing winner and one is new that's it and then we let it roll now the way we do it is we like to look at launching two or three of these a week There's a stigma that the more you test the better the results will be and that's completely false the more you test does not mean better results there's a higher probability of you getting better results yes but it doesn't mean better results because what happen is is you get the idea of oh I'm going to go test like 20 new dcts a week and you just put out a whole bunch of it right like I put out three YouTube videos a week but if I put out three a day the quality of them would be substantially lower cuz I'm just trying to pump them out as quickly as possible and I would not have the following with have today if you look at like some of these YouTube channels they post one video a week but the video gets a couple million views why now cuz it builds up a following because they know how to make a video really well that people want to share and people want to uh you know talk about I try to focus on one to three dcts a week of very high quality and you may have to go through a period of time where you test more per week just to get your hands wet into creative testing and then understanding and learning of how to build better creatives to eventually to where you can tone it down till 1 to three a week where there's super high quality each one like I only tell my team to build one a week and you know it's rare we do three a week now last year I was doing two to three a week every week some weeks I was going two to three every 3 days but now we're really focusing on quality what I look for is I essentially look for for what's getting majority of spin so like this adset right here is getting majority of spin so that's good me and you can both agree that because this is getting majority a spin this is going to impact overall performance so what I mean by overall performance is is we have one campaign in the account or one campaign per country or one p campaign per objective when this particular ad set gets majority of spend it's going to impact their cost for purchase overall and overall performance is going to go up or down and what do I mean by overall performance so what I recommend for everyone literally go into Google sheets I'm going to create this sheet with you guys so don't people in the comments can you have the sheet Nick no you can't have the sheet cuz I'm creating right here in front of you um all you're going to do type in date you'll type in Facebook adspin and then you'll type in Shopify Revenue all right and then we'll see robow ass okay and this is going to be mostly for people who have like one product stores um we have a sheet that's built out and I say one product stores you can still do this with multiple product stores um but for people of like multiple countries and multiple stores uh this will be like slightly different but this will apply to like 90% of people right here so what is the date let's just say it's 1 1 2024 we spent $100 I'm just going to do this really quick all right and then we did $500 in revenue and then what is our row ass equals we'll do that divide by that we had a five row ass Okay now what's cool about this is let's just fast for to there we go and then like let's say we spent like another $100 and another $100 and then like maybe this day we did $200 in revenue and $200 in Revenue right and then oh Nick what happened why roash Dro so much well it was like maybe on this date we had this particular date right here I I always leave notes and there we go that's the sheet I have this daily all right what happened why did performance go from this to this all right yes it might have been a Facebook fluctuation and just overall trend like New Year's performance was terrible for us that's normal every year but what it happened if we had a new DCT test take majority of Spin and because that new dcts is taking majority of spin overall performance is negative so like if I go look in the account oh on the second we had you know uh DCT 159 took off right so since we did that we had worse performance so now that means we need to turn it off because performance has taint so I literally just go in the account like this so simple and just turn it off I just click this and go boom turn off I'm not going to turn off cuz we're still testing this but that's all I would do and that's it and then guess what performance let's say hypothetically speaking performance picked back up so boom boom and then we went back for like $500 a day cool and then maybe I start like scaling spins by 20% a day so boom now we're doing like I don't know like 550 something like that um yeah so and then here we could say turned off DCT 159 boom so now I know okay hey when DCT 159 took off performance got worse we left the run for two days to fully optimize still didn't do good we turned it off performance shot back up and there we go that's it so that's how I do it on a daily basis you don't need any attribution software or anything like that you can immediately see an impact on the business it's going to apply to like 90% of you guys um now those with like five different countries and like 20 different campaigns that's where you need something like triple well to further help you just fully attribute it um but I would say 90% of our accounts are like this with like two or three campaigns you know maybe it's split by country we can still see the impact of Revenue on USA impact of Revenue on France impact of Revenue on the Netherlands and we're good to go so yeah that's how we do it and look same thing here um so like you know vice versa like maybe if DCT 159 took off and roas improved um that's good and then we just leave the dct1 cuz it's working it's improving overall performance and that means we can spend more and we can make more money and yeah this is a simple sheet right here you guys can set up I do this every day every day we track our spin our Shire Revenue um and what the overall performance is overall Ras um and then you can also add like your Google spin you can also add like your Tik Tok spin all those good things and that allows you to just technically see what's working what's not um and then you increase budget 20% a day as long as you're hitting your target row ass uh what you know was good for you to be profitable and then yeah that's it it's very simple you know we spend 10 to 15 minutes a day in the ad account and the other 8 hours and 50 minutes we're doing like like I say like 10 minutes a day is on that account 8 hours a day is on uh like research and 50 minutes a day is actually like writing the ad that we're going to put in the account yeah so like we spent a lot of time researching storyboarding coming up with ideas and a very very very few of those ideas actually come back to the table and come in the account because we can test much higher quality because higher probability of converting and make more money for our clients hope you guys enjoy this video hit the like button hit that subscribe button for new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday if you're interested in my advertising agency running your Facebook ads click the link below have Nick Tero run your ads or my mentorship program where we do a monthly mentoring uh helping you in your specific situation um and last I have my Facebook ads course too as well which just recently launched that's more for like our intermediate to beginners no monthly Mentor or anything like that it's just a course by itself but yeah all those links are below below and hope you guys having a good start New Year's I'll talk to you guys later peace out
Channel: Nick Theriot
Views: 17,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, facebook ads for ecommerce, facebook ads for ecommerce stores, how to run facebook ads for ecommerce, facebook ads strategy for ecommerce, best facebook ads strategy for ecommerce, facebook advertising, facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads strategy, ecommerce facebook ads, How To Test New Facebook Ad Creatives In 2024, key metrics to focus on, identify winning elements, and understand how to adapt your strategy based on real-time data
Id: hetcJfDJt_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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