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it's blocky hey guys today we're in pet story wicked little pets going to the adoption center yay this is so cute already i love this woohoo wow guys we're at the pet adoption center i'm the cutest little dog canelo woof hey you must be the new pets yeah it's me whoa my name is canila i'm the purest cocker you'll ever meet dude you can even dance look at that that's so funny this is what humans call an adoption center oh you were rescued by susie on the counter thank you susie wow that's so cool dude i can go outside bye guys i'm leaving the adoption center she doesn't understand our language believe me we've already tried wow don't look at our cute jumps but she takes good care of us no that's so sweet wow liar humans are disgusting what that's a mean dog what that slicer wow he's a mean guy stay away from that dog he's in a cage for a reason wow mean slicer you'll be here forever just like me what that's crazy i've i've heard they are going to take him to where where are they gonna take him the deadly shelter no wait i can eat food guys i can eat food for energy and i press e oh once the pet goes there it never comes back no that's so sad but don't worry you don't have to worry about that i hope not slicer you poor guy anyways have some fun i don't i can't after hearing that susie says we can walk around and explore the place okey dokey let's have a look around i want some more food guys i'm hungry oh is that a bone no i can't use a bone can i eat some snacks my energy's going down here guys whoa this is what i'm talking about give me some yummy snackies yummy yum yum delicious any snacks down here dude they got a bird dude is that a villager bird from minecraft that's so ugly ew why would you adopt something like that that's so gross wait wait wait was that dude a car arrived someone's getting adopted me me me me i want to get adopted all right buddies we got a visitor who is it ruff me me me me me me i'm hopping into the car it's too late i'm a good pet oh don't don't hide under the wheels that's a bad idea as a dog oh no i'm gonna be on my best behavior susie i'm a i'm a good pet look at me i'm peeing on the laptop why it's a magic eight ball suzy i'm a good boy i'm a good boy hello granny granny rah eat granny hiya me granny me pick me granny good morning sweetie hello granny my name is gertrudis but you can call me granny give me granny me choose me granny i love you granny i love you grand gran well hello granny would you like to adopt a pet today me me me dude yeah i can bark i can bark sure thing i love pets dude that defense that pets dancing for granny i gotta do the same you can't out dance me i'm a professional doggy dancer choose us granny awesome follow me then no granny choose me granny that's canila what don't adopt can you like adopt me there's me look do you see me i'm jumping that's me look that's me i'm jumping up here that's me i'm me i am i am canila ah that's alien guy what no choose me no maybe it's easier to train oh it's easy to train it eats a lot why why is that guy barking in the dog's butt that's ompong 998 no one likes that dog it eats a lot in sheds a lot hahaha what a silly silly goose that's ex bishop whoa what a weird dog name dude i'm gonna dance for dance on top of this dog that's brainycube137 wow they're introducing all the pups it needs exercise and drinks from the toilet ha ha i'm gonna tell him i don't drink from the toilet i'm no noob i'm not a noob that drinks from the toilet it drinks to the toilet and is very sensitive yeah you don't want a sensitive dog you want a strong dog like blocky it adopts it adapts well and eats trash haha what a silly biscuit dan schulten wow look at that that's a cute dog it is very friendly and eaten look a lot of these dogs tend to eat a lot don't you agree that's me dude i didn't drink from the toilet i'm no noob it adapts well and it's very loyal that's right granny that's right yum i'm gonna snap granny's behind dying it's actually his last week with us whoa slicer whoa can i take a dump on command well that's all we have for now they are all so beautiful except slicer right choose me granny which one would you like to take home take me granny take me i will be a good boy i swear i'm taking a oh she's taking all of us except slicer for slicer don't worry buddy maybe next time whoa are you sure you can handle them yeah granny yes i'm so happy yes dear i could use some company at home yeah with like a 50 billion different dogs that's a bit weird we're all set then yay this is so good get in the back of granny's truck okay i'm going to granny's truck bye woof thanks for choosing me granny i'll try not to poo too much i'm going to granny's house i'm going to go to granny's house raw but i don't like that dog ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff yay granny's house granny hello granny thank you for taking me time to go home but what about the other dogs what about that doggo right there oh no he's not gonna make it oh no he made it in oh thank goodness oh we're in the back of granny's truck we're home guys welcome home dude this place is so nice whoa let us in granny yeah dude they've got mountain mice in here and she's got treats on the table go and go ahead and explore the house whoa nice house granny i love it hopefully you find the pet sleeping room for later oh yeah granny i love it whoa look at how much she's prepared for pets dude there's misty is that one of her old pets you must be the new pets welcome hello misty how's it going pigeon ha ha dumb cat it's a good thing i'm not a cat i'm a dog i'm a woof woof doggy i hate pigeons yeah i can see why if that pigeon's gonna bully you a bunch anyways i need your help i'll talk to you at night okay what what do they need our help with wow dude yeah there's some food yummy food energy don't mind if i do guys nice house you know i could get used to this house i think granny's got the finest house in the neighborhood i'm gonna sit here poo on the couch and watch tv misty granny's going to sleep nine-night granny have a good sleep grand gran love you granny you're a great person granny i'll miss you oh there's that ugly pigeon yucky now this is going to creep you out a bit what what do you mean what's gonna creep me up but every night when granny goes to sleep what what's happening the house gets infested by cockroaches what is granny like the charm that keeps them away from us cockroaches ew yeah ew you need to help me kill them whoa guys we gotta earth the cockroaches just make sure not to touch them when they fly ew that's so gross dude this guy's eating from the toilet our time has come guys the roaches are here no dude this guy's already trying to eat them get every last bread crumb from this house soldiers no yoga stay away cockroaches nobody likes a disgusting cockroach dude i think this guy ate him get him oh no it's starting please you gotta kill them dude to get away from my house oh my goodness guys these cockroaches look wild dude look how many there are over here oh my goodness guys help us help us there's only two of us getting these cockroaches whoa they're flying guys although they do damage when they fly guys cockroaches actually hurt you that's so scary i don't like it help granny granny ow ow dude i'm taking so much damage oh no guys i need help someone help help the cockroaches are crazy oh my goodness guys there's so many around this house we need backup we need big time back up they're all upstairs i'm coming to help oh my goodness they're flying again where are they oh they're up here get up watch out for the flying ones i got yummy yummy yummy for my tummy yummy for my blocky tummy dude stay away from granny granny doesn't deserve this home pupple still granny deserves a nice cool house a house free of good disgusting dirty cockroaches dad there we go that should be the last one guys i think that's the last cockroach you're free granny wow you really killed all the cockroaches what is all that noise granny we're helping you granny this is all this is all part of the the fun this is all part of the plan granny granny don't be mad at us you better get back here and play sleep oh my goodness guys we gotta get home we gotta go to the hiding spot and play asleep oh no granny's gonna get so mad no granny i'm a good guy i'm a good dog i swear i'm a good little puppy granny i'm coming granny okay just hide just hide just hide just hide here i'm gonna pretend i'm asleep here yes guys we're pretending to be asleep there's nothing to see here granny except a dancing dog look at me dance granny hmm must be my bad dreams again granny you've got to get your house checked for cockroaches your goofball granny a granny goofy ball guys well we're stuck in here now ha ha stuck you can't even hunt oh no the cockroaches are gonna take over now don't you have anything better to do yeah yeah noob go hunter rubber duck dude this guy's so mean dude this piss i'm gonna get that pigeon next chance i get we should teach that thing a lesson yeah we're gonna teach that ugly dirty pigeon who the real boss is hmm what should we do yeah should we go after the pigeon i you know i think i feel like we should ignore the pigeon right i feel like we should be nice to him oh let's try unlocking the window guys are gonna go after the pigeon we're gonna get him okay here we come pigeon we're gonna get ya oh we're gonna get him you know i was not being serious right yeah okay buddy yeah you can't fool me dude let's get him get him dude there's a garbage truck wait wait if we if we miss him we're gonna fall into the garbage truck be careful guys okay you realize how much trouble you're in right he's not even flying away what's gonna happen guys what ha ha not as much as you are what no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no wait wait wait wait wait oh no granny help granny oh no no no we fell into the truck granny no that was a mistake we should have stayed in granny's house that's what i said we should have stayed with granny guys oh no oh man what just happened no we're at the dump i may as well get some food while i'm at it are we at the dump yard yeah like what is that what's that floating block is that a collectible hold on a second can i make it up why do we go after that pigeon such a dumb idea no guys i regret it find a way to leave this place we need to get home guys i want to go home i want to go home how does this guy get up here what how does he get up oh my goodness oh i guess we don't get that easter egg today wait wait is that something those are treats is there like a button somewhere that we can use maybe we can like drive a car oh we can actually go onto the streets let's go through here closed for the day oh the door is locked we need to find a key dude there's a key oh this is big brain let's go now that we have the key we can open up the door yay wait dude hey hey hey hey no get over here get back here come back you ugly rat we need that we need that key give it to us i'm gonna bark at you till you give us a key give us a key oh you want this yes i do what he just hit in the trash ew you disgusting rat let me tell you my family is really hungry oh what and we could use some food you know what i'm saying he's blackmailing us oh no what does he want wait a wee the food ah i hope not no no don't tell us where the food surely dude there's a rat there he is wait we are the food oh they're coming to eat us duh get him get the rats get the rice oh my goodness guys they actually do so much damage and it takes so many hits to get him oh oh my goodness those rats are going crazy they're going wild how ya get them okay can i bark at them what happens if i bark at them oh no no no no watch out oh my goodness guys these rats do insane damage high up get him oh my goodness go dude there's so many of them hey yeah get them and run get them and run get them and run high up oh my goodness he's they're biting me they're nibbling my toes wait i'm gonna take a bit of food here just get some health back take a little nibbled nibble dribble dibble dibble libba libble gibble oh yeah there we go oh my goodness guys let's go fight for our doggy lives dude they're taking out all our other friendly dogs we can't let this happen look at how many there are guys they take they're crawling through us these ugly rats get them oh yes oh my goodness there's so many there's so many wait we survived guys we survived what did you do to my family you attacked us you're silly goofballs you want this key yes i do i want the key there he is you're going to have to catch me i'm going to eat you i'm going to eat you you young yucky rat i caught you there boom i caught you i caught you get back here catch him get him easy easy noob oh thank you for that we got him guys yeah take the key but the gate button should be inside the room oh yeah we're going back to granny's house guys great open the gate so we can get out of here let's skedaddle guys let's get out of here whoa whoa going out into the big city wow cool it looks awesome what is that is that the wait what where where are we we don't know where granny's house is guys what no guys we gotta find granny's house okay let's go team let's go see if we can find any help what about this fine man over here i guess we want to avoid getting hit by the cars that's probably a bad idea talk to the bus driver the zoo ending we don't want to go to the zoo wait wait wait we don't want to go to the zoo guys don't do that wait wait wait the zoo's a bad place why would you want to go to the zoo oh no i want to go back to granny not the zoo oh this is bad well i guess we're getting into the bus mr driver we need help please help us mr bus driver oh please call me shelley whoa what can i help you with yeah can you help us uh find granny's house or maybe i guess the zoo we are lost is there a chance you could take us back home whoa the exclamation long exclamation mark exclamation mark wow i'd be happy to great thank you whoa but i would need your help in exchange what do they need our help with hmm the evil hyenas took over the zoo where i live what that's crazy if you help us restore the peace i will happily take you back to your home yeah dude we can get back to granny let's go yeah you've got it that's a deal that's a bargain let's do it guys thank you so much everyone hop in the bus to toot it's bus time thank you shelley i don't know why they let turtles drive buses nowadays but hey it's a society okay buckle up everyone we're on our way we're going to the zoo dude look he's literally driving us dude would you get driven by a turtle smash like and subscribe if you think that would be weird that'd be such a weird thing imagine getting driven by a turtle whoa it's a zoo wow it's the zoo time let's go going to the zoo gonna do a pool scoop it up welcome to the bloxy the bloxy it's almost blocky wow look for the penny the elephant whoa panny the elephant let's go oh my goodness guys panty the elephant i mean an elephant shouldn't be that hard to miss there she is see i told you she's super obvious penny are you here to help i'm so glad you're here whoa oh my goodness the evil hyenas are taking over the zoo dude this bullying the turtles they're scaring all the innocent animals so we do what they say you need to do something about it you've got it friend absolutely we'll save those little turtles dude but what if the hyenas just bully us but how do we get there guys how do we get there this is crazy if you find the lever that opens my door i will help you get across a closed gate whoa we just got to find the leather okay i think i might be able to know where it is maybe it's through here but we need keys for those hm oh guys i found the lever yes big brain blocky yeah there we go oh my goodness guys let's go hanny the elephant she's gonna help us out yeah penny nice quick follow me quickest ways through the monkey area oh wait well can i ride penny can i ride on top of penny that'd be awesome yeah dude she's giving me a lift yeah that's so cool thank you panty thank you the monkeys throw banana peels oh my goodness watch out watch out for the banana peels whoa i'm going in oh my goodness guys it's a monkey banana peel boss fight go go go go go monkeys i'm trying to help you monkeys i know you're in there cross as quickly as you can okay monkeys we're friends we're friends right don't hurt us monkeys we're good people watch out for the bananas oh my goodness the bananas the bananas are crazy there's so many bananas these monkeys are wild they're full of nonsense watch out for that banana yummy yummy for my tummy oh my goodness guys these bananas are crazy why there's so many monkeys and why are they throwing so many bananas yummy yummy yummy yummy guys we did it we did it we found the hyena den right oh skadoo oh my god no the crocodiles guys we've got to go through the crocodiles those are some really annoying monkeys yeah let's go the turtles need our help we gotta help out the turtles don't worry turtles but first we gotta get through the ugly crocodiles oh no we have to go this way guys no oh i have an idea no don't suggest it but you know we get out we have to go through the crocodiles oh no i think this is going to be our only way through oh no rot row guys okay let's get it over and done with whoa look at how many crocodiles there are guys have you seen this like channel on youtube oh my goodness oh no i got stomped have you seen this channel on youtube where it's like a crocodile keeper though and he like he literally goes into crocodile enclosures it's so weird dude i wouldn't be able to do it i'd be so scared hopping in an enclosure with scary crocodiles guys oh my goodness watch out oh no these crocodiles are so scary oh watch out oh chompy chompy we made it we made it to the other side now it's the hyenas right where are those hyenas there they are get them hey leave those turtles alone you evil hyenas get away from those poor turtles what a pleasant surprise we'll make sure to eat you first what defend ourselves guys whoa get the hyenas get him we gotta stop we gotta defend defend the turtles oh my goodness guys these guys do so much damage oh no no he's trying to eat me hey yeah we got to hit him hit him run now we can bully the turtles ourselves haha get him get those hyenas wow dude hit me with a turn around special supreme spaghetti slap oh my goodness oh there's another one is that the boss wait until the boss finds out dude there is a boss oh no he's running guys oh thank you for saving us you're welcome mr turtles it's the least i can do the hyenas are just following orders dude they seem to enjoy those orders an awful lot if you beat their boss they'll have nobody to follow whoa and they'll surrender yes that's what we want we're gonna make him surrender should we sneak inside the aquarium or stick to the other gate oh the aquarium or the other gate stick to the other gate the zoo ending or sneak into the aquarium let's go the aquarium ending guys this might be a new one wow guys there's so many endings in this game already this sounds so cool aquarium sounds like a better plan let's go whoa we're going into the aquarium climb the boxes and walk to the entrance i'll see you inside okay dude there's so many treats around here so many delicious delectable treats you're malicious what's gonna be in the aquarium whoa the incredible mr squiddy what i don't know how we're gonna make it out of this one blobby blob blop guys that looks so weird i know my friend i know guys there's an evil squid blocking the exit this aquarium is crazy dude there's a jellyfish experience the mr squiddy control room oh my goodness don't worry guys we're here to help hello ah you scared us hello gordon actually thank fish god you're here hello dude blob looks so ugly ill what is that horrendous thing behind you that is so squiddy or senior squiddy or maybe sir squiddy the thing is he is never so aggressive huh is this something by the hyena if only we could talk to him and see what's going on dude maybe the hyena's done something to him the hyena boss blop blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah what did he say whoa what did he say he says we should talk to the sharks oh guys i don't know about talking to the sharks sharks are kind of scary they are very brave and know how to scare senior squiddy quite a bit or sir squiddy i keep getting your name wrong he also says it's very dangerous what guys all right let's go through the jellyfish experience guys they got the jellyfish experience here so we got to go through the jellyfish to get to the shark place they don't look so friendly oh no these jellyfish look bad god we have to do this to help our fish friends remember get through fast and do not touch any jellyfish whoa guys here we go we just got to go through watch out for the jellyfish use the light of the corals and jellyfish to guide you through the path oh my goodness watch out for the jellyfish okay go go go go go guys i hate jellyfish they're so scary you never know out of nowhere they could just hit you with a big old zap with a big zap of electricity there's only four of us left the other dogs didn't make it guys guys i like how we have funny little like breathing um glass bowls like little fishbowls like sandy from spongebob it's so funny oh my goodness oh we got zabbed no watch out guys don't get zapped don't get dabbed by the jelly old fish the jellyfish big dishes the dead jellyfish they like the dish the jellyfish like too big in a dish jellyfish we made it guys guys that was so scary is this going to help us get to the shark area this is a very weird entrance but we're in let's go now find some kind of lever what's that is that the hyena did you see that what what is it who was that ah never mind just look for the lever guys i think that was the hyena what was that wow guys this is scary wow here we go that's the level we need the shark room let's go press it we just opened up the shark room guys whoa whoa we're in the shark room now baby nice the shark room is open let's go can we go back through here now we only need to find a way to get rid of that tentacle in front of the entrance wait the ink reserve perhaps pulling that lever will help us yeah let's do it we gotta pull the leather guys let's pull that lever we just gotta find a way up there oh maybe we can use these boxes no i don't think it takes the boxes hmm which way no not those boxes not those boxes maybe we can get up through these boxes do you think we can get up here no oh here we go those boxes would work oh my goodness we're big braining it guys this is the big brain up up up up up up and then we're gonna get these treats it looks like that guy's already getting the lever or maybe not uh if you want something done right guys you gotta do it yourself let's go get him nice job braylee cube take that ugly tentacle yeah let us pass let these doggies through it's gone guys we can go to the shark exhibit now yay good let's hurry to the shark room it's the shark tank let's go and then we can get to sir squiddy oh my goodness here we are guys those socks look so scary oh don't tell me those are the sharks gordon was talking about oh no well we'll have to talk to them oh no guys we gotta talk to the sharks diving in oh guys we're going in oh my goodness i can't believe it we're going into the sharks this is so scary i i wouldn't want to go talk to the sharks guys hello mr sharks okay who approaches the sharks first i got this don't you worry um hello sharks oh no ah we are here because we know you can help us scam see it's so squiddy yeah they can come on sharks yes you must help us please mr sharks please do the right thing we will save the aquarium yes come on aren't you a bunch of cute little pets oh no guys they're not gonna help us this is bad maybe in another time we would have eaten you oh no oh no mr sharks but we are practicing self-control and what did we learn guys fish are friends not food pets are friends not food there we go better friends love food dude this is a finding nemo reference so we would love to ouch this coral just cut me what huh the coral what's with the coral what is that smell oh no they can smell the blood guys it smells delicious no dude they're gonna eat us they're gonna eat us i can't i can't resist we have to eat them boys no dude the sharks are gonna try and eat us wow we gotta take out the sharks oh no guys this is bad this is bad dude there's so many sharks holy moly eat the sharks get the sharks we gotta eat them first you're gonna make fine fish food whoa guys we got him did we get him i think we got him oh no he came out of the sand out of nowhere oh whoa whoa guys these are sharks are so crazy they have crazy attack animations dude i think we got him i think we got this shark now we just got to get this shark oh no he's going for another attack ow that hurt guys he's going underground again i need more food i need my food back yummy yummy food for the tummy yummy yummy food for the tummy oh my goodness oh here he comes he's back again he's back for more he's back to get eaten by the best puppies in the land dude we got him we beat them guys dude dogs can beat sharks who would have guessed who would have known any day i can take out these sharks look at those poor guys i kind of feel bad for them okay we give up yeah that's what the doggies thought enough tell us how to stop so squiddy yeah enough of this evilness all right all right relax i'll tell you what is it what's the method you see those pipes trigger them to scare sir squiddy wait wait wait but that's what we did earlier all you have to do is pull that red handle in the control room perfect just like we did with the other tentacle exactly dude we're gonna beat him yeah thank you mr sharks let's get out of here hurry guys sir squid he's losing his patience what what does that mean is he gonna take down the entire facility is he gonna like destroy it with a massive earthquake oh guys it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be a final boss battle i think oh my goodness there it is that's what we need okay here we go pull the handle let's go let's do this so squiddy here i come oh my goodness guys we're gonna go deal with him once and for all dude it activated the sprinklers but why would you need sprinklers at an aquarium that sounds kind of weird don't you agree guys sprinklers in an aquarium they're gonna fill up the the tanks even more oh no we accidentally flooded the aquarium stopping sir squiddy is our only hope to save the aquarium oh no guys we've gotta stop sir squiddy we must hurry i'm coming we gotta go stop him let's go stop the incredible so squiddy there he is dude he looks so scary so squiddy we can work this out dog to squid we're friends right oh my goodness he's so scary look at him this is gonna be a huge boss battle i can already tell so squiddy we were is my ink oh no he wants his ink guys you stole it from me no we didn't we didn't steal anything so squiddy now you will pay oh no guys so squiddy he's got three hearts he's so mad oh my goodness guys watch out oh whoa whoa whoa it's got a boss battle with tentacles ah watch out just stay in the middle stay in the middle oh my goodness guys so squid he's so upset he's so angry we can work this out sir squiddy we can talk i don't want to fight you so squiddy i swear so squiddy we we didn't know it's the hyena mr hyena stole it from you so squiddy watch out dude he's dropping ink he still has his ink so squiddy look you're literally still using ink you still haven't you're all good sir squiddy you're gonna be a-okay mr squiddy boy oh my goodness watch out so squiddy wait we can work this out stop it stop your attack of anger stop your inkiness so sweetie we're all friends here please so sweetie five friends and family they love me and they love you too hey you want to help us you want to help us out canela canela dude he just hit us with like an eyeball laser deuces when did squids have eyeball laces oh oh no stop it so squiddy no eyeball laser please holy moly ow he smacked us again skadoosh wow his eyeball lasers insane guys wow it's actually doing a lot of damage too this boss battle's scary stay away from me so squiddy i don't like it i don't like it stop this disgusting laser holy moly how many more lasers does he have oh there we go we're done dude we can get him now he's days oh yeah yeah we just barked him right in the eye oh yes that's one of his eyes you are a thief oh my goodness guys so squid he's still angry and his attacks are getting even faster oh no please so squiddy don't do this he's hitting us with the tentacles again and oh the ink the ink watch out for the ink dude look at how much ink there is now it's getting faster and faster look at that look at you can literally just stand here and there will be zero ink dude i found the cheat in this game i can just stand still and there's zero ink look at that completely ink free oh but not laser beam free oh no dude we're down to two dogs left there's only two more puppies on our quest this is so bad guys oh no there's only two of us it's braley cube no dude the squid took out so many of our doggy friends this is so sad i'm gonna dance on him hit him with the dance watch out oh my goodness so squiddy i just want my ink and you took it i didn't though listen you just gotta stop and listen to us so squiddy please oh my goodness he's using like all of them at once holy moly guys there's so many wow dude there's so many too many of those tentacles at once oh my goodness he's really up in the attacks holy moly guys this is crazy this is wild boy maybe if we stand here none of them can hit us yeah this is the spot where none of them hit us right this is the spot where literally none of them will hit us oh dude i found the best spot in the game what are these tentacles gonna do huh yeah nothing nothing so squiddy oh he's angry oh he's got the incoming whoa look at how many ink spots there are now oh oh and he's using the laser beam at the same time guys this is bad oh my goodness he's really angry guys but he's in his final phase the final laser beam smash like and subscribe if you could beat mr squiddy oh no no no no i took some damage that's bad i'm at half hp but that's okay half hp is good i can deal with half hp because i only lost like a quarter hp during this fight oh come on squiddy come on let us bark at your ugly eye oh my goodness we're gonna get him sir squiddy the end time is there oh dodge that one this is okay i bet there's gonna be one more after this i bet you that's it yes no that's not here yet now oh here we go that's it let's get him guys we beat so squiddy yay let's go we beat him guys yay i will crush you with my tentacles wait oh gordon please come to save us why they didn't steal your ink sir squiddy whoa someone evil emptied your ink reserve whoa dude who's that what dr flee evil i love to hear it your clumsy pet should have stopped me when you had the chance well i've never even seen you before in my life this ink is now my property what it is going to be used to fuel the machine that ends your existence dr felino see you soon smelly hair things how dare you insult us like that no my ink his egg i'm sorry for blaming you i will drain the aquarium thank you miss since so squiddy just please stop that human help me get my ink back you got it sir squiddy you absolutely got it holy moly dude i survived let's go it's sad we couldn't get miss sir squiddy's ink bag oh no but hey at least you helped us save the aquarium dude that must be a future update then wow guys we are happy we could help oh yeah we have to find out what the doctor is planning and stop him yeah we do absolutely but how why how do we continue this story though i really want to see what happens at the end blah blah oh blob says thank you you're welcome keep being ugly blob don't you worry blob yay guys well we survived the aquarium smash like and subscribe if you want to see what happens at the very end and i'll see you in tomorrow's video blocky
Channel: Blocky
Views: 194,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, pet, story, roleplay, dog, cat
Id: tv7S1KsKpdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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