How to Create Facebook Ads That Convert Like CRAZY: A Beginners' Guide

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why is this Facebook ad five times as likely to convert than any of these it's because it follows a proven step-by-step system for creating Facebook ads it's based on a really Innovative marketing formula that's completely plug and play and it works for absolutely anything you would want to sell because of how customizable the formula is and in this video I'm going to reveal each part of this ad showing you exactly what goes where and how you can do the same thing for your ads so a few weeks ago I put out another Facebook ads video and I got this comment from Michael that reads your right Facebook ads are different now they're becoming worse now luckily I happen to speak fluent Michael and what he really means to say here is that he hasn't gotten Facebook ads to work for him and no I'm not calling him Michael out here it's actually a really common story because all of the cool tricks and the latest trends that I can teach you none of it's going to work if your ads didn't selves aren't good so Michael this video is for you but also for anyone who wants to create really good Facebook ads let's do it in this video I'm going to be walking you through a really simple to master ad creation framework that's based on one of the most powerful marketing concepts that I've ever found all you need to do is plug in a few easy specifics about what you're selling then together we're gonna turn those specifics into a finished ad that's primed to convert you don't need to have any copywriting experience and you don't even need to be particularly creative to pull it off it's already worked out and later on I'm going to show you my secret weapon for turning up the heat even more by playing into an ad type that Studies have shown time and time again to convert the best now to get this right you need to understand the basic anatomy of a Facebook ad and where the attention goes in what order first you really have to capture eyeballs and stop people scrolling with the visuals so this can be a single image or a video or a slideshow or Carousel and if you successfully stop them wherever they look next at the headline and if that's interesting enough to them they'll go back up to read the primary text up top and I'm going to show you the best way to handle the visual part A little later on but first we're going to focus on dialing in the text now the first thing to understand about selling anything on Facebook whether it's a product a service or even a free lead magnet is that people are almost never buying the thing that you're selling they're buying the results or the feeling of what you're selling provides them according to Harvard Professor Gerald zaltman 95 of buying decisions are based on emotion so what that means is if you focus on selling the emotion behind your offer you'll be speaking to nearly your whole audience as a opposed to just five percent of them if you only talk about the facts the truth is anyone can make an offer so good that people will feel stupid saying no Without Really changing the offer itself it's all about how well you communicate the value behind your offer so your job here is to figure out what people will value most about your offer than doubling down on it and our ad framework is mostly based on the value equation I discovered this earlier this year in the book 100 million dollar offers by Alex hormozzi and this concept is so simple yet so meaningful for anyone trying to sell anything anywhere especially on Facebook it's made up of four parts dream outcome what's the result that your service or product delivers what's the perceived likelihood of achievement in other words How likely is someone to actually get that result then on the bottom line we have time delay how long is it going to take to get that result and finally effort and sacrifice how much exercise studying working or planning do they have to put into it to get the dream outcome and the more you can maximize these top level items and minimize the bottom level ones the more valuable your offer will seem and most marketers will just focus all their attention on the top two items making bigger and bigger claims but they're really good marketers will pay just as much attention to those on the bottom making their offers seem seamless fast and easy so I want you to think these out for the offer you want to advertise on Facebook you know what dream outcome can someone get as a result How likely are they to get that result how long will it take and how much effort do they need to put into it and some of these values may be more appealing than others for your specific offer and that's okay like maybe you offer an online course that actually takes a lot of work to complete or you might be a personal trainer where you can't realistically say they'll get results right away not every part of the equation is always going to be perfect it's just all about emphasizing the good parts and then minimizing the bad ones take a look at this example for a cleaning company right it would make sense that the dream outcome they deliver is a sparkling clean home right it's not earth-shattering or life-changing but it is a very real result so as long as the result you provide is a compelling one it's almost always the best thing to use for your headline and when you go to write your headline no need to get clever just be super clear a sparkling clean home on demand and see what I did here with that emoji so those can definitely help your ad copy stand out if it makes sense to use one and if you have an actual offer to make you want to add that here so something like on-demand house cleaning starting at 99 then you could use this title description to give a short detail like when it's good through or if it's for new customers whatever next let's tackle the primary text so this business may have filled out their value equation like this dream outcome a sparkling clean home likelihood of achievement guaranteed to be done right time delay schedule today clean tomorrow effort and sacrifice zero work on your part now all they really need to do is write this out in a few sentences and one tried and true method is to start with that desired outcome phrased as a question do you want this as in want a floor-to-ceiling sparkling clean home but don't have the time so I also added in the main problem that's standing in the way of getting the result they want from there we'll just go bit by bit trying our best to really maximize those top level items while minimizing the lower ones how about our experienced house cleaning Pros will do the job right Gary guaranteed every time it's as easy as scheduling your service today then enjoying that clean feeling as soon as tomorrow all with zero work on your part now this is already pretty strong but there are a few more things that we can add in here to make it even stronger so the first is a crystal clear easy to read bullet list of your benefits now I'm not talking features here but features are often the best place to start so think of every important feature or inclusion that they'll get so sticking with our cleaning company example maybe they'll get things like a dedicated cleaner included cleaning products and online scheduling next I want you to turn each of those into the real benefit behind the feature so a dedicated cleaner isn't a benefit in itself right but it means that you'll get a consistent cleaning every time that's a benefit and included cleaning products what that really means is you never have to worry about locking up or running out of anything an online scheduling makes for a seamless effortless experience so write out as many included features as you can think of for your offer and then the benefit that that feature provides so you'll take your top three benefit feature Combos and turn them into what I call 3D benefits so pick an emoji for each as the bullet and start by writing the benefit then a hyphen then explain it using the feature for example we have enjoy consistent clean with a dedicated cleaner each and every time no stocking up or running out our pros come prepared with all the cleaning products they need seamless effortless scheduling it's all online so you can schedule your time whenever it works for you so we're leading with the benefit then explaining it with the feature not the other way around doing it this way is much more powerful because it speaks to the more emotional part of the brain which is again again how buying decisions are actually made and adding to that let's kick this whole thing up a few notches with social proof so this can be either in the form of showing numbers of how many people you've helped or how many hours you've saved your customers or even how much money you've helped them make but the most powerful social proof is a positive review or testimonial which in my experience definitely works best so in fact 72 percent of consumers Trust online reviews and testimonials just as much as a personal recommendation from a friend and 50 are motivated to buy based on a good review even more than by a discount or a special offer so if you have a review that mentions any part of your value equation or any of your benefits add it right here is a quick snippet emphasis here on quick though you don't want to add in a really long testimonial that goes into every little detail and things that may or may not really matter and also ditch any that are just too bland to be helpful you know great service highly recommend is nice but it's not going to help you much then just make sure you emphasize that it's a real quote with quotation marks a name and then top it all off with five star emojis then end it all with a strong call to action telling them exactly what to do to get the offer you know something like click here to schedule your top to bottom home cleaning today then you'll add your link yes Facebook does give you the call to action button below but you can improve your conversion rate by giving them another place to click too so that's the basic framework but of course you may want to eliminate certain parts if they just aren't relevant for what you're promoting like if you're selling sunglasses you probably don't need to go into the whole value equation because they don't really get much of a result other than looking super cool in other words if you write this all out and it sounds like you're reaching all right this is sounding like it now trust your gut and scale it back generally speaking the lower what you're selling costs and the more people already understand it the shorter your ad copy can be okay now that we've got the written part taken care of we can focus on the really fun part which is the visual component so if you remember this is the part people will see first and it has a really important job to do it's got to be eye-catching enough in one way or another to actually stop them scrolling so they can pay attention to the rest of the ad that you've worked so hard to perfect and you've got a few choices here so you can use a single image a slideshow of a few images but if you want the perfect Facebook ad you should probably be using video instead and sure sometimes a good photo can outperform a video but countless marketers have studied this and in almost every experiment they do find that video just works better so great but what if you don't have a video and you don't know how or you just don't want to make one well that's where my little secret weapon tool comes in so that tool is called in video and they were good enough to sponsor today's video and give you guys a really great deal which I'll tell you all about in a minute okay so here we are on and I've worked out that special deal with you guys with my viewers to get 25 off so all you need to do is go to in video and then use the promo code west 25 and I'll leave all that stuff down in the description below but I love Nvidia because it lets you create these incredibly eye-catching and scroll stopping video ads in minutes even if you have no idea how to edit a video as you can see here they've got tons of these templates they've actually got over 6 000 and they're completely customizable including a bunch of them that are really based on recent Trends so you can always create something new that's going to be really current and you know much more likely to convert basically you can't go wrong when you use one of these templates so to start with I have a few basic selections select selected I have square selected because what we want to do is we want to take up a good portion of real estate in the feed and I found that square kind of generally works the best for that and then I've also checked ads just to make sure that that's all we're looking at is these add templates now from there what you could do is if you really wanted to make it easy on yourself and you didn't want to really change around too many Graphics you can type in something related to your industry like for our cleaning example I could just type in cleaning and then we've got some choices here that are all about that meaning like we wouldn't have to change out many of these videos or anything like that but truth be told it's really easy to change the videos and the images out so it'll open up a lot more choices if we were to get rid of that plus I just want to show you how to be able to change all that stuff anyway so we're just going to be going rogue here on our own so what you really want to do is just find a basic layout that's going to serve your content the best and I think something like this works really well because it had it really doesn't feel much like an ad at all which I kind of like I think it works best in Facebook too or even Instagram to use something that feels more like this so I'm going to go ahead and click on it and then make sure we have square selected and then use template okay so here is what we've got we have the editor but I actually like to edit a different way I like to go to the storyboard especially if you're just getting started I think it's a lot easier just to kind of go one thing at a time in the storyboard editor so and while we're on that subject if you ever need any help with any of this in videos got you covered just click on this little chat icon down here and someone will be with you really quickly they're really super helpful I use them all the time whenever I need to ask a question or I'm just not sure where something is so they're great I can't recommend them highly enough it's going to go ahead and minimize that for now but you can see here when you're in the storyboard editor we have several different panels so this is our like our first scene our second scene and so on it goes all the way through so I'm just going to start with our first one so the first thing I'm going to show you to do how to do is add a new image or a new video so this just happens to be a still image which you know you can absolutely use images and by the way you get access with a subscription to more than 8 million included premium video and image assets that would otherwise cost a whole lot of money to get I have a shutter stock subscription and basically videos aren't even included in the subscription you have to buy those a la carte and they're like 70 bucks each but you get all that included with your in Video subscription for me that's worth the price of admission alone so I'm going to go ahead and switch this out with a video because I just think that's gonna perform better in a video so over here on the left panel here's where we can access all the stock videos all the stock images and by the way you can use your own images or videos you would just drag those right here and then you can use them but for this tutorial I'm going to assume you aren't coming in with video or images of your own so let's go ahead and click on videos and then I'm just going to type in cleaning and see what comes up or cleaning house let's do that cool so we have access to all of these images now and I'm going to choose this one I think just the color is kind of really stand out to me so I'm going to go ahead and click on that and drag it right over like so and then click on ADD and then I'm just going to click on the trash can on the house we're going to delete that and one thing so this video is like nine seconds long we don't need it to be that long we need it to be more like two or three seconds so they make it really easy to trim it I'm just gonna click on the minus till we get to three seconds and now we can edit our text super easy to do just click on it actually double click on it and that pops up the text editor so over here I'm just going to type in I'm just going to base this on that desire from the value equation if you remember that something like want your home to Sparkle and then we can change the font so I'm just going to go ahead and shoot click on font and you have access to all of these fonts let me tell you there are thousands of them so it can sometimes be a little intimidating to find the right one but there's a ton to choose from you get all the Google fonts so you can really customize the heck out of this thing but I've got one I want to use called avocado Sans font I think that looks pretty good and then you can do things like you can change up the spacing like I feel like there's a lot of spacing between these lines if you don't like that you can just go ahead and click there and you can tighten that up if you want I think that looks good and then we can make the font size bigger if we wanted to do that let's see what 160 would look like that's pretty big then we just drag that out there we go I think that looks pretty good and then we can change our logo if you've got a logo you want to use you can just click right here and then I've got my logo file I'm going to use right there could not be any easier so I think it's time now to go on to our next uh scene so I'm going to go and do the same thing so I'm just going to start by replacing the image I'm going to go over to videos I type in cleaning house again let's see what pops up we've got this nice one of a cleaning crew so I'm just going to drag that right on over then add delete our house right here and then of course make this three seconds again just keep hitting the minus key then I don't think we need this like second version of text I'm just going to click on that and then delete it and then we're left with this text block I'm going to double click on that I'm just going to type in something like and I'm going to change our font to the same one avocado Sans font and there's actually an interesting option where you can change that font across the whole video which I'm going to do I think that's going to make it easier so I'm going to click on all text down here that way we don't have to do that each and every time and it'll change our logo again so the same one we were using and we could even move this down if we wanted to we can kind of change the positioning of these from slide to slide now slide three we will find a new video to use choose this one get rid of the first and I'll change our text and I'll change the spacing here I think that's better and I will also move that down here and change out our logo oh and one last thing let's just bring this back down to three seconds cool and we're going to go on to the next slide now we'll choose a video we'll drag this one over and click add get rid of this one and we'll change our text and we'll change our logo and bring this down to three seconds and then we have another slide but I'm I'm going to show you like we can actually delete a scene I'm going to delete this one I don't think we need it and then we'll just go right to the final slide which is where we'll have all the contact information and the call to action and all that good stuff so we would just change the website address right here and we would add the phone number we would just change that right here and then if you wanted to have an email address or something like that you could do that here or you could even change it to something like you know somebody had 20 off for new customers if you've got any kind of a deal like that go ahead and add it there and then I'm just going to change our logo one more time and then I'm just going to change our image I'm going to get another video just type in clean house let's get a nice after shot of something that's already clean I think that'll be a nice way to end it it's like here I'm going to drag that over click add and then get rid of this guy and bring this down to let's make this be a little bit longer just so it can Linger on screen for a bit maybe seven seconds okay so once we're happy with everything let's go back up to editor I want to show you one more thing because this does come with music attached to it I'm just going to turn my sound up and then you can hear what we have and I'll show you how to change it it's kind of like sexy right I think we might want to do something a little more upbeat and peppy and just kind of more friendly so what I'm going to do is go over to music and you've got just like you have all the all that access to all those videos and images you also have access to a ton of music tracks so I might look for something playful and then you can you know play each of these and preview them [Music] I actually like this one I like fresh fresh I'm going to go ahead and drag that right down here and then I'm going to go ahead and delete the one we currently have just click on that and delete and then if we want to hear that one I think that's more the vibe we're going for so I'm happy with that pretty slick right could not be any easier to get that done it only took us a few minutes now finally when you're happy and you got it the way you want it all you have to do is click on export make sure you've chosen 1080p that's going to make it high res for you and then just click on export then you're going to have a file that's ready to upload right into the Facebook ads manager so to get your exclusive 25 off deal from Nvidia just click right here or go to in video and if you want to learn more video hacks and ways you can use in video for your marketing and your Facebook ads head over to nvidia's channel right down here I'll see you there
Channel: Wes McDowell
Views: 115,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, facebook ads 2023, how to create facebook ads, facebook ads for beginners, how to make facebook ads, how to write facebook ads
Id: t8xetdWitv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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