Entire Pack! | 30 x $20 ~ 200X The Cash

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hey everybody it's andre get rich or die scratching today i am playing the entire book of the 200x the cash so this is ticket triple zero all the way through ticket 29 um it is the same book it is a clean book in plastic all right here's how it goes the florida lottery they do books in they put groups of tickets in a book so they stack them together they wrap them in plastic ticket triple zero through 29 and the 20 games so the whole point of this is to find a huge prize that's what we're going for we're looking for one of the five million dollar top prizes the odds are really bad it is florida lottery scratch off tickets but you know we we buy the whole book in an attempt to get lucky so it is 100 gambling this is a 600 gamble thank you guys for coming this is a premiere only the second time i've ever done a premiere so the way that works is it's like a live stream but it's a pre-recorded video so we're gonna jump into this we're gonna go through all these tickets good luck to us here we go we'll start with ticket triple zero let's zoom in so in this game we're looking for multipliers the 2x the 5x the 10x the 20x the 50x the 100x or the 200x and we can multiply the prize by that amount and then the star is win all the prizes twice down here is just another line of numbers there's nothing extra special about the bonus area it's just more chances to win here we go ticket triple zero let's get it 38 11 13 3 51 65 16 and 60. i'm actually going to zoom out just a little bit i feel like it's not um yeah i feel like it was too zoomed in all right here we go let's see if we can match one of these numbers 64 one off seven my only single is a three 37 40 55 no dice 63 and 54 8 and 30. 29 no 20s upstairs 47 44 no dice no 40s no 20s 56 nope 57 nope 33 52 and 21 28 and 58 okay two rows left gotta get lucky 31 27 we have a reverse we have a 13 15 and 22 46 no 40s 53 9 and 23 42 and what i like to call the clutch corner it's the last spot in the ticket where you can win for a thousand bucks that would be incredible that would make this entire book profitable and 36 we had a 38 all right ticket triple zero is a bust that is totally cool because i have ticket number one we're going to simple hunt this so we're going to look for symbols down here start with the bonus we are looking for multipliers or the star here we go okay no symbols on ticket number one let's see if we can match one of these numbers 49 and 42 nope 65 and 55 nope 39 and 19 39 and 19. no dice 47 and 52 47 and 52 we have a 57 all right ticket number one is a bust it's the way it goes it's the way it goes so uh odds are of almost one in three so out of 30 tickets so there's 30 tickets in the pack we should have about 10 winners total hopefully one of those 10 winners is a massive prize here we go ticket number two let's get it 55 19 42 7 1 12 65 and 47 33 and 46 40 and 41. so when you buy a whole book um you're guaranteed to buy all the winning tickets in that pack 54 and 32 but you're also guaranteed of course to buy all the losing tickets so it's just that's the risk and the reward you get with buying a clean book 11 and four 56 and 18 26. 53 36 57 58 30 21 28 48 43 23 all right last row of desperation the bonus spots here we go 17 34. sixty three and three oh boy clutch corner for a forty dollar win that's completely uh feasible 35 but it's not folks ticket number two is a bust ticket number three so far back we are at zero out of 600 that's okay we got 10 winners in this book somewhere we just got to find them let's go 65 26 8 28 12 51 14 and 64. 27 and 18 one off 11 and 3 9 58 and 17 60. boom 5x folks 5x 48 we're getting paid [Music] nice 33 25 30 37 43 29 and 16. i hope it's a single 5x with more than five dollars under it so florida is well known for putting prizes less than the ticket value underneath multipliers 42 and 62. i really hope to find an outlier where they don't do that boom two five x's guys two five x's i wonder what that means normally when you find two two x's oh no yeah is it yeah two two x's they put five under each for a break even fifteen and forty-seven i've actually never seen two five x's on this ticket 63 22 all right we have two five x's i'm gonna hype it up for that [Music] come on florida do what's right it's a 50 win so two 25 wins that's awesome that puts us at 50 back on 600 spent that's a good win for a 20 game all right we got the next one ticket number four let's go hopefully you can find something bigger this time take a four 16 19 17 interesting 1 30 59 51 and 11 46 and 38 3 and 23 24 65 25 63 48 no 60s upstairs 37 we have a 30 is our only 30. 8 and 18 one off 721 nope 41 and 62 42 and 9 29. 22 and 56 52 and 4 47 all right last row of desperation 60 33 and 40. 36 and 31 no dice on ticket number four that's okay because i have ticket number five let's go we will symbol hunt this that's where we scratch the bottom first here we go all right no symbols let's match a number 22 and 30 22 and 13 no dice 29 and 37 nope 8 and 24 nope 32 and 60 32 and 60. nope all right guys ticket number five is a bust we got ticket number six oh come on let's get it i need a 33 a 57 a 30 a 6 56 19 31 and 25. nine and 34 36 58 we had a 56. 65 64. we have no 60s 48 and 24 18 and 53 one advantage this does the premieres do is it allows me to be more engaged with the chat 23 and four because i can be in the live chat 47 and 17 while the video is going this is only my second time doing a premiere 52 and 62. nope 8 and 28 39 we have no 60s 11 and 13 51 and 15. oh boy come on baby 12 56 we got a win it's a win nice awesome 46 49 27 and 19. there we go two matches come on florida more than ten and ten come on baby ten and ten it's all right we got twenty back there we'll take it all right that puts us at about 70 back i think all right ticket number seven plenty of tickets left and at least uh eight more wins due double o seven let's get it 25 21 9 31 16 36 61 and 53 39 and 3. 1 and 28 32 we had a 31 8 15 and 7. 29 and 62 we had a 61. all right we got quite a few rows left here 54 58 and 13. 26 and 22 30 55 and 37 no dice there 45 and 51 64 and 12 44 38 and four all right hopefully this isn't shaking too much i feel like it's shaking 47 and 6 i'm gonna have to stabilize it i wish i noticed that earlier 60 and 40 clutch corner for a million bucks 46 we had a 36 no dice let me try to stabilize this all right hopefully that stabilized it uh ticket 7 is a bust i have ticket number eight let's go let's get it we're going to simple hunt this bad boy 34 1 9 7 and 58 we need multipliers or the star those are the only symbols available on this game come on baby give us that 200x symbol 200x with a single match i've seen that before that is a 500 win not too shabby all right last row you can get a symbol down here in the bonus area even though it says bonus numbers you can still get a multiplier okay no symbols let's see if we can match a number 18 and 35 18 and 35 i don't see either i see a 38 28 and 29. we have a 24 and a 22. baby dolls 4 and 30. the only number ending in a 0 is 16. our singles are six eight three one seven and nine fifteen and fifty-five fifteen and fifty-five no dice ticket number eight is a bust that's okay because we got ticket number nine i think if i can zoom in a little bit here here we go take a knife let's get it 55 26 25 27 65 56 33 and 1 18 and 48 7 and 63 64. no we have a 65. 6 and 42 we have no 40s upstairs 39 and 4. 44 no 40s 32 and 22 43 and 29 she would have been so fine 43 and 29 61 we have a 65 13 and 40 49 19 and 16. no teens okay two rows left 52 54 46 21 and 37 we have a 27 15 and 51 28 and 36 oh boy come on 38 no dice what can you do all right ticket number nine you just gotta play the next one that's that's what we can do all right ticket number nine our ticket number ten we just finished number nine let's go 21 1 29 37 41 42 52 and 15 34 and 24 4 and 25 9 61 49 and 56 11 and 54. 65 63 and 7 no 60s 45 and 30 nope 47 and 6 60 and 36 43 32 35 come on baby 62 and 53 we have not won excuse me since ticket number six we are due all right 18 and 44 48 and 33 clutch corner 16 we had a 15 no dice on ticket number 10 okay ticket number 11 must be a backloaded book that's okay here we go let's 200x our cash one ticket 11. how amazing would that be let's go 38 63 18 13 15 35 62 and 34 6 and 12. 2x baby 2x 37 60 so what we want is we do not want a similar multiplier we want not another 2x we want like if we find another multiplier we want it to be of a different variety like a 5x or something 52 or we want to match you don't want two two x's two two x's is a break even ticket twenty three and twenty one foot a lottery likes to play games thirty two and eight forty six and four fifty three it's a reverse we have a thirty five there it is the the next two 2x there it is 42 36. quit playing games with my heart florida florida florida come on baby all right outside of a miracle this is uh two times five oh okay [Laughter] that's funny oh they couldn't even give us 40. they gave us 30. oh gosh that's hilarious that's funny all right i think that puts us at 110 i'll have a running total down here on the screen but um all right ticket number 12. that's funny florida all right i'll give you that you didn't you didn't give me two times five twice so i'll give you that all right let's jump into it ticket number 12. 54 27 52 31 17 57 46 and 44. 61 and 47 no 12 and 42. can we go bike to bike it's where you win on back-to-back tickets 19 and 60. 33 and 39 number six 55 48 59 and 23 38. come on 21 56 no singles 43 one off 28 and eight fifty three and seven every time i've seen that two x symbol it's twice it's always been for five so that was that was funny it's good to see 40 and 45 clutch corner 37 we had a 57 no dice on ticket number 12. all right ticket number 13. we are one we have this one in 14 that's exactly halfway through and we have um three winners so we're due for at least seven more wins so the second half must be loaded all right ticket thirteen let's go i mean there's no guarantee in the florida lottery they don't print any minimums but overall for the odds and that's for all the millions of tickets they printed but overall i find for the most part that books when you do them clean they have they line up pretty close 64 and six we have a 61. 51 and 22 come on 36. 8 and 28 11 and 38. i just realized i don't know how i'm going to do the quiz game i normally do a quiz game on this live stream 24 and 30 but i don't know how to do that 14 60 so what i'll do is i will double stack it for next week 45 i'll buy two 10 tickets for next week 62 and 59 3 and 25 come on 41 12 and 9 18 and 37 48 we had a 58 all right no dice on ticket number 13. we have ticket 14 let's go 34 1 48 32 19 45 60 and 23 7 and 63 we have a 23 42 64 17. 55 and 61 31 24 and 33 that's funny one off one off 21 and 41 27 15 59 and 8 16 and 4. 43 and 49 12 and 29 come on baby 51 57 and 22 56 and 26 65 no dice take a 14 is a bust all right that's exactly halfway so we have 15 through 29 left here we go let's get it just need one magical hit and then all will be well 37 24 42 27 30 44 48 and 9. 40 11 and 36 37 and 28 we have a 37 that's a match nice awesome single match for a huge price 18 and 35 come on 46 34 47 nope 29 54 41 22 and 58 nope 61 57 38 15 and 49 come on baby please be a big win please eight we have nine and 56 3 and 64. there's the nine that's funny wasn't the other one also a nine in the uh no it was 19. all right we got the two matches we have the 37 and the nine let's go 20 30. okay i'm already blank on what the total is but that's 30 bucks more back we'll add it to the screen ticket number 15. so that's four wins we should have at least uh one two three four right that's i think that's four wins we should have at least six more give or take we might end up with nine we might end up with eleven it's it's there's not um like i said the lottery doesn't promise anything all right ticket number 16 let's get it come on baby 22 cupid 33 59 57 6 19 11 and 39 38 58 64. 53 and 35 42 8 and 9 13 and 56 65 7 and 25 43 and 63 see the thing about florida that makes it so unpredictable is they don't have any minimums in their books so although most books you lose about half give or take um you can get lucky and get big prizes two big prizes in the same book hasn't happened to me but i've seen it happen to others so anything's possible 23 45 and 47. 3 and 1 clutch corner 29 no dice on ticket number 16. there we go ticket number 17 i'm doing this with natural light i actually don't have any lights on i'm hoping the quality is still good ticket 17 come on simple hunt this bad boy we are looking for a juicy multiplier like a 20x how about that 100x oh i wonder if it exists on this game i've seen 200x a few times i haven't scratched it myself but people have sent me pictures the 200x by itself is usually a dollar underneath and last week someone sent me a 200x with a single match so it was two dollars underneath and then the single match was 100 it was a 500 winner but i don't think i've ever seen the 100x symbol on this game all right no symbols let's see if we can match a number here we go 16 and 60. no 11 and 63 11 and 63. no 39 and 33 39 and 33. 46 and four 46 and four nope nothing on ticket number 17 all right ticket number 18. i'm just going to check the lighting i'll be right back all right this is with all the lights on i feel like there's more shadows but maybe you can see it better here we go ticket number 18 come on let's get it let's get lucky 36 62 35 60 19 4 24 and 13. nothing on the top row 53 and 8 18 44 33 16 and 28 48 23 57 19 and 26 we have a 19 that's a win folks 34.49 54 38 22 64 clutch corner 15 all right just a single match number 19 40 bucks it's a double up we'll take that all day awesome all right ticket number 19. that puts us at where's that five wins one two three four five wins cool we'll do at least five more let's get it ticket number 19 come on 23 13 40 52 12 54 46 and 25. 22 58 and 16 19 and 7 17 and 31 56 and 18 35 55 49 42 and 1 28 3 and 4 62 21 come on 34 no 37 and 57 38 and 47 24 63 and 41 eleven and nine all right clutch corner let's get it for a thousand bucks 26 we had a 25 all right ticket 19 ticket number 20. all right actually the shadows are actually annoying me here we go ticket 20. let's get it folks we're a simple hunt looking for the elusive 100x symbol come on baby let's get it all right no symbols so let's see if we can match a number i didn't notice any repeat numbers 46 and 55 46 and 55 nope 48 and 14. 30 and 45 30 and 45 nope 36 and 17. come on 17. no dice ticket 20 is a bust ticket number 21 here we go i do this the way i normally do which is i scratch from the top down here we go 29 31 22 16 12 58 18 and 17 boom 5x nice awesome awesome awesome awesome 31 and and a match we got a 5x and a match 28 45 and 54 1 and 51 38. hopefully this is a outlier 9 and 37 24 and 19 11 one off 49 46 and 25 7 and 39 56 34 62 13 and 27 23 and 15. 40 and 52 clutch corner 42 all right we have the 5x and the 31. 25. 30 bucks that's so florida oh gosh all right that's okay that's okay next up 22 pew pew pew let's get it take it 22 let's go back to back 48 57 14 54 56 64 11 and 46 52 and 62 no 26 we actually have no 20s up there 65 28 51 19 and 39 no 20s no 30s 55 nope no singles 47 45 nope 46 no dice 2 off 12. 49 7 and 29 no dice there on ticket 22. it's okay because i got ticket 23. all right here we go ticket 23 16 3 51 13 48 61 54 and 27 45 56 and 26 okay so we have no again no 30s uh we actually do have a 20 we have 27. 64 7 and 49 59 and 34. 65 53 no 30s baby dolls 4 44 pesky number one boom 2x 29 36 and 21 this is um not quite back to back but it's close 46. okay there's the second 2x florida florida florida all right they they surprised us last time can they do it again nope it is a break even 23. all right that was the seventh win we do three more we have 24 25 26 27 28 29. i think so right let me let me do a quick recap one two three four five six seven yep so per the odds would do at least three more let's get lucky and let's find a juicy winner ticket number 24. 62 8 45 15 23 7 48 and 56 6 and 9 49 and 21 17 so far the biggest win is a 50 win 28 and 40. 51 and 4 61 we had a 62 26 18 53 65 and 44 no dice 57 54 29 58 and 32 no 30s three nope 36 46 no dice 47 we have a 48 52 and 12. 39 on ticket 24 busta rooney all right ticket 25 come on just one big win just give us one big win that's all we're looking for all right 30 48 65 37 59 18 41 and 3 31 16 32 and 46 26 no 20s 49 we have a 48. three we got a three it's a match awesome 36. 53 and 58 17 and 22 63 no dice 42 35 nope pesky number one 33 and 60. 54 57 29 all right last row of desperation we do have the matching three 27 and 40. six and 14 and eight all right just a single match come on florida a break even twenty dollar holla all right that's our eighth win so there should be at least two more or one more for sure um should get at least nine but per the odds you should have ten wins all right let's get it number 26 come on 38 28 39 55 25 29 53 and 63. 33 and 24 58 and 64. 57 48 and 30. 34 54 26 no no 29 23 no 42 no 36 47 and 15 65 32 come on baby 51 and 35 no dice 45 52 and 16. 61 and 8 6 11 21 7 and 27 clutch corner 31 all right ticket 26 is a bust three tickets left we have 27 28 and 29 in the live chat which one do you think is going to be the winner 27 28 or 29 let me know all right here we go let's get it 13 53 7 37 45 43 19 and 44 6 52 28 34 38 57 24 no 20s again 12 and 31. 33 bump and uglies 42 15 54 and 47 we have a 53 no 20s 60 no 60s 40 no 49.58 9 and 51. pesky number one 16 and four 25 and three clutch corner 26 okay okay we got ticket 28 next let's get lucky let's get lucky lucky lucky all right ticket 28. we need a big win here we need a big win 51 46 27 55 39 33 32 and 64. 16 and 43 7 and 47 61 and 9. thirty five and e level 29 39 we got a match guys ticket 28 comes through with the goods 37 and 51 we have a 51 as well 60 59 and 56 17 13 62 27 44 42 48 and 40 25 21 31 15 27 and 12. we have a 27 that's three matches that's interesting 65 all right unless i miss something we have the three matches we got the 39 the 27 and the 51. 10 20 30 bucks all right we'll take that over zero it's not exactly what we were looking for a little shy of the 5 mil the 5 million top prize all right here we go ticket number 29 black box special come through for us that was the ninth win this could be the 10th it is possible 44 42 18 15 8 47 28 and 54 13 and 52 33 and 27 63 25 and 53 come on baby let's close this out with a banger 9 and 38 49 no 56 51 32 and 64. come on 30. 59 39 46 26 3 21 48 and 40. 61 and 41 oh boy here we go 6 and 14 one off 11 and 60 all right clutch corner this would be a fabulous ending to the stream if this ticket was to win in the clutch corner especially for 200 bucks that would be phenomenal 24. it is a loser folks all right let's do a quick recap how did we do how did we do we spent 600 bucks in hopes to win five million and we did 30 there first of all we got nine winners so the odds say 10 so very close so 30 plus 20 is 50 [Music] plus 20 is 70 plus 20 is 90 plus uh what was that 30 that's 110 or 120 plus 30 that's 150 plus 40 that's 190 plus what is that uh 30 what is a 190 210 uh 220 plus 50 is 2 70 back just shy of half back that's pretty average um so this was not a great book it was not the worst book i've seen worse um i've seen 245 so anyways guys thanks for checking out today's video thanks for coming to my sec my first ever premiere of 2021 my second ever premiere on my youtube channel i love each and every one of your faces the channel's been doing awesome and your support is outstanding catch you guys in the next video oh guys i never asked the entire stream what is wrong with me smash that like button for me the little hand needs to be blue alright love all your faces catch you later all right bloopers i missed the 27 for 10 bucks so the total back is 280 out of 600 still less than half but i know you guys were screaming at me totally missed the matching 27 up there anyways guys thanks for checking out today's video catch you next time
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 110,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8vNOLupWimw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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