I found the 200X Symbol! | 13 X $20 200X The Cash~ Top Prize is $5,000,000

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let's go [Music] yeah buddy what's good youtube thanks for stopping by the channel today we are scratching 260 dollars worth of 20 tickets from the florida lottery these tickets just did come out and i am excited to scratch them i got it from two different books um this was a black box special got it from book number four let's see alrighty this one is a matching numbers games guys with the multipliers on the 2 5 10 20 50 x and 100 x um with that 200x multiplier as well that star does give us all 30 prizes momo scratch life hit um the 50x today on that clutch corner and so did um rc scratch off got it too that's the bonus we get extra numbers to match that's what's up um i did get it from two different books one of them is book four i believe the other one was book one um i do have tickets zero zero zero through zero zero four for the first book and on the second book um we're going ticket number 13 through 20 guys all right we're gonna start it off with the black box special for you guys hopefully we can get a nice win let's go get the winning numbers 19 26 a 6 27 ocho 32 an 11 and a 28 56 15 58 53 17 we got a 19 57 no 50s on top no 60s on top 48 no 40s no 50s no 60s that's crazy 37 we got a 32 41 13 we got that 11 52 27 one oh we got a match baby yeah buddy let's go we got a snatchy baby on the 27 sweet 24 34 no fitties 43 no 40s either a nine we got a six and an eight one off how about a three no 63 no cities these 47 46 61 33 for the one off a full let's check that bonus numbers too huh 26 we got another match 26 on the bottom yeah buddy let's go uno 44 a 12 and in that last spot a 31 for the one off looks like we got those two matches 26 and 27. let's see what's on the name 26. 10 dollars another ten dollars we will take that that is a break even ticket no doubt on to the next one six zero zero zero came through the black box special with the win can we go back to back zero zero one let's go let's go multiplier hunting find some symbols that star will be lit what a 200x come on simba where you at let's get some multipliers no multipliers we got to get a match guys we got to get a match move this out the way real quick get this lock and load it alrighty let's go 22 no 22 we got a 21 on on the one off over there 13 don't see a 13 how about an 11 no 11 yikes 33 no 33 a 60 no we got a 62 48 let's see the 46 49 we got a sammy right there between the 47 and the 49 they slipped it in what about that ocho one off to that seven no eight it's actually a sammy between the seven and the nine and that ono i don't see the one i believe that was on the bottom of the bonus of the last ticket all righty ticket zero zero one was not a win we're gonna throw that one into what we call the dusty pile shout out to trying to win the lotto let's go ticket number two we need you to come through when the numbers are one 64 36 26 63 of 40 19 and a 9. i go that 19 48 46 a 12 29 we just got a 26 a 7 54 no 50s on top 34 just got a 36 37 one off and 11 39 we needed that 11 on the last ticket 45 twenty-seven one all to that 26 59 52 no 50s 24 58 62 we got a one off to the 63 a 30 28 47 new dice 57 53 no 50s guys a four 14. 14 and a three did not get it let's check the bonus numbers 51 one off with the 8 43 32 and in that last spot a 15 that's what momo hit his 50x at today that goes into the dusty pile onto ticket number three guys let's go let's go multiply our hunting on this one where you at 200x show your face oh i don't see any multipliers yet guys double zeus alrighty we gotta get a match on this one huh let's go 39 don't see a 39 52 we got a 53 i see 51. don't see the 51 either 57 one off to lt on the bottom no 57 28 i see a 27 don't see the 28. how about an 11 no 11 35 33 34 for the one off no 35 that's a sign me actually between the 34 and 36 final number 29 don't see a 29 on the board that's another busta roni dusteroni huh alrighty ticket number four hopefully this one could come through for us we need it 23. 60 18 come on multiplier where you at don't see a multiplier yet come on seeing everybody else get them let me get one nice one though a nice one alrighty no dice on the multipliers let's get a match 58 no 58 21 get that blackjack no 21 41. i see it backwards don't see the 41 25 that was on a bunch of the other tickets but i don't see it on this one one off 31 went off to that 30 so far don't see a 31 42 no dice that ocho is throwing up but that is a one-off sammy right there between those two no eight final number double deuce oh you at double deuce don't got him one up to that 23. all righty that was not good one out of the four one i guess this book's gonna have to come through book number one ticket number thirteen guys let's go let's get the winning numbers 32 14 12 45 33 27 a full and now 21 9 18 31 one onto that 32 28 we got a 27 right on top of it 56 no 50s huh i don't see um wow 140 though 48 42 59 23 no 23 ocho we had that on the last ticket i believe and the 23 i think no just the 20 that's the ultra 3 63 no 60s 38 no 26 went on to that 27 49 we got a 45 35 no we got 33 and 32 65 no 60s 54 no 50s either got to keep it moving on that one 16. we got a 14. how about a 40 no 540 just that 45 a six 62 and 11 no 11 24 36 and in the bonus numbers 19. a 15 one off 17 a 30 and in that last spot at 39 ouch this is not going the way we wanted it to so far hopefully we could get a big win shout out to everybody who joined the group you guys are amazing if you guys are interested in getting in any other groups um please feel free to send me an email 35 i'm actually going to be probably scratching that 50x game soon two and that um 100 x 55 47 49 sorry about that um someone just knocked on my door and they was um actually the landlord um gave me some mail um i just got that with the lucky number five from um hello my name is big zeros shout out to big zeros that's awesome thank you so much and i also got nightingales coin yeah buddy look at that bad boy thank you gail appreciate it that came really fast all righty let's finish this up i'm actually gonna try one of these out try them both out let's start off with her since it's in my hand 59 24 57 one off 18 no 18 how about a 41 no 41 another one off 44 don't got a 44 a 12. 60 we got a 65 a one out to that 61. 64. another one off a six 36 29 one off with that 62 to that 61. 45. 2x baby yeah buddy we needed that even if they only put a 1000 bill on the day which i'm hoping it's not come on big zeros and ocho an 11 16 a 19 don't see a 19. 58 we got a 56 32 we don't have that 32 let's check the bonus numbers on the bottom 38 one hole to that 39 double deuce we don't have any two oh one off to that 23 actually 31 63 holy smokes another 2x baby yeah buddy let's go we got two 2x on the board oh man hopefully this one is a good one we were not doing so well before let's go come on big zeros oh they did is dirty how are you gonna give us two two x's and put five dollars underneath east 2x come on florida you could do better than that that is a twenty dollar break even ticket the hard way how you gonna mess with us florida be having meetings how can we mess with the scratches mines i know we have the florida special i don't think anybody could beat that florida a lottery employee hold my bear let's get them to 2x actually that was ticket 13. onto ticket number 14 guys let's go let's get a win actually let's go ahead and try out big zeros coin take that out the wrappers real quick and he got my lucky number five out of pa let's go when the numbers are 35 45 38 32 59 33 26 and a 40. again the winning numbers are 40 26 33 59 32 38 45 and 35 that's a lot of 30s on the board 25 one off 62 no 60s 49 we got a 59 45 48 an 11 don't see that 11 56 we got that 59 no lt how about a 23 29 63 double deuce no double deuce no 60s guys 34 went off to the house of sammy between the 35 and 33 53 we got a 59 42 no dice 46 one off 43. 41 another one off 19 61 a 30. one off with that 39 to the 40. 54 a 7 52 and in the bonus can we get a match 28 no we got a 26. 36 one altered at 35. 37. no another one off to the 38 58 they won off on us and a 13 i don't see the 13 yikes that goes into the dust-a-roni pile onto ticket number 15. let's get these winning numbers so 4 15 55 47 28 37 25 and a 23 35 26 one off 11 13 we got that 15 only and one off to that 15 only 45 we got a 47 a 30 27 we got a 28 16 15 31 a one 19 64 52 no dice how about a 29 we got a 28 one off 61. 62 no 60s 58 no we had that on that last one i believe a nine 54 we got a 55 33 no pippin a six a 7 and in that corner a 12. all right let's check them bonus numbers see if we can get it 57 43 63 a three one off and a 46 one off to that 47. wow the busta roni power that's the roni power yikes alrighty onto ticket number 16 guys let's go all right 18 36 41 29 25 14 44 and a 12. let's get a match 200x baby yeah buddy let's go that's what i'm talking about baby yeah it's not going to be a busta duster roni session after all yes that's what i'm talking about at the minimum that's 200 dollars yeah let's go this is officially a profit session 62 yeah baby 51 thank you nightingale i had a 200x with your coin yeah buddy 21 65 a three no three 32 how about a 49 no 49 i'm gonna put another 200 x under there 24 one off to that 25 45 they gave it to us on the first scratch too yeah i'm hyped guys i'm hyped 37 everybody found the 50x your boyfriend at 200 a one let's go a four an 11 64 17 one on to that 18. 61 no 60s 46 we got a 44 and a 41 guys how about 55 i don't see them giving us a snatchy but i'm scratching 22 47 i was starting to get worried 57 39 how about a 19 one off 58 26 63 42 43 that's a one-off 41 was a 142 is a one-off as well and a 7. no dice just that nice beautiful 200x baby on the first date yeah buddy come on baby let's go we will take that that is a 200 winner guys yeah buddy let's go so we are up to 240 out of the one we have 160 in 240 out with three tickets to go 17 18 what did i mess up i scratched 19 didn't i yeah so we got 17 18 and 20 left that's what's up 16 with that big 200x that's awesome i'm happy right now hitting that big multiply on the first day that the game comes out i'm in love this is my ticket let's go all right we're going to go ahead and where are you at straight out of pa big zeros i'm my lucky number five yeah buddy 58 34 a 7 27 49 22 59 and a 40. 55 32 24 a4 a six nine 35 one off a 12 54 we got a 58 and a 59 42 don't see that 42 just that 40 in the 49 come on give us that 50x 100x now 43. 64 no 60s again that's weird 13 no 60s guys 53 no 53 one off we got a seven that gave us the eight 14 21 62 16 41 one off to that 40 18 48 trying to be great 57 one off to that 58. come on bonus numbers come through for that snatchy 52. 28 we just got the double deuce in the 27 for the one off 51 33 pippin one off and a 36. don't see the 36 that goes into the duster only pile onto ticket number 18. let's go 60 27 62 39 63 57 22 and a 29 44 16 13 34 45 56 one off 58 one off again a six 33 and it's not a profit session yet we're actually at breakeven right now i don't know why i thought that the session was only at 140 it's um 2 40. 26 48. 43 let's get this match holy 40s 46 and we ain't got 140 a one no pesky 30. one off to that 29.37 nope we all we got is a 39. how about a 26. no we got a 27. 41 23 one off 53 54 we just got that 57 a 40 no 40. let's get this bonus 65 we got a 60 62 and 63. a seven twelve a nine and a fourteen no dice guys um we had actually we didn't step into the profit zone um 240 dollars in right we got 20. 20 right there 40 and the star of the show guys yeah buddy let's go 200x 240 back can't beat that actually 140 60 80 120 40 60 actually it's 260 we got back 240 can't beat that not with a bat you know these are amazing coins thank you guys so much i appreciate every single one of you guys watching this video you guys are all amazing if you need me for anything i'm always here i don't mind helping in if i'm in the comments if i'm giving you advice and i sound bad i mean mean i apologize i can be blunt sometimes but i it's in everybody's best interest you know um but if you need me i'm just a comment an email or phone call away for you guys i don't mind it at all loved our community all right so the next time and check them out nice coins available i'm pretty sure my 60 20 20. um she has um i think she's selling and i'm not sure she has a couple left i'm actually going to be doing a coin giveaway yeah buddy that one's going to get given away um i know nightingale does have coins i mean i ordered this coin on friday thursday and it's here already amazing live love and scratch shout out to nightingale scratcher 20 20 scratches and these are all amazing channels guys and the newest member to our community that i've met um with a coin is big zeros straight out of pa love the coin with the number five that's what's up his actually ordered on thursday two and it came quick i ordered both of them the same day i believe yeah alright guys until the next time i appreciate everybody please stay safe stay healthy be humble peace
Channel: Scratch off Kings
Views: 57,845
Rating: 4.6673961 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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