I Found A Stolen Coin Spill In The River!

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well there's my first find of the day it's a nice little axe head I will definitely keep this well it's not my first fine but it's my first keeper I found a lot of car stuff and John barbed wire old muffler tires kind of stuff but that's the first thing I'm going to take home with me and hopefully will be the last I'm actually looking for artillery shells today I'm in an area that there was some where you know fighting with artillery during the Civil War so I'm hoping we might come across at least one cannonball that would make my day even would make a video because an axe head it doesn't make a video anymore apparently so let's get back to it well I just found another empty lockbox a little safe courses nothing and it's Hispaniola you see where it looks like they smashed it to get into it right there there's so much trash in this river here it's loaded with kids and stuff like modern cans it's unbelievable alright I'll set that up on the bank right up here and get it on my way out I have to walk back down the bank here anyway so how they got here hey looky I just found he beautiful dropped ring-tailed sharps but unfortunately I do not have my pin pointer with me today because it's broken I had to send it back in to get it worked on but there is a sharps bullet I can't take too many more because it's so much trash in here but I just sounded like a bullet so I went ahead and dug it and it took me like a while to get it but with a pinpoint were taking seconds I'll come back as soon as we get that pinpoint because that's my favorite bullet right there ringtail sharps that's nice that's where I found the ringtail sharps right there and there's several more signals that sound suspicious in here I got one sounds like it's probably a bullet but the problem is there's so many fishermen in this area that I could just as easily be a sinker there's another one exact same sound so we'll dig man look at that that's a little higher but that is the same two so we'll take a few of these just you know check I hate to say it I'm probably going to split because it's going to drive me nuts not having a pinpoint in here will continue pull it pain there but it's modern we're gonna continue upstream looking for shells will have to probably come back here some other time to get these bullets so let's see if that is a fired bullet down there I think it's a modern one up yet I'll let you go in there look oh it isn't missile shell yeah it's definitely just well I can't leave yet because there's a couple more signals right here so I guess you ought to go ahead and dig them since it's so easy to dig yeah has that bullet sound look at that right there there's another one down here remember we heard that earlier yeah that's a little shaky probably iron but what might dig that anyway but there's one down here yes the lower buzz jumped up in the 60s just reach down there real quick with our fingers and what we can do is I will grab a handful of the mod just swipe in front of the loop listen let's definitely piece of iron in there I'm not going to worry too much about that let's check the hole yes he's still bleep and I don't know what the number is August have to look at the numbers I want to do that let's do that ah that sounds good a little lower than the ringtail we just found but I don't think that's ironed I think I dug it up whatever was it's probably more iron in with it there's a lot of fence wire in this river show so what it is said it mmm this is hard to do with one hand yeah something in here that's pottery that's like red where it's pretty old there it is right they feel it I think that's not it I don't know what it is I don't know that's a hot rock that's a hot rock right there well it looks like a brick that may have been baked but just definitely give me in a signal here it alright that's not what we're after something else here I think in addition to this you forgot the pinpoint would have it already well we don't so you have to put up with all this stuff let's just put underpants on opinions right there you see anything there it is at a book shop yeah say a split shot it's about the size of a civil war buckshot but if you can see there has like a little line in the middle or a split because it's split shot buckshot split shot that's where they get the name that's just from a fisherman that was that lower signal with hurt so we're not going to worry about that let's get this one up here this sounded like a bullet right there and I think we're going to be able to just reach right down there and that crawdad won't grab it it's a deep part at all so maybe not I'll take the ball oklet's run it over the loop as we go yeah it's going down down down yep ah not gonna be in that hole so alright let's try it again he's holds a close so we kind of pinpoint what more than one signal there in there I don't know about this one I've done sambar bullet puck anymore little clicks clicks and beeps yeah that's not sounding too good but it could have fallen way down in this hole yeah so let me go ahead and empty yeah I can feel that I felt that right now I bet in my hand if I had to say I'd say it's a pistol bullet from the American Civil War that's exactly what it is it's a pistol bullet from the American Civil War drop this is dropped in the ER you see with the cartridge that's rotted off of it this is not being awesome spot it could be a really really good spot finding all these bullets right here I mean it could be just peeved with the bullet this whole Creek could be paved with bullets and belt buckles and gold coins all right well must run a few more minutes if I find another bullet I'll show it to you but I'm not going to spend an hour showing you well I'm not gonna spend an hour just digging bullet said no you guys go crazy and you'll talk crying in there I don't play anything good anymore but this is good to me so he just won't be on the adventure listen listen I'm gonna go get that one to remember that big high squeak that I just had and I said well I want turn the camera off because you know you guys don't want to see me digging bullets whole thick there look what I have my hand is kind of weird I haven't looked at them up close yet but I'm not exactly sure how old they are look at this we've got at least three coins that's just a handful of mud that I grabbed down there that was that high squeak then that weird I don't think they're very old hunter silver or not we're going to find out to Cuates peony yeah I'll think you're that alert something else not a penny maybe weird alright let's just run this over the loop that's the whole I got a modern I just reached out and grabbed a handful has more in there there's not a penny one of this is related to that safe that we just found back there maybe someone took the stuff here and pitched it in huh alright let's see what we have I'm gonna wash them off wash if you're from near Washington DC you say wash that's the local dialect all right what do we have they look like very modern coins I can't tell the dates on almost coin quarters but if you turn them sideways you take a quarter or any silver coin and turn it sideways it should be silver all the way across you can see how these quarters are a little bit shiny but they are copper color too on the side that means that they're clad they are not solid silver coins so we know those are like post 18 by 18 1964 guess what don't want a bag after look at the date why is that can you read it 95 I think Alex 95 I suspected some more coins in there because I was just like one handful I grabbed I can't imagine these all kinds of coins in there an amazing coins bill and see the video already go ahead and fan this and we'll see if you can actually see them down in there I suspect there's a bunch of them the sound of the metal detector and the fact that I grabbed those a little handful so easily all right I left a clear a little bit note on came right back on all right I guess we're about ready to go under take a look looks like something led there I want to test a bullet I don't see more point though I'm gonna put yeah I can see some more coins on the hole okay that's going to take a look you ready would you play and grab a handful of dirt here we're just getting that way and still have the pinpointer I saw a penny in here I just went ahead and grabbed a handful of sup penny in this mud right here but I probably dropped it already you see it yeah I dropped it alright I guess I'll just turn the Machine off what do you think cuz I can't I'm offended the UH pinpointer be a lot easier no rock and I still have that been pointers gonna be hard to do this to make it interesting for you guys there's a big house have this one penny here already Doug okay I'm gonna go ahead and turn the camera off I guess that's that yes a penny maybe then the bag you ever know what else might be in here besides you know just modern coin so we have to look it's obviously someone threw these out here and why do you throw money like this a pilot you know bag a thing of money there's probably a bunch of coins in that safe that they pitched and I took the cash and the guns and whatever jewelry was in it maybe I don't know we wanted a little look maybe see you so I can get some fingerprints off of there there's a dime modern dine on silver though a lot happier if there's stuff of silver all kinds of stuff up in here not that handful uh looks for another handful here that's one way you can do yours grab handfuls of stock and wave it over the loop it shows you a lot quicker than other methods I see people use expression when they first start out just won't you here you know what's in your hand without a little squeak was yeah say something in my hand that's probably piece of aluminum this probably ought was put that in the bag and then we're gonna test it ask more stuff in here I couldn't see the meter though so I don't know if it's nails or coins I don't see anything obvious so what we'll do forget the loop we'll put it right there just grab a handful come in there nothing to that one half it yeah half of that so it's in here whatever it is and I probably I can feel this coin right there Yesenia call Wow 1985 sweet any points oh yeah it's more corn more coins that's partner I the quarter-final water nothing on the other hand and all that's just a modern quarter we know this wasn't like someone's coin collection that was stolen yeah or full of coins huh I think we should keep going this we should I just hate the efficiency aspect of a hunt like this where I know if I had my pin pointer I mean would have been done already everything would be out of the hole and we'd be looking for other stuff that's half of the battle metal detecting is getting yourself out of the hole put in your bag and keep moving people who are very successful dig a lot of targets in order to dig a lot of targets you have to be fast that's an important lesson learn how to be fast get the stuff in the bag and keep moving because that will increase your chances of finding something really really neat it is a lot of fun just to sit there and dig but you know learn on getting faster not talking so much people I'm still digging coins out of the whole lines happened to look up over there I was watching us oh you in for yeah see that that's a painted turtle then he's just sitting on the log watching us getting the last rays this summer before he has to hibernate all winter long that's pretty cool huh this is where I'm digging the bullets and I had a signal excuse me signal hear that irony so it's digging back another way up and eat the bank pulling and pulling pull the hemlock is a trap somebody's old muskrat trap see you bones in it that's pretty cool but yeah I can see that's probably no muskrat hole there and this is probably one here too and they kind of put the trap underneath there and the mud came over it so yeah that's pretty neat an old muskrat trap Oh put her in a bag well I guess I'm about finished here for the day we've been here about two to three hours one way up the river came back down find a whole lot except what I got on video which you've already seen so let's go ahead and take a look at that and I'm going to scoot to a different place and we want to try there as well if I find a few things we'll try to get a video of it if not well we'll see you later but first let's look at the finds look at all those coins now if those have been old coins that would have been awesome but they're not the most of just modern I did find three Civil War bullets but to ringtails sharps and a little pistol bullet one homemade sinker an animal trap horses ax and I got some junk here that I'll go ahead and take home get rid of box but we're gonna go back there anyway probably in another week or two once I get the pinpointer be easy to find some more of those coins I guess but more bullets I hope so thanks for joining me today I'm sorry it wasn't like a lot of great stuff but it was fun being out here we saw a turtle and we both like turtles right we'll see you on the next video have a good night
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 1,516,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lockbox, safe, stolen, coins, money, find, howto, adventure, river, finding, free money, aquachigger, metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Id: mAYanJrNEnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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