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hey folks johnny has got the lotto scratching and we are scratching holy donuts folks we're scratching two complete packs of the 20 golden state riches yes folks we're doing it again we're going all out we're going over the top we're going overboard we are doing two two complete brand new unopened golden state ridges yeah and why are we doing this folks because we can thanks to you folks out there we wouldn't be doing this by ourselves but thanks to you folks we're able to and we're going to do it but father how much money and tickets is this this is two packs times 600 this is 1200 dollars in tickets moochie's here hi moochie she wants to see this go too we got these particular ones because they should go a little quicker um unlike some tickets this will these are pretty straightforward so you just have to match up two numbers or two symbols would you say that this is the largest ever session we've done i would say folks yes i know i keep saying this um but this is definitely the largest session we've ever done the most we've ever spent on a single uh a single session so two complete books unopened we're going to do these here in just a moment i am just kind of talking here because once we get going we're going to keep on going yeah i'm just petty mooch yes moochie's here you can see the moochie eclipse now i say this all the time but we're doing this like i just said thanks to and because of you folks out there because of your views we do not recommend that any of you or anybody do such a thing and spend the kind of money you need to on this if you're a grown person you have the money you can do it hey that's up to you but we do not suggest it we do not recommend it so that being said let's get down to actually opening these and real quick before we get going if you need contact information since we seldom mention it uh please see our about tab on our channel for the paypal and post office fox information and for those of you who have been there thank you very much okay so that being said yes this will take a little bit of time obviously but we'll try to keep it as brisk as possible let me open this first one and also much eclipse the odds will mention just because uh one and three point zero four uh any prize winning four point three seven for the cash though the odds are really meaningless you have to get a win or you don't when you open ticket number one number one okay we'll get the focus back in and thank you folks again for being here it means the world to us which is why we're even attempting this so here we go focus third hand please please sorry sorry excited here we go get that back in action oh it's preoccupied apologies for that folks okay so we'll get this straightened out yet and as i always say daily and fresh fresh and daily we literally just came in from the store we're sitting down no preparation obviously whatsoever and here we go so triple zero ticket on the left side we're finding hopefully two of the same symbol on the right side two of the same number with a chance of 2 5 10 or 20 x for multipliers that's all there is let's have at it here we go i will be quick i'll try not to rush but i am going to go quick i may try a couple different methods we'll see what happens so let me try coming down just the side here on one side my aim is not as good as some so we'll see yeah i can foresee in the future that this is probably not the method you're gonna stick with it's probably not the method i'm gonna stick with i need a better scratch coin to even do that so and you're off screen already i'm off screen okay so it's the process of elimination that's not the method it will not be anyway wait hold on let me make sure not to say anything we won't miss anything because we're gonna look at it before we put it aside okay um so this is as sloppy as you can get nice way to kick off the first ticket but we do not have a match anywhere correct correct okay so that won't happen again again trying to find some rhythm here hopefully we'll have a couple decent wins so 12 look at that tell me that is not to mess with you psychologically yes so 1200 yes we know it's a bit much but again thanks to all these wonderful people out perfect this is the there i know how to do it it's the way my wrist works without causing me too much pain now this is gonna take we don't know we guessed me about an hour give or take but it won't be a couple hours like some like one of our recent sessions which was pretty difficult for everyone even much even mooch but some of this is trial and error sometimes you don't know what's going to happen as far as just the methods let alone the results so nothing there here's ticket two and yeah i suggest you get comfortable get a drink get a beverage of choice relax and if you're just listening trust me the haze will fly you will hear them let's hope there's a whole bunch of them nothing there so yes no coin at the moment no time for that and this is also because it's a new year and why not kick it off with something a little bit bigger than usual at least so far we have a nice winning streak going here well you got yourself a good piece going okay keep that up now i'm going to take off mine go for it my jacket all right pull that sleeve please all right sorry folks i'm over dressed here next ticket up is ticket number three because it was a little cool outside there we go i'm busy ripping tickets yes you are third hand's working moochie is doing moochie maintenance in front of us and all this right in the household here so far waiting for that first win this is the fourth ticket in and there's nothing yet good thing we didn't buy four in a row yes yes this is true i make sure i stay on the screen please third hand because oh yes i will certainly lose track i can guarantee that again hey nice very nice we are but human we are full flawed you're right we are but human we're about human but hey there we go two matches we definitely have our hey three matches our moments okay so we got it 30 bucks right 300 a thirty i win thirty six and thirty six so the first one's gonna be a thirty dollar win third hand we'll be marking these down we will share that information with you as we move along as third hand knocked stuff down off the table very nice good thing that water did not spill okay so let's go to the next one this is this is ticket zero zero four so the number ticket number three was 30 bucks correct and as usual my mouth is moving out of sync with my mind i'm sure you're used to that by now if you've ever been here before so with 1200 spent between two books yes we're gonna have to get quite a few wins or a certain one or two large but regardless we're taking a shot and having some fun yes we say we do this for you and we do but we are doing it for us too it is exciting as well we wouldn't want to be doing anything boring okay let's keep this going you got yourself a good piece going i like that thank you kind sir i'm anxious to find the winds if i mistake something for whatever or miss something we will be checking these and third hand will be double checking them over my shoulder okay nothing on that one ticket zero zero five let's go okay nothing there i'm gonna have a heck of a pump in my arm by the time i'm finished you don't have to go to the gym it'd be nice to see a nice multiply i know it wouldn't be well so far we got one win out of seven tickets six tickets and seventy yeah again typical most tickets will not win more often than not you will not retrieve your money back but you just never know why we're here nothing there okay and it's not easy to find two of the same book either full packs we were fortunate enough to be able to open that ticket yeah i zoomed out slightly so hey here we go another one so you don't have to keep doing good good i'm going to make it so people can see also i think i can see i'll do it a tiny bit you don't have to i mean keep it balanced we don't want too close or too far it has to be comfortable for all parties i'm a party of one you are okay nothing there except 48. 48 where to go right here yep and it's going to be a ticket how did i know that i won't say because we know these tickets we've played enough of them we're getting close to we're still getting close to 8 000 tickets we've scratched since we started in two and a half years it's a lot of scratching folks and we're getting close we're somewhere around 900 videos which is i think quite a library here we go hi moji nice to see you [Laughter] okay last few here and nothing wow that's eight tickets number three and number six or or what the tickets that one well here's the number snowman two hula hoops in the snowman all right let me find nothing there let's get that set there how's the live ticket yes well it has 48 is the previous win [Laughter] third latch yeah three i said third watch third watch yes because sometimes i spoken right fourth match okay make it okay so 14 10 okay 24 10 uh ten and eleven times ten so there's forty dollars forty bucks there you go third hand that's yours bring in the next contestant ticket zero zero niner okay so one of these on the top here on the left came through that would make things a whole lot easier to rationalize this set and we will certainly be doing regular mix mixes of tickets moving forward again once in a while we will be doing books but we are going to try to keep things as mixed as much of a variety as we can to keep you on your toes yes so that you don't know what to expect any day we have no set theme where we do something on this day or something on that day and it's very impromptu what kind of two the impromptu kind okay nothing on that ticket all right here's ticket zero one zero to the left let's get that certified i hope i'm not going too quick for you folks or too slow okay i finished ripping the tickets from the first book very good i will stop there for now thank you kind sir that's enough of that noise sorry i just want to give a quick update tickets three six and eight have won so we're up to um 60 plus 30 is 90 bucks back yes we have 90 back so far so just 110 [Applause] hey chicken legs thank you moochie okay bring it up what is that two matches yes what's that it is two and that's what you need to go with it and the answer is probably not okay okay sure chicken legs there we go and the snowman with an eye poke win all right but it's still good it is a win 25 dollars i'm just giving it yes you you definitely should check that all right we got uh ticket zero one one the chicken leg ticket nothing on those people can see that okay and i hope you folks are well yeah current events world things you know it's all same old stuff but we're glad to be able to be here i'm glad you folks are here with us hopefully it's a pleasant distraction from all the what not going on this is for us i hope to share that distraction with you [Laughter] waiting for that first multiplier win i'm waiting for that first claimer win come on tickets you can do it they sure can and nothing there okay and of course if we do miss something like i said we were gonna check it but you're welcome to call it out and let us know if you notice of course hey hey look at that third hand looking at our list look at that very nice dad i caught that instantly stood out right to me can we get oh that's 150 folks check that out whoa it just kept going let me just show you i'm bringing a different ticket in so it's 50 and then 100. so now let's check out the 250. hey folks that looks pretty good that's a win that's what we got here that's 400 bucks what are the chances ha ha third hand's happy no but i would just that's so funny i don't know but we're gonna have to pay all that money to fix your voice okay we got 150 400 900. dad it's a claim we got a glamour folks oh john moochie's here what happened to my voice i think he pulls something i hope i can have grandkids still i think my boxers are too tight oh my goodness gracious all right okay we just got our freaking claims let's finish it we're not there yet we're not excuse me 900. only 900.75 so again there's 50 150 that's 250 makes 400 plus that is 500 900 now let's go to the side here and see if there's anything else oh my goodness we're gonna expect to see i don't know is there a 900 win i don't know we don't know this is uncharted territory so maybe it's not a climber maybe it is i suspect it is because i don't know that there's a 900 win wow that's uh yeah there it is we gotta claim her folks look at that hi one hundred dollars hot dog what do you know oh third hennis and we got the matches on the side we never get them oh my goodness we got one of these one time i think it's for 50 bucks yeah we got the freaking 500 bonus wow oh you're gonna have to go for voice lessons again you don't have check this out yes so we got 50 90 115 plus 11 15. we already need 85 more dollars to get even so for the whole session for the whole session this makes such a difference oh my goodness it's a profit session folks it's a profit session a thousand dollars 500 plus 250 750 plus 100 is 8.50 plus 50 is 900 plus that is 1000. wow it is a cleaner it is a claimer and moochie's over there knocking stuff down with excitement okay we're milking this one we're holding it for just some dramatic pause let's move on put that down please i sure will my goodness that is satisfying i have to say when you risk that much money yes it is a risk yes we can do it thanks to you folks but it's still money being spent it's not like it comes falling out of the sky that was ticket number 12 by the way ticket 12 has come through with grand now can we do it again is there something else in here this is such a better year so far i gotta say it's such a better kickoff to the new year and again thank you thank you thank you all you wonderful people out there that one's close wow i'm still reeling on that that is just to see this first one was cool to see the second one come on the bigger ones the 250 and the 500. my goodness getting real food real food tonight and much pain you gotta win back the back back to back when that's you imagine wow rock and roll hot dog and anything else i can come up with that's clever clever like a lever these tickets are the bee's knees they are indeed they are and then they're another match so it is cash yes we are going to trip the light fantastic tonight at least me and mrs ganto will be dancing around three hand will be laughing at us because we're not very good at it i have three left feet for sure okay 42 14 was that bad okay or that one 15 and then 14. so we got 25 dollars there talk about a hot and cold match but it but it is another win third hand is i got yeah your fingers you guys butterfingers he's still almost shaking because such a nice big ticket early on in the session my goodness that's our third clamor ever and okay so folks when we had our first claimer i'm going to talk for a minute we got it way back when two and a half years ago when we first started it took two years to get the second claimer and now it's been what two months three months yes to get the next one yeah wow now it's only going to take us about 12 weeks to get the money because they are not expedient when it comes to cashing in stuff these days um sorry i have to say real quick right that previous one was 25 correct yes okay yeah just making sure that's okay wow that was such a beautiful sight we never get those symbols on the left to match and we got them all the way up to the 500s we did hear it real quick just because moochie's here bringing her luck her batteries are fully charged there you go hi mooji nice to see you thank goodness you are quite the lucky charm of course my son is quite the lucky charm too i'm a lucky father yay let's get going here now it's wholesome again yes your voice still hasn't come back but that's okay it's understandable i am quite pleased i have to say obviously because we have redeemed what we spent and we will make some money which will help us get more tickets and do continue to do the sessions as we have been first we would anyway this is our thing what it's the first time we got a claimer in a book though i mean we've only got three it's not like it's a big selection to choose from on the time this has happened my goodness and nothing there yeah nothing on this one okay so wow very very nice all right moving right along this is ticket zero one five it's the sixteenth ticket it's exactly the halfway mark because remember this is 30 tickets 29 yeah okay this is true all right let's do it again and am i on screen i'm sorry folks if i'm bouncing it around a little bit again my perspective is slightly different than yours third hand is trying to manage to just manage this [Laughter] yeah your scratching skills are i'm not top notch i got to say well i've been reinvigorated too well my wrist works this way all these years of construction i have certain abilities hey a multiplayer win let's hope there's zero's under there it's another win yes i spent decades building things so i have certain strengths some of them have faded some of them are still there much like my knowledge is certainly wayne i used to be quite a student about many a subject and now less listen i used to be able to tell you anything you need to know about particle physics and whatnot but we got 30 bucks there okay now i couldn't tell you an atom uh from a from a biscuit okay all right ticket 15 was a thirty dollar win yes two times fifteen oh i'm scratching here on the right side i ignored the left side i'll come back to it just get things up that's fine i was looking over here anyway yes [Laughter] yeah i just don't want to zoom out too far because then it's hard for them to yes to see as well just going about myself a little bit i used to my hobby used to be one of my hobbies used to be languages and i was able to read or write at least the basics in about 15 different languages folks i couldn't say that much beyond the basics but i can greet people i can read in quite a few and now i can't even read or speak english so i was going to make that joke into it no i was not fluent in these so don't get me wrong i was not an expert in english either yeah but i did spend a lot of time learning the basics in quite a few but if you don't use that stuff you lose it and i haven't used it i i can attest he's telling the truth because he used to back in uh uh before the cds what was the little tapes oh because yeah he used to buy the cassette tapes that would teach you the languages so i can attest yes he did learn languages i have a library of language tapes and books that exceeds most libraries and i would drive everyone not speaking 50 different times at a time but again i am not capable anymore since again if you don't practice that you lose it all right so that's about me let's continue and get on about the tickets here and see if there's any other wins we'll give you a little update here in a few minutes as to what we have we'll show you the list and i mentioned about myself because some of you folks want to know so you know obviously i've been in construction for or was for many years i was in the service before that and now i'm just doing this for the most part okay let's move this up [Laughter] so yeah back to that so when i respond i see other languages greet us in the comments it's generally me responding back with my own knowledge but if it gets too complicated i won't know what you're saying so please do not bombard me because i know what happens when i mention i know anything people start going crazy and it's like i don't know what you're saying okay in english too stick it zero eight did i get the left side oh i did not okay folks me back up i'm backing up yes yes i just noticed what i said before i did miss it it's back this is the one i did into the left side so i'm coming back here we are easily distracted around here but we caught the mistake that's important yes we caught it this time that would have been so unsatisfying so for you out there who call us on this we know you didn't watch the whole video through and through because we did get it but that's okay we don't mind that okay all comments are gleefully and happily welcome even though that's a redundant statement yes what education i have is uh basically engineering such as it is okay and giving moochie uh eyebrow switches yeah i yeah that's one of my pastimes but you're more of an expert the cats like you more you're likable the cats know it they look to me for food they look to you for eyebrow rubs yeah so uh just a quick update the last win was ticket 15. okay after our next win we'll we'll show you the okay little list here you can show my chicken scratch yes that's okay all right at least you can write i know folks who not that they didn't learn they just gave up even trying so the penmanship is kind of poor and it's like oh some doctors yeah i thought that was pretty sad you know what i like wins how much this stands out number 12. look at that show them that okay well it's not a win but we'll show them anyway i was going to show them after the next one i'm sorry that's okay it's not a big deal so here we go folks these are these are the ones we have so far we got the 50 90 115 140 170 170 and there are your ticket numbers not a bad little slew we'll continue this you know we still have a whole nother floor we do have another bed which is a pure profit book everyone from there is going to be profit ticket zero one nine yes i'm rambling a little bit more than normal but that's me you're elated believe it or not i was somewhat of a shy introverted person when i was in school as a young person that is long gone now i've reached the obnoxious levels of gabiness third hand can attest to that too i'm just going to giggle at that statement and leave it there i also have no opinions about anything snicker snicker well folks i mentioned this because you are here with us in our household as part of our family there's no reason you should know a little bit about us yes i know you all want to see a face reveal that's not going to happen just yet at some point probably but you know i consider my face a radio face at the same time i don't really care what anybody thinks about me so i'm pretty good about that we have our reasons for not uh doing that as of you're the best johnnies i've seen thank you thank you kind sir there's probably only like two others so i am unique if nothing else are we not all unique yeah in some ways well we are all we are all us we are all different and that's all good uh speaking of unique uh these wins seem to have gotten unique because last win was 15. yeah that's true what happened there seems to be a bit of a dry spell going on here anything happening is my mouth moving and no winds so i'm going to shut up now oh i'm in for a treat oh the truth comes out here here's another little psychological oh bit of teasing i i didn't mean it sounds so mean you're not mean folks third hand is never mean to me it was just a good opportunity for you it's okay little digging's fine gotta have some fun life is serious enough and these days i think we can all see that things are the way they are we need to have a little levity definitely a little fun find some goodness and whatever you can i guess i can be somewhat philosophical too hey moochie it's amazing she pops up when we get away thank you all right we all have to find that one thing which keeps us moving and puts a smile on face that we can reflect on anytime we need [Laughter] i'm fortunate enough to have my son my wife and the critters and cats and cats yes and you folks out there it does make life a little bit nicer oh you get some fantastic comments oh you've already yeah yeah folks i've seen other channels and whatnot you folks are just amazing so such kindness hi mooji look at you and your little moochie toes uh yeah can you imagine me driving 100 guys 200 guys on a construction site barking and yelling and getting to do stuff and that's what you used to do and now i'm calling out moochie toes [Laughter] yes indeed and i'm good with it i am good okay i'm glad we didn't have to wait another two years for that claimer our next claimer no kidding only just two months we'll see you maybe we only have to wait 15 minutes for the next one oh that would be beautiful yeah you would hear sounds that have never been heard before and i will apologize for always saying the word folks and i guess you've done it but saying guys all the time this seems a little yeah i don't know throw away and simple and moochie and i find you folks to be folks peoples all you peoples muchi is right here getting eyebrows rubbed yeah she can't see but she's licking my elbow hello mookie nope no he's a she has a new collar on and we do not like the bell we're gonna get another new collar i like the other belt yeah this one is kind of a flat ring on it she lost her other one if you were watching yesterday the day before she lost her collar she was a naked moochie and we can't have that since she goes outside and we don't want anybody to mistake her for history excuse me oh much eclipse a bridge over troubled moochie all right tickle tick let me try that again ticket zero two two here we go we're getting close to the end of the first pack correct i got a nucci tail in my eye no thank you i'm gonna get that itchy eye i'm allergic to cats believe it or not i know i mentioned that but i am so too much contact with too much hair will get me a bit irritated all right there probably won't be that many more wins there could be but typically if there's a clamber in a pack the other wins are going to be a bunch of pedestrian another 100 or something ecstatic i don't know we would get that because again let me let me live my dreams yes but no i'm saying i don't know that we would but it would be certainly going to be nice and welcome don't trust me i shall not hold out hope welcome to the club it's claymore cats all the way up all the way that's a slight reference to something also which folks everybody probably won't know where they go right here number eight it's probably gonna be exactly what i thought that's why i said that but it still helps because there are there are some patterns to how these things work and how they're put together but i don't mind being wrong it will always readjust my thought based on new facts so maybe this ticket will prove me to be completely out of line all right here we go let's find something else nope nope nope wow we got one more pack but so far it's going fairly quick it's only 30 minutes in so again about an hour give or take depending on how much more i speed up and shut up and i'm getting sloppy i apologize i'll try to fix that [Laughter] all right last couple here and this one is going to be a nothing all right ticket 24 is an xy take a 24. all right i didn't miss any left sides here the symbols okay make sure you keep track third hand wow if you saw the pile of scratch scratcher dust that's building up here excuse me pave my driveway with this stuff yeah i don't think you missed anything i have to make sure i'm on the screen but yeah i don't think i missed anything either okay here we go yes i'm starting to get a little fatigued from going so fast third hand you should probably pop in here and scratch so maybe in the next one you can finish these up i may oh i can yeah the last i can finish the last five yes i think so all right i'll have a break and you can have a chance maybe you'll pull out the next claimer because that was fun i'm sure the folks out there would like to have their hand give it a try too so we've had a single wait single or two multiplier wins just a single one i think okay 2x yeah again i would be very surprised if there's a larger another large one in here of any sort but there should be at least one or two more yes third hand's gonna take over folks okay give myself a break and give him a chance and give you a little bit of variety now hang on one minute while we make the commotion of moving back and forth and changing seats i try not to kick the camera all right here we go all right it's all yours there third hand all righty we're on ticket 25 last ticket win was ticket 22 so we're due for a win i must hone in hey wow 100 bucks i just got a hundred dollar win and i was just happily proven wrong rock and roll wait what did i say two tickets ago i just want to get another hundred dollars there we go and i just said that unlikely that it's gonna happen like i said i'm happy to be wrong rock and roll oh that's so cool that that's me all right somebody without glasses i have my glasses on today yeah that could really mess with their head okay just to show you the proof you see it's a hundred dollar win yeah so yes all right to the top we go because there can be even more wins wait a second if i find any other win on here it's probably going to be a 200 minimum right unless there's 150 once but oh that's true too oh there's dust under the table yes you have to brush it off we got a flurry of that's flying here okay find something else i would like a 200 200 all right last little uh stretch here nope okay this is a hundred dollars a hundred dollar win wow and third hand got it very good i'm so proud of myself i love seeing those big zeros pop up all right keep it going keep it going wow 100 of all the tickets i scratched were winners that's a heck of a streak do it again don't mess it up now [Laughter] hello moochie all right to the top we go make sure we're in screen for you guys all right let's find another one here you guys can feel free to tweet yeah critique my uh my uh scratching abilities i know i'm not quite as uh professional as mr kato here but i'm trying that's why you're in the seat get some gain some experience yes make sure i didn't miss anything no um i'm just double checking don't want to miss a win here we're over thirteen hundred dollars so far on this book we still have another book and the whole session cost 1200 so with one two three more tickets to go after that all right not once uh i'm going through so they can see two but it's a loser yeah yeah all right moving right along okay if you want to take too long with one ticket so ticket 27 looking for the bonus spots drop my water very nice dropping your water everyone's dropped the water in here all right oops to the top we go come on let's try to end this pack on a even something more and even something yeah well you know what my english is not too good either yeah we don't even speak around here we usually just gesticulate towards each other and faces and grunts and grunts when you're a family you kind of know what each person's saying right i mean you all have the same kind of experience i think to some degree you don't need any words to know what the other person's saying a simple mod all right that one's a loser all right come on there third hand two more tickets and this book is done and we will begin the next one all right let's even find that wow wow we it's a dancing ticket all right last ticket win was ticket 25. one more before we go come on now hey here we go found another win hey okay the penultimate ticket has come through [Laughter] hey three matches four matches let's have some zeros five matches blizzard i missed that one oh come on zeros be zeros okay 52 yes 50 52 the next one was 19. yep make sure i'm in screen so they can see it uh mixed up above it 59. uh next up is 454 and then 46. 50. 46. wow i got 150 dollars in win so far and i only had five tickets to scratch pretty good oh i can't write anymore either that's okay i know so last ticket here we go the last one of the pack when we finish on yet another win i'd have to say what an outstanding ticket book this was a ticket but it's thanks to the uh claimer otherwise it would have been a lousy yeah that's true and we'll go over the numbers here in just a moment so you can see yourself [Laughter] can we end this book on a winner even though i already found 150 bucks in the last five tickets yeah it's pretty decent looks like it's gonna be no nope okay not this time right make this uh we're gonna change books 13. okay um where's the second book it's on my side right there there you go uh do you want you want to hop in there oh you can start this one if you want okay real quick before we do that folks let's bring in the notepad so you can see it so out of this book thirteen hundred and sixty dollars on the first one again this is a twelve hundred dollar session so we are already up one hundred and sixty dollars in profit and you can see we got uh 30 50 90 115 140 170 190 210 310 360 plus 2 000 1360 rock and roll if it without that clamor it would have been a lousy book it's there so should we start a new page okay good here i will give you the book before we do that third hand please wipe the table down all right you want you wanna hang out let's just get this close little maintenance here okay you can do that on screen all right all right i'm just making a little space here so we have some okay that's enough that you can have at it now all right so open it up okay so next book is the same game same game careful you don't cut the ends off and it'll be the cleaner part fresh talk about fresh and baileys this is as fresh as you can get still wrapped i'm going to start with ticket one again yeah or to tear that and i'll start pulling them apart i'll keep this one over here uh if you can't remember make sure all the small numbers are on top if that's okay yes okay yes all right uh triple zero ticket this is the new book let's see what it can do for us i have very complicated demands and i want you to meet them all never to do so my son all right let's start at the top here [Laughter] okay i didn't miss anything yet well i don't want to say yeah i didn't miss anything at all so far [Laughter] all right that one sure looks like a loser to me i gave you guys i concur all right moving on to the next one that's ticket number one every win on this book is profit wow talk about some gravy our gravy runneth it's over everywhere it's going to take a month and a half to clean this up all right so talk road oh now i'm doing the tearing we really really thank you for always making time to be here with us being here with us in our home enjoying our nonsense plenty of nonsense around here to go around no doubt all right that this one is also a loser okay so ticket two on book two and no that that is not a win just in case you guys are wondering i haven't found one yet so far i want to add to that gravy okay sounds good to me yes the time is still ticking it's still under an hour hey gotta win too much more all right just make sure it's just that one win 31 before i fully commit okay it looks like it's just one win so what do we get but it is nonetheless all right third hand let us switch places again you can write that down in the vlog don't kick the camera that would look unprofessional but around here no one's gonna be surprised okay grabbing the next let's see how dirty my fingers are now with ink and scratcher dust on them very nice all right here we go ticket zero zero three we got one ticket win so far all right here it is ever so close they're not good enough some teasers on this ticket so this first stack appears from the first right okay that is true nope nothing on that one okay moving right along next up ticket zero zero four it does help to have my glasses on i actually can see what i'm doing for a change and yes i decided i'm just going to wear glasses on a regular basis yes i find it capitulated it's too difficult the blurriness and too uncomfortable and i make too many mistakes for scratching tickets so instead of looking silly just wear what i have all right anything else i'm just in it for the gravy i think it was wherever we get here is going to be watch pick a blank book better not be a single ticket no there won't be there should be at least i want to say half but at least close to half they've kind of changed things in regards to that too but typically a book has about half sometimes these days it might only be a third but there will be something nothing in that one ticket zero zero five so the last ticket went on this book was ticket number two all right let's make this one the most recent win my on screen here at the top yeah you were and now you look very good so none of those match all right moochie i hear you jiggling with that lousy bell we got to get you another knock off yeah that's not even enough it sounds like a plan moochie is too much to have something so cheap she needs some top shelf colors you got your first win from this book i did i did indeed um i am slightly parched well i not surprised i'm surprised i'm not since i haven't shut up and no i probably will not so you can turn the sound down if you don't want to hear me folks and i once in a while talk too much if i talk too much turn the sound off how can i do that from my side [Laughter] you can't because i'm your father you're stuck with me i had to throw that in there that's okay first one was a match which means it's a ticket yeah yeah all right you can tell that was a ticket right off the bat okay ticket zero zero six let's continue nothing there so we got two wins so far ticket two and five ooh a whole 40 wow minimum wins across the board [Laughter] oops it's scratching it the coin is this one's a little better folks the one i've been using and some of them because this is not pure silver 50 it's 50 so the mix makes it a little more hard and scratchable it doesn't wear down now imagine scratching with a 24 karat gold coin it would be much if you've done it already it'd be like chocolate warm chocolate yeah gold is way too soft oh my hand is black though nothing on here so next ticket up is going to be uh ticket number seven um okay remember only two tickets ago we won so yes all right double 07 ticket not shaken or stirred but scratched [Music] i'm still thinking about the claim where are we going to meet you [Laughter] it's pretty exciting it was pretty fun the first one was cool and the second one above it matches like whoa yeah you were already reliving the past all 20 minutes ago i am definitely working up an appetite though i got to tell you when mrs gatco gets home i'm going to get herself something to eat i already forgot what today is today yeah it's thursday i'm just thinking about claymore that's how i know my mind there's nothing else on my mind my goodness talk about a laser beam focus yeah we kind of do for a win here we are yeah yeah another little tease and nothing there all right throw hand in a moment bring my bottle of water up from the side there if i left it there because i'm going to need a drink myself okay just keep it handy we can put it next to me i want to watch first that's okay i'll take a moment after this i'll sacrifice your thirst so i can get some enjoyment out of this because there's something here to enjoy multiplier here i'm not even saying a claim but we just gotta get another nice win yes okay folks hang on one second i'm taking a all right so this next ticket up is going to be ticket number nine uh we still only have two wins so far from the second book so okay ah i've been hydrated very nice and nothing you were on screen i was checking okay very good very good thank you you were barely but you were honestly though but but it was yeah that first ticket where i did this yeah yeah that won't happen again no that's not my style you know some people have a card and it's they want to scrape down but that's not me nothing on that one what do you think mooch we can use a little help here this which means a little assistance perhaps yes nothing there wow yeah ticket number 10 already well that's a nice little stretch of emptiness there it is take a 10. another tease hi mooch you're looking a little restless now are you anxious to find another win too she is yes hey thank you mood it's amazing i'll tell you that one it is kind of wait a second two matches there hey three matches oh she's tapping oh four matches and five matches interesting gonna be tens at least yes yes okay three 45 um i lost track 50 bucks that's it is that it yeah okay five matches ten then wow fifty dollars that's the biggest one so far it is keep it going keep it going ticket number ten yes my goodness all right ticket zero one one the chicken legs yeah my voice is a little straining too and for those of you think i'm being ridiculous welcome to my life imagine what mrs gatto puts up with a lot yes but she's been putting up with it for over 30 something years now more than that yeah anyway because we got married when we were zero [Laughter] because she's only 29 of course all right [Laughter] and the answer is no all right so ticket number 12. very good so we're at uh 90 bucks so far for the second book the second book okay zero one two but we still have uh quite a bit of ways quite a bit of ways or you can just decipher that how you want i need a book to translate that okay third hand speak third hand spoke yes we have our own signals here all right i'm waiting for the next big there it is wow what do you know mochi calling out hi mooch i said i'm waiting for the next big and she she answered i wonder if they heard that i'm sure you think they probably did yeah you can hear that that's old mooch she's got a very sweet meow [Laughter] all right nothing there all right nothing on that ticket all right you want to give her a snack you can uh we don't have anything handy oh okay much you have to wait nothing nothing and you know the toilet seat the bar of soap do not come through ticket 10 was the last latest camera sorry camera it is now just shy of an hour in largest ever session largest ever session and the best profit on a session i think it'll be certainly in the end again we get here is going to add to the pile all right nothing there all right ticker 14. thank you yeah when we finish we're going to have to feed all the kitties because it is about that time and they can be demanding so can i it can be you'll hear a catcophony of meows oh that's bad yeah was it cataclysmic oh god is it a catastrophe i don't know when to stop wait nothing there waiting for that win to pop up so i can go and hey really loud yes yes my ears have not been damaged recently i need another actually folks i did have my hearing just tested recently and quite amazing they said i have amazing hearing my right ear is like perfect my left ear is close to perfect considering all the noises i put myself through between construction and the military and then i was actually a roadie for a band for some years too um yeah it's amazing i can hear it all it's not bad of course i don't pay attention but that's a whole different story there we go multiplier it's at least going to be something that they usually always put yeah at least 15. typically yeah i'm still hoping for them to put 100 bucks in one of those 50 or 100 would be fantastic [Laughter] okay so nothing else there just about usually there's not another match multiple no i haven't seen one yet when there's so let's bring it back 2x times 15 there's that 30 we expected but it's still good to see nothing but smiles around here today all right to the bottom of the left side let's try this ticket zero one six nothing here we go so we've only gotten four wins back so far out of this book yes and we're about halfway yeah yes okay hey there's another win back to back to back tiz tis i say because indeed hey it's like a match that's good okay hey third match [Laughter] hey fourth match forty dollar win i think forty dollars forty or a hundred here we go forty one four okay uh 47 right there and then bring it down at 59. [Laughter] and what was the other one was there another one was a cuckoo 39. oh 40 bucks so it is 40 there you go not too bad that's decent okay take it zero one seven let's continue and okay i'm just making sure there's not one that sit past this but it is a win and they all accumulate near miss there is near misses matter right it's like saying you got 26 chances to win no it's one ticket it's one chance come on now let's be real [Laughter] all right nothing in that one that one is to the pile of losers and this one command should be to the pile of winners let's hope ticket 018 the snowman his walking staff and a hula hoop just in case he gets bored nothing all right let's start at the top because it's easier for me to go down pop the bottom and then bottom up because i'll mess it up because i'm set in my ways i'm just waiting for that next day oops there will not be this ticket apparently all right let's make sure you uncover everything all right tickets 19 for clarity there it is ticket 19. 50 bonus 50 no and no camera's on right yeah yeah that would be a shame if it wasn't hey there we go and this is ticket uh what do we say uh 19 19 and last one was 16. correct [Laughter] every another match otherwise it's probably going to be a ticket it doesn't always have to be like that but what's wrong i know i know and hey there we go good it will be cash okay not bad where was it number six top 20 plus they like to get you like that get your hopes up ticket zero two zero getting there folks getting there that's another win after the next win we will show you the book just to give you a quick update see i tell you that is just mean okay nothing okay here we go yes you can hear i'm starting to get a little tired i will persevere nonetheless there it is back to back wins that's fun let's keep it going let's get a remaining ticket spread streak and every ticket's gonna win from here on out everything's turning up milhouse this is way better than milhouse whatever reference that even means all right number three was the only one yeah okay but it is a win remember this is all gravy it is it is it's all fantastic actually ticket zero two one considering how things have been this has definitely been a better week by far a couple good sessions this week this is definitely adding to that so glad we have something decent to show to you out there versus some you know pedestrian session which is more common than not but it's nice to get a little win streak going anything else i don't think this ticket's going to come through prove me wrong happy to hear it happy to see it but it won't okay nothing on there no no it's not all right next up ticket zero two two we only go up to ticket zero to nine so we're almost there come on you can have something exciting also ticket no [Laughter] oh that's very high scratching thank you i've been practicing on the last 50 tickets probably getting better in the last 20 minutes maybe not more accurate but quicker nothing there all right ticket 23. rock and roll let's show the folks the latest win was ticket 20. this is 23. so we're doing for a win nope to the right side come on it's got a nice 50x multiplier out here [Applause] oh we got another one i beat you on that one you did you did and moochie came to claim it hi butch hello there she said his eyebrows are getting switched there's a third match yours there's a third match you were distracted by the move yes you are so three matches yes okay 21 23 10 21 and then what was the other one up on top somewhere 26. hi mooch moochie eclipse 30 dollars there decent it all helps hey don't stand in the scratch or dust yeah hang on sorry folks we just consolidate some of this so it's not in her way all right so ticket zero two four moving right along and after this session you have had and heard enough of about me that'll last you a lifetime but i can be a little talky i can be a bit gabby another win oh we meant to show the table showed after this ticket the uh the book so i'll give you a quick update on where we stand even though we're almost finished should we just play the last five tickets or you want to show them yeah i guess we could we'll just keep them in suspense no nothing there nope okay ticket zero to five it only goes to ticket 29. that's it for months so this and then four more so last five tickets of the session and quite the session it has been so far no no no hello mooch there she goes hey i know hey is this a window yes [Laughter] look at that folks i can only inhale oh my gosh moochie look at her mushy eclipse okay folks dramatic pause here that was moochie's tail whipping through let's see are we right hot dog rock and roll okay i had to exhale right what a session this is wow wow it's a winner it's a win what is it i forgot what what is it it's a winner a winner went all in a moochie eclipse excuse me moochie you're very opaque you do not make a good window we got a wow we got a claimer and a winner oh we don't know what this could possibly be no we don't i see i see a zero though through a little scratch all right folks is this not um well third hand may have do we have extra shamwows in this house all right folks it is a win-all first book had a claimer the second book has a win-all it's ticket zero two five let's see what size number is under here this is times twenty was it twenty one twenty one two three four five so twenty one i don't know what i'm saying uh it's twenty one rows it says road yeah twenty one look at that ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eight that's practical yes it don't have to be two fives down here somewhere whoa oh it's a 250 dollar win oh my god look at that look at that hot dog 10 20 times what was 10 times 20 is 200 plus 50. 250 dollars wow wow wow what a what a session a win all for 250 a claimer put that down third hand i'm putting it down i am just beside myself well i'm talking to myself now hello me okay goodness gracious ticket zero two six this is outstanding in this field yeah we're outstanding in our field come back inside it's cold out there all right that was a great little win wow oh it went all and the claimer wow and they were exclusive they weren't even the same tickets same or not the same two different books so i'm trying to get out yes mooji hang on i think she's starting a little antsy now i think she does want some food bring us another winner too she's like i just gave you a claim and i went all right give me something good trust me she will be spoiled well tonight and because of association the other cats shall be too [Laughter] wow a 250 win that's why i was kind of like 21. it doesn't make any yeah then it made sense yeah so nothing there all right there's only two more tickets all right ticket zero two seven last three of the whole batch and remember this book is just basically the gravy book it is this is all great we were already profitable on the previous well it's not like we haven't spent our time losing plenty of times also yeah i mean it's not like this happens all the time oh come on let's finish on the window let's finish on three wins got three more tickets so nothing on this one all right that's okay we'll move that one aside the penultimate as i say which means the next to last it's already scratched i'm just getting a little sloppy here because my hand is now quite fatigued all right i smack the camera just to prove it [Laughter] all right one more win just because all right here we go now we made this this will have been just under just about an hour and 15 minutes moochie's playing now she's gotten frisky you can hear her jiggling all the winds made it take longer i'm covering all these okay nothing there that is the thirty-four point right okay yes sir all right this all right final ticket all right drum roll okay this marathon is just about done we're doing pretty well let's see how we finish take it zero two nine mooji's playing third hand's happy and i'm getting tired okay here we go on a win all right very nice probably a ticket unless we get another match but i don't care it's good to see nice positive way to finish up here and the ticket is well i can't get past that bump second match another hey okay we got two matches there you go 59 yep so 10 bucks it would be 15 where was it it was towards the top number three oh number three and 15. so another 25 hot dog we finished on a win we finished up two full books one hour and 14 minutes or so wow wow what a session can't say we're unhappy with this okay let's show you the the tally give me that thing okay so uh let me do some quick math here and pull that back on the film a little bit so what we have here we have 20 40 90 120 160 185 205 235 uh we have 260 plus 250 it's uh 510 is it i don't know yeah i want to make sure i'm not uh yeah 510. i'll do it one more time it's a 600 book so yeah it's doing reverse it's 275 it's 305. it's 325 350 390 420 470 490 and 510 that's correct 510 here so that's book two yes and 600 so that was short ninety dollars and this is big one let's flip this over here real quick we had thirteen sixty there let me just do a little math here thirteen sixty plus the five ten that's going to be eighteen seventy right there you have uh out of a 1200 session so we made a profit of 670 so for the two books it earned us back enough to pay for another bucket another buck not too bad at all that's our i think biggest ever profit yeah that's the biggest profit we've ever had aside from a single clamber where it was a single ticket right yeah oh yeah okay yeah but look at that folks so here's the ticket numbers again i'll show you let you take a moment these are the ticket numbers those are the prizes there's the claimer right there for a total of not that oh yeah 1360 uh mooji for all over to play so 1360 and then the next book was here are the wins let me bring it down for a total of 510 this was almost a break even book in its own right and then that 510 plus 1360 is 1870 dollars out of 12 100 so let's put this here 670 profit rock and roll hot dog okay folks we're zonked we're gonna go take a break now wash our hands have some food feed the cats thank you thank you thank you for being here being patient being wonderful we're so glad we can do this for you and we only do it because of you so we'll see what we can do in the future hope you are all well again real quick just a real quick cap uh paypal and uh post office box check the about tab and uh again i i'm just gonna uh lost here for words for a change we again we thank you very much we're gonna get going now so if you haven't already please subscribe hit the like share hit the thumbs up leave us a comment and be well and be safe and be here that's it for now from third hand all the cats myself mrs gatto hey i lost what i'm saying be well and we'll see you here take care folks
Channel: Jonius Gato
Views: 172,010
Rating: 4.8404713 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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