Dragging Abandoned BARN FINDS Out of their Hiding Spots!

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all right you guys want to see what's in the barn let's go in there and check it out some of you if you're an old school Watcher you know what's in that barn but I didn't have a very good camera the last time so this time we can actually get a good shot of what's in there so let's go check it out good morning everybody Silas back again today I'm at the junkyard right now the loader is warming up I'm getting ready to head out we've got a farm cleanup to do now this Farm clean up here is kind of special to me because the first time I went out here I took my GoPro with me and I had a brand new YouTube channel and I had only posted I think two videos on that channel at that point in time I went out there and I filmed an old car in the barn and all the stuff that we were going to have to clean up and I put it on YouTube and it got like 200 views which was a lot of views for me back then because my other videos only got like 30 views nothing happened but it was about four months later five months later something like that that's the video that the algorithm caught and started promoting and it got like 40 000 views or something like that it wasn't a ton it wasn't crazy or anything but it was enough for me to monetize my channel but anyway we went out there last year and we cleaned up most of the stuff that was there there's a little bit left there that we had bought and then we bought a little bit more last fall unfortunately the lady that owns it all she's in pretty bad Health right now she's in the hospital and so uh we talked with her we talked with her grandson and they said you need to come out here and get your stuff out of here the original plan was that we were going to do this in the spring we were going to go ahead and finish it up and we're going to go ahead and buy the rest of the stuff but that didn't happen but right now we basically have this week so I'm gonna hop in the loader it's gonna take me probably 30 35 minutes to drive out there it's a little bit of a drive I would rather hire someone to haul the loader out there but anymore even just to go about 10 miles it costs 500 One Direction to haul a loader right now and it just unreal I'm not paying that much when I can do it in less than an hour so I'm gonna get out there start Gathering up all the stuff that's ours and just put it all in one area that way we can just go out there grab it and load it now there's a few pieces which you'll see them here in a little bit that are way too big to haul on our equipment I'm not sure what we're going to do with those there's a couple big old uh one's a bulldozer the other one is likable Dozer but the Blade's gone so it's just a track Dozer but there's there's no Dozer on it I don't know how to say it those weigh about eight or nine tons each so I'm not sure how we're gonna haul those yet but I mean they're really cool I wanted to try to save them but at this point in time we're going to lose them so I guess I'm I have to chop them up I'll chop them up and I am here it actually took less than 30 minutes took about 25 minutes to get out here so not bad at all I'm gonna hop out walk around show you what all is left here and try to get a game of a game plan on how I'm gonna do this I'm not entirely sure what we're gonna do yet I know this stuff right here is all ours these old frames what's left of these old frames anyway and then these old cabs this looks like a Chevy I think yeah it's probably a Chevy there and then this I have no clue what this is it's pretty rough and somebody put a hunk of iron up on the roof of it so it's kind of crushed but I don't know probably yard art for somebody or something like that another old frame here one of these frames was something unusual I forget what it was but I don't remember which one it was now but I don't know if there's any value to these or not we'll just go ahead and take them home for now I just want to get it all out of here in this old building I've got whatever this thing is I'm not entirely sure what this is some sort of walk behind thing kind of like a David Bradley but it has a single track on it instead of Wheels and this attachment that goes with it there's another attachment back there so yeah whatever that is that's ours cool Dozer little mini track Dozer back here with a roof on it cute little thing but uh I don't believe that's ours yeah it's got an M on it so that's the grandson's initial so yeah that's his they parked there used to be a 1924 I think it was Chevy coupe sitting right here that we bought we drug it out and they shove the bulldozer in here I keep calling her bulldozer it's not a bulldozer because it doesn't have a blade this one here is ours this is the one that I'm not sure how we're gonna haul because it's so big this is an actual bulldozer here it's a caterpillar you know honestly we're probably just going to send this one straight in for scrap it would be nice to get that big old radiator off of it I'll have to see if I can get that off of there but uh the rest of this is probably just gonna go for scrap I don't know if there's any value or not but it's a lot of value for scrap there's probably if I can get that radiator off of there there's probably close to two thousand dollars right there just for scrap there's a couple old Square bodies and some farm equipment and odds and in things back there in the trees but none of that's ours so we're not going to worry about any of that here's a cool little pull behind road grader but they wanted to keep that as well I think it's called a a road Patrol yeah Road Patrol it's kind of neat but they wanted to keep that when we came out here last so that doesn't go I think I can take out one tree limb and then I can come in here and kind of make a path up through here because I've got a little bit of stuff in here that's ours this thing here is ours this is kind of neat little single planter or it's two okay a two row planner grain drill it's kind of neat look at all those mushrooms wow that thing is covered in dead mushrooms last fall that was probably some good eating right there but yeah actually that's a fairly recent drop because when we bought this it wasn't crunched so I'm guessing this tree limb here fell on it that last major Windstorm we had here oh three four months ago so that's kind of unfortunate but oh well at this point in time we just got to get it out of here and then back here all of this is ours this old pull behind Thrasher is ours I'm not sure how we're gonna get that home if I can get in here with the loader I think I can maybe pick up the front of it and tow it out where I can get to it it's got wood Wheels on the front so they're just going to come well one's already coming apart it's got steel wheels on the back though so if I can get the front off the ground I can tow it out of the trees and I don't know how I'm gonna get it home because it's pretty long but I could probably maybe cut the tongue off of it or I don't know we'll have to figure that out once we get it out this old building is ours really cool building I'd like to try to save it but uh once again it kind of depends on how it cooperates I'm thinking what I'm going to try is wrap a chain around that top piece up there and see if I can just pick it straight up but if that doesn't work I'll just have to go ahead and wad it up and shove it in Iron box next up we've got this old road grader right here this old caterpillar now this one here is definitely going in for scrap I think what we're gonna do on this one is chop it in half somewhere right here in front of the control area I think we chop it right there we can haul each half of it individually and actually be able to handle it and here's the remnants of another old grater this one here is ready to go just like it is for scrap I think we can get it out of here pretty simple pretty easy to get it out then over here this is kind of unfortunate looks like somebody's came out here and put a t on this recently that's fresh paint so I'm guessing the family's wanting to keep this we actually bought this gas pump but I guess it's our fault for not getting it out of here sooner I'm sure that was worth a chunk of money right there that we just lost but oh well it is what it is and then the old GMC is ours and I think there's a few more build or a few more vehicles in the building right there that are ours but I don't know for sure what's what in there so I'm gonna wait until my dad gets here on that and then back there in the trees is another pull behind Thrasher combine thingamajigger that's ours as well um we're probably going to take out a bunch of trees to get to it but that one there I'm probably just gonna go ahead and scrap because it's pretty well taken apart already okay we are started I made a path through the trees real quick I've got to get back in here this old square baler and this whole GMC are both ours I'm gonna have to move all this stuff that's laying here on the ground and I can grab it with a loader take it on out back if you guys go back in time to my third video I ever posted you might recognize that building right there it's not a very good quality video so if you do go back and watch it just be warned I didn't have a clue what I was doing back then but it's still somewhat interesting and what's in that Barn is really cool if I can get permission I'll go back in there and film it again today there we go cleaned it out so I can get in here a little bit better so you can check it out covered in a fine layer of dirt there it is been sitting a long time back here in this Barn this roof's about to fall in it wasn't that bad when we bought this truck so it's a good thing it's getting out of here now because a little bit longer and it wouldn't be much left there was a super cool truck sitting over there at that end I'll try to post a picture of it I didn't record a video of it back then I wasn't doing YouTube I wish I would have but I'll post a picture of that now you guys can check it out it was a really really nice truck I actually sold it shortly after we bought it but it was just a really cool one this truck here a little bit of rust here in the kick panels but not bad at all I have a guy pretty interested in this cabin front clip he's been wanting it about since we bought it and I've just never gotten out of here so we're finally getting it out of here good news is is I talked to him on the gas pump and the T stands for take so they want that tank and that gas pump to go they remember that bad news is is there's a yellow I forget what it's even called in here excavator or something like that it's not an excavator but something like that and uh that was one of the first things we bought and now they're saying it doesn't go so we paid a lot of money for it we paid like a thousand dollars for it but yeah it's in neutral of course I forgot to bring any chains so I'm just going to drive in here and try to grab the front axle and wiggle it out of the mud it's been sitting down in that dirt for a long time [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] I don't have much room to operate I'm having to squeeze it between all these trees and this Old Barn over here and then that limb up there gives me about an inch maybe an inch and a half of clearance between that and the top of the other so I really don't have much room but I got it past the hard part now I'll just back all the way up and then I can shove it backwards through these trees here and on out into the field thank you [Music] foreign [Music] there we go first daylight in decades got it out here I went ahead and threw both of those cabs in there I think that's a Chevy cab as well like a 35 34 or somewhere in there I'm just guessing I could be wrong on that this cab here I don't know if it's any anything buildable or not it's not terrible but it's not nice either so I don't know we'll look at it better later but this cab here is definitely very nice got all that I'm going to go back up there grab that square baler out next and then I'm not sure what I'll do after that oh before I forget this is what this was I knew one of these was kind of a rare but this is a star which if I remember it was made by Durant a Durant star it's got the little star hubcaps on it super super cool super unusual it's only got three of them on it but that's okay I don't have a hubcap like that it's got some sort of animal on it I can't tell what that animal is is that a maybe a pegasus or I don't know something like that if you know what that is let me know [Music] check this thing out I'm not even sure what this is foreign it's neat whatever it is huh but it's not for sale nothing's for sale at this point this old GMC is pretty rough it's but it's got a lot of good parts on it good wall hangers that sort of stuff so we'll see what it looks like when we get it out of here I think what we're gonna do now is wrap a chain around this and see if I can pick it up foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign truck he's gonna give me a ride back to get my truck and then I'm gonna get the torch because we tried dragging that grater out of there and that's just not going to happen we tried dragging this out but because of that blade apparatus sitting down on the ground it just won't budge I can get it to go forward but I can't get it to come backwards so I'm going to have to cut it in half before I get it out of here and then the back half is still too heavy to pick up but at least I can drag it with a chain and then I can come in here and pick up the front half unfortunately that truck is too long to fit on my dad's truck somebody's extended the wheelbase on it so I put it back I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope nobody steals it I'm gonna have to hold that one on my trailer and it's so long that it's going to be the very back of my trailer even and so that's gonna be a fun ride home that's gonna be one of those 20 mile an hour drives but I loaded up those frames and that other deal on the back of his truck he's going to take me to my truck I got to get my torch go get my trailer come back out here unhook the trailer cut the road grader in half hook back up to the trailer and hopefully haul something [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] okay we are done with that thing it took a little over two hours to get it cut up what I'm going to do now is back my truck back over there hook up to the trailer load that on my trailer lamp it back home get it unloaded it tonight it's about 5 30 right now and uh hopefully I get home before it's pitch black outside but I'm sure it will be this thing here I'm not sure how I'm gonna haul that yet I think if I load it with this side forward hanging over the tongue on my trailer it's gonna hang off the back a little ways but once again I think I can limp that home there's the back half of the road grader radiator popped right off of it that was good that's junk there front half the road grader is in the iron box I didn't want to be out here this late but that's okay it actually pulled better than I thought it would I managed to go about oh it was probably 45 miles an hour all the way here so can't beat that blew off a little of the Dust but this truck here has got really good color so I think I have a guy wanting the cabin front clip off of this one already so we'll see if he buys that and I'm not sure what I'll do with those in the back of it yet boy look at those Bright Stars actually I think that one right there in the middle that's a probably a planet because it's kind of orange so I bet that's probably Mars or Venus or something like that but you can't see all the stars on this camera it's not a very good camera for night time but you can see all the bright ones it's absolutely beautiful out here though right now oh there's a little dipper I guess can't see it on the camera but it's up there I went ahead and unhooked my trailer I've got to take the kids to the babysitter in the morning and I forgot about that and I really don't want to have to take my trailer over clear across town and pull up in their yard and all that so I just left it here I'll come back in the morning grab it go back out there probably drag some more stuff out of the trees load that combine or that uh Thrasher or whatever it is up on my trailer try to limp at home before the traffic gets too bad so I don't know exactly what all we'll get done tomorrow but I guess we'll see you then yeah good morning it is beautiful out here it's almost like an early spring day but it's not spring isn't here yet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go I got it out got the radiator off of it it's got some really cool tags on it though I want to pull off so you get a hammer and a screwdriver go ahead and take those off there's that one there one on the other side and I think there's a couple brass ones somewhere yeah there's one there and there's a couple more somewhere else there's one just interesting stuff so I'll pull all that off of there and then it's ready to go as soon as I can find somebody that can haul it foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there we go got it out this one here is actually lighter than that one that one has a bigger engine in it and the frame is like an actual box stand frame whereas this one here is just Channel iron so it's a lot lighter Duty frame and it's a smaller engine and it's not a complete engine so I can actually handle this one a little bit better that I can handle that one but I can barely pick both of them up they're supposed to be hearing a little bit with a flatbed I can only put one on there at a time so they'll take it in dump it come back and get the other one I've got that pretty well loaded there's just a couple more pieces of iron or something up here in the trees I got to get out and not enough for another dumpster so I'm going to go ahead and make everything fit in this one that way I don't have to have them bring it back foreign [Music] [Applause] oh really [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there we go first one is loaded up on them they're going to hold that in come back and get the other back half off that other one I don't know if I'll have that combine out of the trees by then or not if I do they can take it as well today but if not we'll get it tomorrow well we made it nothing fell off nobody ran into me but it actually wasn't that bad it pulled easy I just took it right down the blacktop and I took a dirt road ran it through town and came out here I'm gonna unload it I'm not entirely sure where I'm gonna put it for its permanent resting spot or at least permanent for the time being but I'm thinking I'm just going to put it back here back in the back somewhere where it's completely out of the way but yet it's still out here I don't want to well I don't know we'll figure it out later I ain't worried about it right now [Music] thank you there we go that's not exactly what I thought this building was going to do when we first were thinking about taking it out of the trees and trying to save it I've kind of got a crazy idea for this thing it's a super neat little building I know it's kind of tore up right now I kind of tore the roof up with the strap idea up on top but uh it's pretty like gauge 10 I think we can fix it all and then I kind of cave the sides in loading it but once again it'll fold back into place like I said I kind of got a unique idea for this out of my property and so once I get it out there I'll unload it right where it's going to be and then I can kind of straighten it back out right there and I don't have to move it again if in the future I do decide to move it what I'll probably do is what I should have done here if I would have been thinking is I would have brought some big two by six or two by eights or something like that several of them and I could pick up each side of the building and put those underneath it and then just go underneath it with the loader and just pick the whole thing up that's what I probably should have done but it's already done now so it's okay I'm gonna hang out here and wait for a little bit he's supposed to be back any minute to pick this up I do need to turn this around though so I guess I can go ahead and do that sit it on him as soon as he gets here and that'll probably be it for shipping scrap today they called on this here and they said they had a flat tire in the truck they're getting that fixed so it'll be tomorrow morning before they come out here and here's a closer look at this little caterpillar tin this is somewhere between a 1928 and a 1932 Model if I find the serial number I could probably look it up I'm not sure where it's even at on these maybe back here you have pt783 I'm not sure what that makes I think that makes us around the 1930 Model if I'm thinking right from what I was reading earlier yeah super cute little thing this was the smallest track unit that caterpillar made they didn't make them any smaller than this this is a pretty early one as well I was looking them up and in this condition here just give or take now this could be off a little bit but I couldn't find any exactly like this but I'm guessing this one's worth somewhere around two thousand dollars or so just like it sits which is a crazy amount to me but you know collectors like their stuff I think they only made like six thousand of these total over that span of years all right you guys want to see what's in the barn let's go in there and check it out some of you if you're an old school Watcher you know what's in that barn but I didn't have a very good camera the last time so this time we can actually get a good shot of what's in there so let's go check it out and here it is check that out two-door hardtop 1955. covered in a fine layer of dust this car's been in here a long time it's not for sale the reason why it's not for sale is I guess this is the car that they went on their honeymoon in and they just don't want to get rid of it which is perfectly fine it's their car they can do whatever they want to with it check out the inside interior is all still there check that out a little bit of rust in it but not too bad very cool car I really like this car and you know I'm really not even a Chevy person but the reason I like this car is just because this car is what helped build my channel in the very beginning as finding this car in here so it just kind of has a I don't know sentimental place in my in my heart I don't know if that's the right way to say it or not but but there it is I guess I better get back to work there we go that wasn't too bad that one front arm piece up there was kind of snagging on the bed a little bit but we got it on there fine so it's ready to go oh man that was quite the load we made it we made it that's all I know it started ripping out a little bit here it started collapsing on me one time and I had to stop and pull over and tighten the straps down adjust it a little bit had to fix this flap here it was flapping way out into traffic I took the back roads all the way home though and we made it so I'm gonna get it off of here and what I'm gonna do with this here is I'm going to take it and I'm going to kind of put it back here behind these trucks kind of over there a little bit and that'll be its permanent resting spot it won't move again from that location and if I ever do move it I'll move it a little bit different but it's it's pretty beat up for moving it this time so I don't know if I can move it a second time or not I know a lot of people think I'm crazy for saving something like this but you know I'll never find another one quite like this so even if I do have to do a bunch of repairs to it that's okay it's better than nothing at all but anyway while I was loading this up the guy came out and talked to me and a bunch of stuff like I mentioned earlier in the video that I thought we bought but they claim we didn't buy and it was just kind of a weird situation the whole situation I talked with him and I said what can we do and so we worked it out all that stuff's ours again I had to pay a little bit extra for it and then there was a bunch of other stuff there as well that didn't go that we never did buy for sure that stuff does go now and it's all paid for I got receipts this time I marked it all with paint that way there's not any question on it but the thing about it is is now there's a ton more stuff that goes there's a bunch of plows I like that old road grader I can't remember what some Corn Huskers uh man I can't even remember what else is there some All Grain augers uh that excavator and I forget man there's there's just a ton more stuff that goes so it's probably going to take the rest of this week and maybe even next week to get this done but there's so much stuff to do out there there's no way I'm going to be able to fit it all into this video here so this is part one part two will be later so with that I'm going to let you all go stay tuned like I say come back and check for part two I hope you guys enjoyed this one I hope you guys enjoy these barn finds but there's a bunch of cool equipment and other things like that that will be dragging out of the trees so it'll still be a neat video let me know which vehicle or piece of equipment was your favorite out of this video stay tuned the next adventure as always I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day remember to get out there and find that Adventure even if it's just dragging old stuff out of Barns and tree rows and everything else we'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 525,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oipNYYSChpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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