Finding Freaky Fossils with the Fossil Freak!

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foreign [Music] Denver prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am back here fossil hunting with my buddy Skippy now Skippy goes by all sorts of names Skippy is not actually your name you're actually Tim Tim Miller Tim but we all know him as Skippy uh some people know him as the fossil freak some people know him as uh the crazy bird man they're crazy though it's not crazy it's just a bird man it's the bird man when you're talking to him everyone else says it who the crazy bird man oh yeah and uh the crazy hat man oh yes and it is Satan Santa now before you get offended with that it is because of a typo in a newspaper when Tim was going out to take pictures with little kids as Santa the newspaper misprinted and called him Satan well no what they did was they invited everyone to come downtown and get pictures taken with Satan instead of Santa the Record paper that was the only Satan Santa everyone else was Santa Claus Valley has a great sense of humor so this is Tim Miller also Skippy and he is my buddy here today he's taking me fossil hunting and we're gonna find some amazing Treasures we hope to you betcha so wish us luck and I hope you enjoy enjoy [Music] foreign [Music] now I have done some videos with some pretty big personalities you know Pioneer Paulie the crystal collector but no one beats the size of the personality of this guy here thanks bud I just love sharing my passion I know some people think I'm on lots of weird stuff but I'm I'm on passion for going out on adventures Skippy is high on life I am possibly other things too hey you never know it's legal in up here in BC they say well everywhere Now isn't it okay rock on freaky friends let's go find some fossils find some cool stuff foreign [Applause] nothing in that we're on Vancouver Island right now and Vancouver Island is known for being a chunk of the ocean floor that was pushed up by you know geological forces and everything and made into an island meaning that almost all the rock on Vancouver Island is this sedimentary old ocean floor and anything that dived in the ocean fell into the mud at the bottom may have fossilized Rivers like this one here cut through the the this Shale this crumbly Shale material and expose those fossilized creatures and what Skippy's doing right now is he's poking out a nodule over there to break it open and see if there's a fossil inside now this Shale is it's not really what you think of a Shale it's just a crumbly mudstone and it just breaks right off you can just pick at it with your hand and it breaks off and what we're looking for in this is nodules little round balls just like that one right there and that those are what contain the fossils now we can poke down and break open you know 10 to 15 nodules and find nothing but then you know the 20th one fight you find something good and not everyone has a fossil in it but if you want to find the fossils you gotta do your work break these down and then open them up I need two hands for that though I can't keep the camera on it while I'm poking so I gotta put the camera down we've almost got it out Skippy's good to help so I can keep the camera on it oh I saw a bud at least to see inside to see if there's wood or bone or something I don't know here we go [Music] and these are known as mud balls or concretion and empty and that is a congregation with nothing inside of it you could keep breaking them but there's probably not much how I'll tap it once more just a good luck but foreign we'll find another we'll get it okay here's my first concretion of the day I lost half of it but no indication nothing foreign so we've kind of just beelined it straight up the river to a zone that is known for they call it the poly Zone because of a certain type of fossil a polymorphism something or another that's found right here let's get the gifts back he'll say what it is but there seems to be a lot of it right through here so we're going to spend a bit of time here looking for one of those but then what we're really really wanting to do today is go up a bit farther to where I found that dinosaur vertebrae last year yes I found a dinosaur up a little bit farther I managed to knock down a nodule cracked it open found a vertebrae inside so an actual you know old lizard bone um and we want to go and see if we can find more of that up there that's our real plan but we gotta see if we can find one of these polys first foreign so we're in the heart of the poly zone now I'm gathering up a few nodules Skippy's out knocking down some big ones from above I'll look for some more we're gonna get a little pile before we start smashing them some tiny fragment or something but no real fossil nothing I was already busted up on the hill there are remnants of something inside there nothing whole lot of nothing just the one Skippy no make sure and dodge it I heard a whoop yeah it's not the best break but oh I I do see the end of it right there there's two chunks so there's a bit of a poly going through but broken sideways we kind of want to break them lengthwise with them so you actually see them oh yeah so what you'll have to do is I think I might be missing a piece but what what you do most cases you just put a bit of a glue and put it back together and oh yeah you can see it going right going right through so there might be the elbow in here still but I think I might be missing I am I'm missing a trunk a little tiny a little chunks of broke off that's why you got to be really careful and gather up that might be okay Skippy what's a poly a poly is a an ammonite but a hetamorphic ammonite and it spirals around and then there's another little spiral in that goes up the middle we hardly ever find them I've only seen a couple in my life up here with the three section whirls but there they swam they were freaky they're cool they're here in Japan and poly stands for polyticosaurus a polytechosaurus Vancouver ensis okay and they look like candy canes and they look like candy canes and they sometimes they'll just stick right out of the rock with the elbow and everything and all right it's freakiest I tell you I just love that so that's what I'm hoping we can find and they can have multi they can have a whole bunch I've seen them with 10 pulleys sticking out of one rock well let's hope for some at least one good side sideways exactly we'll find out Dan so we got the good indication here of a socket of the candy cane part the the hook part of the poly and Skippy's just trying to find where the other half this rock might be because we might be able to get a full one out of it here we go Dan that one with the socket we broke in and there you go it goes up not too much farther but doesn't that look like a candy cane if you've ever licked one before we'll see like I say things look better when they're licked and wet see that right now yummy yummy is it tasty is it minty no I guess I gotta bring my own flavors I was gonna put hot sauces in that on uh Amina it's not going to lick them to add it to spice it up because he always gotta spice life up life is way too short isn't it dad of course lick and live life to its freakiest and lick fossils thanks Dan for coming out with me this is awesome man there's one to start with perfect yummy it's the Skippy lick fossil and he gave it to me yum yum and a few clam shells and other things in this guy as well sort of a conglomerate of fossils now how fast can Skippy Dodge you can see where it's all my old time yes it's in the deepest the deepest part of the puddle well puddle River sure so this nodule that Skippy just knocked down you can see some stuff on the surface so there's a better chance that we might actually find some fossils inside and I'm gonna see what I can do see if I can break it foreign just a whole lot of clams a whole sheet of clams a lot of clam shells in this one I just saw a boulder run rolled down the hill at Skippy it looks like a good one it's loose here she comes [Applause] this rock that Skippy just knocked down we can see a poly poking out of it right there going right through it goes in and around and comes back down right in that end it's just sort of you know broken off the end but hopefully that means there's lots more in there exactly [Applause] I don't know if there's anything sticking out yet but oh maybe I'm not sure no I might we won't know until right there right there okay so that's there's the Interpol if you get the angle of it right you can see the round yeah yeah so they're same thing might be more we'll have to do a I'll gather up a whole bunch and we'll have to do a breaking a breaking party do some break dancing break dancing you don't want me to break dance at our age break dancing means something totally different yeah this is just pumped poke down with a stick I'm out of breath we don't find many of these headomorphs up here this is a huge J from a a Boston here I'll get it wet here and I'll have to lick it a little bit of scrubbing a bit of loving and they look good look at that so that would have been like this and then it would have spiraled that would have been a huge one that would have been a total museum piece if it was all there but that's quite a bit of it that's pretty nice look at this so that's awesome and we oh check that out Dan that's the fossil of the day so far yeah and head of morps actually uh some of us from Comox Valley got in this book called headomorphs out of the UK and the Comox valleys in there as being one of the 10 best places in the world to find Peta morphs uh Comox Valley and Hornby and all that and uh there's one of the Apostles that we look for Foster kosterous looks like we've got it There She Goes so Skippy's got a poly and a big clam big clam and then a police oh yeah who knows what is on that other side I don't know if it's worth packing out or what it's uh or maybe I'll yeah I mean maybe I'll pack that out the way it is or leave it for someone else to pack out nice see how much nicer they look when they're wet yeah and a piece of pulley with that other piece goes on the other side that was right on there but right and The Rock I'm working on I see a fish scale a fossilized fish scale and then a clam right there on the back side I see the remnants of an old poly so I have high hopes for what's inside here clams clams clams clams and more clams Yosemite clam Skippy I found something I found something I don't know what it is it's a something looks like he might have found an ammonite yes it's gonna be a coil inside there right and that's the real thin herisaurus clarisserous we call them flying saucers but you can see the nice Keel going all the way around that's three quarters complete but the center should be all there and it has a a real hypnotic swirl inside you might be able to tap it lightly and pull or you might just have to prep down into it because it's a pretty nice one we don't want to break it on yet right so but that is definitely a harissa's ammonite I found something poked it out with my trusty bike pole way to go Dad look at that that'd be kind of a safety thing too when they swam through the water because it's almost like a blade they're so sharp on it so that's a real good song yeah I was that wasn't even with Dan when he found it he's getting in the eye he's getting the eye my impatience is gonna be the end of me someday I really want to tap this with a hammer and see if I can get this surface off it looks like it's free right in there [Applause] just crack something it just cracked like you got it Dan here let me get a wet first here okay because water helps spray the crack now you can tap it again in the water should should almost peel part yeah I think you got her buddy here we go come on let's break on a good line [Applause] oh baby nice that beautiful you see what you want to see there that pre that came out pretty good you could have prepped her any better I love it that I can put it back together yes so it's two pieces now your impatient paid off dad you got a good break so you you couldn't have asked for a better break that's what I was hoping for is one of those full spiral ammonites and that's kind of what I think of right there when I think of a spiral laminate and then there's these other ones we find and with the big ribs they get big so that's our next find let's hope let's do it I found another something can you tell I really know what I'm doing when it comes to fossils everything's a something well Skippy says he found fish poo or Corporal light says that the paleontologist people like to Corporal lights I thought was crapolites this because you can see a lot of the blue fragments and stuff in there okay so that's broken up fish and maybe some other fish fragments yeah but it was probably chewed up and pooped out more likely alrighty that's too much information hey freaky friends there's something definitely significant inside that the bigger piece there there's part of it and that's the other part of it it might be Centurion Crystal they form these lines and crystals and that's these lines yeah and and they get different uh the mud ball fractured inside as it dried and just filled in with this one yeah believe a lot of people get them from all over the world and they have like almost and they slice them and they have like cool stars and okay like like a thunder egg yeah cool so Skippy and I are trying to figure out where we found that dinosaur vertebrae last year and we think we've come too far so we're gonna turn around and go back a little bit and see if maybe it was around the last little Bend where it was because we thought it was at the very top here before you know the Bedrock changes but this does not look right we probably should have watched that video before we came up here anyhow we're gonna go and check out down around the corner where we just came from I think that's where it is clams clams clams clams clams and more clams look at that a little bird nest on the ground hopefully the birdies flew the coop yes because that used to be the bird mate that mate that'd be nice on a hat eh yes I was gonna say I say that about everything everything I look at hey that looking on a hat I love recycling what can I say rag on I think it was right there I found that vertebrae but my brain is failing me these days so I I I don't know thank God for video exactly we should see if we can knock down that little lump that's up there there's one right where I think it might have been although if I remember correctly that was a pretty solid lump [Applause] foreign [Applause] right across the whole thing and you see the Horseshoe at the bottom the Horseshoe the candy cane the curve at the bottom yeah good break nice wow and a little bit of pyrites that's what that's what that gold color is is pyrites okay all right belly oh not pyrite not pirates pirates yeah right on look at the pyrite throughout this fossil very cool there's your typical pulley and no we're not talking Pioneer poly the biggest problem with this area where we found that vertebrae is it's so tall we can only get up a tenth of the way maybe and we can't get to any of the other nodules up at the height where we found that first dinosaur bone that vertebrae I should say so even if there was more up there we just can't get there the Mountain's throwing rocks at us gotta get some rooms gotta get you off a rope yeah there we go repel from above we got two good nodules down here let's go see what they hold probably gonna be nothing in that a lot of times when they get bumpy like that there's just secretions but they don't even really seem to have much in them break damn it I'm breaking the other Rock there you be just a ball of mud never know if you don't break a bit you got her watch out the bike rock on top is coming first foreign there's one good nodule that came down with it and I see evidence of a fossil possibly [Music] leave that for Skippy he went through all the hard work and another little nodule although this is like a tubule sometimes I know in the pumps we like those because you find lobsters in them but doesn't look like there's anything in that one but no one said that one maybe this one this is the one I hope so I got a little bit of blood from that oh a little piece oh two of them yeah one two oh there yeah there's another one beside it a double pulley double pulley right on see how much better they look when you get them with EH yep and another big nodule here with evidence of something coming out poking out the end this is poly fragments on the end that moved a lot of maternal real quick two good nodules two pulleys so far it was worth it it was and yes Skippy finds another beautiful poly and breaks it out professionally you've done this before Riverside prep you know what you're you're gonna hang out with Pioneer pulley I want to lick this one and I want you to give it to Pioneer pulley too because it is a poly a poly for poly and a poly for poly especially licked especially lick for you buddy so we thought we found another one of those ammonites like I found earlier the big nice spirals we thought that because we saw a little line of something right there when I pulled it out of the wall it didn't look like it had anything in it I was about to throw it away but then I decided to crack it open anyways and inside the perfect spiral wow that you should still have maybe the center hopefully still in there but yeah that's not another Horizon hooray is a hercuous awesome damn and all that because of a little tiny line on the outside that indicated maybe there was something good inside the buried treasure and again a nodule right beside that last one I see evidence along the edge of a fossil it could be another Spiral herrist or it could be a pulley or it could be you know nothing well let's crack it and find out and here's more of a close-up of that evidence on the side well whatever it was it didn't end up showing me a great big nice spiral ammonite like I was hoping but I got two really cool ones already okay here's my first poly I know Skippy's got like 40 000 of them today but here's my first one open her up definitely not as good as skippies but I'm happy it might be something else over on this side can't quite tell what that is because I am no expert but there's the pulley and looking at the other side there's the socket there's the crack is that cracking and the reveal tells me it is a nothing what a letdown the sun is now out and it is now getting hot no shade in sight the hammering and hard work is done for the day because we cannot handle this heat oh okay the hammering and chiseling is not done for the day all the time I always look I don't know what if that is uh it is a concretion but I don't know exactly what it is at least we're in the water now it's nice and cool here oh yes foreign [Music] I just found in the bottom of the river that'll definitely be coming with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a beautiful stretch of River that is the perfect place to sign off for this video hey pretty friends oh beautiful day yes I can absolutely love thank you so much for bringing me out yet again yeah no problem no your neck of the woods one day absolutely absolutely so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if you haven't checked out Skippy's Channel yet go check Scipio where's the best place to find you Skippy I guess this YouTube Skippy the fossil freak I don't really have much other stuff of me out there right now so perfect Skippy the fossil freak on YouTube thank you everyone for watching especially my patrons because the Sports my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope you're all having an amazing day and until the next video bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 136,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, fossil, fossil freak, dinosaur, ammonites
Id: XhskdZdUjYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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