I found a Gerstner Machinist tool box full of tools. Chest tour time capsule!

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all right and we're on as promised here is the new 2min chest that I found on Facebook marketplace they were asking for hundred in the upper he said he was full of tools unfortunately they're only posted to pictures in the effort so I was the first one to go see it it was owned by mr. English was a machinist here in the Baltimore area he worked for a shop that made parts for the Air Force I believe now he bought it in 1975 so 45 years ago and his son inherited it a little later and unfortunately the gentleman had a stroke and he's children didn't want it just a shame this is something that should stay with the family forever but their loss is my gain I haven't had a look at what's inside yet so we will be looking at it together for the first time now just looking at the outside this is the apprentice Gerstner 42 it doesn't have the side handles it does happen not just on the sides so it's decided to be mobile for those that don't know Gerstner ice still being manufactured today I don't recommend that you check some of the more prominent youtube videos about them in this particular case there is some places that will need to be glued and generally just been cleaned just from rust that I don't plan on doing a full restoration just give it an a-team things like the latch here could be redone and I see an easy part to make alright that's it that's the the chest on the upside now this back I'm gonna talk are all made of plywood and from what I understand is the sign that way so it can last longer it's better for the changes of temperatures that this chest go through they are really made to be used so that's the butyrate alright let's start on latching haven't you gone through it yet but this is what's on the top now the mirror is missing obviously so this is the top I'll go through it one by one so this is an insight mic I believe now I'm not a machinist I don't know what most of these tools are but this looks almost complete that's one that new thing there might be one missing but it goes all the way to 12 12 inches so yeah a nice little mic box it's a steroid on it and when you open it up to them do not around it's another little micrometer all right holder whatever you call those holders again I don't know any of the technical names I'm only an amateur Oh machinist or whatever you wanna call it a trusty light that still works handy keep that in the truck what's in here oh these are woody call it for an envelope or lathe well they are sharp they are sharp and high high speed steel yeah yep nice what else do we have hyper Freight allen wrench and start indicator a pretty nice one goes to thousands with a magnetic base SBI Japan oh I told holder for your lathe I guess those bits or whatever you want to call them go with it some calipers this I you neon made in the USA pretty nice very useful you can never have too many of those another flashlight this one does not work Nordic trusty flashlight deburring tool shoving any bits no that's it nice deep burning tool very handy parts of a square I've never really use this part well what do you guys use it for and another part this one's Empire so yeah cheapo still made me you say parts of a caliper or the same millers full little color Palouse Falls hopefully you guys have seen this now I'm not it's like the first video making eight years so another deburring tool don't around stop a whole bunch of stuff more bits a gauge this ones maybe in China unfortunately oh nice little tap no marking with a nice little tap what is this last like sandpaper a little sandpaper stick I've never seen this meeting you say patent-pending I'm guessing that's you aware of mmm good for devouring outside and that's the whole bunch of bits an end and stock alright I think we're pretty much done with this one another late fit instructions someday future there and that's it again this is the first time I go through it so we're going through it again at his legs oh no throw the little tap so listen this must go together I hope this stuff focus alright let's open up there you go so this is let's start with the middle one side we have the ultimate guide to GD&T pocket guide I have no clue about this because I have no the machinist inside this and raise your hands and open this box whoa a nice jeweled Switzerland indicator five thousandths very nice yeah some champers and taps and dies and I don't know about this this thinks are they to hold this just hold you them the grass if anyone knows what they are you let me know sharing the excitement time right with a key and no it's not the key for the chest unfortunately I hope to find it as we go through this it'll be exciting if I do this is unit to these to measure the threats this is super have if you don't own one of these go out and buy it because every time now I'm you can probably tell from my accent I'm up for an hour and I deal with millimeters so I struggle with knowing deal inches and all that stuff and that this actually it's really honey - I already have one but they will tell you what the thread is you just put it against the bolt a box and no stop and the centering bit these are really good once you discover a centering bit you never use it and you never use full drill bits ever again what's inside here are just an old micrometer and depth gauge I lost things ago all right where are we what goodies do we have here some punches Oh No tap holders I think OD burn tool still start oh I think they're all gonna start punches and an end mill cobalt some clamps and this is what if he was making a vise or something this is a very nice machine piece they clearly knew what they were doing because it's very cool some allen keys trusty notepad another D burn tool a little tap this is tiny tiny tiny and I guess the other part of the square karbala G just a chunk I'm guessing it's high speed steel or a BMG metallics and that's it on this one some key numbers but no key hope I find the speed all right what do we have we have I have already open this one this is one that I opened I need some micrometer the box is really nice white oak and yep it's start you inside inside my Chronicle I called everything inside my planning a gauge pretty cool it's pretty handy have a magnetic base some Chinese allen keys another one of this charts whoa a nice square this one is really nice start hardly use this I'm planning on using in fact this one I'm putting straight up here more stock whoa oh this is plastic that'd be good for me to practice on the lathe wrenches for micrometers nice I feel back with wrenches that's pretty cool [Music] all right happened I drill sizes pretty cool like a time capsule decimal equivalent this I can find really handy to convert to metric please read please feel bigger than ever and this are feather chimps chimps nice and I'm gonna pull up little shrimps who knows what those sizes are all right having a box full of n Mills I'm gonna keep them there but this one's more ships yes is this a key no it's not the key is the key in here please been here nice file Nicholson Wow Harvey use scale gentle I'll come on key be here there's a bit of paper just the key under it the FUP is really good I don't think I'm going to need to change it motions no key I really want to the key scale start alright I'll be there what is expected from employees blah blah blah clearly a pro unlike me this is craftsman said Mike magnet yep it's a mic that type of screw no clue what that is maybe a part I thought it obviously look monkey for the chest I paid for those that would care if you got this far thing you deserve to know I paid two hundred and sixty bucks I turned up I said yes on the line you can clearly buy them for much more down here I drove 45 minutes under 260 and since I was the first person the only person you know we can have to actually go see it when I start little manual from what year did in USA issue 1980 1980 that is pretty neat other instead of history that's it no key one of these scales I don't know what they call this girls feel free to that you know all right no case disappointing but pretty happy with the by I don't see apart from let's do a closer look shall we those that actually care all right sort of help here needs fixing so this needs new felt bit kind of Frank now the beauty of this felt for those that don't know is that water will dissolve the the group so it's actually made so you can reuse it so I make sure to go to the gardeners website and bite it's missing the mirror which wasn't anywhere there I'm sure I can buy that too this is the top the middle one is metal look how well it fell there there really nicely built let's see if we can see from the inside mr. Knightley so we can actually see ah they didn't write any not don't intern built by H Gardner & Sons State on Ohio that's pretty neat fortunately there's no marks but I did get the names of the both grandfather Anderson and the ground grandson so I'll make sure to write those down and then followed by my name once I restored it I will assume a progenitor turn I will just do a light restoration clean these things with a wire wheel with a dremel remove this and throw them I have a wire wheel I trust acquire wheel and I'll make sure to use those to toe clean it up I think it'll clean up really nice now will the phelp need to be removed I'm not sure or just a little bit of I don't alcohol or I said Tony no I said no might be too harsh feel free to post below if you've ever restored one of these things I don't think the bad you know I really don't think that that bad tapped they're really well built honestly I mean considering thirty years of just temperature changes and being carried around and all that stuff and still it still looks really well it's made of white oak I'm definitely keeping the finish I really like the finish I'm not going to touch that I will definitely clean it a little bit and we glue it in the joint I might take the corners off and reglue it because I could see it move a little bit the plywood have a bore on I think it's at the front it's a little bit less you get in there you can see it needs a little bit of work this piece will need to be redone but I can just use this as a template that'd be fun like that all of them have Gerstner you can really tell that this no way that that bit close you can tell you this very well both he was clearly very well built now the runners are turns are a little bit could be in better condition for this slide it's one side actually on that side looks pretty decent but that's just cosmetic no that's something I should have checked oh yeah well let's see I'm just rambling on don't subscribe or anything cuz I clearly have no skills with the camera over tools our experience with tools or knowledge or Talent so there won't be any more unless I find another one I did find once one that was from a woodworker this may be the key from there was a woodworker and he is from 1905 and I have the tool just a an ass I'll do the tour since you here you lasted this time most of my souls are from his toolbox and they're up there yeah and this is my lace foster care it's it was a rust bucket and it's a local well Montgomery Ward I guess technically he works fine and raise some chips so I do cut I just bought one of those Chinese to already call them tool holders oh yeah it has the quick change that I don't know how to use and you sort keep some odds and ends twisting tap that's it really this is my Empire of dirt number one to number ten up here I only really use three or four and that's it the tour of the Gerstner sounds to chest under done and these are the things I made for Christmas which is tomorrow in case you're watching this in the future I made it so my wife what is it what do you think it is well this for a bedside table you put the next to the bedside table and when you're done reading you just put it like that I mean we'll keep the pages something silly then I made them for a friend Widow muck holder it's cheaper than buying them now I can spend all the money I'm buying those chests all right hope everything that's a great Christmas Merry Christmas everybody I'm Audi
Channel: Old Timey Tools
Views: 31,689
Rating: 4.4124999 out of 5
Keywords: gerstner, tools, chest, 42, machinist, tour, starrett, time capsule
Id: uCAaHemf6ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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